Easy 2 Ingredient Bagel Recipe! - Everyday Wellness (2024)

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Easy 2 Ingredient Bagel Recipe! - Everyday Wellness (1)

I grew up working at a small bagel shop, so bagels used to be a staple in my diet.But nowthat I realize that the average bagel has about 70g of carbs and over 350 calories I sadly don’t eat them that often anymore. However I recently started seeing this easy 2 ingredient bagel recipe all over the internet, so I knewI had to give it a try! After making them just one time, I was hooked! They are so soft and fluffy, and are less than 150 calories (and around 25g of carbs) per bagel! Plus they couldn’t be easier to make! Who knew a low calorie, non-fat, low carb bagel could taste so good?!

Easy 2 Ingredient Bagel Recipe! - Everyday Wellness (2)

Start off by preheating your oven to 375 degrees F. Grab a baking sheet and line it with parchment paper, and then spraythe parchment paper with non-stick cooking spray.

In a medium sized bowl, add your flour, baking powder, and salt. Mix thoroughly. If you are using self-rising flour, then you can omit the baking powder and salt. Add the nonfat Greek yogurt to the flour mixture, and mix using a rubber spatula until well combined.

Lightly flour a work surface, and remove your dough from the bowl and place on the surface. Knead the dough until it is no longer sticky. If your dough is very sticky, add more flour.

Divide the dough into four equal sections. Take each section and roll into thin logs, and then form a circle and press the ends together. Place your four bagels on your greased and lined baking sheet. If you will be adding any toppings, lightly brush each bagel with an egg white and then add your desired toppings. Bake on the top rack of the oven for 25 minutes.

Easy 2 Ingredient Bagel Recipe! - Everyday Wellness (3)

Tips for Successful Bagels:

  • You want as little liquid as possible in your yogurt, so you can drain it if necessary. Nonfatyogurt is amust!
  • If you find that your dough is really sticky, add more flour. I found the most success when I weighed my yogurt and flour on a food scale.
  • Make sure to bake the bagels on thetop rackin the oven. If you skip this step, they will come out flat.
  • Store leftover bagels in plastic in the fridge up to 5 days (I wrapped mine in plastic wrap)
  • You can also freeze leftover bagels, but I recommend you slice them first
  • If you have an egg allergy but want to top your bagels, simply use water to help the toppings stick

Flavor Ideas:

  • Use sesame, poppy, dried minced onion, or garlic
  • I love using the Everything But The Bagel seasoning from Trader Joes, but you can also make your own using this recipe: https://www.twopeasandtheirpod.com/everything-bagel-seasoning/
  • Cinnamon sugar – top bagels with a sugar/stevia/Splenda and sprinkle with cinnamon
  • Cheese – top raw bagels with a slice of your favorite cheese before baking
  • Chocolate chip – I haven’t personally tried this, but I imagine mixing mini chocolate chips into the dough before baking would be delicious!

Easy 2 Ingredient Bagel Recipe! - Everyday Wellness (4)

Easy 2 Ingredient Bagel Recipe! - Everyday Wellness (5)

Pizza Dough

Roll out the dough into a thin pizza crust and top as desired. Bake in a preheated 450 degree oven for 10-12 minutes.

Garlic Knots

I got this garlic knot idea from the Skinny Taste blog! Divide the dough into 8 equal pieces then roll each piece into long thin strips. Tie each strip into a knot and place on your baking sheet. Spray them with olive oil spray before baking. Bake on the first rack in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 375 degrees.

Once they are done, let them cool for about 5 minutes. While they cool melt 2 teaspoons of butter in a small saucepan with 3 cloves of minced garlic. Then brush each knot with the butter and garlic mixture. Sprinkle with parmesan and chopped parsley.

Easy 2 Ingredient Bagel Recipe! - Everyday Wellness (6)

Soft Pretzel Bites

After kneading the dough, roll it out into one long rope. Cut it into 24 small bite-sized pieces. Place them on the baking sheet (that is lined with

parchment paper and sprayed). Brush each bite with egg white and sprinkle with coarse sea salt. Bake on the top rack for 20-25 minutes.


To make biscuits simply form the dough and separate into 5 balls. Flatten them and place them on the baking sheet and brush with a little bit of melted butter.

Yield: 4 Bagels

Easy 2 Ingredient Bagel Recipe! - Everyday Wellness (7)

Prep Time10 minutes

Cook Time25 minutes

Total Time35 minutes


  • 1 cup non-fat Greek yogurt
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour (128g)
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 375 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spray with non-stick cooking spray
  2. Mix together the flour, baking powder, and salt in a bowl. Add in the Greek yogurt and mix everything together with a rubber spatula
  3. Lightly flour a work surface, and place the dough on it. Knead the dough until it is well combined. If needed, add more flour until the dough is no longer sticky.
  4. Separate the dough into 4 equal sections. Roll each section into a thin rope, form a circle, and press the ends together. Set on the prepared baking sheet
  5. If adding toppings, lightly brush each bagel with egg white and then sprinkle with desired toppings. I recommend using sesame seeds, poppy seeds, or everything seasoning.
  6. Bake on the top rack for 25 minutes.


