Autistic Pride - Autistic Empire (2024)

Autistic Pride - Autistic Empire (1)

Autistic Pride Day was first celebrated in 2005 byAspies for Freedom and it quickly became a global event which is celebrated widely online and offline. AFF modelled the celebration on the gay pride movement.According to Kabie Brook, the co-founder of Autism Rights Group Highland (ARGH), “the most important thing to note about the day is that it is an autistic community event: it originated fromand is still led by autistic people ourselves”, i.e. it is not a day for other charities or organisations to promote themselves or stifle autistic people. The rainbow infinity symbol is used as the symbol of this day, representing “diversity with infinite variations and infinite possibilities”.

The purpose of Autistic Pride is to show to the world that we are proud of being autistic and that we are not diseased or defective or in need of a cure. We have as much right to live a happy and fulfilled life as neurotypicals.

For much of the time many of us suppress or feel ashamed of our autistic behaviours. For this day we can cast any shame aside and be ourselves. The purpose of an Autistic Pride event is to create a space for autistic people to allow us to be ourselves.

For more background information on Autistic Pride, you can read a speech given by organiser Joseph Redford at London Autistic Pride 2019 here.

Autistic Pride around the World

Below is a map of everywhere we are aware of happening in 2024. Please click on the pin for more details and links to events.

Setting up an Autistic Pride event is easy and can be done with very short notice. If you have any questions about setting up an event where you are, please feel free to ask them on the Autistic Pride Alliance Facebook page, or the Autistic Pride AllianceFacebook group (UK focussed, but open to all).

Upcoming Autistic Pride Events

If you would like to post a poster for your event below, please email it to us at

Hyde Park, London 2024

Facebook event (used for communication on the day)

Autistic Pride - Autistic Empire (2)

We would like to invite you all to attend the Ninth Annual Autistic Pride Picnic in the Park. We’re holding this event to promote acceptance from society and self-acceptance amongst autistic people.

It will be held in Hyde Park on Sunday June 16th 2024 from 12:00-16:00. This is a free public event, run by autistic people for autistic people, held in order to celebrate Autistic Pride. While this event is primarily aimed at autistic adults, non-autistic people and children will be very welcome.

12:00 Meet up at the site and settle down. To find the site then please click on this link for a map
12:30-12:35: Introduction
12:35-13:05: Speakers, if you wish to speak this event
13:05-13:20: Break
13:20-14:20 Further scheduled speakers and entertainment
14:20-14:30: Break
14:30-14:45 Connection with other Autistic Prides by video link if they are running on the same day (in 2019 we connected with Manchester and Paris)
14:45-15:30 Open Mic session. Anyone can get up and make any speeches they like. Songs, music and poetry and debates are also welcome too.
15:00-15:30 If anyone is brave enough, they can make a trip to Speakers Corner and spread the message of Autistic Pride to the wider world. So far, only fve people have managed to do this. But a lot of people go to support them
15:30-16:00 Informal discussions and socialising

The picnic site will be in the wooded areas between the boathouse and the lookout, see the map for further detail. Our Pride Flag (see main picture) will be waving above the site.

The nearest Underground Stations are Hyde Park Corner and Knightsbridge. Closer to the date we have photos that show the way which will be uploaded closer to the date (follow the purple arrows). We may have volunteers to lead people from the closest tube stations, or Serpentine Cafe.

The what3words address for the site is

If you have attended previous Autistic Prides in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022 and 2023 this event will be held in the exact same spot.

We will have a picnic. No food or drink will be provided so feel free to bring your own. Bring food, games and sensory toys to share. Bring a blanket if you need one.

Typically we have speakers and people performing. Brave people can speak at Speakers Corner if they choose to. Bring along things related to your passions.

Bring your musical instrument.

Stimming is actively encouraged.

Autistic Pride - Autistic Empire (3)

Autistic Pride, Tel Aviv, 2024

ואו לחגוג אתנו את חג האוטיסטים הבינלאומי – החג הכי שמח בשנה!

יום חמישי, 20 ביוני, בגני יהושע (פארק הירקון) בתל אביב.

