Botanical Name for Rose (2024)

The vast majority of rose species are native to Asia, with a few exceptions from North America, Europe, and northwest Africa. Roses from around the world often hybridise, resulting in varieties that overlap the parental forms and make distinguishing between fundamental species difficult. Fewer than ten species, largely from Asia, mated and eventually produced many of today’s garden roses. The rose’s botanical name is Rosa rubiginosa. There are roughly 360 species of roses in the genus Rosa and Rosaceae.

Botanical name for rose

A botanist assigns a botanical name, which is also a scientific name, to a plant species. It is usually written in italics and is determined by the plant’s genus and species. The name of a plant is the most specific name that can be assigned to it, and it is unique to it. Rose classification Roses are classified into two types: classic garden roses and modern roses. The roses in the historic garden were planted before to 1867. These roses are large, fragrant, and available in a range of colours. They’re hardy and easy to grow. Modern roses were introduced in 1867. These roses have little flowers, mild scents, and come in a range of colours.

Different Type Of Rose

Roses come in about 200 different varieties. The most common type of rose is the hybrid tea rose. These roses are a hybrid of the other two roses, with huge blossoms that can last up to two weeks. The floribunda, which blooms for several days, and the climbing rose, which may reach a height of 20 feet and has large, fragrant petals, are two more prominent bushy rose varieties. Wild roses, like garden roses, are Rosa plant family members. Although cold tolerance varies, the majority of wild roses are hardy plants that can withstand a wide variety of temperatures in USDA cold-tolerant zones 5 through 10. According to the American Meadows website, wild rose is recognised by a variety of common names, including Willow Rose, Scotch Briar, and Prairie Rose. Many wild roses are native to Asia, Europe, or Africa, but others are only found in North America.

Wild roses are botanically known as such. True wild roses are roses that thrive in the wild without the use of pesticides, fertilisers, or additional irrigation. The ancestors of all garden roses are the original wild roses. Despite the fact that there are hundreds of hybrid wild rose variants, there are only about 100 pure wild rose varieties. In contrast to hybrid roses, wild roses usually have five petals. The majority of wild roses are pink, although there are others that are white, crimson, or yellowish. Wild roses come in two varieties: evergreen climbers and deciduous bushes. Suitable for use with wild roses. Wild roses are pest and disease-resistant plants that can grow in practically any environment, including plateaus, meadows, canyons, and massive woods, and can tolerate almost any soil type.

Rose has the following scientific name:

Roses are a varied group of flowering and edible plants with a variety of properties. Rose is a genus that has approximately 360 species. Each species is given a scientific name. Two examples are Rosa kordessi and Rosa chinensis. Even though the plants are very similar in certain ways, the difference across small houses qualifies for a separate species identification. Some species are capable of cross-fertilization and the formation of hybrids. The majority of garden roses are hybrids.

Roses are highly valued for their beautiful colour, petal arrangement, and aroma. It can also be used to stabilize slopes, which is an advantageous application. A rose’s size is governed by its species. Because of the simplicity with which each species can be grown, roses are simple to grow. Rose variations include Rosa Grandiflora, Rosa bonica, Rosa pimpinellifolia, Rosa gallicanae, and Rosa floribunda. Biologically, roses are classed. Biological classification is used to aid in species identification, to determine the origin and evolution of species, and to display species based on similarities and differences.


As a result, in this subject, we will look at the nomenclature of the world’s most beautiful flower, the Rose. As we know wild roses have vast root systems, they provide excellent support on rocky slopes and in other inaccessible areas. Rosehips, which resemble little apples, arrive at the end of summer and can endure through the winter. Hips, which are strong in vitamins A and C, are a vital winter food source for birds and mammals.

Botanical Name for Rose (2024)


Botanical Name for Rose? ›

Rosa rubiginosa is the Scientific name for Rose.

What is the botanical name for roses? ›

Fewer than ten species, largely from Asia, mated and eventually produced many of today's garden roses. The rose's botanical name is Rosa rubiginosa. There are roughly 360 species of roses in the genus Rosa and Rosaceae.

