Classic Pumpkin Roll (2024)

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (1)
    Great recipe

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (2)
    I made it as is, and it was great. Now, however, I’d like to substitute some of the ingredients to make it a bit healthier, since my husband and I are older and attempting to improve our health stats. Do you believe that substituting some or all of the flour for whole grain or almond would produce a roll without cracks? Also, would substituting low fat cream cheese for full fat work, do you think? Thanks for sharing your knowledge!

    1. Classic Pumpkin Roll (3)
      Made this twice. Followed recipe to the letter and it split both times.

  • These are sooooo good!!! you have to try them!!!

  • Hello Lauren…my Grandson loves sissy chocalate chip cookies and I have always failed him I would love to try your recipe 😋 and hope it works

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (4)
    Excellent recipe that I highly recommend 👍🏽

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (5)
    This is the BEST pumpkin roll recipe ever! Made it three times so far, and each time, turned out perfect. So delicious and MUCH easier than the old tea-towel method. Wish I would have had this recipe 30 years ago! Thank you so much, Lauren! 🤗

  • Always make punkin roll for the holidays, they love this recipe.
    Easy to make and instructions are simple. Love it

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (6)
    best advice was rolling up cake right out of the oven—holding the parchment paper is not hot at all, then let cool, completely. Thank you for the tips—my multiple pumpkin rolls this season were enjoyed by all! It is just not as intimidating as it looks!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (7)
    This is the same recipe that I have used for almost forty years and my husband tells every one it is so much better than any other pumpkin roll he has ever had, so it must be good! I also put chopped pecans on top before baking.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (8)
    Made this multiple times more and it always comes out so good. DON’T ignore the instructions like mixing the dry and wet ingredients separately before combining, and make sure your roll is 100% cool before unrolling and adding the icing.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (9)
    I love this recipe! I tried the old way with the towel a few times and gave up. When I came across this recipe with the parchment paper alternative I had to try. It works wonderfully! This is now one of my Thanksgiving staples. My granddaughter cheered this year when she saw it because she forgot to tell me she wanted it and was glad I made it. She is really a picky eater too. I think it was the first dessert gone from the table.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (10)
    Very easy to make but delicious!

  • My pumpkin rolls are cracking when I unroll them to put in the filling. They didnt use to do this.. Help please!!

    1. Following as mine cracked too! Thanks!

    2. Classic Pumpkin Roll (11)
      I always make this with the tea towel with no cracks. It cracked with the parchment paper. I think that’s why. I’m going back to the old way.

    3. Anyone else find them very sticky to roll and unroll?

      1. Classic Pumpkin Roll (12)
        Yes, very sticky. Unless someone can tell me how to avoid stickiness, and even last section detaching, I do not want to make again.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (13)
    Very nice

  • If I chose the 3x option, would that make 3x the batter? I want to divide it up so that I can make 3 individual rolls. I would like to make a large amount of batter at once

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (14)
    I loved this. I followed your directions exactly. The roll was delicious 😋. I only have one problem. Why did the outside get sticky after I put it in the refrigerator?

    1. Classic Pumpkin Roll (15)
      I had the same problem. So sticky I couldn’t put powder sugar on it.

  • I love this recipe! I doubled the recipe. I accidentally forgot to double the powdered sugar in the filling but as it turned out it was a great mistake! The filling turned out absolutely delicious without being overly sweet. Everyone loved it. I’m making two more today and have decided to purposely leave out the other cup of powdered sugar from the filling.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (16)
    Idk if its because I’m using Splenda sugar I’m making it sugar free but the cake part isn’t rising to the thickness when I used granulated sugar. Do you know of anything i can use to counteract that so it will rise cause its coming out really dense and thin but I’m using the exact measurements just with 1 cup of Splenda instead of granulated sugar.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (17)
    I made this yesterday following the recipe to an T and served it today. It turned out great! I was nervous because of some of the negative comments – but it turned out to be as easy as the recipe says. It cracked slightly during the final step of rolling with icing, but it was hidden inside of the roll and still looked and tasted great.

  • This pumpkin roll turned out perfectly. Will be my go to recipe for pumpkin roll. Was delicious!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (18)
    Forty Thanksgivings/Anniversaries and I *finally* made my man a Pumpkin Cake Roll last night! Not that he’s been begging for one – I just knew he deserves something special and this was one thing I could think of that 1.) I’ve never tried to make 2.) He was sure to like.
    I don’t understand all the negative comments. This was my first attempt making one and I had no problem at all, even though I doubled the recipe (filling, too) and used a 15×20 pan. I used Reynolds no-stick baking paper – it’s parchment on one side & foil on the other, and it’s wide enough for the huge pan. (I put it foil side down in the pan & sprayed the parchment side.) BTW, one reason I was attracted to your recipe on Pinterest was the photo – it genuinely had “rolls.” So many I’ve seen should be more accurately classified as a Pumpkin Cake Taco! 😆
    Thanks for your hand in making our 40th even more memorable. ♥️

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (19)
    Followed your method exactly and it still cracked 🙁 I’m sure it’ll be tasty anyways.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (20)
    Tried this twice and it cracked both times. I chilled it for most of the day the first time and chilled it for roughly an hour the second. Rather disappointed. It is tasty; not presentable though.

    1. Classic Pumpkin Roll (21)
      you mentioned that you chilled the rolls I am assuming before you frosted them? That may be part of the problem, I just cool on a rack on the kitchen counter. Also, some of mine still crack on occasion, just go slowly rolling and unrolling—(I served one with cracks, I never mentioned it, neither did anyone else, and it was still enjoyed!)

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (22)
    Idk what happened , as I make pumpkin rolls every year. I hadn’t tried this recipe before though and I should just stick to my old one.

    The filling was just a gooey mess that spilled over the sides of the cake and overflowed when I tried to roll it. That’s even after I added extra sugar (like a whole extra cup) bc it was so thin as I was mixing it. It was basically the texture of royal icing. Everything was unusable then bc both sides of the cake had the icing on it.

    I took a few bites with a fork just to try it anyway , and it tasted fine. It was just basically pumpkin cake instead of a roll.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (23)
    This has been my recipe of choice for the pumpkin rolls I make for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. It turns out beautifully every time. One of the most important (in my opinion) details in this recipe is use a jelly roll pan not just a cookie sheet. The jelly roll pan is bigger and gives you the nice thin cake perfect for rolling. If you must use a cookie sheet I suggest using a little less batter to prevent a cake too thick to roll nicely.

    1. What size of Jelly roll pan are you using?

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (24)
    I’ve been cooking this every year for decades and made the parchment switch. It was so easy and CLEAN. I added a coat of cooking spray to the paper— both sided. Perfect! So happy to not deal with the mess. The cake rolled out with no tears or breaks.

  • I found this recipe last year and made 3 of them for family members and all 3 came out amazing! Followed all of the instructions and tips, step by step and everyone absolutely loved it! I’m currently making another 3 for the same family/gatherings tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving and thank you again for the awesome recipe!! 😋

  • Made this recipe one perfectly and it was so yummy. Tried again a year later and failed twice. I followed it very closely and failed both times. I’m not sure what changed and caused this but cake was dense and chewy. Put it for less time the second attempt but still bad.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (25)
    I made this with Gluten free 1-1 flour and let me tell you it was amazing! It rolled perfectly I did pre spray the parchment paper so it did not stick and no cracks. Everyone loved it! I will be doing this every year. Thank you!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (26)
    Sticky nasty mess 2x over. Much better recipes out there.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (27)
    I made this cake as directed (I did add a little oil to the batter, ~1tbs) and it turned out perfectly. No cracking and it didn’t stick to the parchment paper. Thanks for the great recipe!

  • My cake stuck to the paper. Need to oil next time. I had to use metal egg turner to loosen so the cake would not crack. otherwise it was fine.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (28)
    I followed this recipe very thoroughly. This was disappointing and a waste. Not nearly enough time for roll to bake completely. I had to throw it all away as it stuck to itself and wasn’t even salvageable. I ALWAYS use this site for recipes. That stops today.

    1. Hey Chanda, really sorry to hear about the trouble with the roll! 🙁 Oven temps can be sneaky sometimes – they’re often a bit off. I regularly check mine to keep recipes spot-on. Maybe give your oven a quick temp test? It could make all the difference for perfect results next time!

    2. Classic Pumpkin Roll (29)
      Exact same!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (30)
    I made this recipe with GF flour as my daughter is gluten free. The recipe was easy to follow and the flour was the only ingredient I had to change. It was delicious, but it stuck badly to the parchment paper causing multiple cracks where the filling came thru. A really big mess! It may have been the GF flour that caused it to stick, but it seems other people have had the same problem. The instructions say you can LIGHTLY grease the parchment paper…I would definitely advise doing so. I will say again, it tasted great! I just tried to make it look better with a LOT of power sugar on top.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (31)
    Cake was very sticking and dense. When I unrolled it, it cracked in many places. I live at 6400 feet above sea level. Is there an adjustment for high altitude? Very disappointed in the cake.

  • I need help. I have made these for years on a conventional oven, but now have new conventional/ convection oven. I have ruined 3 batches. They get crispy on the edges and don’t bake or rise. It’s like hot batter. I tried changing temperature. I used regular conventional setting to no avail. Help

    1. Classic Pumpkin Roll (32)
      Thanks for a great recipe! First time making a pumpkin roll. It was easy to make and tastes delicious!

  • Parchment paper did not work for me either.
    Not sure what I did wrong, but it was a mess.

  • Hi!
    I made this once before and it was excellent!! I do have a question… can I use pumpkin pie mix instead of puree? It seems I would have to omit the spices. Should I also omit the salt and reduce sugar? Ugh, I thought I had purée on hand! Thanks!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (33)
    Yummy! IF I am making multiple – how much batter should I use in one pan? I’m a measuring type of gal 😉

  • The cake and parchment paper were way too hot to roll. I had to use the towel to immediately roll! What am I missing?

