Are coffee grounds good for tomato plants? Yes and no. - Ninnescah Made (2024)

Ever wondered if tossing those leftover coffee grounds onto your tomato plants is actually a good idea? Well, you are not alone. I was teaching a beginner gardening class at our local library a few weeks ago, and this very question came up and sparked a lively discussion.

I know there are a lot of myths out there when it comes to gardening, and sometimes it can get confusing. I'm going to clear things up if you've ever wondered, "are coffee grounds good for tomato plants?"

Are coffee grounds good for tomato plants? Yes and no. - Ninnescah Made (1)
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  • Are coffee grounds are good for tomato plants: why or why not?
  • Not all coffee is created equal
  • Benefits of Coffee Grounds for Tomato Plants
  • Disadvantages of Coffee Grounds for Tomato Plants
  • Ideal Soil PHfor tomatoes
  • Signs tomatoes are benefiting from added coffee grounds
  • FAQ
  • How to add coffee grounds to the garden
  • Other kitchen scraps that can be used in the garden?
  • My favorite amendments for tomatoes
  • Making compost for tomatoes
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Are coffee grounds are good for tomato plants: why or why not?

It's a complex answer, but yes, coffee grounds can be beneficial for tomatoes. Let's talk about the benefits first.

Coffee grounds are packed with nutrients that tomato plants love, like nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. They help improve soil structure and promote microbial activity, which can lead to healthier, more robust tomato plants. Plus, they may even help deter certain pests. It's like giving your juicy tomatoes a natural pick-me-up!

Now here's the caveat: While coffee grounds can be beneficial, there are a few things to watch out for.

  1. First off, they will make your soil more acidic over time, which is not be ideal for all plants.
  2. Too many coffee grounds could potentially harm your tomato plants, stunt growth or attract unwanted pests.

Moderation is key! Don't get in the habit of emptying your coffee maker basket over the same spot every day, okay? Once is fine and probably beneficial, but doing it repeatedly is going to have very negative consequences.

It's also a good idea to conduct a soil test to determine the pH level of your soil before adding coffee grounds. This will help you adjust the application accordingly to ensure optimal growing conditions for tomatoes.

Not all coffee is created equal

And one more thing, remember that not all coffees are created equal when it comes to gardening. Generally, any type of coffee grounds can be used, but some coffee beans may be a better food source for tomato plant growth than others.

For example, organic, unflavored coffee grounds are typically the best choice, as they contain fewer additives and chemicals.

Avoid using flavored or artificially processed coffee grounds, as these may not provide the same benefits and could even harm your plants.

Benefits of Coffee Grounds for Tomato Plants

  • Coffee grounds act as a slow-release fertilizer, providing essential nutrients like nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus to tomato plants over time, promoting healthy growth and fruit production.
  • Adding coffee grounds to the soil increases the organic matter content, which helps improve soil structure, water retention, and nutrient availability for tomato plants.
  • They are a good source of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, and other micronutrients that are essential for the healthy growth of tomato plants.
  • Coffee grounds can help improve water retention in the soil, ensuring that tomato plants have access to moisture during dry periods.

Disadvantages of Coffee Grounds for Tomato Plants

Fresh coffee grounds, while generally beneficial for plants like tomatoes, can inadvertently increase the risk of fungal diseases in the soil if not applied correctly.

One way this can happen is through their moisture-retaining properties. Coffee grounds have a tendency to hold onto moisture, creating a damp environment that promotes the growth of fungi, including harmful ones that cause diseases like mold or fungal rot.

Additionally, while coffee grinds are slightly acidic, which can be beneficial for some plants, excessive acidity can also create conditions favorable for certain fungal diseases. If the soil becomes too acidic due to an overabundance of coffee grounds, it may disrupt the balance of beneficial microorganisms, further increasing the risk of fungal issues.

