50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (2024)

Table of Contents
Agave sp. Aloe vera Ball Cactus (Parodia magnifica) Bunny Ear Cactus (Opuntia microdasys) Burro’s Tail or Burrito (Sedum morganianum) Chinese Money Plant (Pilea peperomioides) Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera sp.) Cobweb Houseleek (Sempervivum arachnoideum) Crinkle Leaf Plant (Adromischus cristatus) Hens and Chicks (Sempervivum tactorum) Crown of Thorns (Euphorbia milii) Devil’s Backbone (Bryophyllum Sp.) String of Dolphins (Senecio peregrinus) Dwarf Jade Plant (Portulacaria afra) Easter Lily Cactus (Echinopsis eyriesii) Elephant’s Foot Plant (Dioscorea elephantipes) False Agave (Manfreda Undulata) Flowering Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe blossfeldana) The Hindu Rope or Wax Plant (Hoya carnosa) Horse’s Teeth (Hawthoria truncate) Jade Plant (Crassula ovata) Jelly Bean or Pork and Beans (Sedum rubrotinctum) Kitten Ears or Furry Kittens (Cyanotis somaliensis) Living Stone Plant (Lithops sp.) Mexican Firecracker (Echeveria setosa) Mistletoe Cactus (Rhipsalis sp.) Moonstones Plant (Pachyphytum oviferum) Mother of Pearl or Ghost Plant (Graptopetalum paraguayense) Old Man Cactus (Cephalocereus Senilis) Orchid Cactus (Disocactus ackermannii) Ox Tongue (Gasteria spp.) Panda Plant (Kalanchoe tomentosa) Pencil Cactus (Euphorbia tirucalli) Peruvian Grape Ivy (Cissus rotundifolia) Pickle Plant (Kleinia stapeliiformis) Pincushion cactus (Mammillaria crinita) Rattail Cactus (Aporocactus flagelliformis) Red Pagoda or Shark Tooth (Crassula capitella) Rex Begonia Vine (Cissus javana, also discolor) Ruby Glow Peperomia (Peperomia graveolens) Snake Plant (Sensevieria Trifasciata) Starfish Cacti (Stapelia gigantica) Stonecrop (Sedum sp.) String of Hearts or Rosary Vine (Ceropegia woodii) String of Pearls (Senecio Rowleyanus) String of Buttons (Crassula perforata) Tree Houseleek (Aeonium arboreum) Two-Row Stonecrop (Sedum spurium) Wax Ivy or Natal Ivy (Senecio macroglossus) Zebra Plant (Haworthiopsis, formerly Haworthia, attenuata) References

If you’ve ever wanted a plant that accepted, or even thrived, under the least possible care, then a succulent might just be the plant for you!

Defined by their thick leaves used to retain moisture in their leaves, these hardy plants handle being forgotten during a vacation perfectly.

Even more-so, some are so adapted to low moisture that they do best if you leave them alone for months at a time.

In this article, we’ll cover 50 popular types of succulents and their unique characteristics!

Suggested: If you’re having problems identifying your succulent, check out our houseplant identification tool!

Agave sp.

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (1)

These Mexican succulents grow large leaves with sharp points,and some varieties are grown to produce syrups for sweetener and tequila.

These plants grow into massive rosettes up to 10 feet wide!Most gardeners will enjoy growing them for their soft foliage. In cold-hardyvarieties, the foliage is blue-green while the warmer species have gray-greenleaves.

They will rarely produce blooms as they will not bloom untilthey are fully mature – a stage that may take up to 40 years to occur. Oncethey do, they produce flowers that are bell-shaped and come in light, cream andyellow shades. Unfortunately, agave plants are monocarpic and will pass on oncethey bloom, so many gardeners avoid encouraging flowers.

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Equally viable, depending onthe variety and your climate.
  • Recommended zone: Many are best suited to zones 8and up, but some are hardy down to zone 5!
  • Care difficulty: Easy.
  • Light: Bright, sometimes full light.
  • Soil: Sandy, well-draining soils are best.
  • Water: Water more frequently until established,then allow to dry slightly before watering.
  • Fertilizer: Avoid fertilizing as it canencourage blooms.

Aloe vera

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Of course, this list wouldn’t be complete without this ubiquitous plant! This Arabian plant grows wild in many tropical climates, and surprises many to find it isn’t only not a desert cactus, but not a cactus at all. The Aloe vera is a succulent from the lily family!

While many people are happy to grow this plant simply forits charming spotted and thorny leaves, it is also grown for medicinalpurposes. If you have a burn, simply take a leaf, cut it open, and squeeze outthe gel to apply to your burn. For this purpose alone, many keepers find it ishandy to have this plant in their home in case of emergency (although a regularfirst aid kit should still be your first priority).

For over 6,000 years, humanity has reveled in this plant’sincredible healing and antioxidant abilities!

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Usually indoors, but this plant can grow quite large and be a beautiful garden plant.
  • Recommended zones: Zones 10-11, where it will not go above 80°F or below 55°F.
  • Care difficulty: Easy. One of the most popular succulent types!
  • Light: Bright, indirect light. Does not do well in direct sun.
  • Soil: Gritty, well-draining soil.
  • Water: Wait for top 1-2 inches of soil to dry before watering.
  • Fertilizer: Not necessary.

Ball Cactus (Parodia magnifica)

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If you’ve always enjoyed a more classic look for a cactus,round and large with bundles of spines, the Brazil-native Parodia magnificawould be perfect.

It is known best for its round, ball shape that can grow inclumps up to easily a couple feet tall. Though it starts as just one specimen,only about a half foot tall but up to a foot wide, a happy plant willeventually grow into mounding clumps!

During the warm season, the ball cactus can bloom inintervals. These blooms are yellow, silky, and sometimes in groups of three.

One thing to keep in mind is that the ball cactus will dobest with a cool winter season.

This is a wonderfulcompanion to a cactus collection and will fit well into cactus gardens andpots.

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Often grown outdoors due toits lighting needs.
  • Zone recommendation: Hardy to about zone 9b, notfrost-hardy and should be overwintered indoors in cooler climates.
  • Care difficulty: Advanced (as far as succulentsgo)
  • Light: Full sun or bright light.
  • Soil: Well-draining soil.
  • Water: During growing season, water morefrequently, but do not let soil get soggy or stay moist.
  • Fertilizer: About once every two months duringgrowing season with succulent fertilizer.

Bunny Ear Cactus (Opuntia microdasys)

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This cactus doesn’t have leaves or stems. Instead, its podsgrow out in large, oval groups that resemble a bunny’s ears! Its other nicknames,the Polka Dot Cactus or Angel Wings, stem from its aureoles forming fluffywhite tufts across the its pads! Of course, you should take care no matter howfluffy a specimen you find, these tufts can still prick your fingers.

This Mexican succulent can start as adorable-sized cuttings,but it can grow large enough to justify keeping it outside. Kept outside, itcan grow up to 6 feet wide! Since it’s from the desert, it should only be keptoutside if you live in a warmer climate. Never fear, this cactus can stay smallenough to live indoors if you can find a bright window! However, it will notflower without dropping to 45-55°F during the winter.