    1. I used plastic kitchen gloves. I have a pair just for rolling these. Saved me a lot of burnt fingers.

      1. I have made lots of pumpkin rolls in my life. Request from friends and family. Always from scratch.(I’m 75yr,’s young) this is the easiest one yet. I’m going to try it. Indeed a break. Making them all day today.Many request for Christmas. Thank you God bless in Jesus name I pray 🙏

    2. You need bigger parchment paper than your cookie sheet. I buy parchment from Costco it’s wide enough for full size cookie sheets. When using a 15×10( jelly roll pan) it will stick out the sides, down the length of it. I figured out if I just grabbed that and start turning to roll it up it worked out really nice. Hope that helps.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (34)
    I made this and my cake was so sticky it cracked! It is delicious but I’m wondering what I could do to help that.

    1. Same with mine Sara!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (35)
    Simple recipe with delicious results

  • A 10 x 15 pan is sufficient for the double and triple recipe?
    Thank you

    1. You will want to bake in two separate pans if you are doubling the recipe.

  • This is the best recipe I have found, I make dozens of them every year. HINT! I add1-2 Tsp oil and it keeps the cake roll from cracking and is easier to handle. { I live in Az, so the dry climate may be the reason they tend to crack w/o oil}

    1. Olive or vegetable oil?

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (36)
    Kudos and thank you!! 1. Delicious, incredibly so. 2. Gorgeous. And 3. Pretty easy for this tentative baker. Kudos and thank you!!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (37)
    This Recipe is awesome!! Everyone has loved it so far! The only issue I had the first time I made it was that my parchment paper wasn’t non-stick, so even though I sprayed it with cooking oil, it still stuck to the parchment. I learned the lesson, the second time I made it I used non-stick parchment paper and this time it worked amazing!!
    Thank you so much!!

  • I made this recipe and doubled it. I wanted 2 pumpkin rolls, anyway the pumpkin batter was not enough for each pan, I split it evenly so each pan had the same amount of batter. I rolled them after they came out of the oven and cooled on a wire rack. Moved them to the fridge and finished them today. They both stuck to the parchment paper and I used a spatula to loosen it, filled them with the filling and rerolled it. Wrapped in Saran wrap then in aluminum foil. I will keep these to use here at home. If I make this recipe again I would add more flour. It’s possible that it turned out this way because I used Jumbo eggs instead of large, but that never affected any other recipe I have made.

    1. Spray a little cooking spray on the parchment paper. It helps. My issue is that the rolls keep cracking 😞

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (38)
    Absolutely phenomenal! I didn’t have pumpkin spice so I just used cinnamon and nutmeg. I also buttered the parchment and sprinkled the cake with powdered sugar before I rolled.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (39)
    When I tried to unroll it, it was so sticky, and it really cracked. The parchment paper was so moist.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (40)
    I lost my original recipe from my grandma and thought Oh My Gosh! Need to find one like hers.
    I found yours, made a test run and BAM! This is spot on. Thanks so much, from me and my family.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (41)

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (42)
    These came out so delicious! I made this for a Halloween party and all my friends loved it. After my caked cooled down it ended up cracking and I got so worried that my roll would fall apart. But it didnt and it all worked out! Hardest part was rolling it while super hot. Definately trust the process. it’s worth it.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (43)
    Have always loved pumpkin roll. Was pleased to find this recipe which seems to be most like my mom’s old recipe, minus chopped walnuts.

    When I made this recipe, the cake was super sticky. Not sure what I did wrong. Taste was superb!

    1. Same for me. The cake was sticky and cracked on my while unrolling 😞

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (44)
    I make this several times each fall. It’s a really great recipe!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (45)
    Yum! This was my first attempt at a pumpkin roll, and it rocked! I sprinkled cinnamon on top as well as powdered sugar, just for fun

  • super easy to make but the cake part is so sticky for some reason so it made it difficult to roll without parts of the cake coming off

  • Haven’t tried the pumpkin roll yet. You sure make it look easy. I will try today. I love making everything from scratch.

    1. Classic Pumpkin Roll (46)
      Truly delicious! I was pleasantly surprised at how easy this was to make, yet it looks (and tastes) impressive. I made it exactly as the recipe stated, no ingredient substitutions, and it was excellent.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (47)
    I gotta say, this was delicious and so easy to make! I initially made pumpkin roll with my pumpkin cupcake recipe which was slightly different from your recipe. It cracked in multiple places. Then I tried it with your recipe and it was perfect! No cracks, easy to make and delicious! This will be my go to recipe for pumpkin roll!!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (48)
    Pumpkin Roll is a must at my house, everyone loves it! My family insists on it for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

  • I’m so anxious to try this tomorrow for my Dad’s birthday. Baffled by the complete opposite comments though; some has awesome luck with the parchment, some disaster, any advice?

    1. Classic Pumpkin Roll (49)
      So I did make this and took other’s recommendation of adding Cool Whip, good call! This is so very good, but I was wondering if anybody else has trouble with the roll sweating a lot. Mine did, and I made another today and it was even worse. To the point that it gets gooey. I rolled in a powder sugar coated towel.

      1. You want to make sure you’re using a towel that is very breathable, so the steam has a way to escape while it is cooling down. I like to use a flour sack towel, they usually come in a pack of 10 at Walmart, they are completely white and very thin. You want to put a good amount of powdered sugar on the towel, not too much, not too little. If the cake sweats and the steam is trapped, the powdered sugar can turn to goo on the cake. Also, make sure you’re allowing the cake to cool on a wire rack. Hope this helps! 🙂

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (50)
    Very easy to make and so delicious. I made 2 rolls on my second one I mixed 1/2 cup cream cheese and 1/2 cup cool whip and the filling was so much fluffier and was a big hit at Thanksgiving Dinner

    1. Super easy

      1. I made this twice and am finding the baking soda very strong. Anyone else have this issue?

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (51)
    I have never commented on a recipe before, but I had to…. This is incredible. My two kids and husband cannot stop eating it. We are lucky if it lasts more than two days. It’s so easy to make, and the icing sugar sprinkled before you roll it works so well. Definitely a hit!!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (52)
    I’ve never made a pumpkin roll before, and I got inspired by a friends post on Facebook. I followed your recipe to the letter and use the parchment paper. I don’t know if I let it cool too long or if I didn’t let it cool, long enough, but the actual cake part stuck a little bit to the parchment paper.
    I think next time I may spray it with some cooking spray just to make sure? What do you think?
    It didn’t really take any cake off. It just looked like it was sticking.

    1. Try sprinkling the paper with powdered sugar, that’s what I do.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (53)
    This turned out awesome! Will definitely be making it again!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (54)
    literally so good! i haven’t had a store pumpkin roll but i imagine this is even better i couldn’t stop eating it. will definitely make again

  • Is there a different method to this if I add walnuts?

    1. When I used to turn onto tea towel with powder sugar, I put chopped walnuts on before baking. then when you turn onto towel, the nuts were on outside. dont know how would work with parchment paper method.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (55)
    Add 1 8 oz tub Cool Whip to filling. My family loves the ‘thicker’ filling. When served frozen, it tastes like an ice cream dessert!

  • Hi, can I roll this from the longer end to make smaller pieces?

    1. Yes, sure!

    2. Thats how i have always rolled.🙂

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (56)
    What a wonderful recipe! I have made many pumpkin rolls over the years, but this is by far the easiest and most delicious one I have made. Thank you. 😊

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (57)
    So, I’m not sure if I didn’t bake mine long enough, but I had rolled it in the parchment paper and when I unrolled it it cracked in like four spots.

    I seemed as if moisture had gone to it because it was still hot, it was a tad sticky. I can only presume that it was due to that.

    Which, bummed me out because I made two of them, and both of them did it.

    I’m going to try one more time, but I’m going to let it have more time in the oven.

    1. Try sprinkling some powder sugar on the cake before you roll it. Sprinkle as soon as it comes out then roll immediately. I do this regularly with my rolls. Good Luck!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (58)
    The flavor of the roll was amazing, but mine stuck so bad to the parchment paper. I know you said greasing wasn’t necessary so I didn’t do it. They made great “cake pops” though so ir wasn’t a total loss. Gonna try again with greased parchment paper

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (59)
    My boyfriend and I love this cake. It’s super easy to make, almost as easy as brownies. I do a half cream cheese and half whipped cream filling because I love lighter fillings and it’s sooooo tasty. I make homemade whipped cream and use the cream cheese recipe here. Delicious

    1. Classic Pumpkin Roll (60)
      I tried your suggestion of the half cream cheese and half cool whip and it tasted so much better and fluffier.
      Thank you Anna

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (61)
    This is such a great recipe and really easy to make. I was doing it with rolling it in a cloth. Never again! I am looking forward to making more of your recipes in the future.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (62)
    This is the best and easiest recipe. The roll is delicious.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (63)
    This was by far the easiest and best tasting pumpkin roll recipe I’ve tried. The cake was moist and easy to roll. The filling was the perfect consistency and not too sweet. I will definitely be adding this to my list of favorite recipes. I’d recommend checking this one out for anyone who wants to make an amazing and easy pumpkin roll.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (64)
    I thought it was excellent!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (65)
    Thank you for easy tips on the pumpkin roll cake. I always have enjoyed baking for the holidays! My grandchildren and I make and bake every year. It’s so much fun!!! The oldest grandchildren said this is our family Tradition. I hope we can do it for many more years to come.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (66)
    Using Parchment paper instead of a towel is the best idea! I have made Pumpkin Rolls for years and always dreaded the clean up. This year it was quick and easy. Thank you so much !

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (67)
    Family loooves this! I made 10 for Christmas. The first 3 disappeared fast. I sent some home with each of our kids. Still have a few in the freezer. Perfect for pumpkin lovers. Thank you

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (68)
    So easy and delicious

  • Hands down the best pumpkin roll recipe that I’ve found! Just finished making 24 of these today and all came out beautiful and free of cracks! My go to recipe for pumpkin rolls!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (69)
    Yummy and easy

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (70)
    Loved this recipe, so easy.Rolling it right out of the oven is a great idea!Thanks

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (71)
    The recipe was great but my pumpkin roll cracked when I was rolling it up after it cooled with the filling. Any advice as to why?

