Crystals for Good Luck: 14 Powerful Fortune Attractors (2024)

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Get the wheel of fortune spinning with these powerful crystals

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1Green Jade

2Rose Quartz

3Tiger’s Eye


5Green Aventurine









14Black Tourmaline

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Co-authored byKaruna Jain, MSand Savannah Vold

Last Updated: December 10, 2023Fact Checked

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Are you in the market for a stroke of good luck? Crystals might just be your answer. In this article, we’ll walk you through the 14 most potent crystals for bringing positivity, good fortune, and prosperity into your life. Plus, we’ll teach you exactly how to harness their power to help you usher in everything you need to succeed. You’ll be celebrating your victories in no time!

Things You Should Know

  • Green jade, rose quartz, Tiger’s Eye and citrine are some of the most popular crystals for boosting good luck and success.
  • Carry or wear your crystal of choice to usher in the motivation to make your dreams come true, and reach for it when you need a vote of confidence.
  • Meditate with your crystals and visualize your dream life to manifest success and abundance into your life.


Green Jade

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  1. Boost your business-savvy with green jade. If you’ve been hoping to level up in your career, green jade is just the stone for you. A staple in Chinese medicine, this fabulous green stone is excellent at quieting your mind so you can make rational, clear decisions that are sure to help you get to the top.[1]

    • How to use it: Carry green jade in your purse or pocket to clear your head and calm your heart. If you’re unsure of a decision you’re about to make, reach for your green jade and repeat a mantra like, “I make excellent decisions with ease,” or, “I am intelligent, capable, and well-informed.”
    • Green jade and red jade alike are believed to promote confidence in your decisions and may help protect you from poor investments!
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  1. Be lucky in love with rose quartz. If you’re looking to welcome new love into your life or enhance the relationship you already have, rose quartz has your back. Believed to promote abundance as well as cleanse and amplify your energy, rose quartz (or other quartz crystals like smokey quartz, clear quartz, and tourmilated quartz) sets your positive vibrations into overdrive—good attracts good!

    • How to use it: They say you can’t love someone else until you love yourself, and rose quartz is here to help you do just that. Promote self-love by holding rose quartz to your heart and repeat affirmations like, “I am intelligent, beautiful, and kind,” or, “I love my ability to connect and empathize with others.”


Tiger’s Eye

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  1. Feel full of confidence with Tiger’s Eye. Ever noticed how confident people seem to be successful too? Confidence is an incredibly powerful character trait, and if you’ve been in need of a boost, Tiger’s Eye might just be your new best friend. Brimming with vitality and energy, Tiger’s Eye is believed to help rid your mind of self–doubt, and keep your mind alert to new opportunities like a cat stalking its prey.[2]

    • How to use it: Place Tiger’s Eye under your pillow to charge your spirit with confidence while you sleep. It’s that easy!
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  1. Accomplish your dreams with citrine. Like a drop of sunshine, it’s no surprise that this happy, yellow stone is thought to boost positive energy. Not to mention, this stone is a big-time luck attractor, even earning it the name “the lucky merchant’s stone” for its ability to put positive thinking into action, rewarding its users for dreaming big.[3]

    • How to use it: Associated with the creative and luck-bringing Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakras (2 out of 8 energy centers in the body), citrine is an incredible tool to unblock these chakras and get the good vibes flowing. Simply place your citrine on your stomach as long as you feel inclined to help clear out any energy that may be holding you back.
    • Citrine is also particularly helpful for exams, as it helps to raise your self-confidence and clear your mind so the correct answers can easily flow onto the page.


Green Aventurine

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  1. Go for green aventurine to promote financial stability. Known as “gambler’s gold” or “chance” in Latin, this gorgeous deep green stone means business when it comes to helping you attract success and abundance. If you’ve been feeling as though money flies out of your wallet the second you put it in, aventurine may be just the stone to stabilize your finances and help more money flow in than out.[4]

    • How to use it: Carry green aventurine in your purse or wallet daily to attract financial abundance. Additionally, reach for green aventurine when you’re about to take a chance or risk—it might just help you come out on top!
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  1. Protect yourself from negativity with agate. This ancient stone has long been believed to guard its wearer from danger and promote clarity of mind. With beautiful mineral deposit bands and stunning symmetry, agate may help you to spiritually guide and protect you away from misfortune and into the arms of prosperity.[5]

    • How to use it: Ancient Egyptians wore agate amulets to help protect themselves from harm, and you can too! Simply wear or carry agate and imagine it creating a force field around you that lets in good energy and shuts out bad.