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Most often indoors.
  • Recommended zone: Hardy to Zone 9.
  • Care difficulty: Easy.
  • Light: Bright light during summer, partial shade during winter.
  • Soil: Use sandy, well-draining soil.
  • Water: Sporadically during summer, no water during the winter.
  • Fertilizer: Monthly, stop one month before winter.

Burro’s Tail or Burrito (Sedum morganianum)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (5)

In addition to its silly names, this succulent variety has a lot going for it!

As a sedum, it can boast easy care and soft, fleshy leaves.

The Burro’s Tail also has a habit of producing long,trailing stems up to 4 feet long! This makes it a wonderful container plant andproduces a full, overflowing container. If you have been wishing for a hangingsucculent pot to keep outdoors, this plant and will make a great addition toyour space.

If you have pets who have a habit of batting about trailingplants, this succulent is non-toxic to animals and humans, so knocking off afew leaves shouldn’t cause concern. These leaves can also be collected forpropagation.

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Does either well, as long aslight needs are met.
  • Zone recommendations: Hardy to zone 10.
  • Care difficulty: Easy.
  • Light: Bright light, from full sun to partialshade.
  • Soil: Well-drainingcactus mix.
  • Water: Allow soil to dry before watering.
  • Fertilizer: Only once a year during spring at50% strength.

Chinese Money Plant (Pilea peperomioides)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (6)

This small, sweet plant sporting bright green pancake or coin shaped leaves can brighten any room! From shady rocks in the Yunan and Sichuan Provinces of China, the Chinese Money Plant wasn’t well known by botanists and classified until the 1980’s. Until then, thanks to its ease of care and propagation, gardeners simply passed it around via cuttings.

Lately, it’s experienced a boom in popularity and cansometimes be a difficult plant to find. However, it is very easy to propagateby repotting a cutting. A Norwegian missionary began the plant’s journey bysharing cuttings with others after a trip to China. Some areas have a lot ofdifficulty finding this plant in nurseries while it is passed from gardener togardener with ease.

This terrarium-friendly succulent is often passed on as alucky plant or a friendship plant.

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Almost always indoors.
  • Care difficulty: Very easy.
  • Light: Bright, indirect light. Some plants enjoylight shade.
  • Soil: Well-draining soil in a pot with drainageholes.
  • Water: Allow to mostly dry out between eachwatering, but do not allow to dry out completely.
  • Fertilizer: Monthly.

Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera sp.)

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With fewer than 10 species in the genus, Schlumbergera is agenus of tropical cacti from Brazil. Many of these grow on trees or rocks,resulting in their trailing and long-stemmed nature. Hanging from a basket andwell cared for, these stems may reach up to 3 feet in length.

Christmas Cactus have earned their holiday-based nicknamesfrom their tendency to bloom near the holidays. While each bloom may only lasta few days, the plant will continue to bloom for weeks, making it quite theholiday treat. Even more of a treat, some happy plants have been known toproduce extra blooming cycles!

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Almost always indoors.
  • Recommended zone: About zone 10. This plant will not tolerate any frost.
  • Care difficulty: Easy!
  • Light: Bright light, at least four hours of indirect light.
  • Soil: Well-draining, sandy soil.
  • Water: Allow to dry slightly but not completely before watering.
  • Fertilizer: Monthly with watering, at half strength.

Cobweb Houseleek (Sempervivum arachnoideum)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (8)

If you wished your garden succulents took on a creepier orfluffier appearance, maybe it’s time to look at the Cobweb Houseleek. Formingrosettes that are sometimes colored at the tips, these plants also produce finehairs that resemble cobwebs!

These are hardy, cold-tolerant plants that can nestle intomany gardens across many climates and ask for little care other thanwell-draining soil.

Since Sempervivum is a monocarpic genus, these plants willdie once they produce their pink flowers. However, if they are in a garden or theseeds are collected and replanted, they will produce many more with theirblooms!

  • Indoor or Outdoor: This genus, as a whole, is best kept outdoors. Some keepers have success with a very sunny windowsill.
  • Recommended zones: Hardy from zone 5, to zone 8.
  • Care difficulty: Very easy!
  • Light: Full sun is best, can tolerate partial shade.
  • Soil: Prefers sandy, well-draining soil.
  • Water: Allow to dry before watering.
  • Fertilizer: Not necessary.

Crinkle Leaf Plant (Adromischus cristatus)

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This South African succulent earns its nickname from thecrinkled edges of its leaves. These plump leaves grow in a long rosetteresembling the long half of a farfalle pasta – or, to some, a slice of key limepie – up to about a foot tall and up to two feet wide. These leaves also comewith a dusting of small hairs providing a lightly floured appearance. Unlikepasta or key lime pie, these leaves should not be ingested as they are toxic.

Since these plants stay small, they are happy to fit inwherever you have about one to two feet of space. Great spots includewindowsills (even in the office!), rock or succulent gardens.

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Either! Will do well outdoorsbut is not cold hardy.
  • Zone recommendation: Hardy to zone 9, grown asan annual or overwintered indoors in other climates.
  • Care difficulty: Easy!
  • Light: Full sun or bright light to partial shade.
  • Soil: Well-draining succulent mix.
  • Water: Allow soil to dry before watering.
  • Fertilizer: With each watering in damp substrateduring the growing season. Skip during the dormant season.

Hens and Chicks (Sempervivum tactorum)

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Another sempervivum going by “hens and chicks,” this plantgrows to about 4 inches by 4 inches in a rosette shape. In the summer, it willsend out horizontal stems that form its “chicks” as well as stalks up to 12inches tall that will set seed.

This is a monocarpic species, so it will die once it doesflower. However, it will leave many children to fill the space. Because of its propensityto spread and stay short, this is a fantastic ground cover choice!

This plant is well regarded for being an unusual andexcellent garden plant as well as, in the past, being used to cover leaks andhold tiles on roofing. In times of need, it has also been used for salad sinceits leaves are edible!

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Most often grown as anoutdoor feature but does well in a sunny window.
  • Zone recommendation: Cold hardy, best grownbetween zones 3 and 8.
  • Care difficulty: Very easy!
  • Light: Full sun is best, can tolerate someshade.
  • Soil: Poor, well-draining soil.
  • Water: Allow soil to dry between watering. Ifoutside, only during drought.
  • Fertilizer: At 25% once mature monthly duringthe growing season or a slow-release fertilizer at the beginning of the growingseason.

Crown of Thorns (Euphorbia milii)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (11)

Associated with the crown of thorns worn by Christ, thisplant is native to Madagascar and has been moving around the world forthousands of years! With many thorns on its succulent branches, it is believedthat Christ’s crown was made using this plant.

Crown of Thorns is a shrub that can grow to a whopping 6feet tall and produce tiny, round flowers that are actually bracts in a varietyof bright colors. It can grow up to 3 feet long and, in the wild, scramblesover other plants. In a garden or at home, it produces long branches that arecolorful and showy with leaves that are interesting and sometimes colorful!

Please note that this is a poisonous plant and should not beingested! Wear gloves when working with this plant.