    1. You should roll the cake part while warm never cool

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (73)
    Excellent recipe. Thank you for the tip! I rolled the hot cake & it did not crack! Fantastic tip😁

  • This pumpkin roll is so delicious!! I used to short of a pan in length and width but it still came out amazing!!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (74)
    I made this for Thanksgiving and my family loved it! Making it again for my company party!

  • I get told constantly that it’s the best pumpkin roll! I’m up to 10 roll request this year!!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (75)
    Super easy and so deliciously full of pumpkin flavor. Even a novice could look like a baking rock star with this recipe!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (76)
    First time making pumpkin roll or any roll and it came out delicious! Everyone fought over it for thanksgiving. Making again for friends tomorrow. So yummy!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (77)
    I’ve made this recipe eight times. It’s my favorite of all. I’m so delighted with all the recipes I’ve tried from your site. I’m working on pumpkin chocolate chip cookies now. Thank you so much for sharing all the delicious recipes.

  • Made this for thanksgiving! Hands down, the BEST pumpkin roll recipe! Just sweet enough!

  • I made the Pumpkin Roll. This was the first time I tried one! It turned out fantastic and it was gone in no time. Everyone said that’s going to be what I bring from now on!!!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (78)
    Taste as expected, always a hit.t
    Tried the parchment paper, thinking what a brilliant idea! Total failure. Cracked in 4 places and looked horrible. Just sliced and sprinkled with powered sugar and o one was any wiser o the flop. Followed directions 100% so not sure why split. Will grease paper next time and see if that works better.

  • Thank you! the next pumpkin roll i make I am going to roll up in the parchment paper. My past issue lately has been that the roll cracks when I unroll it. I hope it doesn’t do it this way.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (79)
    Great recipe, so good It was the first pumpkin dessert gone after Thanksgiving dinner! And great tips, no cracks!

  • This temperature was wrong at least for my oven, I had to bump yo 375° after the 15 minutes and continue to cook another 10 minutes at least!

  • I’ve used this recipe twice and have been very pleased with how it turned out! I can cook but I am not a baker. My coworkers and family both loved this and it turned out pretty. Love using the parchment paper method. Thank you!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (80)
    This is fairly easy and tastes wonderful! I was told I should make this more often by my great-grand kids! They loved helping, too!

  • Every year I make 3-6 pumpkin rolls. I use the the parchment paper and every time my cake sticks to the parchment paper when I unroll it after it has cooled completely(before the filling it put on). What am I doing wrong?!

    1. I use wax paper and also roll mine with a towel after the paper is removed

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (81)
    I normally love your recipes, but not this one. Wanted to try a different way, less messy to make pumpkin roll. With a high rating I was hoping this is the one!
    Sadly, this is disappointing.
    After I rerolled, the cake was wet and greasy. It also tasted too much baking soda (why no baking powder at all?) and was very dense( and I didn’t overmix it). Had to throw away and made another one. Used my go-to recipe with a powdered sugar towel rolling and it turned out fine.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (82)
    Easy. Great taste.

  • Do yourself a favor & spray or oil the parchment paper! Mine were a disaster to unroll. Tastes really good though.

  • Using the parchment paper was a disaster BIG time. The whole stuck like glue! I was planning to take it to a church get together. But it was such a disaster I have none to take! Thanks a heap!!!!

  • I followed this recipe to a T! And the cake part still split and cracked. Please help me. What am I doing wrong? It was definitely a lot easier than using a towel

  • The parchment paper was a disaster for me. It was a sticky mess. It was not under cooked. Honestly I think it trapped too much heat creating moisture as it cooled. I will continue to use my old method with the towel and powdered sugar. It was messy, but it always came out fine.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (83)
    Years ago I used a recipe using a towel and froze it and then unrolled it and spread on the filling. It worked. This recipe called for parchment paper so I thought I would try it. My roll turned out to be a disaster! I did everything the recipe said, but when I went to take the parchment paper off it all fell apart. So had 6 or 7 strips and lathered on the filling and put them in the freezer. What a waste of time and money. I probably wont make it again.

  • Great recipe. Family loved it! Thanks!!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (84)
    Really really disappointed in this recipe. I usually like your stuff, so I went forward and made four separate. Every single one of them stuck to the parchment paper and has giant cracks. The cake is greasy and not fluffy at all. I followed your recipe to a T.

    Not a single one of these is servable or gift of all other than to myself. Super disappointing

    1. I had the exact same experience. The cake was greasy and dense. Flavor was good but not cake like the way it should be. I plan to use the powdered towel in the future. Glad I was not alone in this recipe not turning out.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (85)
    This roll is amazing!! I love the trick of rolling it in parchment. I had ZERO cracks it was so beautiful. I got so many compliments on the no cracks, the perfect swirl and taste. This will be my go-to from now on.

    For those who had cracks make sure you don’t over-bake it. Mine had a few moist crumbs when I took it out and it came off the parchment easily with no cracks.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (86)
    I made this. It is delicious and very easy to make. Rolled up easy too. This was the first time I ever made a pumpkin roll. Thank you

  • I made the cake exactly as the directions said. Rolled it IN the parchment paper. It sai ON A WIRE COOLING RACK about 2 hours. Was completely cool … u raveling I found it sweat inside and was actually a mess. I think I will go with a lined towel next time dusted with lots of powdered sugar. The flavor was really good …just glad I wasn’t taking it anywhere.

    1. That was exactly my situation as well as several others. I hope it is salvageable. Rewrapped and I’ll deal with it later. No time to fix another. I sadly did not read the comments first as it had such a high rating. Lesson learned, continue to read the reviews.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (87)
    Made this and my family.loved it. I am making another one today.

  • I made the pumpkin roll but cake dint rise and was tough other wise ok can you double recipe to make it taller

  • I just made two pumpkin rolls let them cool completely made filling and when I unrolled the cake I had cracks. Never had them when I did the messy version. I kept the worst one for my family to eat and froze one for Thanksgiving. Needless to say I’ll go back to the old way.
    I’m sure they’ll taste wonderful and my family will enjoy them.

  • I’ve made a pumpkin roll in the past, but it’s been a few years. Found this recipe and tried it. Something is missing. The cake part of the roll stuck to the paper so badly, it was broken in several places with cream cheese filling showing through. As I was trying my best to get it unstuck, I remembered there was a trick to prevent this from happening but I can’t remember what exactly. I will keep looking for another recipe.

    1. Cake stuck to parchment paper and also cracked trying different recipe.

    2. Classic Pumpkin Roll (88)
      The recipe itself is tasty but don’t roll it with the parchment. I let it cool on a rack and it still was sweaty inside. Lots of cracks and it was a pain to keep together. I’ve used the towel method before and never had that problem, so I’ll probably do that next time but use the same recipe.

  • I gotta tell you what I did. Trust me you’re gonna laugh as I sure did. I had a lot of rolls to do so I did double batches & would just split before baking. Was in hurry to get started which led me to doing a double batch on a single batch pan. Luckily enough it didn’t go over the edge. What I ended up with was an extremely large pumpkin roll. As for taste it was extremely good but made regular batches after.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (89)
    I made this pumpkin roll and it was so amazingly easy and delicious.One of the easiest dessert I have ever made.My favorite I give it a 10

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (90)
    This recipe is awesome! I had these every year during the holidays back home in Louisiana and this recipe makes me feel like I’m home again.

  • I am hoping to make this for Thanksgiving, has anyone added mini-chocolate chips to the cake batter?

  • This came out perfect . I was so happy.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (91)
    Wow! This is delicious and came out perfectly!!

    1. The parchment method was so easy! I did feel like the cake was a bit thin so the layers in the slices didn’t seem that thick. Any tips for making sure the batter is spread evenly?

  • I just made this recipe and it is Amazing. I have never made a jelly roll or pumpkin roll because it was very intimidating to me. I followed the recipe and turned out wonderful. No cracks at all and first time doing a pumpkin roll. In fact I made 2 pumpkin rolls today – one for my husband and I to eat this week and one for the freezer to share at Thanksgiving with family. Thank you so much for recipe and video- both were helpful to me.

  • Can this recipe be made into cupcakes? And is the filling sturdy enough to pipe for icing a cupcake?

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (92)
    So. At this point I have followed the recipe to the letter. Currently waiting for all components to acclimate to the same temp. Icing left out and covered while cake cooled in the fridge, for easy application. Rolling & unrolling, and then finally RE-rolling. Pretty sure I went a bit heavy on the icing, just not spreading it thin enough towrds the edges. Super easy to follow. I’ll update after we taste test.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (93)
    I’ve been making pumpkin roll for over 20 years and was skeptical about not using a powdered sugar dish towel to roll the pumpkin roll in to cool but I decided to give it a try.
    Let me tell you, I will NEVER go back to the dish towel method again! Not only did this recipe & technique yield a delicious, perfect (no cracks) pumpkin roll, there was no mess to clean up and it was wonderful.
    My intention was to try ONE and ended up making EIGHT pumpkin rolls in one day, I even shared this recipe & technique with my mom who is now excited to ditch the towels as well.
    GREAT recipe and thank you so much for sharing!

  • I had never made or tasted a pumpkin roll until today. This recipe was very easy to make and the directions were easy to follow. It was delicious. My husband even asked for seconds.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (94)
    I made this. I’ve never made any kind of roll cake ever. I didn’t have the right size pan so I used a bigger one. It came out perfectly. No cracks or anything. My family of 7 demolished it in minutes!!!

    1. Classic Pumpkin Roll (95)
      OMG!!! This was absolutely amazing!! I have always wanted to make a pumpkin roll (especially now since they are extremely costly) but have always been intimidated with the process and mess! This was my 1st time making one and it could not have been easier!!! Everyone will be getting a pumpkin roll! Thank you!!