If using self-rising flour, omit the baking powder and salt
If you are allergic to egg, use water instead of egg white to help the toppings stick

Nutrition Information



Serving Size

1 bagel

Amount Per ServingCalories 132Total Fat 0gSaturated Fat 0gCholesterol 1.2mgSodium 345mgCarbohydrates 24.5gFiber 1gSugar 2.8gProtein 8.5g

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Easy 2 Ingredient Bagel Recipe! - Everyday Wellness (2024)


Do 2 ingredient bagels need to be refrigerated? ›

Eat these bagels warm out of the oven, or let cool and store in a zip baggie or well-sealed container for up to 24 hours. If you keep them refrigerated, they should stay good up to 3 days. If you want to freeze them, wrap them individually and let them thaw before cutting open and toasting.

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Opt for savory instead of sweet.

Skip cinnamon-sugar bagels and choose something savory like an everything bagel, which is covered with spices and seeds. Fun fact: Many seeds contain fiber, protein and healthy fats. Sugary bagels add more carbohydrates to the meal, which can spike blood sugar even more.

What are bagels made of? ›

Bagels are made from the basic bread ingredients of flour, yeast, salt, and sweetening. High-gluten flour gives the roll its spongy, chewy texture, which can be lightened by the addition of eggs, milk, and butter.

What is a good protein to put on a bagel? ›

You can use peanut butter and banana, smashed avocado with a fried egg on top, butter and jam, or even scrambled egg whites with a scallion cream cheese! I also love my breakfast sandwiches for a more protein packed meal – just swap the English muffins for these bagels!

Is self-rising flour the same as all-purpose flour? ›

While it's similar to all-purpose flour, self-raising flour isn't as rich in protein as all-purpose flour. Also like all-purpose flour, self-rising flour is enriched with added nutrition. It also contains salt and baking powder that has been distributed evenly throughout the flour and acts as a leavening agent.

How long does 2 ingredient dough last in the fridge? ›

Or make Two-Ingredient-Dough Bagels topped with cream cheese, Marinated Yogurt Cheese or Easy Scallion-Salmon Dip for breakfast or brunch. Can I make Two-Ingredient Dough ahead? Yes, you can make the dough ahead and refrigerate it in an airtight container for up to 2 days.

What is the healthiest bagel to eat? ›

The healthiest bagel is one made with whole grains. For a healthy bagel option, look for whole wheat or rye bagels. Sourdough bagels are also a healthy option, since sourdough bread varieties are more nutritious than white bread options.

Is it okay to eat a bagel every day? ›

"The portion size of most packaged bagels is equal to just over three slices of bread. Enjoying a bagel every morning is fine if you watch your portion size. Consider eating half a bagel one day and the other half the next day," says Laura M. Ali, M.S., RDN, a culinary nutritionist in Pittsburgh.

Are homemade bagels healthier than store-bought? ›

Homemade is Better Than Store-Bought

Store-bought options are not usually the healthiest. Many are made with more sugar than necessary and unhealthy ingredients.

What is the secret to making bagels? ›

10 Tips for Making Schmear-Worthy Homemade Bagels
  1. Moisture: Wetter dough means crispier bagels. ...
  2. Water temp: The colder the better. ...
  3. Dry active yeast: Let it chill. ...
  4. Flour: Embrace the gluten. ...
  5. Mixing: Low and slow is the way to go. ...
  6. The rise: Your kitchen climate is A-okay. ...
  7. Flavor kick: After the proof.
Jan 13, 2023

Why are bagels more unhealthy than bread? ›

Most bagels are made from refined flour, which has reduced fiber and vitamins. Flour is often enriched with additional vitamins, but not fiber.

What kind of flour is best for bagels? ›

Bread flour – Because of its high protein content, bread flour makes these homemade bagels delightfully chewy. This recipe also works with all-purpose flour, they're just a bit less chewy than bagels made with bread flour. Maple syrup – It activates the yeast and gives the bagels a hint of sweetness.

What is the healthiest topping for a bagel? ›

Peanut butter is a healthy option, especially low sugar, natural varieties. It offers flavor and protein without weighing you down, and it tastes great on bagels. Try it with a sliced banana! If actual cream cheese isn't your favorite, tofu cream cheese is a delicious alternative.

How to prepare better bagel? ›

What is the best way to prepare the Better Bagels? There are infinite possibilities! We love doing anything from a classic toast to baking, or even air-frying our bagels to get the perfect crunch. From there, add any of your favorite toppings and you're good to go!

Do bagels go bad if not refrigerated? ›

HOW LONG DO BAGELS LAST AT ROOM TEMPERATURE? Bagels stay relatively fresh for two to three days when stored in a paper bag at room temperature. Beyond that, they start to lose their soft interior and may become stale. However, it's best to eat them fresh from the bakery or your own oven.

Do store bought bagels need to be refrigerated? ›

Contrary to popular belief, refrigerating your bagels will actually make them go stale more quickly. You should store them in plastic bags at room temperature, or freeze them immediately.

Can lenders bagels be left out? ›

No. Bagels, like all bread, do not need to be refrigerated.

How long can a bagel and cream cheese sit out? ›

Cream cheese should not be left out longer than two hours at room temp (or higher than 40 degrees F) because it then becomes a playground for nasty bacteria like salmonella. No one wants a trip to the emergency room over the carrot cake. If it's been out for longer than two hours, toss it—better safe than sorry.


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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.