חג האוטיסטים הבינלאומי הוא יום בו אנחנו, אנשי המגוון האוטיסטי, חוגגים את קיומנו. ביחד או לחוד, בשקט או ברעש. זהו חגה של הקהילה האוטיסטית וחלק מהתרבות האוטיסטית. אנשי המגוון האוטיסטי בכל הגילים, בני משפחה, חברים ואוהדים מוזמנים לבוא לחגוג איתנו!

כמו בכל שנה, אירועי החג יתקיימו ברחבי העולם בחודש יוני. בישראל, יתקיים בחג אירוע פתוח בגני יהושע (פארק הירקון), מחמש אחר הצהריים ועד הערב, עד אחרון החוגגים. באירוע נוכל לפגוש אנשים נוספים מהמגוון האוטיסטי, להיות ביחד, להרגיש ולהתנהג בחופשיות, ולתקשר אלה עם אלה במידות ובדרכים הנוחות והמתאימות לכל אחד ואחת מאתנו.

באירוע לא יוגש אוכל באופן מאורגן, וכנראה גם לא תהיה תוכנית פעילויות מאורגנת.

אתם, משתתפי האירוע, תהיו אחראים על עצמכם ועל בני ביתכם. הכניסה חופשית לכולם.

אם יתעוררו בעיות או שאלות, תוכלו לפנות לסדרנים מטעם “עוצמת הרצף” אשר יימצאו במקום. הסדרנים יוכלו להכווין אתכם אל אזור האירוע ובתוכו, ולתת לכם מידע שימושי. הסדרנים יהיו זמינים גם בווטסאפ ובטלפון, במספר הבא: 0559884772.

כולכם מוזמנים להביא לאירוע כלי נגינה, יצירות אמנות, משחקים, אוכל, שתייה, מחצלות, שמיכות, וכל דבר נוסף שיתרום להצלחת האירוע!

בבקשה לא להביא לאירוע כלי אוכל ושתייה חד פעמיים (למען איכות הסביבה).

כאשר תעזבו את שטח האירוע, ודאו בבקשה שלא נותר בו שום דבר שהבאתם, כולל כלי אוכל, עטיפות או שקיות של אוכל ובקבוקי שתייה.

אם תרצו להעביר פעילות באירוע, אנא ידעו אותנו. נשמח לכל פעילות שתתרום להצלחת האירוע.

האירוע יתקיים החל מהשעה חמש אחר הצהריים ועד אחרון החוגגים.

כל מי שמקבל אוטיסטים כחלק טבעי מהמגוון האנושי, ורוצה לחגוג ולאפשר לאחרים לחגוג, מוזמן לבוא ולחגוג איתנו!

האירוע יתקיים על המדשאה סביב “העץ של בוריס”, ממערב לאגם. המדשאה נמצאת מאחורי “בנדיקט פיקניק פארק” – המבנה שנראה כמו איגלו. “העץ של בוריס” וגם “בנדיקט פיקניק” מופיעים במפה של גוגל.

מומלץ להגיע ברכבת או באוטובוס ולהיכנס לגני יהושע דרך הכניסה הראשית. משם ממשיכים ישר כל הדרך עד המדשאה.

לבאים ברכב, שימו לב שהכניסה המערבית למגרש החנייה חסומה. הכניסה המזרחית פתוחה.
אפשר לחנות גם במגרש החנייה שבדרום הפארק, ברחוב רוקח ברמת גן, ולחצות את הירקון ברגל במעבר “שבע טחנות”, המופיע במפה של גוגל

Please note we autotranslated this and it may not be fully accurate:

Come celebrate with us the International Autistic Pride Day – the happiest holiday of the year!
Thursday, June 20, at Yehoshua Gardens (Yarkon Park) in Tel Aviv.
International Autistic Pride Day is a day when we, people of the autistic spectrum, celebrate our existence. Together or alone, quietly or loudly. It is a celebration of the autistic community and part of autistic culture. People of all ages from the autistic spectrum, family members, friends, and supporters are invited to come and celebrate with us!
As every year, holiday events will take place worldwide in June. In Israel, an open event will be held at Yehoshua Gardens (Yarkon Park) from 5 PM until evening, until the last celebrant. At the event, we will be able to meet other people from the autistic spectrum, be together, feel and behave freely, and communicate with each other in ways and to the extent comfortable and suitable for each of us.
No organized food will be served at the event, and there will likely be no organized activity program.
You, the participants, will be responsible for yourselves and your family members. Admission is free for everyone.
If problems or questions arise, you can contact the stewards from “Autism Empowerment” who will be present. The stewards can guide you to and within the event area and provide useful information. The stewards will also be available via WhatsApp and phone at the following number: 0559884772.
Everyone is welcome to bring musical instruments, artworks, games, food, drinks, mats, blankets, and anything else that will contribute to the success of the event!