Coffee also contains caffeine, even if you think you've squeezed every last drop out of the grounds. A study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry stated there can be up to 8 milligrams of caffeine per gram of used coffee grounds, which is about the equivalent of a cup of strong black tea. Another study found that excessive amounts of caffeine killed the earthworms in the soil.

Furthermore, the slow decomposition rate of coffee grounds can contribute to the problem. As they break down, they can create pockets of organic matter where fungal spores can thrive, exacerbating the risk of fungal diseases in the soil.

To mitigate these potential issues, it's important to use coffee grounds in moderation, ensure they are properly mixed into the soil, and monitor soil acidity and moisture levels to prevent the development of fungal diseases.

Are coffee grounds good for tomato plants? Yes and no. - Ninnescah Made (2)

Ideal Soil PHfor tomatoes

Tomatoes kinda like their soil a bit on the sour side, you know? Not too acidic, but just a tad. Think somewhere between 6.0 and 7.0 pH level, which is slightly acidic to neutral. Coffee will increase the soil acidity if applied too frequently.

They can handle a bit of acidity or a touch of alkaline soil, but they really thrive when the soil is just right. Adding too much coffee grounds can throw off the pH and create issues for the tomatoes, companion plants and soil microbiome.

Signs tomatoes are benefiting from added coffee grounds

If your tomato plants are loving the coffee grounds, you'll likely see some positive signs, like healthier-looking leaves, vibrant green color, and robust growth.

On the other hand, if they're not so keen on the use of coffee grounds, you might notice signs of nutrient deficiencies, such as yellowing leaves or stunted growth.

Keep an eye on your plants and adjust your coffee grounds usage accordingly to keep them happy and thriving!


How do coffee grounds affect the pH level of the soil in a tomato garden?

Coffee grounds are slightly acidic, so they can lower the pH level of the soil over time. This can be beneficial for acid-loving plants like tomatoes or blueberries, but should be monitored to prevent excessive acidity.

Will adding coffee grounds improve the soil quality of my tomato garden bed?

Adding coffee grounds to the soil may improve its quality by increasing organic matter content, enhancing nutrient availability, and promoting beneficial microbial activity. Remember, moderation is key.

Should I place used coffee grounds on top of the soil or mix them into the soil for my tomato plants?

Either method can be effective. You can sprinkle used coffee grounds on top of the soil as a mulch or mix them into the soil to incorporate nutrients more evenly. Experiment to see which method works best for your tomato plants.

How to add coffee grounds to the garden

  1. Collect Coffee Grounds:Start by collecting used coffee grounds from your coffee maker or local coffee shops. Make sure to use organic, unflavored coffee grounds for best results.
  2. Allow Coffee Grounds to Cool:If you're collecting coffee grounds from your coffee maker, allow them to cool down to room temperature before using them in your garden.
  3. Prepare the Tomato Plant:Choose a mature tomato plant that is already established in your garden. Avoid applying coffee grounds to newly planted or young seedlings, as they may be more sensitive to changes in soil composition.
  4. Apply Coffee Grounds:There are a few different methods for applying coffee grounds to tomato plants:
    • Sprinkle Method: Simply sprinkle the coffee grounds around the base of the tomato plant, making sure to spread them evenly in a thin layer.
    • Mix into Soil: Alternatively, you can mix the coffee grounds directly into the soil around the tomato plant. Use a garden trowel or rake to gently incorporate the coffee grounds into the top few inches of soil.
  5. Avoid Excessive Application:Remember to use coffee grounds in moderation. While they can be beneficial for tomato plants, applying too much at once can lead to issues with soil pH and nutrient imbalances. A thin layer of coffee grounds spread around the base of the plant is typically sufficient.
  6. Monitor Plant Health:Keep an eye on your tomato plants after applying coffee grounds. Look for signs of nutrient deficiencies or excess acidity, such as yellowing leaves or stunted growth. If you notice any problems, adjust your application of coffee grounds accordingly.

Other kitchen scraps that can be used in the garden?