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Usually indoor but can betaken outdoors for summer.
  • Recommended zones: Hardy to zone 9-12.
  • Care difficulty: Advanced.
  • Light: Full sun, at least four hours per day.
  • Soil: Sandy, well-draining soil.
  • Water: Allow first inch of soil to dry beforewatering.
  • Fertilizer: Do not fertilize after repotting.After a year, fertilize moist soil every other watering.

Devil’s Backbone (Bryophyllum Sp.)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (12)

Much like its nickname “Mother of Thousands,” this Madagascarplant has a thousand nicknames as well. Even once you include all of itsnicknames, it can also fall under the Kalanchoe genus as well as Bryphyllum.When included as a Kalanchoe, this plant goes by K. daigremontiana. Confused?Don’t be!

Most any nursery will know what you mean if you’re lookingfor this plant because it has a very distinct trait.

The Mother of Thousands produces tiny plantlets along theedges of its leaves, and, in time, the mother plant passes away and drops thesebaby plants into the soil to propagate! In warm enough climates, this can meankeeping the plant outside makes it invasive. However, this is easily resolvedby keeping it in a container.

Do keep in mind, if you have pets that might eat plants,this plant is toxic.

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Almost always indoors, but can be kept outdoors.
  • Recommended zones: Hardy to zone 9-11.
  • Care difficulty: Easy.
  • Light: Bright, indirect sun. Does not handle full sun.
  • Soil: Cactus mix or well-draining soil.
  • Water: Wait for first two inches of soil to dry, then soak completely and drain.
  • Fertilizer: Half strength or cactus fertilizer once every few months.

String of Dolphins (Senecio peregrinus)

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Thought to be a cross between Sencio rowleyanus (string ofpearls) and Senecio articulates (hot dog plant), this succulent has takeneveryone’s heart by storm. It is known for resembling the image of a dolphin onnecklaces (and it’s trailing to boot) with its leaves. Every leaf has the bodyof a dolphin and its fins, as if you caught it jumping mid-air. If you lovedolphins, this plant is absolutely perfect.

Growing to about 6 inches tall and trailing to 10 incheswide, these are great for a smaller pot with a bit of height. They should fiton nearly any table or the right windowsill!

If you’d like to gift someone a Dolphin Necklace, simplytake a leaf, allow it to callous over, and plant it in soil. It will sprout anew plant!

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Normally kept indoors.
  • Zone recommendation: Hardy to zone 9.
  • Care difficulty: Intermediate.
  • Light: Bright, indirect light.
  • Soil: Well-draining succulent mix.
  • Water: Allow to dry before watering. This plantlikes more water than most succulents.
  • Fertilizer: Can be fertilized once a year in thespring. Too much fertilizer will cause leaves to lose their shape.

Dwarf Jade Plant (Portulacaria afra)

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Coming from South Africa, the Dwarf Jade Plant is more of asmall bush or soft-wooded small tree. It can grow to 15 feet tall!

Despite its resemblance to the jade plant, it isn’t part ofthe same family, and it is much hardier. The Dwarf Jade Plant is also moreloosely branched, and its deep red branches taper more than the Jade.

There are many types of Portulacaria that can attractattention, and even many of the afra species. ‘Foliis variegatus’ is a variegatedafra whose yellow colorings contrast their beautiful red branches. ‘Limpopo’ sportslarge leaves. ‘Prostrata’ isn’t quite as tall and is more suited as a groundcover.

A non-toxic plant with a sour flavor, it is also eaten inits native habitat as an ingredient of soups and salads.

Jade plants are also easy to prune, making them an excellent choice for gardeners who would love to keep an easy, small tree!

  • Indoor or Outdoor: These plants are lauded asgreat choices for indoor bonsai as well as outdoor xeriscaping!
  • Recommended zone: Hardy to Zone 10.
  • Care difficulty: Easy!
  • Light: Full sun to partial shade.
  • Soil: Well-draining soil.
  • Water: Allow to dry out or lower leaves to beginshriveling before watering.
  • Fertilizer: Monthly during the growing season.

Easter Lily Cactus (Echinopsis eyriesii)

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These spiny columnar succulents hail from Mexico and SouthAmerica and are true cacti that love heat and grow in clumps. They areespecially grown for their display of flowers and will produce flowers bestduring a warm summer! Once it has hit its stride, these cacti will produceflowers frequently throughout the season.

The Easter Lily Cactus is often hybridized and their funnel-shapedblooms come in a stunning array of colors and sizes. This huge variety makes ita popular choice!

When happy, these cacti are also known for producing manynew shoots off of their stems that can easily propagate into a new plant tospread the joy. They can grow to a foot tall and nearly as wide with theirblooms slightly smaller.

These plants make wonderful additions to rock gardens.

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Mostly indoors but should bebrought outdoors in the summer to bloom.
  • Recommended zone: Hardy to zone 9.
  • Care difficulty: Very easy!
  • Light: Full sun.
  • Soil: Gritty, well-draining soil.
  • Water: Allow to dry before watering.
  • Fertilizer: Fertilize with watering duringgrowing season.

Elephant’s Foot Plant (Dioscorea elephantipes)

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This is an odd and interesting South African succulent thatmakes a fabulous conversation piece as well as something to admire for itsincredibly long lifespan (up to 70 years!). While the plant itself is a vine,it produces a tuber that grows almost entirely above ground. This tuber maygrow slowly, but it can eventually become 3 feet tall and 10 feet wide!

In its native habitat, it is a favorite snack of elephants!In this habitat, these tubers can grow into an incredible 20-foot-tall mass! Thankfully, since they can grow quite wide aswell, they do stay much smaller indoors, where they can be potted in a shallowpan.

This succulent has also earned the nickname “Turtle Shell” dueto the diamond pattern over the tuber.

Once it passes through its dormant period, marked by thevine dying back, it can produce tiny, clustered pink flowers.

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Almost always a houseplant.
  • Recommended zone: Hardy to zone 10.
  • Care difficulty: Intermediate.
  • Light: Full to partial sun.
  • Soil: Very porous or well-draining soil.
  • Water: Soil should begin to dry before beingwatered.
  • Fertilizer: At 25% strength with every watering.

False Agave (Manfreda Undulata)

Not just a false Agave, this plant is sometimes contentiousin that some feel it should be considered an Agave. Much like the Agave,Manfreda Undulata has long, thin leaves that are mottled and earn it thenickname “chocolate chip.” These leaves have a crinkled appearance at the edgesand can reach up to 2 feet long, while the whole plant stays fairly short atabout 4 inches tall. Other than needing a good deal of light, this is a muchmore compact alternative to Agave with beautiful foliage.

When False Agave blooms, it will send a stalk up to eightfeet tall with deep, burgundy blooms that are striking and interesting inappearance. Unlike a true Agave, the Manfreda can bloom continuously withoutcausing the plant any harm. Manfreda and Agave have been hybridized into“Mangave,” which are producing hybrids that aren’t always monocarpic and take onthe Manfreda’s ability to bloom without dying!

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Either, often kept outdoors.
  • Recommended Zone: Does best in zones 7-10.
  • Care difficulty: Easy.
  • Light: Full sun.
  • Soil: Well-draining, sandy soil.
  • Water: Allow to dry before watering.
  • Fertilizer: At half-strength at each wateringduring growing season.