  • I have made many using this recipe, they come out perfect and have never had any cracks. My wife loves them and i like to bake and cook.

  • I just made it the batter was a bit slippery and then the roll was sweaty so it broke in to pieces after I filled it with cream cheese I still refrigerated it not sure what went wrong

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (96)
    Great recipe. The only problem I’m having is the parchment paper is leaving creases in my cake sometimes Deep enough to crack it. I’ve thought about ironing it and using cooking spray to anchor it. Any ideas?

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (97)
    I love baking and am not sure why I have never tried baking a pumpkin roll before today given that it is one of my family’s fall faves. I doubled the recipe and made two. Absolutely delicious and the parchment paper roll up step made this super easy! This will be my go to recipe whenever we get the urge for a pumpkin roll.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (98)
    I made 2 and the both cracked and broke.. I was very disappointed.

    1. What I do is slice them and sprinkle lightly with powdered sugar and they never notice the cracks. I’ve been making them for yrs and I’ve found it’s almost impossible to make then with no cracks. I’ve tried everything. Let the eggs set out, put the nuts on the inside & the outside, made no difference. I’ve done everything everyone has suggested. Stop beating yourself up. Just slice them. They’ll never know. 😂😂

    2. Practice makes perfect, Amanda! 🥴 I haven’t ever met someone that can make the prettiest, most perfect, pumpkin roll, their very first time making one. Maybe with the air cooling off, and the humidity not being an issue anymore, you’ll have better luck? Also, are you in part of the states where elevation is high? That may also be something to keep in mind? Ultimately, I think you should take another stab at it! 😊

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (99)
    I made the pumpkin roll was very delious ! Thank you for recipe

  • It sounds like it’s ok if the roll is refrigerated before unrolling to frost…it doesn’t crack or break?

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (100)
    I am 42 years old and have been scared to try pumpkin roll recipes! I just made two using your recipe and the parchment paper trick and they turned out perfectly! Thank you!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (101)

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (102)
    Easy peasy and really good! I’ve got a picture but am not sure how to post it!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (103)
    Great recipe and the parchment paper made clean up that much easier. My only negative would be you just said that you could freeze them but you did not provide the fact that you need to roll them in plastic wrap and then foil. I’m making 8 and freezing for a couple of weeks.

    1. In the past I’ve frozen the pumpkin roll on a cookie sheet and when it’s hard, used my food saver to freeze. Works great!

    2. That’s kind of a no brainer, though, Lin, yea? The amount of pettiness that ppl enjoy is absolutely horrifying.

      1. Maybe for you. For young first time bakers, this may not be a “no brainer”. The best recipes make no assumptions about what the individual may or may not know. I am not a first time baker.

  • I made this pumpkin roll and sprinkled chopped pecans on it prior to baking. It was delicous!!!

    1. Classic Pumpkin Roll (104)
      I love the idea of using the parchment paper instead of the mess from the tea towel. The only thing is, I add chopped nuts to the top of the batter. When I rolled it with the towel, the nuts are on the outside. I’m not sure how to accomplish this using the parchment paper. Suggestions? Thanks!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (105)
    We made this in a 9×13 pan, so it was more of a pumpkin LOG filled with cream cheese than a roll, but it surprisingly still rolled up and kept it’s shape! And it tasted AMAZING!! We also used 1:1 gluten free flour and the texture is perfect 🙂 great recipe will definitely be using it again when we get the correct size pan haha

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (106)
    So delicious and easy to make!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (107)
    Turned out amazing!! Easy to make too!

  • Rolled it while hot made the whole log really sticky and wet. As a result it broke into pieces. Not sure how to avoid the sweating and heat from making it turn soggy. On the plus side it looks much better than it turned out 😛

  • Thank you so much for your genius parchment paper rolling tip!!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (108)
    I plan to make this for a family picnic this Saturday, only I will use gluten free flour, like Bob’s red mill cup for cup. I love the parchment paper idea!!

    1. How did the gluten-free pumpkin roll turn out?

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (109)
    Very easy to make, make sure the cake is completely cooled before adding the filling. I love that this can be made ahead and frozen if needed.

  • I really liked this cake and will make it often

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (110)
    I have a dairy allergy so I altered the recipe a little to make it dairy free. I also accidentally added the vegan butter into the cake batter, and it was so moist and spongy 🙃
    I did my filling with coconut creme, maple syrup, vegan butter, vegan cream cheese and the other ingredients mentioned.
    It was a hit at the family holiday party and at home. Even my fiance who doesn’t care for pumpkin said it was absolutely delicious and ate more than 1 piece eagerly!

  • I made a pumpkin roll once and it stuck to the parchment paper when I tried to remove the cake. No, I didn’t spray the parchment paper before I placed the cake batter on it. Why did it stick to the parchment paper? Now I’m afraid to try using parchment paper again.

  • What an easy recipe to put together. I followed to the tea. Of course held my breath with the unrolling to fill. Worked out great. I used a light dusting of baking spray. What fun.

  • Recipe was easy peasy. The only thing I did different to elevate the flavor was add a tsp of pumpkin spice to the cream cheese frosting. Excellent!!!!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (111)
    i loved your recipe for pumpkin roll, it was easy & delicious, thank you!

  • I made two of these and they are awesome! The first one cracked but think I let it cool too long. Unrolled the second one while it was still lukewarm to spread the icing and it did just fine! They certainly taste better after refrigerating overnight. Thanks for sharing the recipe and tips because I never would have tried this.

  • I follow the instructions exactly. I let the cake cool for 2 1/2 hours. Is this not long enough? When I unrolled it the cake split into places quite a bit. I was very careful when I’m rolling it. What should I do differently?

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (112)
    My mother always made a pumpkin roll for thanksgiving from a recipe she created and I’d occasionally make it instead if she didn’t have the time. She just moved and the recipe got lost in the chaos. This recipe looked promising instead. Was really disappointed that it was rather bland. We couldn’t taste the pumpkin at all and it mostly tasted like an underwhelming spice cake.

  • I have been making pumpkin rolls for 15 year by turning them out on towel and praying they don’t crack. In fact, I didn’t even like making them anymore, but they are always requested. This parchment paper trick has save HOURS of repair, waiting, and cleaning. There was ZERO mess to clean up! Sure seems like a no brainer! LOL. Thanks!

  • I LOVE your pumpkin roll recipe! It is AMAZING!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (113)
    I LOVE pumpkin roll, but was too intimidated to make one. Turned out perfectly! Thank you so much for this foolproof (and delicious 😋) technique!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (114)
    I make many pumpkin rolls at Thanksgiving and Christmas they are a huge hit and people ask for them every year. This recipe is very very good. Thanks for posting it.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (115)
    Ahhhh! I unrolled it after the cooling and it all cracked and stuck to the parchment paper! What did I do wrong?!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (116)
    I only use half the amount of sugars and they come out delicious, you can taste the pumpkin better and its not overly sweet.

  • Hi, the recipe looks great and I would like to try it but in my country we don’t use canned pumpkin puree. I have a homemade puree, but I have no idea how much should I use, can you help, please?
    Maybe if you could tell me how much puree is in the standard can you are mentioning? Thank you so much!

    1. A can is about 2 cups!

    2. It literally says 3/4 cup. That’s the measurement, regardless if it’s canned or homemade.

      1. Recipe calls for 2/3 cup of pumpkin purée.
        A standard small can of pumpkin is 15 oz.
        1 can will make 3 pumpkin rolls.

      2. It is actually 2/3 cup pumpkin.

    3. The recipe says 2/3 CUP of either canned pumpkin or homemade puree pumpkin.

    4. The recipe calls for 2/3 cup. It does not use a whole can.

  • I am a decent baker and this was my first time doing a roll of any kind. I was giddy at the finished product. Perfection. So easy and so delicious. I made mine a day ahead, assembled and kept in plastic wrap until ready to serve. Thanks so much

    1. Classic Pumpkin Roll (117)
      I couldn’t wait to taste this once it was done!!! Absolutely delicious AND!!!! No Cracks in the cake!👍
      I looked over about 5 other recipes, like I always do before I pick one👍& yours looked easy & yummy & was the only one that didn’t just say “a can of pumpkin”???? I have 2 cans, 2 different amounts!??
      Thank you for your perfect recipe!

  • I’ve always done it the old way, messy messy. Have pumpkin leftover can’t wait to make your way!!

  • any tips on how to get this not to crack? tastes great! mine just didn’t come out as pretty as i wanted

    1. My best tip is to make sure to roll it up in the parchment paper right when it comes out of the oven and is still very hot!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (118)
    Thank you for testy and healthy recipe
    Kind regards

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (119)
    DON’T use parchment paper! I have always used the wax paper method, greasing and flouring the wax paper. Always came out beautifully with no cracks. I tried the parchment paper today. The roll stuck to the paper towel. I tried ever so gently to pull it off the towel without it sticking, to no avail. I have cracks in my pumpkin roll. I patched it the best I could with the cream cheese. I am so disappointed. Never again. Next time: Back to the tried and true wax paper.

    1. I’m so sorry you had trouble, but no where in the recipe does it say to use paper towel…Sorry if you got confused….Wax paper is a good replacement for parchment paper if you don’t have any, but wax paper is also cheaper, flimsier and absorbs easier than parchment, making parchment the superior choice.

  • Can you add nuts to this recipe?

    1. Sure! I’d sprinkle chopped nuts over the cinnamon filling before rolling up.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (120)
    This came out perfect! The tips were very helpful. I personally roll mine in a clean kitchen towel leaving the parchment paper on to train it. Came out perfect didn’t crack once. Thank you!!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (121)
    The best recipe! One and only recipe for me. I make many during Christmas as gifts and many compliments follow.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (122)
    We made this Pumpkin Roll with fresh pumpkin and it was the best !