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  1. Opt for Amazonite to promote calmness and good fortune. In soothing shades of milky green, it’s not hard to understand why Amazonite is believed to soothe the soul and promote positivity. Closely associated with the nervous system, Amazonite clears anxiety and fear out of the way, so you can get back to feeling your best.[6]

    • How to use it: Hold Amazonite to your heart while meditating to clear your mind and enhance self-love. While you meditate, ask yourself questions like “What is my greatest wish?” or “What do I need to do to succeed?”—you might be surprised by what you come up with!
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  1. Get the determination you need to succeed with carnelian. Success often comes to those with resilience, strength of character, and determination—carnelian says, “Here’s all 3!” Believed to give you a boost of energy and pull you out of a slump, carnelian might be just the lucky crystal to use to help you level up at work, or finally pursue your passion project.[7]

    • How to use it: Place carnelian on your desk to give yourself a jolt of energy and motivation. If you feel your mind wandering, pick up your carnelian and affirm, “I am creative, inventive, and have the energy to get things done.”



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  1. Promote prosperity and peace with peridot. Known as the “money stone,” this green machine is believed to usher in good fortune by clearing negative energy and obstacles out of your way.[8] Plus, if you’re looking for love, peridot may help to bring your walls down by calming you down and opening your mind up to the idea of meeting that special someone.

    • How to use it: Practice self-love by holding peridot in your hand and creating a mental list of the 5 things you love most about yourself. By the end of the list, you’ll be feeling confident in your ability to go after your dreams.
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  1. Make your dreams come true with malachite. This visually striking lucky crystal has been valued across cultures for centuries for its supposed ability to promote wisdom and confidence. Malachite helps its users break out of their comfort zone and reach their highest potential by encouraging them to look inward and believe in themselves.[9]

    • How to use it: Hold your malachite in your hand as you meditate and visualize your dream life. You might think about what it would feel like to drive your dream car, you name it!



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  1. Lean into your intuition with labradorite. Like a flash of blue light, labradorite is a powerful stone for enhancing one’s ability to connect with their inner voice to make excellent decisions. Believed to connect its user to their highest self, labradorite kicks self-doubt and worry to the curb, leading you to your luckiest, most prosperous future.[10]

    • How to use it: When you’re feeling lost or confused, reach for your labradorite and affirm your self-worth by saying, “My intuition guides me to the right decision,” or “I trust my inner voice to lead the way.”
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  1. Glow with good fortune thanks to garnet. Garnet’s rich and enticing red hues can’t help but empower anyone who uses this magnificent, good-fortune-bringing crystal. Whether you want to welcome in positive opportunities into your personal or professional life (or better yet, both!), garnet is thought to be just the stone to do it, and fast. Not to mention, in the Bible, garnet was said to be the only light guiding Noah’s arc through turmoil, and it may be able to do the same for you.[11]

    • How to use it: Wear or carry garnet daily to guide you through life’s trials and tribulations. When you feel uneasy or worried, remind yourself that garnet is there to amplify your inner light and guide you to success.
    • Garnet is thought to welcome positive energy into your home and stop negative energy from entering your door.



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  1. Let your inner strength shine with bountiful bloodstone. Brought into battle to protect its wearer from enemies, bloodstone has been used to boost courage and shield its users from harm for centuries. With bloodstone at your side, you may be better able to heal inner conflicts so you feel more powerful and balanced in your convictions.[12]

    • How to use it: Squeeze bloodstone in your hand and imagine you crushing negativity and self-doubt and replacing them with feelings of courage and clarity.
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Black Tourmaline

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  1. Charge up with black tourmaline. This fabulous good-fortune crystal can hold an electric charge and has long been used for protection and healing. Whether it's misfortune, sickness, or mental or physical troubles, black tourmaline may be able to help by removing negative energy from your body and replacing it with electrifyingly powerful positive energy.[13]

    • How to use it: Rub black tourmaline with your finger to charge it full of energy. Then, place it under your pillow as you sleep to help infuse your spirit with good health, happiness, and optimism—yes, please!

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      • Cleanse and charge your crystals by letting them soak up moonlight overnight.


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      • You can also use salt, water or sunlight to cleanse your crystals before using them. Be aware, however, that the sun can bleach some kinds of crystals, such as rose quartz.


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      Expert Interview

      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about crystals, check out our in-depth interview with Jennifer McVey, Cht.

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      About This Article

      Crystals for Good Luck: 14 Powerful Fortune Attractors (47)

      Co-authored by:

      Karuna Jain, MS

      Life Coach & Energy Healer

      This article was co-authored by Karuna Jain, MS and by wikiHow staff writer, Savannah Vold. Karuna Jain is a Life Coach, Energy Healer, and the Owner of the Karuna Healing Center based in the San Francisco Bay Area. With more than 13 years of experience, she specializes in helping others heal through life coaching, hypnotherapy, reiki healing, pranic healing, and crystal healing. Karuna attended the Hypnosis Motivation Institute to receive her Hypnotherapy Certification. She also has a Life Coach Certification through the American Union of NLP. This article has been viewed 3,661 times.