Autistic Pride Medellin, Colombia 2024:

Autistic Pride - Autistic Empire (4)

La Asociación Autistas de Colombia (AUTISCOL) los invita a encontrarnos de manera presencial y compartir un momento de socialización agradable entre Autistas y no autistas.
Día: Domingo 16 de Junio
Hora: 2:00 pm
Lugar: C.C. Gran Estación
Día: Sábado 15 de Junio
Hora: 2:00 pm
Lugar: Parque Telemedellín Cra. 43F #18-60
Trae a tu mascota, ponte bloqueador y vamos a divertirnos!
Recuerda que todos son bienvenidos para que juntos hagamos más visible el autismo.
Recuerda llevar tus ajustes sensoriales como, lentes de sol, audífonos, sombrilla, etc.
Estaremos recaudando un aporte voluntario de $6 000
Comparte esta información para
que nadie se lo pierda.
Medios de pago, aportes y donaciones.
Autistic Pride - Autistic Empire (5)Daviplata: 3156938785
Autistic Pride - Autistic Empire (6)Ahorros Bancolombia: 23800000959
A nombre de Asociación Autistas de Colombia

Autistic Pride Bonn, Germany 2024:

Autistic Pride - Autistic Empire (7)

Der offene Kunstraum für Autisten des KULT41 lädt ein zum AUTISTIC PRIDE DAY! Das Thema ist diesmal „Sichtbarkeit“…wir haben ein umfangreiches Programm zusammengestellt um die unterschiedlichen Facetten des Autismus zu beleuchten.

Auf dem Straßenfest vor dem Tor (Hochstadenring 41 – 45) stellen sich Initiativen und Unternehmen vor, die Angebote für Autisten bieten ….so werden Hilfen und Möglichkeiten sichtbar.

Die Kunstausstellung der Autisten*innen findet diesmal in der FABRIK45 statt: vom 18.6.24 bis zum 24.6.24 (siehe unten)


13:00 Uhr Begrüßung, Ablaufpläne,

Nadja Stegemann, Frank Elias, Michaela Krause
13:15 – 13:45 Uhr Vortrag: Autismus und Glück – ein Widerspruch? Angela Sichelschmidt
13:50 – 14:20 Uhr Vortrag: Trans und autistisch Riley Emery
14:25 – 15:25 Uhr Lesung: Ein Tor zu eurer Welt Aaron Wahl
15:30 – 16:30 Uhr Lesung: Autistisch? Kann ich fließend! Stephanie Meer-Walter
16:35 – 17:05 Uhr Theater: Ausschnitte aus der aktuellen Produktion Theater Mittendrin
17:10 – 17:25 Uhr Gedicht, Musik Angie Tonner
17:30 – 18:30 Uhr Vortrag: Thema Autismus Dr. Mark Benecke
18:45 – 20:00 Uhr Podiumsdiskussion Thema: Sichtbarkeit Moderator Marvin Kliesow
und Gäste
Ab 20:00 Uhr Tee-Party
13:15 – 13:25 Uhr Begrüßung und Ablauf Frank Elias, Michaela Krause
13:30 – 14:00 Uhr Vortrag: Wohnformen Michael Laforce
14:05 – 15:05 Uhr Lesung: Was du nicht erwartest Liv K. Schlett (alias Jan Cole)
15:10 – 15:40 Uhr Vortrag (Aufzeichnung) Melanie, the Autistic Psychologist
15:45 – 16:15 Uhr Interview (Aufzeichnung) Miriam Thumser
ca. 18:30 Uhr ENDE
Kunstausstellung der Autisten*innen in der FABRIK 45 vom 18.06. – 24.06.24

19:00 – 23:00 Uhr Vernissage 18.06.24
15:00 – 20:00 Uhr Ausstellung geöffnet 19.06. – 23.06.24
15:00 – 20:00 Uhr Finissage und Verkauf 24.06.2

Please note we autotranslated this and it may not be fully accurate:

The open art space for autists at KULT41 invites you to AUTISTIC PRIDE DAY! This time, the theme is “Visibility”… we have put together an extensive program to highlight the different facets of autism.