  1. Banana Peels:
    • Benefits:Banana peels are rich in potassium, which is essential for plant growth and flowering. They also contain small amounts of other nutrients like phosphorus and magnesium.
    • How to Use:Chop or tear banana peels into small pieces and bury them in the soil near plants or add them to your compost bin. They will decompose over time, releasing nutrients into the soil. I like to soak the peels in water for 48 hours and then pour the liquid over my soil. See picture below.
  2. Egg shells:
    • Benefits:Eggshells are a good source of calcium, which helps prevent blossom end rot in tomatoes and other fruits. They also contain trace amounts of other minerals like magnesium and phosphorus.
    • How to Use:Crush eggshells into small pieces and sprinkle them around the base of plants or incorporate them into the soil. You can also add them to your compost bin to enrich the compost with calcium.
  3. Vegetable Scraps:
    • Benefits:Vegetable scraps like carrot tops, potato peels, and lettuce leaves can be added to compost bins to create a healthy compost pile for the garden.
    • How to Use:Chop vegetable scraps into smaller pieces and add them to your compost bin along with other organic materials.
  4. Citrus Peels:
    • Benefits:Citrus peels contain natural oils that can repel pests like ants and aphids. They also break down slowly, adding organic matter to the soil.
    • How to Use:Place citrus peels around the base of plants or bury them in the soil to deter pests. Avoid using large quantities, as citrus peels can be acidic and may harm certain plants.
Are coffee grounds good for tomato plants? Yes and no. - Ninnescah Made (3)

My favorite amendments for tomatoes

  1. Epsom Salts:
    • What They Do:Epsom salts provide magnesium and sulfur, which are important for making plants healthy and green.
    • How They Help Tomatoes:They prevent yellow leaves and help tomatoes grow strong and make lots of fruit.
    • How to Use:Mix epsom salts with water and pour around tomato plants or mix into the soil.
  2. Blood Meal:
    • What It Is:Blood meal gives plants extra nitrogen, which helps them grow big and green.
    • How It Helps Tomatoes:It makes tomatoes grow lots of leaves and strong stems.
    • How to Use:Sprinkle blood meal around tomato plants or mix it into the soil.
  3. Bone Meal:
    • What It Is:Bone meal has phosphorus, which helps plants grow roots and make flowers and fruit.
    • How It Helps Tomatoes:It makes tomato roots grow strong and helps them make lots of flowers and fruit.
    • How to Use:Mix bone meal into the soil before planting or sprinkle around tomato plants.

Making compost for tomatoes

Building compost for tomatoes is a fantastic way to enrich the soil and provide essential nutrients for healthy growth. One approach is to gather organic material from your kitchen and yard, such as vegetable scraps, coffee filters, grass clippings, and even paper coffee filters. Read my post Cheap Ways to Add Nitrogen to the Soil if you want to learn more!

Layer these materials in a compost bin or pile, making sure to add a small amount of each component to maintain a balanced mix. To supercharge your compost, consider adding used tea bags, which are rich in organic matter and can break down quickly to create nutrient-rich compost.

Over time, the compost will decompose into a nutrient-rich mixture that can be used to feed your tomato plants, ensuring they thrive throughout the growing season. Remember to turn the compost pile regularly to aerate it and speed up the decomposition process.

The picture below is from last fall. We had a hard freeze in the forecast, so I picked every tomato from the raised bed and let them ripen slowly indoors.

Are coffee grounds good for tomato plants? Yes and no. - Ninnescah Made (4)


Once you've found yourself bitten by the garden bug, you'll find yourself wanting to know everything! Check out my post How to Grow Tomatoes,Guide for Growing PotatoesorHow to Save Sunflower Seeds.

Happy gardening!


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Are coffee grounds good for tomato plants? Yes and no. - Ninnescah Made (2024)


How often should I put coffee grounds around my tomato plants? ›

A sprinkling of coffee grounds mixed into the soil before planting tomatoes will not harm the plants. However, no additional coffee grounds should be added to the soil during the growing season.