  • Delicious recipe. I’ve made this several times. The outside of the pumpkin roll always is wet and sticky. Any ideas?

  • I have always wanted to make a cake roll but been afraid to try. This Thanksgiving I decided to give it a try. I loved it. It was so easy. It will be on my menu from now on. Thanks for the recipe so easy.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (123)
    This is the easiest pumpkin roll ever! I have used your advice before about the parchment paper and why anyone would do it different would be insane! ❤️❤️❤️

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (124)
    I liked this recipe
    . Was curious about the parchment paper rolling it up. It did work. But I prefer the old way I use a clean pillow case powder and roll it up. I found my cake damper than I like. I think the cloth absorbs a lot of the moisture

  • Spray the paper with non stick spray.

  • Just made one with my 2 year old, looks good so far. Is the cake part supposed to have a flowery taste? Mine does and I put the right amount of everything in it.. Please let me know if that is normal, it is currently cooling…Fingers Crossed!!!

    1. This has happened to me before, and I learned that it was because my flour was old. It has a very distinct taste! Maybe that’s the trouble?

  • Does anyone know how to make your pumpkin roll not stick to the parchment paper after it is cooked?

    1. Sprinkle powdered sugar on the paper you’ll use to roll.

    2. Roll right away while it’s still hot. Use gloves!
      I sprayed parchment paper with a bit of Pam beforehand . When it was COMPLETELY cooled it released nicely . Good luck!

    3. Classic Pumpkin Roll (125)
      To avoid sticking, I sprayed a little Pam on the parchment paper and used a napkin to spread it out. No issues with sticking.

      I made 2 yesterday, and while they were delicious, they both didn’t roll so well … kind of turned into pumpkin foldovers instead of pumpkin rolls. Any advice on how to roll with no cracking? I did have to cook for 20 minutes instead of 15 as it was not done enough.

      I also added a little nutmeg and allspice.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (126)
    This the fourth time that I have made these pumpkin rolls! They are amazing every time!

  • I made this today and the result was an impressive looking dessert. BUT: Really not much flavor and requires more of the traditional spices. Also thinking that letting it warm a bit may bring out more flavor.
    Disappointed considering my investment of time.

    1. my recipe is roll:
      3 eggs, 2 cups pumpkin, 1/2 tsp salt, 1 tsp baking powder, 2 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp ginger, 1 cup sugar, 1/2 tsp nut meg, 3/4 cups flour.

      filling: 4 tsp soft butter, 1/2 tsp vanilla, 8 oz cream cheese, 1 cup powdered sugar.


      1. Sounds perfect! Thx!

      2. I’m referring to the recipe from Marsha Fields.

      3. I worried about only adding cinnamon so I used Marsha’s recommendation and added nutmeg. I also added more pumpkin — the recipe called for 2/3 cup and Marsha said she uses 2 cups. 2 cups seemed like a lot so I went with 1 cup. I think maybe baking POWDER, as referenced in Marsha’s recipe would be better than baking SODA as called for in this one. With the added pumpkin I ended up with a very wet cake. I was able to roll it but it is wayyyyyyy too moist. I am just glad it’s only my husband and I this year because I would not want to serve this to guests. I will try this recipe again at some point, but will follow it as written.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (127)
    I had low hopes for myself, because any type of roll seems challenging, but this was simple and it turned out great! It was not hard to roll or unroll, and there were no cracks! The cake part tastes perfect and, truly, you can’t go wrong with cream cheese frosting.

  • Just a question – could I use canned pumpkin pie filling and omit the spices? I’m using a cup of pumpkin pie filling for another recipe and rather than toss the rest I would like to use it for this.

    1. Yes, that’s fine! Enjoy.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (128)
    I have always used a recipe very very similar to this one, however, it wasn’t until I read your tutorial that the roll turned out perfectly with less stress and mess! I followed your recipe except I added two teaspoons of cinnamon and one quarter of a teaspoon of nutmeg, that’s one thing my family likes about our recipe. For anyone reading this review, the true greatness of this recipe lies in the step by step instructions! Thanks so much.

  • I am a towel user but wanted to try this. The middle of the roll was super moist and I ended up with cracks in three our of four rolls. Is there a way to avoid that?

  • Can I use stevia instead of sugar I’m a dietbetic & a portion of 2 cups of sugar would put me in hospital.

    1. You could certainly give it a try :). I can’t say exactly how it will turn out.

  • I love this recipe . make it all the time. I use wax paper instead of parchment paper works great thanks again.

  • I make this all the time it’s a big hit and yes freezes very good.

  • Best pumpkin roll recipe out there !

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (129)
    In theory sounded great. I always work with parchment paper for everything else. But this did not work. I have made pumpkin roll hundreds of times with the towel method although messy with no issues. This way totally made a mess, stuck and cracked and pulled apart. Maybe flouring first would have done better.

    1. Classic Pumpkin Roll (130)
      Hmm, I’ve had zero problems with this method! As a matter of fact, I’ve abandoned the dish towel method and will only use these instructions from now on. I even bookmarked this page!

      Regarding flavor, last year I used Trader Joe’s canned (organic?) pumpkin and did not care for the taste. This year I used good old Libby’s pumpkin and I much prefer it! If your flavor is off, try a different brand of pumpkin!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (131)
    I loved how easy these directions were and the 6 I made came out beautiful. However, the reviews I got from my friends who I gave them to were that it was not “pumpkiny” flavored enough. I would suggest to add nutmeg, clove and ginger or just pumpkin pie seasoning.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (132)
    I made this for 2 thanksgiving dinners and it was a huge hit at both! Super easy to make and prepare in advance – so no pre-dinner rush. Tastes similar to a carrot cake. No overwhelming pumpkin taste! Really impressed and I’ll definitely be making it again! Thanks!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (133)
    My first try at a pumpkin roll and this was super easy!! Thank you!!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (134)
    To make the filling extra decadent .I used about a cup of white chocolate melted add to the cream cheese filling comes out awesome.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (135)
    Hi Lauren! I made this last week and it was super delicious! I used Gluten free flour, didn’t turn out fluffy (laughs) but still very tasty. Love the cream cheese too…Mmm yum! Thanks for the recipe. This will be my Fave Pumpkin dessert for parties! 😀

  • Just made this pumpkin roll cake! So good and came out perfect!!! I doubled the recipe and made two pans. So easy to roll and make for my first time. Always wanted to make one of these so when I read to just roll it with the parchment I couldn’t wait to try it!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (136)
    Sooo easy and delicious! I used to buy these every year but not anymore! I make it myself and its better. This technique was so easy that it gave me the confidence to try other jelly roll recipes. Fun!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (137)
    Good recipe. I add cool whip with my cream cheese.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (138)
    Finally an easy delicious recipe for pumpkin roll. No more messy towels! Parchment paper worked great with your cooling process! This will be my go to recipe and my husband is happy!! Thanks

  • This was my very first pumpkin roll and I’m soooo pleased!! It was as easy as it was made out to be rolling it in the parchment paper!! Thanks!!

  • the cake is too hot on your hands to roll in the parchment paper. I left the parchment paper on and rolled it all in a dish towel.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (139)
    I have used this recipe for over 40 years! I add a teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice to the batter. Also add chopped walnuts or pecans to either the batter or sprinkle on the filling before rolling. This is the first year I saw the brilliant idea of parchment paper to bake and roll up!!! I can’t tell you the number of tea towels I threw away making it the difficult way.

  • I made this using a larger jelly roll pan. I didn’t notice that my pan was bigger until to late. This still turned out pretty good. A couple small cracks because the the batter was spread a bit thin. It tastes great still looks great and much easier than the old fashioned powdered dish towel way. I’ll make it again using a smaller pan or increasing the batter for the pan I have.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (140)
    You will never find a better, tastier recipe!

  • Is this recipe easily doubled? Thanks

    1. Yes, you can double it!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (141)
    First time roll maker here! This was super easy and everyone loved it. I will be making this every year for Thanksgiving.

  • This was a very easy to follow recipe. Thank you for sharing💜 it tastes amazing.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (142)
    Foolproof recipe!! Great tip on how to roll it. Second year making it for thanksgiving and I think it’ll come back for years to come. Everyone from adults to the kids loved it.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (143)
    People could not get enough of this on Thanksgiving. ❤️❤️💯❤️

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (144)
    Made this for thanksgiving, it came out almost exactly like the picture, thank you!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (145)
    This turns out great every single time! So easy, moist, and flavorful!!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (146)
    Forgot to rate it. Definitely 5 stars

  • Was absolutely delicious and so easy to make !!

  • Can you use pumpkin pie filling instead?

    1. Yes, you’ll just want to add less of the ground spices.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (147)
    This is my husband’s favorite Fall treat. Thanks for helping me to bake like a kitchen goddess. This recipe is simple and delicious.

  • Making this with my daughter while she is home from school for Thanksgiving break. It’s our first ever “roll” cake after being inspired while we watched the Great British Bake Off! This recipe was so easy and we are having fun making it together. Might become a Thanksgiving tradition.

  • I just read your idea on rolling the cake in the parchment paper. Such Great idea. 🤷‍♀️👌💗

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (148)
    This was so simple and so very delicious!! The whole family loved it. Thanks!!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (149)
    I made this last year for Christmas. It was awesome. This is my adult son’s favorite dessert. So easy using a the parchment paper. Planning on making it for Thanksgiving this year and for Christmas gifts for mail carrier and doctor office. Thank you for the detailed instructions that made such a great difference in making it successful.

  • I love it already and haven’t even made it yet! So many receipes like this have nutmeg in them, and when considering nut allergies being a spice it is forgotten that it is also a nut and cause a reaction.

    1. Thanks Sally. Nutmeg is actually a seeds for a tree (not a nut). My son is allergic to all peanuts and tree nuts and he can safely eat nutmeg.

  • I use fresh pumpkin all the time and it works great.