At the street festival in front of the gate (Hochstadenring 41 – 45), initiatives and companies that offer services for autists will present themselves… making assistance and opportunities visible.

The art exhibition by autistic artists will take place this time at FABRIK45 from 18.06.24 to 24.06.24 (see below).


KULT 41:

  • 13:00: Welcome, schedules, announcements/introduction by Nadja Stegemann, Frank Elias, Michaela Krause
  • 13:15 – 13:45: Lecture: Autism and Happiness – A Contradiction? by Angela Sichelschmidt
  • 13:50 – 14:20: Lecture: Trans and Autistic by Riley Emery
  • 14:25 – 15:25: Reading: A Gateway to Your World by Aaron Wahl
  • 15:30 – 16:30: Reading: Autistic? I Speak It Fluently! by Stephanie Meer-Walter
  • 16:35 – 17:05: Theater: Excerpts from the current production by Theater Mittendrin
  • 17:10 – 17:25: Poem, Music by Angie Tonner
  • 17:30 – 18:30: Lecture: Topic Autism by Dr. Mark Benecke
  • 18:45 – 20:00: Panel Discussion: Topic: Visibility, Moderator Marvin Kliesow and guests
  • From 20:00: Tea Party


  • 13:15 – 13:25: Welcome and schedule by Frank Elias, Michaela Krause
  • 13:30 – 14:00: Lecture: Living Arrangements by Michael Laforce
  • 14:05 – 15:05: Reading: What You Don’t Expect by Liv K. Schlett (alias Jan Cole)
  • 15:10 – 15:40: Lecture (recording) by Melanie, the Autistic Psychologist
  • 15:45 – 16:15: Interview (recording) with Miriam Thumser
  • Around 18:30: END

Art Exhibition by Autistic Artists at FABRIK 45 from 18.06. – 24.06.24:

  • 19:00 – 23:00: Vernissage 18.06.24
  • 15:00 – 20:00: Exhibition open 19.06. – 23.06.24
  • 15:00 – 20:00: Finissage and sale 24.06.24

Autistic Pride Online Celebration 2020 and 2021

Autistic Pride - Autistic Empire (8)

Due the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of autistic activists came together to organise an online autistic pride event with autistic speakers from around the world in 2020 and 2021. It was held on Zoom and streamed through YouTube.

View the full 2020 livestream (it’s 11 hours) on the Autistic Pride Alliance YouTube channel here.

View the full 2021 livestream (it’s also 11 hours) on the Autistic Pride Alliance YouTube channel here.

Thanks to Autistic Pride Reading, Rachel and Ian Cotton, and Joseph Redford for facilitating an accessible event during this difficult time.

In 2020, Autistic Empire’s founder, Sarah McCulloch, spoke on the topic of autistic inclusion which you can see on our YouTube channel here. Her 2021 talk on the autistic journey is available here (there was a technical hitch on the day and the recording is unwatchable, so she recorded it again by popular demand).

Autistic Pride Flag

The Autistic Empire has released a high-resolution, professionally designed, autistic pride flag under the Creative Commons free culture licence permitting any use of this flag, including commercial use, as long as attribution is made to the Autistic Empire (see details below).

The infinity symbol represents neurodiversity, the rainbow represents the pride movement. Gold is used by autistic advocates as the chemical symbol for gold is Au (from the Latin aurum). Gold is promoted as an alternative to non-autistic-led groups designating colours such as blue as a symbol for autism.

Feel free to use the autistic pride flag to make flags, banners, badges, print it, redesign it, sell it – it’s yours, forever.

Right-click to save as .png. Also available as a .eps file – please email us.

Pastel Neurodiversity Symbol was released by MissLunaRose12 under the CC-by-SA 4.0 and can be accessed here.

