Brightest and best of the mince pies (2024)

Whenever I see a mince pie, I always think of carol singing. Every Christmas Eve, from about the age of 12 or so, I was allowed to go out with our local church choir and sing carols around the small mining village in South Yorkshire where we lived. It was magical.

Carol singing round the village

Wrapped up in coats, hats, gloves and scarves, we went from street to street and our voices soared in harmony and cut through the cold air. Sometimes, we would be invited into someone’s house and this was most welcome as it was inevitably cold and frosty outside and we could briefly warm ourselves inside.

We sang all the usual popular traditional carols from Hark the Herald Angels sing and O Little Town of Bethlehem, to Angels from the Realms of Glory and Silent Night, even singing them several times over with the same gusto as the first-time round.

Our last stop for Grandma’s best mince pies

Our last call was always the railway station at around about 10pm. We lived in the Station House, so I was home. Grandma would have warm mince pies which she’d baked earlier in the day in the top warming oven of the cream coal-fired range. The smell of the spices in the mincemeat wafted over you as you came into the house. We had a piano, so the choir pianist sat down to accompany us and belted out the notes, and we sang even louder.

We always performed Grandma’s favourite carols before we were allowed to tuck into her mince pies. The first was the rather mournful Cradled in a Manger Meanly, a carol much loved by Methodists, written by George Stringer Rowe (1830–1913). The second of her favourites was the more rousing Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning written in the previous century by Reginald Heber, a country parson who became an Anglican bishop in Calcutta.

The words “dawn on our darkness and lend us thine aid” no doubt had a strong resonance for many in the village who had lived through the bleakness and deprivation of the 20th century. Only when we had finished did Grandma lift the mince pies out of the oven and we were treated to hot tea and those mouth-watering marvels.

Why are they called mince pies?

Food such as mince pies served during the Christmas period often have symbolic meanings. Just as their name suggests, early mince pies were meat based and filled with lamb, with added spices and fruits. They were made in an oval shapeto represent baby Jesus in the manger, with the lid representing his swaddling clothes.

Although in the 1850s, cookery writer Eliza Acton’s recipe for mince pies still contained three tablespoons of diced beef, the recipe had already begun to change to something sweeter and reduced in size to a smalNl round shape. Duncan McDonald in his The New Family Cook Book (1809) includes an early meatless recipe with apples, lemon, orange and spices. Cooks at this time often made mince pies using puff pastry instead of shortcrust.

Grandma Abson’s homemade mincemeat

  • Peel, core 1 ½ lb / 675g apples and cut them into small pieces
  • Add the rind and juice of one lemon, ½ tsp grated nutmeg and 1 tsp allspice
  • Stir in the following:
    • 1 lb / 450g raisins
    • ¾ lb / 350g currants
    • ½ lb / 225g sultanas
    • ¼ lb / 110g mixed peel
    • ½ lb / 225g (vegetarian) suet
    • 1 lb / 450g demerara sugar
    • Add a splash of brandy if you like
  • Cover and leave for three days in the bowl (or cook on a low heat 130C for an hour in the oven)
  • Place in sterilised jars

Grandma Abson’s shortcrust pastry:

  • 4 oz (110g) butter
  • 6 oz (175g) plain flour + 2 oz (50g) self-raising flour
  • 1 egg
  • A little water (or a little milk and water)

Rub the butter into the flours. When the mixture is like breadcrumbs, make a well and add the egg and the water to make a dough. Let it stand for ½ hour in a cool place before rolling out.

Finishing touches

Grandma would cut out the round shapes for the baking tins, filling the pies with mincemeat before putting traditional lids on top and brushing them with egg wash for a shiny top. Nowadays, I like to decorate my mince pies with shapes – Christmas trees, stars and bells. Whatever you do, put plenty of mincemeat in. Cook in a warm oven (about 190 degrees) for 15 minutes. A final touch, once they are cooked – sprinkle a little icing sugar over the top.

Go with the tradition and eat a dozen

There is a tradition of eating one mince pie each day over the 12 days of Christmas from Christmas Eve to 5 January. This was believed to bring good luck and happiness for the next 12 months. I’ll be baking a batch of mince pies to treat my family and friends and even indulge in a spot of carol singing, remembering the brightest and best of Grandma Abson’s mince pies.

Happy Christmas to you all and especially to everyone @YorkshireBylines and the Bylines network.

You can read more about Grandma Abson’s life, her passion for baking and recipes HERE and head over to Instagram @grandmaabson to see Meryl baking with her grandchildren.

Brightest and best of the mince pies (2024)


Where did the tradition of mince pies come from? ›

King Henry V had mince pies made as early as in 1413 for his coronation celebration on April 9. During this period it would have been made with various meats, game birds, boiled eggs and spices, which were very rare and extravagant ingredients of the time as this was a pie for celebration.

Do they have mince pies in America? ›

Mincemeat pie is a dish that isn't very common in the American kitchen, which can lead to some confusion for cooks, even those on the Allrecipes staff.

Why do they call it mincemeat? ›

Mincemeat is a combination of chopped dried fruits, spices, sugar, nuts, distilled spirits, a fat of some type and sometimes meat. The name is a carryover from 15th century England when mincemeat did indeed have meat in the mix; in fact, the whole point of mincemeat was to preserve meat with sugar and alcohol.

What do Americans call mince pies? ›

A mince pie (also mincemeat pie in North America, and fruit mince pie in Australia and New Zealand) is a sweet pie of English origin filled with mincemeat, being a mixture of fruit, spices and suet. The pies are traditionally served during the Christmas season in much of the English-speaking world.

Can I take mince pies to the USA? ›

Scottish oatcakes, spicy hot crossed buns, proper scones and such seasonal treats as Bath buns, Easter Simnel Cake, the tiny mince pies (tartlets really) that are an important part of a British Christmas, Penguins and Jaffa Cakes (favorite chocolate coated British biscuits - aka cookies) are all allowed.

Why are mince pies only sold at Christmas? ›

Why do we eat mince pies at Christmas? Mince pies were originally made to celebrate Jesus. They were oblong in shape to represent the manger that Jesus slept in as a baby and have a 'pastry baby Jesus' carved into the pastry. Traditionally one mince pie is eaten for the Twelve days of Christmas.

Why is mincemeat so expensive? ›

Mincemeat isn't difficult to make, but it has a lot of ingredients, which can make it expensive to produce in small batches, and it requires at least a day's advance planning to let the ingredients sit.

When did they stop putting meat in mincemeat? ›

By the 18th century it was more likely to be tongue or even tripe, and in the 19th century it was minced beef. It was not until the late Victorian period and early 20th Century that mince pies dropped the meat and had all fruit fillings (albeit with suet). Even today there are traditions associated with mince pies.

What is the slang term for mince pies? ›

Mince pies = eyes

This is a term used widely in London even to this day, usually to describe a girl's features. Her eyes would be described as Minces, an even more slang term from the original mince pies.

Does Costco have mincemeat pies? ›

The Kirkland signature mince pies from Costco.

Are Iceland mince pies any good? ›

Iceland Luxury All Butter Mince Pies

The filling is very sweet – some might find it too much – but it has an intense festive flavour and is full of plump fruit. The pastry is light and just the right thickness for the filling.

Can you buy mince pies all year round? ›

Sold in their thousands at Christmas time, but still available year-round. Stacey's mince pies are the best – perfect pastry with fruity, flavoursome mincemeat.


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