Flowering Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe blossfeldana)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (17)

For plant keepers and gardeners in warm climates who want aneasy care plant that loves to bloom, Flowering Kalanchoe is the answer!

This Kalanchoe celebrity has become standard even in grocerystores. With ruffled-edged leaves, these succulents host clustered, colorfulblooms that can last for moths at a time. Once it finishes blooming, it can beconvinced to do so again by imitating a winter cycle with a 14-hour lightlessspell. Without a period of rest, these plants can struggle to bloom again, buta little patience can result in more blooms!

In climates similar to its native habitat of Madagascar, theFlowering Kalanchoe can happily bloom year-round!

In addition to K. blossfeldana, the Kalanchoe genus carries severalspecies including trailing species, such as Kalanchoe uniflora. Once you havecaring for one type of Kalanchoe down, many growers find they can keep any plant from the Kalanchoe genus!

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Almost always a houseplant,but warm-climate growers are delighted with consistent blooms outdoors.
  • Recommended zone: Best in Zone 9-11.
  • Care difficulty: Easy to Intermediate.
  • Light: Bright light. East facing window insummer, South-facing in the winter.
  • Soil: Well-draining potting soil and cactus mix.
  • Water: Allow to dry before watering again.
  • Fertilizer: Not necessary. Some keepers addcompost and worm casings in the spring.

The Hindu Rope or Wax Plant (Hoya carnosa)

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If you like succulents that don’t look like succulents, theHoya is a great choice! This plant is a uniquely-shaped draping vine thatproduces a show of delightful pink, star-shaped blooms. It is still an excitingand hardy plant that thrives with a little neglect even if it does not looklike it!

One downfall of this plant is that it is susceptible tomealy bugs, a notoriously difficult pest to get rid of. However, mealy bugs dobest with plants that are weak to begin with and there are successfultreatments for mealy bugs. A healthy plant will have fewer pests to deal within general.

This tropical succulent is native to Eastern Asia andAustralia and is known for cleaning air indoors.

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Both! Most often keptindoors.
  • Recommended zone: Hardy to 10.
  • Care difficulty: Easy.
  • Light: As much as possible without burning theplant. South-facing windows are good.
  • Soil: Well-draining soil.
  • Water: Wait for soil to dry before watering.
  • Fertilizer: Monthly during spring and summer, athalf strength.
  • Frequently inspect for pests.

Horse’s Teeth (Hawthoria truncate)

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These odd succulents, native to the Little Karoo semi-desertregion in Africa, are more than their interesting shape. Their leaves havetruncate tips, meaning they are transparent at the top and look as if they’vebeen recently cut. Beneath this translucent, flat top are lightning shapedpatterns.

Since Hawthoria truncata easily hybridizes with otherHawthoria, these patterns can become extremely interesting and unique. Somegrowers even produce variegated leaves, with yellow stripes over them.

These plants, growing in fanned rectangles, are adapted to severe drought. Their extremely hard leaves grow deeply buried in soil, and their translucent tipped leaves allow enough sunlight into their leaves to photosynthesize. This allows them to handle extremely harsh conditions, and, as a result, are a very hardy succulent species with few demands.

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Almost always indoors.
  • Recommended zone: Hardy to zone 11.
  • Care difficulty: Intermediate.
  • Light: Bright.
  • Soil: Gritty, sandy soil that will dry quickly.Does not handle dampness.
  • Water: Wait for soil to dry between watering,water less frequently during mid-summer and winter.
  • Fertilizer: Minimal. One quarter strength duringactive growth. Otherwise, repotting should be enough.
  • Check frequently for pests.

Jade Plant (Crassula ovata)

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These common South African plants are enjoyed for their easeof care, though they may be more intensive and less drought tolerant than many othersucculents. They require a little more attention to their moisture level thantheir drought-hardy friends, so if you can’t stand seeing dry soil, the JadePlant is a fun choice!

While normally sold quite small, the Jade Plant cancertainly grow into a small, indoor tree at 5 feet tall! In time, its stems candevelop a darker, thicker skin that resembles a tree trunk. It makes aninteresting tree with numerous fat leaves on its branches!

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Best grown indoors, though some gardeners have luck outdoors.
  • Recommended zone: Hardy to zones 10-11.
  • Care difficulty: Intermediate.
  • Light: Full sun, as much as possible without burning the leaves, at least four hours per day.
  • Soil: Well-draining potting mix.
  • Water: Keep moist during growing season, allow to dry slightly during dormant period.
  • Fertilizer: At 25-50% strength once every 3-4 months. Do not fertilize dry soil.

Jelly Bean or Pork and Beans (Sedum rubrotinctum)

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Looking for a plant as cute as its name? Cute as a jellybean, like the paw pads on a dog or cat? Sedum rubrotinctum, like most Sedums,is an easy-care plant with plump, fleshy tubular leaves. In the summer, withenough sun exposure, the leaves turn a bronze-red color. Its coloration andshape are strongly reminiscent of a bowl of jelly beans or, well, pork andbeans.

With its well-earned nicknames and maximum height of about 8inches, this plant can pack a lot of joy into a small container and would fitin great with succulent gardens and terrariums!

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Generally kept indoors, butit can do well outdoors during warm temperatures and brought inside or as anannual.
  • Zone recommendation: Hardy to zone 10.
  • Care difficulty: Easy.
  • Light: Full sun. Does well in very hot, dryareas of the garden.
  • Soil: Fast-draining soil with minimal pottingsoil.
  • Water: Allow to dry completely, sometimes withextended periods, before watering.
  • Fertilizer: At 25-50% strength once a month orless during growing season. Not typically necessary.

Kitten Ears or Furry Kittens (Cyanotis somaliensis)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (22)

If you love fuzzy-leaved plants, then the Kitten Ear willdefinitely appeal to you! With tightly bunched leaves covered in fuzz, tactilegardeners rejoice in this little succulent.

When receiving enough light, its leaves overgrow its stemsand should be entirely fluffy ear-shaped leaves that creep and trail. TheKitten Ears will stay fairly small and can make a great terrarium inhabitant, butit will also do well hanging and in a pot!

This plant can produce blooms. They are tiny, purple, andlast for about a day. Coming from East Africa, this succulent will preferwarmer, brighter conditions.

If you want a fuller, bushier plant, Kitten Ears respondswell to trimming!

  • Indoor our Outdoor: Almost always a houseplant,but warm climates enjoy it as a garden feature.
  • Recommended zone: Zone 10-11.
  • Care difficulty: Easy.
  • Light: Bright, indirect sunlight.
  • Soil: Potting soil, will do well with some sandadded.
  • Water: When first inch of soil becomes dry.
  • Fertilizer: Once a month between spring andfall.

Living Stone Plant (Lithops sp.)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (23)

These “stones” are highly drought tolerant succulents comingfrom Southern Africa composed of just two leaves in an inverted cone shape atfirst. True to their namesake, they are mimicking rocks to camouflagethemselves, so they are less likely to be eaten during periods of drought. Theycan handle such severe drought that some species are able to survive with justthe humidity from some mist or fog.