You can copy and paste the licence text below for easy attribution:

Autistic Pride - Autistic Empire (10) Autistic Pride Flag by Autistic Empire is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Based on a work at

Embed code:

<a rel=”license” href=””><img alt=”Creative Commons Licence” style=”border-width:0″ src=”×31.png” /></a><br /><span xmlns:dct=”” href=”” property=”dct:title” rel=”dct:type”>Autistic Pride Flag</span> by <a xmlns:cc=”” href=”” property=”cc:attributionName” rel=”cc:attributionURL”>Autistic Empire</a> is licensed under a <a rel=”license” href=””>Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.<br />Based on a work at <a xmlns:dct=”” href=”” rel=”dct:source”></a>.

You are free to:

Autistic Pride - Autistic Empire (11)

  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the terms of the License:

Attribution—You must giveappropriate credit, provide a link to the license, andindicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
No additional restrictions— You may not apply legal terms ortechnological measuresthat legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Autistic Pride - Autistic Empire (2024)


What is the new autism pride symbol? ›

The rainbow infinity symbol is used as the symbol of this day, representing "diversity with infinite variations and infinite possibilities". New Scientist magazine released an article entitled "Autistic and proud" on the first Autistic Pride Day that discussed the idea.

What is the meaning of autistic pride? ›

The rainbow infinity symbol is used as the symbol of this day, representing “diversity with infinite variations and infinite possibilities”. The purpose of Autistic Pride is to show to the world that we are proud of being autistic and that we are not diseased or defective or in need of a cure.

What is the symbol for autism in 2024? ›

The conventional puzzle piece, often tied to autism, has faced criticism for perpetuating feelings of isolation and stigma. The butterfly puzzle symbol serves as a graceful replacement, embodying diversity and the beauty of development within the autism community.

Can someone with level 2 autism live independently? ›

The impact of Level 2 autism on daily functioning can vary widely among individuals. Some may have the ability to live independently with support, while others may require more structured environments, such as group homes or assisted living facilities.

What is the tattoo for autism? ›

Puzzle Pieces:

The puzzle piece is definitely the most well known symbol associated with Autism, having been used by Autism charities and organisations for decades.

What does 🌈 ♾ mean? ›

🌈♾️ The rainbow infinity symbol was created to represent. neurodivergent people. People who are ADHD, Autistic, Dyslexic, have Tourette's, BPD, OCD, DID, etc are all.

What animal represents autism? ›

The butterfly autism symbol has been a suggested replacement for the puzzle piece. It inspires thoughts of change and symbolizes the beauty of diversity and continued development.

What color is autism Month? ›

So on April 2nd and throughout World Autism Month in April please wear blue, and have others do the same. Also, don't forget to take a selfie wearing blue and tag it #LightItUpBlue!

What symbol do autistic people prefer? ›

The Puzzle Piece

The autism puzzle piece is arguably the most popular symbolic representation of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The idea behind the puzzle symbol is to convey the reality of how complex and diverse the condition is. It was first introduced by the National Autistic Society in 1963.

What does level 3 autism look like? ›

Children with level 3 autism will be nonverbal or have the use of only a few words of intelligible speech. Initiation of social interaction is very limited, as well as response to others. An individual at this level may interact with others abnormally, and only to meet immediate needs.

Can autistic people fall in love? ›

Yes, autistic people are capable of forming meaningful romantic relationships and dating. In fact, research has shown that those on the autism spectrum can often form strong bonds with their partners and experience a high level of satisfaction in their relationships.

What is the current autism symbol? ›

The Autism Awareness Ribbon (The Puzzle Piece Ribbon)

The puzzle ribbon became the universal symbol of autism awareness in 1999.

Why did they change the autism symbol? ›

The symbol was first used on Autistic Pride Day on June 18th, 2005. It was created using a different perspective than previous symbols and to raise awareness all year round. The use of a rainbow spectrum in the infinity symbol was designed to drive awareness of the diversity among neurodivergent individuals.

What is the rainbow symbol for autism? ›

The rainbow color of the infinity symbol represents neurodiversity and infinite possible variations within the autism spectrum. It also highlights that despite their challenges, the ability of people with Autism Spectrum Disorders to learn new things and grow is never-ending.

Why did Autism Speaks change their logo? ›

Even though Autism Speaks still uses it they say they changed their logo to be more inclusive. “While we did adopt the puzzle symbol when we were founded, we have since transitioned from a blue-only puzzle piece to feature a spectrum of colors and be a better representation of inclusivity and optimism.


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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.