  • I just made this and I used honey instead in the cream cheese and it was delicious, I used coconut sugar in the dough, but I used einkorn flour and when I rolled it up with the cream cheese in it, it split in several places. I also rolled it in the long instead of short way as it makes more than a short roll would be. Would that make a difference with it splitting?

    Thanks, I do love the recipe!

  • Could this be used with pureed pumpkin- not from a can but from an actual pumpkin?

    1. I haven’t tried it but as long as it’s pureed really well It should work!

  • Could you please recommend a good jelly roll pan? Trying to process all the reviews is proving to be more challenging than expected.

      1. Thank you!

    1. I found this recipe before Thanksgiving and decided to make it. I didn’t even know what a jelly roll pan was, I had to google it. It was Sunday afternoon, instead of driving 15 miles to Walmart I went to the local Dollar General, low and behold they had a 2 pack in different sizes. They work great!

      I never thought I could roll a cake, so easy.

      Thank you for the recipe. It was a hit at Christmas, I made one tonight because I had an 8 oz pack of cream cheese that was about to expire. Thats how easy this recipe is for me. Even after working all day.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (150)
    I am normally not a fan of baking from scratch, but decided to try this for dessert for my bridge club tonight. It turned out great!!! Thanks for the step by step directions.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (151)
    Was planning on making some for the kids teachers for Thanksgiving! I made a run through tonight!!! AMAZING!!!!! Super moist, cream cheese was great!!
    Hubby loves it!! He’s not a sweets person!! So I will be making 5 more this week!! Plus one for thanksgiving!!
    Thank you!!!

  • Will it change the texture or moisture of the cake if the pumpkin puree is refrigerated? I made another pumpkin dish over the weekend, and want to use the rest of the puree for my pumpkin roll, but the first time I made this recipe, the puree was straight out of the can, and it was perfect! I dont want to think refrigerated puree will change it at all. Thanks!

    1. No, that will be fine! Enjoy!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (152)
    This pumpkin roll is PHENOMENAL!! It was the first one I’ve ever made and it was perfect. I’ve eaten pumpkin rolls and they are normally pretty good but usually on the dry side. But let me tell you, this was so moist and SO GOOD!! I added some pumpkin pie spice to make it a little more fall inspired, but didn’t change anything else. People went nuts over this pumpkin roll and I almost ate the whole damn thing myself. It was rolled perfectly and has the perfect ratio of cake to filling. Ugh, so goooooood

    1. Rolling it up in the parchment paper???? Yes yes yes!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!! I hate that stupid dish towel sprinkled with powdered sugar!

  • Can I put lemon zest in the cream cheese mixture to brighten it up? Great tip regarding rolling. Thanks!

    1. Sure, you could.

  • Thank you

  • Hi! I am planning to make this for a dinner that will be out of town. What’s the best way to go about traveling with this? Will the prepared cake hold well for a 2.5 hr drive?

    1. Hi Ali, it should be fine on a big serving platter, or you could cut it and place the slices in a cake box or on a plate. If possible it would be great to bring it in a cooler to keep it chilled.

  • Can pecans be add the pumpkin cake before if goes into the oven

    1. Yes, sure. Enjoy!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (153)
    I made this for the first time, I am not a baker. It turned out beautiful and it was so easy. GREAT JOB

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (154)
    Thanks for the parchment paper tip! It went together so quick and easy. AND no yucky tea towel to clean afterwards,

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (155)
    I made pumpkin rolls with my grandmother, with my mother and by myself. Also made Bouche de Noel Always used the towel because that was the way one did them. I am so very happy that you let us know the advantages of using parchment paper!!!!!! I made 3 last night between 3 and 5 am and all turned out beautifully by using parchment a[er! Thank you again!! Lord bless you!

  • I have never done a roll. Once you let it cool and then refrigerate it rolled in the parchment paper, does it unroll easily to frost?

    1. Yes, if you use parchment paper it should unroll really easily!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (156)
    Made my 1st Pumpkin Roll using this recipe….NAILED IT!! may add some different spices to the roll part of the recipe but all in all EXCELLENT and EASY!!

    1. Way to go! It really is easy!

  • Very easy to make & it was excellent will definitely be making it again.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (157)
    I would love to make this but I’m lacking wax or parchment paper. Can this be rolled with foil by chance? Has anyone tried that?

    1. Never bake with wax and I would wait to make it until you get the parchment paper. Foil never works well and you would be better off just coating the pan really well with butter and flour.

    2. My cake was hard to roll off the parchment paper why? What should I have done? Thank you

      1. Did you allow it to cool completely? You could even put it in the fridge. It shouldn’t be hard to come off at all if it has properly cooled and you’re using good quality parchment 🙂

    3. You can roll it in a kitchen towel. I have done that for years. Also, you can make cake rolls of any type, ie: chocolate, yellow, spice, any kind of cake you choose!

  • Wow!! The way you roll the pumpkin roll made this 100% easier than the towel way! I swore off rolls because mine would crack but not this way. Thank you!

  • Hi! I’d love to make this, but I’m more of a fan of pumpkin + chocolate. Could you add chocolate chips to the cake batter?

    1. I bet that would be fine! I would maybe try the mini chocolate chips.

  • I’ve been making this for years. I’ve made as many as 12 for for people for Christmas. It’s always a big hit. I even do one for my hairdresser every Christmas.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (158)
    This was amazing! I make it at least twice a year for my cousin.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (159)
    Such a perfect roll, love it!

  • I made this roll. It was very easy BUT again I had a major crack in 2 of them. That aggravates me. Why is this happening? What is the answer?

    1. Usually the cracking can be prevented if the cake is rolled up as soon as it comes out of the oven (make sure not to let it rest and cool first).

  • If you wanted to make this with actual pumpkin instead of canned squash, would it just be a clean substitute?

    1. It should (haven’t tested it), but I’d suggest blending the cooked pumpkin with a little bit of water until you reach the same smooth consistency of the canned pumpkin, before adding it to the batter.

  • Thanks for sharing this new method!! I never liked the idea of putting my cake on a towel lol. Using the parchment paper just makes sense!!! Can’t wait to try this out!

  • Thank you so much for this recipe! I hve always been intimidated by roll cakes until I found your recipe. It was my first successful roll cake and everyone loved it!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (160)
    The first time I attempted to make one of these and it turned out fantastic! Everyone loved it and not a crumb was left. I’ve made it four times now and it’s always delicious and so easy to make.

    1. I’m so glad you like the recipe, thanks for the positive comment!

  • I have made this recipe a number of times and it’s a huge success! I even made it twice this year over Thanksgiving lol. I added a bit of cinnamon to the cream cheese filling…so good. I want to make a non pumpkin versi9n that is as delicious and moist…do you have any recipes or suggestions? I pondered swapping the pumpkin for yogurt but scared to try lol. Love this recipe and the new tip on using parchment! Mind blown ha

    1. Hi Trish,
      I am so happy to hear that you have had success with the recipe. I love it as well :). I had the same feelings about wanting to create a different version so I created a chocolate peppermint cake roll. That is one you may enjoy!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (161)
    Love this recipe. Quick and easy, too.

  • Spray pan with cooking spray a tiny bit. I’ve always made mine with wax paper. And I dust a tea towel and flip it out of the pan onto powdered sugar remove wax paper then roll. Sometimes it blows powdered sugar everywhere but baking is sometimes messy lol. Cool unroll proceed with filling. Hope this helps.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (162)
    Hello Lauren, thank you so much for this recipe and your specific directions. In all my 54 years of baking, I have never attempted a jelly roll! Then I saw your post on Pinterest and thought….”Here goes. If it cracks badly, I won’t serve it to company.” I popped it in the oven and I had dangerous thought that that was quick easy, but we’ll see when it comes to the roll up and re-roll. Lauren, you Sweetheart, I aced it thanks to you. And bonus, no messy towel!
    Thank you!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (163)
    Love pumpkin roll. This is by far the best and easiest recipe I have ever found. Using parchment instead of towels was pure genius. Thanks!!

    1. Classic Pumpkin Roll (164)
      I made this tonight it was easy, but my cake part stuck and split. Should I spray the parchment paper I let it cool for about 3 hours. Thank you

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (165)
    I absolutely love this recipe! I had none left over at thanksgiving! So easy to make!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (166)
    I made this tonight it was easy, but my cake part stuck and split. Should I spray the parchment paper I let it cool for about 3 hours. Thank you

  • I made this just like the recipe said and when I took it out of the oven and let it cool. When I unrolled it the top of the cake was wet and it cracked. I frosted it and rolled it up but it had cracks all over it.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (167)
    I made this pumpkin roll for Thanksgiving and it was a huge hit with the whole family! The cake is moist and the cream cheese filling is not too sweet. Love the tip about rolling the cake in the parchment paper right out of the oven. The cake roll turned out perfectly – no cracking! This recipe is now one of my favorites!!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (168)
    This turned out perfectly for our family Thankgiving!! So easy!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (169)
    Your recipes are amazing! This one being my favorite so far! The first time I made it, there were no flaws! & it was delicious! My 1 & 3 year old ask for it all the time!!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (170)
    Just made this tonight and it is delicious!!! I was hoping to freeze it and have it at Thanksgiving but it will be gone by tomorrow, so making another one right now. Super easy up make. And I used a gluten free flour and it’s still moist and yummy!

    1. Exactly the reason I read comments! I wanted to see if anyone had attempted with gluten free four! Claudia – what brand did you use? I generally use Namaste Gf flour – seems to work best for me.

  • My granddaughter is allergic to cinnamon of all things…. do you know of a substitute?

    1. Hi Thomas! You would be fine to leave it out!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (171)
    Okay so I am baking challenged and my hubby & I made this for my Moms family birthday party at home the weekend before Thanksgiving and it was a CROWD HIT!!!! THANK YOU 1,000,000 TIMES ?