Living Stone Plants go through a defined growth phase throughoutthe year. In the summer, they are dormant and require little water. In the fall,they begin to grow and can produce a spicy-scented flower once it is at leastthree years old. Once winter sets in, the plant can divide and produce moreplants out of the original set of leaves, leaving the old set to shrivelcompletely. These new sets of two leaves are new plants attached to the sameroot system! These plants can grow indefinitely like this.

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor is best to controlwatering frequency.
  • Care difficulty: Intermediate.
  • Light: Full sun, can tolerate partial shade.
  • Soil: Gritty, well-draining soil.
  • Water: Rarely, and not during winter growing.
  • Fertilizer: Unnecessary.

Mexican Firecracker (Echeveria setosa)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (24)

Another choice for tactile gardeners, this Mexican-bornsucculent has potentially hundred of thick leaves covered in soft, fuzzy hairs!The Firecracker Echeveria grows rosettes of leaves on tall stems. With enoughsunlight, the leaves will develop painted red tips. It can produce flowers onlong stalks that are yellow with red tips.

This Echeveria is easily propagated by placing a leaf in moistsoil and keeping it in a warm, well-lit area until it sprouts a new plant.

This succulent is especially prized for its easy care and beingan excellent option for rock gardens. In warmer climates, this succulent iseven kept on rooftop gardens!

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Usually a houseplant butmakes a good annual or garden plant in warm climates.
  • Recommended zone: Zone 9-12.
  • Care difficulty: Easy.
  • Light: Bright, south facing window or indirectlight in the garden.
  • Soil: Cactus mix.
  • Water: Allow to dry out before watering. Watermore frequently in extreme heat outdoors.
  • Fertilizer: Not necessary. Excess fertilizer cancause burn or excessive growth.

Mistletoe Cactus (Rhipsalis sp.)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (25)

This awkward epiphyte likes to defy the rules of a succulenta little. Once mistaken for being a member of the parasitic Cassytha, it wassoon found to be a true cactus. It features countless indeterminate brancheswith small hairs at nubs. It produces numerous pale yellow to white blooms.

Found hanging from tree crotches in the understoreys of Centraland northern areas of South America as well as the Caribbean. This is the mostwidely known and distributed epiphytic succulent, making it an interestingplant to keep! Being an epiphyte, this plant will make a great mounted piece aswell as a beautiful hanging basket.

The Mistletoe Cactus can grow to a whopping, fluffy 10 feetat its happiest, but most people find it stays perfectly in control in abasket!

  • Outdoor or Indoor: Mostly kept as an indoor hanging plant.
  • Recommended zone: Hardy to zones 9-10.
  • Care difficulty: Easy to intermediate.
  • Light: Morning sun, full shade during afternoon.
  • Soil: None mounted. Otherwise, potting mix or cactus mix.
  • Water: Frequently during spring and summer, suspend in winter.
  • Fertilizer: Rarely necessary. Once a month during growing season.
  • Use a humidity tray to increase ambient humidity.

Moonstones Plant (Pachyphytum oviferum)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (26)

Easily found for good reason, this common succulent is afantastic choice for beginners and experienced succulent keepers alike. Itsleaves are chubby and plump, mostly round in a rosette pattern, and come inbeautiful colors. It is known for developing pinkish hues over green andsometimes gray-ish leaves. In some conditions, its leaves may become fullypink.

It grows to just 6 inches tall and about 12 inches wide andcan, in time, spread with offsets. Its small size and slow-growing habits makeit a fantastic fit for small pots, succulent gardens, and awkward spots in awarm-climate garden. If you aren’t in a warm climate and want to keep thisplant outdoors, it will do very well in an outdoor pot as well! This plant willdo a fantastic job of filling out a pot.

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Does both very well!
  • Zone recommendation: Hardy to zone 9. In coolerclimates, overwinter indoors or grow as an annual.
  • Care difficulty: Easy!
  • Light: Full to partial sun, or bright lightindoors.
  • Soil: Well-draining soil.
  • Water: Allow to dry before watering again.
  • Fertilizer: Once a month during the growingseason.

Mother of Pearl or Ghost Plant (Graptopetalum paraguayense)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (27)

These stunning succulents grow rosettes up to 4 inches wide ontrailing stems up to 3 feet long. These are fabulous as both hanging baskets aswell as very tall planters! In the spring, this plant will produce bunches ofsmall, yellow blooms.

Likely from the Chihuhuan area of the Rocky Mountain,despite its name “paraguayense,” this plant lovesthe sun. While it will handle the shade and still produce beautiful grays and silvers,purples, and blues, it shines the most in full sun.

In full sun, the Ghost Plant produces hues of yellows, pinksthat are sometimes nearly red. It will also produce a powdery coating thatgives it a dusty look. Keep it away from rainfall to protect the powder fromwashing away.

If you have been wishing for a hanging basket or vertical planter as easy as it is beautiful, this would be a perfect choice for you!

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Best grown outdoors and canbe overwintered indoors.
  • Zone recommendation: Cold hardy to zone 9. Incolder zones, overwinter indoors or grow as an annual.
  • Care difficulty: Very easy!
  • Light: Full sun outdoors. Bright light indoors.
  • Soil: Well-draining succulent mix.
  • Water: Allow to dry before watering.
  • Fertilizer: Once in early spring.

Old Man Cactus (Cephalocereus Senilis)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (28)

Named for its shaggy, unkempt appearance, this is a greatchoice for a tactile gardener. Rather than being grown for its blooms, whichare not produced until an elderly 10 to 20 years old, it is enjoyed for itshair produced by modified spines. In its native habitat in Mexico, these hairsare grown to protect the plant from intense heat and wind, so the more sun itgets, the hairier it is.

If your home could use more bundles of soft, white hair, theOld Man Cactus will be happy to spend its life indoors in a pot. When it does,eventually, get around to blooming, it can set tiny, striped pink blooms. In thewild, it can even produce tiny fruits about an inch in diameter.

  • Outdoor or Indoor: Mostly kept indoors.
  • Recommended zones: Hardy in zones 9b-11.
  • Care difficulty: Easy.
  • Light: Full sun to encourage hair growth.
  • Soil: Sandy or gritty, well-draining mix.
  • Water: Wait for soil to dry before watering.
  • Fertilizer: Only in early spring, best withslow-release fertilizers.

Orchid Cactus (Disocactus ackermannii)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (29)

Once named Epiphyllym and now heavily hybridized, theseplants confuse growers with their new genus name, Disocactus. These areepiphytic succulents, originating in some parts of Mexico. At home, they arehappy to overflow and hang from a basket!

These plants are favored for producing sizeable, gorgeous,long lasting flowers in a choice of bright colors and even shapes. Theseflowers are known to stick around for a length of time left undisturbed and ina draft-free area.

The orchid cactus is also easy to propagate from cuttings,which will need to be taken to encourage fuller growth.

If you’ve always admired orchids, but never quite been ableto keep one alive, consider the Orchid Cactus, with its ease of care andstunning blooms!

  • Outdoor or Indoor: Best kept indoors.
  • Care difficulty: Intermediate.
  • Light: Indirect light or shade.
  • Soil: Loose, well-draining soil.
  • Water: Allow top of soil to dry before watering.
  • Fertilizer: Half strength once a month during growing season.