What plants do not benefit from coffee grounds? ›

Avoid using coffee grounds on alkaline-loving trees, such as linden, ironwood, red chestnut and arborvitae. Coffee grounds used as mulch or compost inhibit plant growth on geranium, asparagus fern, Chinese mustard and Italian ryegrass. Definitely don't use coffee grounds with these plants.

Are banana peels good for tomato plants? ›

Banana peels are also brimming with potassium, which is excellent for plants like tomatoes, peppers or flowers. “Banana peels also contain calcium, which prevents blossom end rot in tomatoes,” the Cape Gazette adds.

What vegetable plants like coffee grounds? ›

Acidic-loving plants such as azaleas, blueberries, hydrangeas, rhododendrons, and roses will benefit from a sprinkling of coffee grounds around the base of plants. Vegetable crops that may benefit from coffee grounds include carrots, cucumbers, peppers, potatoes, and radishes.

Do you just sprinkle coffee grounds around plants? ›

Coffee grounds are an excellent compost ingredient and are fine to apply directly onto the soil around most garden plants if used with care and moderation. Coffee grounds contain nutrients that plants use for growth.

Can too much coffee grounds hurt plants? ›

Excess coffee grounds, if applied to the soil before composting, have multiple effects on the soil system. In addition to microorganisms tying up nitrogen temporarily, the caffeine residues in the spent coffee grounds can suppress germination and slow the growth of some plants.

Is Miracle Grow OK for tomatoes? ›

Miracle-Gro® Performance Organic® Edibles Plant Nutrition Granules feeds both your plants and the beneficial microbes in the soil (which help plants take up all the nutrition they need) for up to 6 weeks. A month after planting, mix this into soil around your tomato plants, following label instructions.

Do eggshells help tomato plants? ›

Most of us have heard that eggshells can help increase the calcium in our garden soil, and some of us may have even tried it in our own yards. The goal is to help prevent blossom end rot on tomatoes and other plants affected by calcium deficiency. As it turns out, using eggshells really doesn't fix anything.

How long do you soak banana peels in water for tomato plants? ›

Here is the most common way to make banana water: Cut up banana peels into 1 or 2-inch pieces. Immerse the peels in water. Steep the peels for two to three days.

Can I use leftover coffee to water plants? ›

It's okay to water plants with leftover coffee or to add coffee grounds to the compost pile but learning when and why to use coffee in the garden will protect your plants. Only use black, unflavored coffee with this method to offer plants a source of nitrogen which can fertilize certain indoor and outdoor plants.

Do peppers like coffee grounds? ›

Coffee grounds can contribute to a healthier soil environment for your pepper plants. Here's how: Enhanced Drainage: Coffee grounds have a slightly coarse texture, which can help improve soil drainage. This is particularly beneficial for pepper plants, which prefer well-draining soil to prevent root rot.

When to add coffee grounds to soil? ›

Frequency does not matter as much as amount. You shouldn't sprinkle more than a thin layer around your plants, or else the coffee grounds can become impenetrable, preventing water from getting into the soil. If you evenly sprinkle coffee grounds around the plants once a week or so, the amount will likely be okay.

How often should you put coffee grounds on your vegetable garden? ›

If you evenly sprinkle coffee grounds around the plants once a week or so, the amount will likely be okay.

How often should I water my plants with coffee? ›

A good rule of thumb is to feed and water your plants once a week with a weak coffee solution. They'll appreciate the additional nutrients, as well as the water. And while we're here, let's talk for a minute about those leftover coffee grounds as well.

Are eggshells and coffee grounds good for tomatoes? ›

The idea here is that blossom end rot is caused by a calcium deficiency, so adding calcium-rich eggshells to the soil could provide calcium to your tomatoes (or other plants that suffer from blossom end rot).


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