    1. Nothing makes me happier!! Thanks for taking the time to comment–I love to hear it 🙂 Happy Holidays!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (172)
    Thank you! Absolutely the best pumpkin roll ever!! It’s easy to mix up and love your idea to use parchment paper rather than the messy towel used in many other recipes. I have a question…I seem to get wrinkles in my parchment paper & the roll tries to break/crack a little in those places. Any suggestions what I’m doing wrong with my parchment? Thank you.

    1. Thanks Mary Beth! My only suggestion would be to pull on the outer sides of the parchment as you roll it to make sure they are flat. 🙂

  • I’m looking to try a new recipe. I’ve been making them for years. Cracking is my biggest problem. Not all of them crack, but I’d like to find a way for them all to look nice. Would wax paper work the same way? I don’t have parchment and not planning a trip to the market.

    1. I’m not comfortable saying wax paper will work. I don’t know that it would.

    2. Still no answer for the cracking

      1. I’ve made this recipe hundreds of times and have never had a cracked pumpkin roll. Roll it up immediately out of the oven, allow it to cool completely before unrolling and frosting it.

        1. I just used your recipe and made two. I rolled mine up in a tea towel that I sprinkled with powder sugar and they did not crack. I did, however, forget the butter in the cream cheese filling. 🙁 Do you think they will taste delicious? They look beautiful!

          1. I absolutely think they will still taste great! Enjoy!

      2. Classic Pumpkin Roll (173)
        Did you try spraying the parchment paper?

      3. Use a regular cookie sheet not a jelly roll pan as they are too big. That helped with cracking for me

  • Never made pumpkin roll before in my life, was always afraid it wouldn’t come out well. I came across this recipe and thought why not. This recipe is Awesome! And so easy. I will be sharing this one. Thank you for sharing this with us.

    1. That makes me so happy and thanks for coming back to comment!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (174)
    Tis the season for pumpkin everything and for me it’s this season a bit all year round (lol)

    I just love pumpkin, and I have been using it a lot lately. I just came across your recipe through Pinterest and the photo caught my attention and made me think that I have some more pumpkin in the fridge therefore I definitely have to try this pumpkin roll! It simply looks delicious from start till finish.

  • Just curious…which size can of pumpkin? First time making a pumpkin roll and want to get it right ?

    1. I usually use a 15 oz can, but it really doesn’t matter as long as you just measure out 2/3 cup (and you can refrigerate the leftover canned pumpkin to use in another recipe) 🙂 Hope you enjoy it!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (175)
    I made some and they stuck to the paper. Any suggestions. They also cracked. I baked them for 15 minutes.

    1. Spray with cooking spray a tiny bit.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (176)
    I make this pumpkin roll every year at thanksgiving an Christmas , so super easy to make an really delicious , goes really quick, so most of the time , I would make 2 an slice an place onto a platter, with garnish , powdered sugar , or pecans , or which ever u choose for your garnish.

  • I’ve made this and it’s AWESOME! Everyone just raved about how delicious it was, I also added chopped Walnuts to the batter when I had spread it in the pan. Yumm!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (177)
    Delicious and so easy! I was searching for an easy pumpkin dessert recipe and came across this one. Fast and easy is a must (I’m a mom with a one year old). It was perfect for the Halloween party at work. So happy I tried it out. Now, I’m adding it to my favorites!

    1. Thanks so much Jenny! It is the easiest holiday dessert!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (178)
    was really good the flavor wasn’t popping as much as I’d like it to be but definitely good

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (179)
    Any tips for making it smoother before baking it? I couldn’t get it even enough, it’s not terrible, but the perfectionist in me wants it to be better!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (180)
    Made your pumpkin roll and it was very good. I believe it was better the second day after being in the frig. Flavors seemed to be meld perfectly. I did not use the pumpkin pie spice but made the combination of spices you suggested. Will do again. Thank you for a tasty and easy recipe.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (181)
    I am making a cookbook and i was wondering if i could use you recipe in my cookbook?
    Im jenny and im 11 years old i want to open a bakery when i get older, we have a project in bible class called changer the world project so i am going to make a gospel cookbook!

    1. Hi Jenny,
      I’m sorry, my recipes are copyrighted. I think it’s fantastic that you want to open a bakery. You could always adapt my recipe to make it your own!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (182)
    Six stars!

  • Would that be whole pumpkin, not the kind with the spices added ?

    1. Yes, just plain pureed pumpkin, not pumpkin pie filling. 🙂

  • Thanks for sharing! How far ahead of time can I make it?

  • THis looks so good! What a fun and delicious one to make for fall company!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (183)
    Excellent recipe! This is even better than the one I grew up making! I will definitely be putting this in the family recipe box; my 6 year old days it’s his favorite! Looking forward to making and eating this for our Thanksgiving dessert!

    1. Thanks Kate!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (184)
    Made this for the first time ever. Loved it!!!! I have a very picky son whom I made this for and he loves it!!! I will be making this many more times. It is as it says easy to make.

    1. Thanks Sheryl. It’s always fun to have your children like what you make!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (185)
    Tried it last night came out good. I substituted the 4x the baking powder for baking soda, and only left it in over for 10 mts it turn out delicious!!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (186)
    I was always intimidated by this silly pumpkin roll. Especially, the part with a tea towel. Your method is a piece of cake. Made 2 and impressed myself!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (187)
    I made this recipe several times last holiday season. They were a huge hit at every party I brought them to. I can’t wait to make it again this year!

    1. Thanks Liz, I’, happy to hear you enjoyed this recipe as much as I do!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (188)
    This way is simple but I still like the towel way with the powered sugar to give the pumpkin roll up a little extra flavor. I make it every year for the holidays and special occasions.

  • So good! I make it year round

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (189)
    This was my first time making a pumpkin roll. It was super easy but both of my rolls cracked when I unfilled them. I did not grease the parchment paper prior to baking them and I let them cool for more than 5 hours. Not sure what happened.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (190)
    I made two for my son’s 2nd grade class. The kids and teacher lover them! A very easy to follow recipe with an outstanding outcome!

    1. How fun! Thanks so much for sharing!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (191)
    I make 20+ of these every year. I agree parchment paper can stick. I use a silicone mat under each one while baking then put a double thickness of sturdy paper towel on top, then flip it over and roll up in the paper towels. Everything else is the same.

    1. Kari, thanks so much for sharing your tips!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (192)
    This was delicious! It rolled beautifully in the parchment paper. I did add 1/4 tsp ginger, 1/4 tsp nutmeg and 1/8 tsp cloves to cake recipe.

    1. Thanks for sharing! So happy you liked it 🙂

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (193)
    Turned out delicious! This was my first time making a pumpkin roll and it was very easy to make. 100 times better than store bought rolls. Definitely will be making this again.

    1. Hi Abby, thanks so much for taking the time to comment. I am so happy that it turned out well for you! Happy holidays!

  • I just made two pumpkin rolls using your parchment paper trick…..brilliant! So much easier. Thank you

    1. Hi Michelle, I’m so happy to hear that, thank you for sharing!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (194)
    I’ve made this recipe twice now, and like other people both times it has cracked when I unroll because it sticks to the parchment, even though I’ve tried the suggestions. But otherwise it’s super simple and delicious!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (195)
    Finally, i lost my original recipe for PUMPKIN ROLL and YOURS IS EXACTLY LIKE MINE. I had paniced because I didnt want to make all of the other ones i was finding. AND THEN I found yours. I make it the same way too. This one is By far the BEST ONE BY FAR. Ive been making this one for so many years, I will write this down in MANY places. THANK YOU SO MUCH….HAPPY THANKSGIVING LOVE YOUR RECIPES

    1. Delores, you are so sweet and I am so glad you found! I am glad you enjoy the recipe as much as I do! Thanks for following Tastes Better From Scratch and Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (196)
    Complete GAME CHANGER! I did not have high hopes for this recipe (sorry) but I gave it try and was complete amazed at how simple and delicious it is. I have looked yet but do you have a recipe for a yule log?

    1. I am so happy to hear it!! Thanks for sharing! I don’t have a “yule log” specific recipe yet but I will be sharing a new chocolate peppermint cake roll recipe in December!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (197)
    Made this today. The parchment paper trick is great. My kids thought it was delicious as did I. The cake did crack a little, but it didn’t matter after I sliced it up. Also, the parchment paper crinkled up before I put it in the oven (unbeknownst to me). So there were indentations in the cake. Again, it didn’t matter after I sliced it up.

  • I just started making my Pumpkin rolls on Parchment paper this year. I have made 10 to date & always think I wonder if anyone else knows how much better this is than the traditional method lol. Store bought Pumpkin rolls to me anyway, do not have a good flavor. It tickles me to see you add additional spices as do I. You go girl! ?

    1. Thanks for sharing–I completely agree 🙂

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (198)
    I added pumpkin spice too the mixture also…yummy, and when I iced the cooled cake, I added extra filling, balanced it out perfectly.

    1. Thanks for sharing–sounds perfect.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (199)
    I was so happy to try the parchment paper virus the messy tea towel method, I tried using the parchment paper, rolled them up and let them cool completely. Went to unroll them and they stuck to parchment paper and cracked. Needless to say they are in the trash can. What did I do wrong?. Have to use the rea towel method now, since I have the filling made! Feeling disappointed!

    1. Hi Linda, I am so sorry to hear that! My best advice, along with making sure the cake is completely cooled before unrolling it (you could even refrigerate it after it’s cooled off), is to allow them to cool on top of a wire cooling rack so that it prevents sweating inside or on the botton of the cake. Also make sure the cake is really well cooked–it’s such a moist cake that if it’s undercooked at all it may just be too soft and moist to come off of the parchment easily.
      Again, sorry you had trouble and hope you get to try again. I’ve made this so many times with no trouble, and it’s so much easier than the towel method.

    2. Don’t throw it out if it doesn’t turn out right .instead make a trifle out if it using the messed up cake then vanilla pudding add some chopped nuts some whipped cream then repeat untill you’ve used up the cake😁

  • Dear Lauren,

    I wanted to ask how would I go about making a roll cake just like this but vanilla/plain so I can fill it with different jams or other fillings. I have tried making it with other cake roll recepies and failed twice already 🙁 Any advice is really appreciated!