Ox Tongue (Gasteria spp.)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (30)

Potentially related to the Aloe family and believed by someto be a kind of natural hybrid, these attractive succulents are known for theirlong, tongue-shapes leaves, some of them striped but some of them even,fittingly, bumpy.

These are slow-growing plants that do will do well on atable. If you’ve always wondered what to put in those charming shallow pots,these are a perfect candidate with their shallow roots.

If you’re not sure which species to look for, Gasteriaverrucosa is the most common example of this species with its white warts alongthe leaves. While some Gasteria stay as small as 1 inch, G. verrucose can growleaves up to a sprawling 3 feet long!

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Does best indoors.
  • Zone recommendation: Hardy to zone 9. If planted outside, protect the leaves from getting wet and accumulating water.
  • Care difficulty: Intermediate.
  • Light: Bright, indirect light. Does not tolerate full or direct sun.
  • Soil: Gritty, well-draining soil.
  • Water: Allow to dry before watering.
  • Fertilizer: Slow-release fertilizer at the beginning of the growing season.

Panda Plant (Kalanchoe tomentosa)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (31)

If you’d like a plant that makes you say, “aww!” or you’re atactile gardener, the Panda Plant is a fantastic choice! This plant doesn’tdemand too much sun or care and can grow to nearly 3 feet tall. It is a shrubwith very soft, fuzzy leaves that are tipped chocolate brown to panda blackaround the edges.

These are hardy, easy to grow and care for plants that arejust as much at home in the garden as they are indoors. Of course, being nativeto Madagascar, the Panda Plant isn’t able to handle frost well, so keep it in acontainer wherever you decide to keep it.

This is another easy-to-keep and easy-to-propagate speciesthat can propagate by leaf cuttings!

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Does both well!
  • Zone recommendations: Hardy to zone 9b. Keep asan annual or overwinter indoors in cold climates.
  • Care difficult: Easy!
  • Light: Bright, indirect light indoors. Coolmorning sun to partial shade outdoors.
  • Soil: Well-draining, sandy succulent mix.
  • Water: Allow soil to dry before watering.
  • Fertilizer: Once a month at 25-50% only duringthe growing season.

Pencil Cactus (Euphorbia tirucalli)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (32)

Not a true cactus, this succulent is native to Africathroughout the continent and possibly India. The Pencil cactus is actually atree, growing up to 30 feet tall in its natural habitat! In gardens and pots,it stays closer to about 8 feet. It is a unique succulent tree with thin,pencil shaped branches and stems that may turn red with enough light.

A conversation starter, Euphorbias produce a milky toxiclatex that is difficult to remove and can be fatal, burn your skin, or evencause blindness when it touches the eyes. With caution exercised, not only isthis plant still favored by many plant keepers, it is actually prized andstudied for practical purposes.

Its latex can be converted to gasoline and has been consideredfor producing gasoline on normally unusable land. It is also, in many cultures,used as a traditional medicine for everything from a toothache to cancer.

If you would enjoy a highly drought tolerant tree or aconversation starter, take a look at the pencil cactus!

  • Outdoor or Indoor: Normally kept indoors, butsome gardeners in warm climates keep it outdoors.
  • Recommended zone: Hardy to zone 9-11.
  • Care difficulty: Intermediate to advanced.
  • Light: Bright light, potentially full sun.
  • Soil: Well-draining, sandy soil.
  • Water: Allow soil to dry before watering.
  • Fertilizer: Minimal. Once in the spring.

Peruvian Grape Ivy (Cissus rotundifolia)

This exciting vine, native to East Africa, is not only partof the grape vine family, it’s a succulent! It is especially attractive ifyou’d like a vine with tendrils.

It will rarely flower indoors, as it flowers after firstrains in its native habitat. When it does bloom, it produces small red berriesthat are edible!

This succulent is a determinate vine that can grow to a massive15 feet long and up to 12 feet wide! It won’t usually grow this large at home.However, it can be a vigorous grower and require trimming to keep it areasonable size. Unless, of course, you’re looking for a vine that will takeover a space.

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Usually indoors.
  • Recommended zone: Hardy to Zone 10.
  • Care difficulty: Easy.
  • Light: Bright light to partial sun.
  • Soil: Well-draining soil.
  • Water: Err on the side of dry. Soil can be keptmoist during growing season.
  • Fertilizer: Not necessary. Can be fertilized athalf strength throughout growing season for faster growth.

Pickle Plant (Kleinia stapeliiformis)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (33)

This South African succulent, unlike a cucumber, will notmake pickles. However, it does resemble long, thin cucumber pickles! It formslong, standing stems up to 10 inches long and nearly an inch thick with thinstems that form interesting patterns along the plant.

These plants can also fill out a pot by producing new shotsalong the ground that grow into more of these single-stem plants. If you wouldlike more of these plants in addition to the runners, this plant can also bepropagated by cuttings and grown from seed!

When the Pickle Plant blooms, it produces bulbs filled withinnumerable tiny colorful blooms.

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Best grown indoors.
  • Care difficulty: Intermediate.
  • Light: Partial shade with an additional 3 hours of direct sunlight.
  • Soil: Well-draining, sandy soil mix.
  • Water: Wait for soil to dry before watering.
  • Fertilizer: At half strength or with full strength cactus fertilizer once every one to two months.

Pincushion cactus (Mammillaria crinita)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (34)

This genus is large, but many commonly sold species aresimply referred to as “Mammillaria” and have the same range of care. While somecan be more demanding, the commonly found and sold varieties are very easy tocare for!

These succulents are named after their small, round shapewith spines that look like a full pincushion! While some Mammmillaria can reachup to a foot in height, most of them such as the crinita top out closer toaround 3 inches tall and wide. With their small size and simple care, these area perfect candidate for succulent terrariums, a small windowsill, or a simplespot on a table.

If grown inside, give this plant a cool period over thewinter with suspended water to experience their beloved blooms! Since they sendblooms from near the base of their spines, they are favored for producing ahalo effect!

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Does best with both!
  • Zone recommendation: Hardy to zone 9.
  • Care difficulty: Easy.
  • Light: Bright light, no more than four hours offull sun.
  • Soil: Fast-draining cactus mix.
  • Water: Allow to dry before watering again.
  • Fertilizer: Not necessary with fresh soil with compost.Otherwise, once a month at 25-50% strength once a month during growing season.

Rattail Cactus (Aporocactus flagelliformis)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (35)

This interesting basket-grown cactus is actually an epiphyteor lithophyte in the wild. It natively grows along rocks and up trees in Centraland Southern America. This plant grows long strands of round, tail-shaped stemsthat grow up to 3 ft long. This is another desert species that is known for itshardiness and ease of care.

These stems are covered in tiny spines that can prick yourfingers if not carefully handled, but they can give the cactus a soft, fuzzyappearance. Over time, this cactus can produce bright pink flowers on itsstems.

While the Rattail Cactus can be propagated by seeds, it canbe propagated by simply taking a cutting of a stem and placing it in organicsoil.

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Either, but more often keptindoors.
  • Recommended zone: Hardy outdoors to Zone 10a.
  • Care difficulty: Intermediate.
  • Light: Bright light year-round.
  • Soil: Use a sandy, well-draining soil.
  • Water: Enough to keep soil moist, not soggy.Water less frequently during winter.
  • Fertilizer: Half-strength once every two weeksduring spring and summer.