What is the binomial name of a rose? ›

Classification for Kingdom Plantae Down to Species Rosa indica L.
RankScientific Name and Common Name
FamilyRosaceae Juss. - Rose family
GenusRosa L. - roseP
SpeciesRosa indica L. - cyme roseP
6 more rows

What is the genus name of rose flower? ›

rose, (genus Rosa), genus of some 100 species of perennial shrubs in the rose family (Rosaceae). Roses are native primarily to the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere.

What is the family of rose plants? ›

Rosaceae, the rose family of flowering plants (order Rosales), composed of some 2,500 species in more than 90 genera. The family is primarily found in the north temperate zone and occurs in a wide variety of habitats.

What is the chemical name for rose? ›

Rose oxide is a member of the class of oxanes that is tetrahydro-2H-pyran which is substituted at positions 2 and 4 by an isoprop-1-enyl group and a methyl group, respectively. Organic compound of the pyran class and the monoterpene class and a fragrance found in roses and rose oil.

What is the scientific name for the native rose? ›

North American Native Roses

Two of the most widespread species roses you may see are Rosa carolina, or the Carolina Rose, common in thickets, and Rosa palustris, commonly called "Swamp Rose", since it grows in wet ground.

What is the scientific name for pink roses? ›

4. The scientific name of the pink rose is Rosa meldomonac.

What is the taxonomic classification of a rose? ›

rose, Rosa spp. Rosales: Rosaceae.

What is the scientific description of a rose? ›

A rose is either a woody perennial flowering plant of the genus Rosa (/ˈroʊzə/), in the family Rosaceae (/roʊˈzeɪsiːˌiː/), or the flower it bears. There are over three hundred species and tens of thousands of cultivars.

What is the scientific name for white rose? ›

Rosa alba L. belongs to the family Rosaceae. This species is widely cultivated in Europe, Asia, North America, and Northwest Africa due to its fragrance, ornamental, and medicinal values. It is commonly known as white oil-bearing rose, white rose, white rose of York, backyard rose, and sufaid gulab.

What is a rose called Flora? ›

A sempervirens rambler. Crimson buds open pink with a creamy white centre. The blooms are small and very double with a 'button eye' and come in loose clusters.

What does a rose symbolize? ›

Roses symbolize love, royalty, beauty, sensuality, secrecy, and mysticism. They are also associated with achievement and perfection. Roses are prized around the world, among the most beloved and popular flowers. Their fragrance is instantly recognized, but complex and distinct between varieties.

What is the botanical name of the rose? ›

The Scientific Name of Roses is Rosa Rubiginosa.

We identify plants by their common names and these common names vary from region to region but there is one unique name for each plant which is called the botanical name of that particular plant.

What is the botanical name and family of red rose? ›

Botanical nameSynonymsFamily
Abelmoschus sagittifoliusAbelmoschus coccineus, Abelmoschus moschatus subsp. tuberosusMalvaceae
Abies delavayiPinaceae
Abies densaAbies spectabilis var. densa, Abies fordeiPinaceae
Abies pindrowAbies himalayensis, Pinus pindrow, Pinus spectabilis var. pindrowPinaceae
124 more rows

What are the three categories of rose? ›

The 3 Main Rose Categories

While there are many varieties of roses, most rose specialists would divide them into three categories: Old Garden Roses, Wild Roses and Modern Roses.

What is the flower botanical name? ›

Typically, the botanical name is made by two words: the first one is a name which indicates the group or genus the flowers belongs to and is always capitalised; the second one is and adjective and describes a characteristic of that specific flower.

What is another name for roses? ›

What is another word for rose?

What is the scientific name for Heritage Rose? ›

Common Name: Heritage Rose (other common names: English Rose, Austin Rose 'Heritage', 'AUSblush', and 'Roberta') Scientific Name: Rosa 'Heritage' Family Name: Roseaceae.


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