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      Updated: December 10, 2023


      Categories: Paranormal Magic

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      Crystals for Good Luck: 14 Powerful Fortune Attractors (2024)


      Crystals for Good Luck: 14 Powerful Fortune Attractors? ›

      Green Aventurine, widely recognised as the Stone of Opportunity, has a remarkable ability to attract luck, particularly in financial matters. This enchanting green stone is often hailed as the luckiest among all crystals, making it a top choice for anyone seeking to enhance wealth and prosperity.

      What is the best crystal for good luck and fortune? ›

      Green Aventurine, widely recognised as the Stone of Opportunity, has a remarkable ability to attract luck, particularly in financial matters. This enchanting green stone is often hailed as the luckiest among all crystals, making it a top choice for anyone seeking to enhance wealth and prosperity.

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      Green Aventurine is known as the Gambler's Stone, the luckiest of all stones in games of chance and competitions.

      What is the best crystal to attract money? ›

      Citrine, often called 'The Merchant's Stone,' is celebrated for its ability to attract wealth and success, making it a top choice for those seeking financial prosperity. With its bright, golden hue reminiscent of sunlight and riches, Citrine is believed to radiate positive energy for an atmosphere of abundance.

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      Citrine. Citrine is known as the "merchant's stone." It is great for attracting wealth. Its bright yellow color stands for abundance, bringing more money and success. This stone also boosts confidence, creativity, and motivation, aiding your wealth journey.

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      Clear quartz is one of the most versatile and powerful stones in the crystal kingdom. It is said to amplify energy, cleanse negative energies, and balance the body and mind. Some people also use clear quartz to enhance the effects of other crystals, making it an excellent addition to a crystal grid.

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      Many view jade as one of the most powerful of all the good luck stones. This stone is reputed to bring good luck in matters of wealth and money. Tiger's eye is also viewed as a stone of protection.

      What are lucky numbers to win the lottery? ›

      A new study reveals the lottery numbers you should play to win big: The number 28 is drawn most often across all lotteries, with an average frequency of 201.4. The numbers 16 and 39 are second and third, with average frequencies of 200.6 and 199, respectively.

      What crystals don't mix? ›

      Common Crystal Combinations to Avoid
      • Rose Quartz and Black Tourmaline.
      • Citrine and Amethyst.
      • Selenite and Hematite.
      • Clear Quartz and Malachite.
      • Moonstone and Labradorite.
      • Research Thoroughly.
      • Trust Your Intuition.
      • Consult Experts.
      Jan 27, 2024

      What is the stone in the lottery? ›

      The stones in "The Lottery" are the literal weapons used to kill Tessie Hutchinson in the end of the story. Stoning is an ancient method of execution, leading to a slow and extremely painful death. It is used in the story to illustrate the brutality and mob mentality the village exhibits once a year.

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      Here are nine proven ways to attract money into your life:
      • Belief In Your Ability To Attract Money. ...
      • Take Consistent Action. ...
      • Create A Positive Mindset Around Money. ...
      • Visualize Your Desired Outcomes. ...
      • Give More Than You Receive. ...
      • Be Grateful For What You Have. ...
      • Take Risks. ...
      • Network And Connect With Others.

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      A powerful warrior in the world of stones, Bloodstone not only keeps your money corner well protected but also invites even more flow into that space. It's a stone that echoes with all the energy of strength, power, courage, and building endless resilience along the way.

      What stone attracts good fortune? ›

      Citrine. This vibrant yellow crystal symbolises happiness, success, and abundance. It instils a sense of fulfilment and boosts confidence. Citrine is often known as the “Merchant's Stone” due to its ability to attract fortune in trade and business.

      What to wear to attract wealth? ›

      Attracting Money: Decorate in Red, Purple or Green

      "Color has a powerful impact on mood, and red is considered auspicious and powerful. Think of walking the red carpet or wearing a red power tie," explains Laura. Purple and green are also key colors for attracting prosperity but there's a hitch.

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      Lucky numbers like 1, 8, 9, 3, 6, and 5 influence business success by symbolizing leadership, wealth, humanitarianism, creativity, stability, and adaptability. Embracing these numbers can attract prosperity and abundance to ventures.

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      The crystals that are believed to bring luck and money are Hematite, Selenite, Carnelian, Lapis Lazuli, and Jadeite.

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      What are some popular gemstones for good luck and fortune? Gemstones such as Peridote, Rose Quartz, Tourmaline, Sapphire, and Emerald are known as fortune gemstones often used in crystal jewelry for their supposed spiritual benefits.

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      Tiger's eye is also commonly associated with protection from evil spirits. Several cultures use the gem to ward off the “evil eye”. As a result, the gemstone can be incorporated into protective altars or worn as a guardian talisman.

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      GARNET. The garnet has long been famous for its ability to bring good luck and success. The stone gives the necessary strength. The garnet also protects from evil intentions and magic, which can interfere with success and good luck.


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