Red Pagoda or Shark Tooth (Crassula capitella)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (36)

This exciting succulent, native to South Africa, hasinteresting, origami stacked leaves on a stem that begins erect. Over time, theleaves continue to grow and become spiral shaped. Once they are long enough,they will begin to trail and flow over baskets and pots, making this afantastic hanging plant!

In the summer, they will produce charming, tiny white flowerson stalks. At the end of the year, they may drop leaves from the ends of theirstems that can be collected to propagate into new plants.

Best of all, the more light these plants receive, the morestunning red hues they develop on their leaves! These plants may be most red atthe end of winter when they receive a significant amount of light during theday followed by longer bouts of night.

These plants are enjoyed for their ease of care and lack offussiness!

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Both! Favoring warm temperatures,this is normally an indoor plant.
  • Recommended zone: Zone 9-12.
  • Care difficulty: Very easy.
  • Light: Bright light.
  • Soil: Gritty cactus soil. Can candle clay soils.
  • Water: Allow soil to dry before watering.
  • Fertilizer: Up to once a month during growingseason.

Rex Begonia Vine (Cissus javana, also discolor)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (37)

Named for its leaf patterns and coloration bearing a striking resemblance to the Rex Begonia, this vine is not a begonia. It is a tropical succulent native to East Asia, preferring warmer and more humid conditions.

The Rex Begonia Vine is a climbing vine that can grow to 10feet long in its native habitat, though it will usually stick to about 3 to 6feet indoors. Its tendrils will happily climb a trellis or fill out a totempole support, but in a pot, it will gladly overgrow the sides and create a lushhanging plant. In warm, humid climates, some gardeners have found successsimply planting it in their garden and seeing it overtake any nearby structuresor trees!

Its heart shaped leaves and contrasting colors are stunningand add interest to anything it accompanies!

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Either! Makes a wonderful indoor hanging basket!
  • Recommended zone: Hardy to Zone 10-11, this vine is often kept as an annual or overwintered inside. Choose a container you can easily bring inside if you choose to overwinter.
  • Care difficulty: Easy indoors, intermediate outdoors.
  • Light: Bright, indirect light. Does not like shade.
  • Soil: Well-drained soil.
  • Water: Keep soil moist but not soggy.
  • Fertilizer: Once every two weeks.

Ruby Glow Peperomia (Peperomia graveolens)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (38)

This is a unique-looking plant with V-shaped leaves that areburgundy on the underside and a deep green on top. The green on top allows itto photosynthesize properly. From Ecuador, these plants are a little more infavor of shade and moist conditions than your average succulent.

In time, it will send out a lime-green rat tail stalk whichis what produces its species namesake: Its flowers. “Graveolens” means “strongsmelling” or “bad smell.” If you get very close to the flowers, you’ll catch awhiff of their rough smell!

These plants are a wonderful addition to a table orsucculent garden, growing only up to 10 inches tall and 24 inches wide!

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Does best indoors in most situations.
  • Zone recommendation: Hardy to zone 9.
  • Care difficulty: Intermediate.
  • Light: Partial sun to partial shade. A northern or east-facing window will do.
  • Soil: Well-draining soil.
  • Water: Allow to dry before watering. If plant is wilting, reduce watering.
  • Fertilizer: Every other week during growing season at 25-50% strength.

Snake Plant (Sensevieria Trifasciata)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (39)

If you’ve always been hoping for a plant you can keep in anoffice, the Mother-in-Law’s Tongue is the perfect choice! Not only does thistropical African succulent thrive in office conditions, it can actually cleanthe air as well! It is one of a few select plants that uses the crassulaceanacid metabolism to produce oxygen. Best of all, if your whole office happens togo on vacation, it may not even notice.

The Sensevieria genus also produces fibers that could be brokendown and used for bowstrings as well, earning its “bowstring” nickname!

As a creeping plant, it grows by sending up individualleaves that could grow up to 6 feet tall and 3 feet wide in optimal conditions.In most indoor conditions, it tops out closer to 3 feet tall.

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Almost always indoor,especially an office plant.
  • Recommended zone: Hardy to zone 9.
  • Care difficulty: Very easy!
  • Light: Bright light to shade.
  • Soil: Well-draining soil.
  • Water: Allow to dry slightly before watering.
  • Fertilizer: At half strength during growingseason. Do not fertilize during dormancy.

Starfish Cacti (Stapelia gigantica)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (40)

This cactus isn’t just easy to care for, it is invasive whenintroduced to the right climates, arid and semi-arid. If you’re looking forsomething really unusual and unique, but also easy to care for, Stapelia, fromSouth Africa, might just have your answer.

Stapelia sp. feature spineless succulents growing tall fuzzystems in clumps. For the gigantica, these stems are up to 1.2 inches thick.

The Starfish Cacti is prized for its ability to produce acarrion flower. Its flowers are very large and star shaped and produces anupsetting odor after a few days. These carrion flowers are believed to besmelly in order to attract flies. Some keepers use these blooms to collect somepests within their home. If it’s too much and conditions outside are agreeable,some people simply move it outside and admire the blooms from a distance.

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Usually an indoor plant,unless the blooms are too fragrant.
  • Recommended zone: Hardy to Zones 9-11.
  • Care difficulty: Easy.
  • Light: Full to partial sun, morning light isbest.
  • Soil: Well-draining soil.
  • Water: Keep soil moist, not soggy.
  • Fertilizer: At half strength in early spring.

Stonecrop (Sedum sp.)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (41)

If you’re an outdoor gardener in a cold climate, or agardener tired of fussy plants, or you have rocky soil that doesn’t supportmany plants… Sedum is a dream come true! This varied succulent is almost alwaysvery hardy, very easily propagated, and comes in a list of options!

Sedum can be short at about 3” (sedum acre), a little tallerat about 4-8” (sedum kamtschaticum), or taller and bushier at 12-18” (sedumspectabile). This genus is truly a boon to gardeners, especially those in coldand dry climates.

Sedum Angelina and acre, stalk-shaped ground covers, areknown especially in these gardens as being as easy as placing a cutting in thesoil and watching it take over.

If you are a gardener who wishes they could have on easyplant, sedum is a great choice!

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Mostly outdoor, but smallspecies do well in containers.
  • Recommended zone: Zones 4-9, this genus is quitecold hardy.
  • Care difficulty: Very easy.
  • Light: Full to partial sun.
  • Soil: Well-draining soils. Does well in sandy soil.
  • Water: Wait for first two inches of soil to drybefore watering. Do not overwater.
  • Fertilizer: At most, at the beginning of spring.In rich soil, once every other year.

String of Hearts or Rosary Vine (Ceropegia woodii)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (42)

This is another vine that doesn’t look like a typical succulent! With thinner leaves and long, trailing stems with pink colorful leaves, this one is easily missed as being a succulent. However, it is still a hardy plant that thrives best with neglect!

The Rosary Vine is native to Southern Africa where it is anevergreen climber that crops up among existing vegetation. This vine, in mosthomes, does best as a hanging pot. However, it can also do well on a trellis aswell!