    Thank you so much!!

      1. Thank you, Lauren! I will try this recipe and wish for the best 🙂

        Warm regards,

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (200)
    I don’t have plastic wrap can I wrap in tinfoil when all done?

    1. I would put it on your serving plate, and then tent the tinfoil over the plate to cover it. Hope you love it!

  • I added some cloves and nutmeg for additional flavor. Yummy. And I’d make more icing next time. Just so that it would look like the picture a bit more. The recipe makes for a thin icing center. A nice rich one would be “icing on the cake”so they say.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (201)
    Debby..I have made this pumpkin roll twice..turned out perfect the first time…on the second one I had a problem with it cracking really bad when I unrolled it to put the filling on it..what causes this and thank you…

    1. Hi there, I would be interested to know if you did anything differently between the first and second time? Some things that may cause the cake to crack are if it’s over-baked (dry) or if it cools too long before it gets rolled up, when it comes out of the oven.

  • May be silly question but what is canned pumpkin purée? Is it the can pumpkin we use to make pumpkin pie ?

    1. Yes, the same thing!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (202)
    Delicious and easy to make!

  • Why roll up the cake to cool? Wouldn’t it be easier not to and then just frost and roll?? Thanks!

    1. Great question! Rolling the cake while it’s hot creates “muscle memory” for the cake to be shaped that way. If you try to roll it after it has cooled it will crack and fall apart as you roll it up.

      1. Thanks so much – can’t wait to try this!

  • Could you make a double batch, and use a regular cookie sheet to bake the cake then cut it in half to make 2 rolls?

    1. Hi Alanna, what size cookie sheet are you referring to? This recipe uses a jelly roll pan size (10×15”) which is as big as most cookie sheets…

  • Just curious, in your instruction it says line pan with parchment paper, then grease bottom & sides of pan. Would that mean grease parchment or the pan itself? Love the idea of the ease of using the parchment to roll it in. I get asked to make these every year for Thanksgiving, for a few family members & always dread the task due to the towel & sugar mess. So Thank you so much for this!!

    1. I lightly grease the parchment paper and sides of the pan, with the parchment sitting in the pan. Hope you enjoy this recipe–it really does make it so much simpler and cleaner!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (203)
    Made this roll today and we loved it!! My son ate 2 pieces and said it’s his favorite ever! Only change I made was adding some mascarpone to the cream.

  • You say yo grease the pan, do you grease the pan or parchment paper?

    1. I lay the parchment paper in the pan and lightly grease it

  • Can the pumpkin rolls be frozen?

    1. Yes! I just added freezing instructions in the notes 🙂

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (204)
    I just made two of this recipe. It was the first roll cake I ever made. So easy and delicious! Definitely will make more for gifts.

    1. Thanks for sharing–so happy the recipe worked so well for you!

  • I Can’t wait to make this. Can i use the pumpkin pie spice instead of cinnamon in recipe? Thank you

    1. Sure 🙂

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (205)
    I generally don’t like making pumpkin rolls because of all the mess with the towel and powdered sugar. Your tips for rolling this in the parchment paper have totally change do my mind! This recipe is amazing! It’s so easy and results in very little mess!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (206)
    I made this with gluten free flour and it tasted amazing! Thank you for the great recipe!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (207)
    Your tip about rolling up in the parchment paper is the BEST.
    This is beautiful and looks impressive even though its pretty easy.
    Love it!

    1. I just wanted to know if your roll was the least bit sticky? I just finished two and use parchment paper for the first time and after cooling and unrolling I had them split. I am use to using wax paper so I’m not sure if I did something wrong. Thanks

    2. I just found the pumpkin roll recipe myself. I know Sophia will find this easy.

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (208)
    So so easy to make! Made for a coworker for the first time ever and he loved it! Definately making some more for thanksgiving and christmas!!

    1. Yay! So happy to hear that. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (209)
    Delicious, very easy to make!!!!

    1. Thanks Jeanne–happy to hear it!

  • i make at least 35-40 of these every Christmas. The only thing I suggest to use instead of tea towel is another piece of wax paper. I have also found that parchment paper works better than wax paper. Doesn’t seem to stick to parchment paper as it does to wax paper. These are great gifts!!! I get lots of orders.

    1. I made 4 of these tonight and I am having problem with them sticking to the parchment paper! Can someone please can anyone help me with this problem?

      1. I am so sorry to hear that! My advice would be to first, make sure the cake is really well cooked–it’s such a moist cake that if it’s undercooked at all it may just be too soft and moist to come off of the parchment easily. Also after rolling them I always allow them to cool on top of a wire cooling rack so that it prevents sweating inside the cake. Again, sorry you had trouble, but those are my best tips, along with making sure it’s a good quality parchment paper, and making sure it’s completely cooled before trying to unroll it. You could even stick it in the fridge, before unrolling.

      2. Butter the parchment paper.

  • I was looking for a good pumpkin roll recipe to make for my daughter. This looks perfect. Can’t wait to try it, thanks!

  • Your pumpkin roll looks delicious!!! It’s one of my fall favorites, and I can’t wait to make one soon! 🙂

  • Seriously looks so good! I love Fall specifically for all the yummy Fall treats like this!

  • Classic Pumpkin Roll (2024)


    What is the secret to rolling a pumpkin roll? ›

    Roll the cake while it's hot!

    This is the secret to a perfectly-swirled roll cake. While the cake is still hot, use the parchment to transfer the cake from the baking pan onto a clean kitchen towel. Using the towel as a hot mitt, roll the cake into a tight spiral from the narrow side.

    Why did pumpkin roll crack? ›

    A moist cake has less chance of cracking. Overbaking could also be the culprit. The thin layer of cake batter in the typical 15- by 10- by 1-inch baking pan takes only about 10 to 15 minutes to bake. Check your cake after 8 or 9 minutes and watch closely until it tests done.

    How do you unroll pumpkin roll without cracking? ›

    The biggest trick to preventing your cake roll from cracking is to roll the cake up in the parchment paper as soon as it comes out of the oven.

    What is pumpkin roll filling made of? ›

    Pumpkin Roll Ingredients

    You likely have most of the ingredients you'll need on hand. If not, here's what to add to your grocery list: For the Cake: eggs, sugar, pumpkin puree, cinnamon, all-purpose flour, and baking soda. For the Filling: cream cheese, confectioners' sugar, butter, and vanilla extract.

    Why does my pumpkin roll get sticky? ›

    I have done some research and I was not able to find a clear answer for you. So, don't stress about it. This cake is moist, and it will get sticky. I believe the pumpkin puree is what gives the stickiness to this cake, and the alternative to a moist sticky cake is a dry, flaky cake that will not roll properly.

    Why did my pumpkin roll stick to the towel? ›

    If the pumpkin roll is sticking to the kitchen towel that you've rolled the cake in, then it could be because there wasn't enough powdered sugar on the towel. Moisture is another important factor.

    How long is pumpkin roll good for in the fridge? ›

    Pumpkin rolls keep well in the refrigerator and freezer, so they're the perfect dessert to make ahead of time if you'd like. To store your pumpkin roll, wrap it up tightly in plastic wrap. Then you can either refrigerate it for up to 5 days, or freeze for up to 3 months.

    How to make a cake roll without cracking? ›

    Starting with a short side of the cake, roll up the towel and the warm cake together into a spiral. Yes, the towel will be inside your baked cake roll. This step helps to form the cake roll shape later without any cracking. Roll to the end of the towel.

    Can I freeze my pumpkin roll? ›

    Storage and Freezing Tips

    Pumpkin rolls make a great hostess gift or make-ahead Thanksgiving dessert because they freeze so well. Prepared pumpkin rolls can be stored, covered, in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. To freeze, wrap the pumpkin roll tightly first in a layer of plastic wrap and then in a layer of foil.

    Why does my Swiss roll crack when I unroll it? ›

    Make sure you roll up the cake when it's hot out of the oven. If you let it cool much at all, it will risk cracking when rolling or unrolling. I highly recommend using a scale to measure your flour as it's the most accurate method and will prevent you from ending up with a dense cake.

    Is pumpkin puree the same as canned pumpkin pie filling? ›

    They are the same product. Both canned pumpkin puree and pie filling are useful, shelf-stable ingredients that can help speed up your kitchen prep time. Just remember that puree is unsweetened, while pie filling contains sugar and spices. This will help you choose the right pumpkin product for your recipes.

    When was the pumpkin roll invented? ›

    While there are conflicting accounts of the origins and creator of this famous dessert, the first recorded pumpkin roll was sold from 1947 to 1961 by Gifford's Ice Cream and Candies, and the roll had an “orange-pineapple ice cream center…

    What is the difference between Libby's pumpkin and pumpkin pie filling? ›

    Canned pumpkin and pumpkin puree are the same thing, and you'll often see the terms used interchangeably in recipes and cookbooks. Unlike pumpkin pie mix, canned pumpkin does not have any spices, sugars, or other additives. In many cases, the only ingredient is pumpkin.

    How to roll a Swiss roll without it cracking? ›

    Using a palette knife, spread evenly with whipped cream. This will form the inner swirl of the roll so cover generously for best effect. Re-roll the cake, this time without the greaseproof paper. Don't worry about small cracks at the beginning of the cake as these will be on the inside of the roll.

    How to keep a cake roll from cracking? ›

    Starting with a short side of the cake, roll up the towel and the warm cake together into a spiral. Yes, the towel will be inside your baked cake roll. This step helps to form the cake roll shape later without any cracking. Roll to the end of the towel.

    How do you score pumpkin bread? ›

    Sourdough bread is usually scored using a lame, a tool that safely holds a sharp razor blade at the end. If you don't have a lame, use a sharp paring knife. You can dust your loaf with flour to make your designs stand out even more. As the loaf bakes and expands, it will take on the shape of a pumpkin.


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