This String of Hearts will produce flowers that resemble a modified pitcher plant that trap pollinating flies until the flower withers and coats the fly with pollen. As a member of the milkweed family, these blooms will produce horn-shaped pods once pollinated!

This fast-growing plant is an excellent choice if you’rehoping for a trailing plant with a thick mat of interesting leaves!

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Usually indoors.
  • Recommended zone: Hardy to Zone 10.
  • Care difficulty: Easy.
  • Light: Bright, sometimes direct, light.
  • Soil: Sandy, well-draining soil.
  • Water: Keep somewhat moist during growingseasons, allow to dry before watering during winter. Err on the side of dry.
  • Fertilizer: Monthly at half strength duringgrowing season.

String of Pearls (Senecio Rowleyanus)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (43)

String of Pearls is known for producing luxurious locks oftiny, ball-shaped leaves that overflow its containers and will happily trail upto about 3 feet long if you allow it. Since this plant isn’t likely to spreadout width-wise, some keepers find it easier to create volume by trimming the stringsand placing them in the pot, so they can produce more roots and grow more strings!Of course, this means this plant can also be propagated by cuttings this way aswell.

In its native habitat in southwest Africa, this plant growsin dry, shady areas by creeping along the ground and forming mats. It thriveswith dry spells by storing water in its round leaves.

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Both, but mostly an indoor hanging basket.
  • Recommended zone: Hardy to zone 9.
  • Care difficulty: Easy.
  • Light: As bright as possible, even direct if it is not constant and hot enough to burn the plant.
  • Soil: Use sandy, well-draining soil.
  • Water: Allow soil to dry before watering, can survive long periods of drought.
  • Fertilizer: At half strength every other week during its growing period.

String of Buttons (Crassula perforata)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (44)

This sweet, little succulent produces long stems with leavesalternating in pairs of two. It is a sprawling bush that only reaches about 18inches at its full size. While its stems trail a little and it has the “stringof” name like other trailing succulents, it won’t become a hanging basket. Instead,it’ll lend its charm to a smaller planter!

Thanks to its smaller size, it will make a great tablecompanion that won’t outgrow your furniture. It will also fit in well with asucculent terrarium. Pair this with other small succulents for a stunningsucculent garden!

This is a fun, easy to find succulent that won’t add toomuch work to your current routine, whether its your first succulent or yourhundredth.

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Usually found indoors. Bewary of frost outdoors.
  • Zone recommendation: Hardy to zone 9.
  • Care difficulty: Easy.
  • Light: Partial sun to partial shade. Indoors, a southern-facingwindow.
  • Soil: Well-draining soil.
  • Water: Allow to dry before watering again.
  • Fertilizer: Up to 25% strength during early growingseason.

Tree Houseleek (Aeonium arboreum)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (45)

Native to the Canary Islands and East Africa, the TreeHouseleek is isn’t quite as hardy as the Cobweb Houseleek. It thrives in warmweather where it produces charming pyramid-shaped yellow blooms.

Even without blooms, the Tree Houseleek is a veryinteresting and beautiful plant! Leaves grow in pristine rosettes atop tallstems, resembling trees. ‘Zwartkop’ is one of the most common varieties forthis purpose, since its leaves are a striking shade of purple-black. Best ofall, this tall and interesting foliage makes a fantastic inhabitant for rockgardens. Otherwise, it will make a perfect “star of the show” in its own pot!

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Almost always indoor.
  • Recommended zone: Hardy to zone 9.
  • Care difficulty: Easy!
  • Light: Full sun.
  • Soil: Well-draining, sandy soil.
  • Water: Water frequently but allow soil to dry slightly between watering.
  • Fertilizer: Fertilize once in the spring when potted, not necessary when planted outdoors.

Two-Row Stonecrop (Sedum spurium)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (46)

If you’ve got a spot with very poor, well-draining soilthat’s always dry and in a hot, sunny spot, and… well… nothing will livethere, try Sedum spurium. This is fantastic example of the Sedum genus’sincredible hardiness! Cold hardy, heat-loving, and drought-tolerant, this plantcan find a home in the worst spot in your garden and make it beautiful.

Sedum spurium comes in a variety of colors, from simpleSedum spurium, to ‘Dragon’s Blood’ with dark red colors and ‘Red Carpet’ withvelvety pink-red hues. It can add a touch of color in any garden. S. spuriumwill grow in a mat up to 6 inches tall with a spread of nearly 2 feet.

If you don’t have a spot that quite matches thisdescription, you can still enjoy this succulent! This ground cover will do well in pots as longas it gets enough sunlight.

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Mostly kept outdoors, needsheat and sun.
  • Zone recommendations: Does best in zones 4-8,some have success even in zone 3.
  • Care difficulty: Very easy!
  • Light: Full sun.
  • Soil: Well-draining soil.
  • Water: Allow soil to dry thoroughly beforewatering.
  • Fertilizer: Generally, not necessary. Iffertilized, only once or twice during the growing season.

Wax Ivy or Natal Ivy (Senecio macroglossus)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (47)

Another succulent with a deceptive name, this southernAfrican plant isn’t at all related to ivy plants. However, it does bear a greatresemblance! Its small, triangle shaped leaves on wiry stems could be a closerelative of the ivy, except that they are succulents with thick, waxy leaves.The variegated wax ivy is especially colorful with its bright yellow leaves.

Wax ivy makes a beautiful hanging basket and is happy tooverflow the basket up to 10 feet long! The plump plants make a stunningdisplay wherever they happen to thrive! Once experiencing its native winterhabitat, it is likely to bloom and produce cream-colored, daisy-like flowersalong its stems.

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Almost always indoors, rarely outdoors.
  • Recommended Zone: Hardy to zone 9, does best closer to zone 11.
  • Care difficulty: Easy!
  • Light: Bright, indirect sunlight.
  • Soil: Loamy, well-draining potting mix
  • Water: Allow soil to dry out slightly between watering.
  • Fertilizer: Not necessary. At most, half strength once a year.

Zebra Plant (Haworthiopsis, formerly Haworthia, attenuata)

50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (48)

Often misnamed and sold as Haworthia fasciata, this tinysucculent is a fantastic beginner plant!

The Zebra plant is nicknamed for its vertical, white stripesgrowing from the base of its leaves all the way to its tips. It only grows upto 5 inches wide and just 8 inches tall, making it a perfect small spacecompanion that you won’t need to assign the living room corner to! It’snon-toxic and follows basic succulent care that anyone can get the hang of.

If you’ve been thinking about making the jump into keepingsucculents, but you’re not sure you want to keep a giant or something otherwisedifficult, the Zebra Plant can offer its small size, ease of care, and sweetcharms to your home! If you already do well with keeping succulents, thencaring for the Zebra Plant will be intuitive and simple!

  • Indoor or Outdoor: Almost always indoor.
  • Zone recommendation: Hardy to zone 10.
  • Care difficulty: Very easy!
  • Light: Bright, indirect light. South, East, or Westfacing windows are all great options.
  • Soil: Well-draining cactus soil.
  • Water: Allow soil to dry before watering again.
  • Fertilizer: At 25-50% strength during growingseason, none during fall and winter.
50 Popular Types of Succulents (With Pictures) | Just Houseplants (2024)


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.