Easy Beetroot Dip Recipe (2024)

Last updated on: By Kaylene Filed Under: Appetizers, Recipes 2 Comments

With only 3 ingredients, which include roasted beetroot and garlic, this tasty beetroot dip is the perfect appetizer for a party or summer BBQ!

I have never really been a big fan of beetroot dip before now. I have tried some bought beetroot dip years ago but I didn’t really like it. Perhaps it was just the brand or maybe beetroot dip just tastes better when it is freshly made.

Now that I have my own fresh beetroot in the garden I thought that I would have a try at making some of my own beetroot dip. I found this recipe over at Not Quite Nigella and I have modified it just slightly. The original recipe looked very easy and better still it only required 3 ingredients; beetroot, garlic, and Greek yoghurt. I already have my own beetroot and garlic so all I needed was the Greek yoghurt! Technically this recipe has four ingredients but you can omit the olive oil when roasting your garlic if you prefer.

I found this recipe very easy; once you have roasted the beetroot and garlic all you have to do is blitz everything up in the food processor. It is also quite healthy because the main source of fat is the Greek yoghurt. You probably could use low fat yoghurt but I used full fat.

While his beetroot dip can be served immediately I found that it was best if it is made a few hours in advance to allow the flavour to develop. If you can make it the day before you need it even better!

For anyone planning an Australia Day party or BBQ this dip would be wonderful!

If you have not tried roasting your own garlic before check out my post on How to Roast Garlic for more information.

Another great dip recipe to try: Sour Cream and Chive Dip

Beetroot Dip Recipe

Prep time

Cook time

Total time

With only 3 ingredients, which include roasted beetroot and garlic, this tasty beetroot dip is the perfect appetizer for a party or summer BBQ!

Author: The Links Site

Recipe type: Appetizer

Cuisine: Dip

Serves: 8


  • 3 medium sized raw beetroot
  • 5 – 6 cloves of garlic
  • 250g of Greek yoghurt
  • 1 teaspoon of Olive oil (optional for roasting the garlic)


  1. Preheat oven to 200 °C (400 °F).
  2. Wash the beetroot and trim the stems so that they are about 1 inch long (2.5 cm) and then wrap them together in foil.
  3. Trim off the tops of the garlic cloves and place them on a separate piece of foil.
  4. Drizzle the garlic with the olive oil (if using) and then wrap the garlic up in the foil making a small parcel.
  5. Place the foil wrapped beetroot and garlic onto a baking tray and place in preheated oven.
  6. Allow the garlic to roast for about 45 minutes or until it is tender and then remove it from the oven.
  7. Continue roasting the beetroot for a further 15 to 20 minutes or until the beetroot is soft when tested with a skewer.
  8. Allow the beetroot and the garlic to cool completely (I put mine in the fridge for a couple of hours while I was busy with other things).
  9. Trim off the stem end of the beetroot and then using paper towel to hold it, peel off the skin (you can use gloves if you want).
  10. Roughly chop the beetroot into quarters and place into a food processor fitted with an ‘s’ blade.
  11. Squeeze the roasted garlic from its outer layer and also add to the food processor.
  12. Add 250g of Greek yoghurt and blend until well combined, stopping a couple of times to scrape down the sides.
  13. For best flavour place in the refrigerator to chill for several hours (or overnight) before serving with crackers, crusty bread, or vegetable sticks.


* Preparation time includes some time for chilling before serving.

Nutrition Information

Serving size:64g Calories:39 Fat:0.8g Saturated fat:0.1g Trans fat: 0g Carbohydrates:5g Sugar:3g Sodium:36mg Fiber:1g Protein:4g Cholesterol:2mg

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Easy Beetroot Dip Recipe (2024)


Is beetroot dip good for you? ›

Healthy - made with greek yoghurt and nutrient rich beetroot. Party perfect - it's great to offer a healthy option as a party food, and even just served with crackers and veggie sticks, your platter will feed a crowd.

What Flavours compliment beetroot? ›

Mustard's piquancy can temper beetroot's sweetness resulting in an arresting flavour profile. Complementary flavours can be found in the earthy spice realm too. The bold flavours of garlic and cumin are nicely offset by the earthy sweetness of beets, creating a delightful harmony.

Is beetroot good for you? ›

Packed with essential nutrients, beetroots are a great source of fiber, folate (vitamin B9), manganese, potassium, iron, and vitamin C. Beetroots and beetroot juice have been associated with numerous health benefits, including improved blood flow, lower blood pressure, and increased exercise performance.

Is it OK to eat 1 beet a day? ›

Eating a small amount of beetroot every day is unlikely to do any harm, but a high intake could lead to low blood pressure, red or black urine and feces, and digestive problems for anyone with a sensitivity to the nutrients.

Is it healthier to drink beet juice or eat beets? ›

Both eating beets and drinking beet juice will give you anti-inflammatory betalains and other phytonutrients. If you're looking to enhance athletic performance, drink up. Juicing beets delivers a concentrated dose of nitrates, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. However, you lose the fiber when you juice the beets.

What can you add to beetroot to make it taste better? ›

Beets' earthy flavor profile pairs wonderfully with fruits and vegetables that provide complementary sweet, savory, citrusy, or spicy notes. Here are some of my favorite ingredients for beet juice blends: Fruits: oranges, grapefruit, lemon, lime, pineapple, mango, strawberries, raspberries, apples, pears.

Which fruit goes with beetroot? ›

Certain fruits pair beautifully with beets to create balanced, delicious juices. Oranges, berries, melons, apples, pineapple, grapes, and kiwi all combine exceptionally with beet juice. The sweet and tart notes from these fruits complement the earthy vegetable flavor.

What is the most delicious way to eat beets? ›

You can use cooked beets in salads, to make hummus or to blend into smoothies. They can be diced for slaw, quartered for a grain bowl or mashed to make a dip or spread. Their thick and chewy texture is even great in a galette or quesadilla.

What brings out the flavor of beets? ›

Eat them raw, dressed with vinaigrette

Whether cooked or raw, beets are rich in natural sugars that come forward when paired with acidic ingredients like citrus fruits and vinegar, which can help balance out their earthy flavor. This combination of sweet and tangy flavors is both refreshing and satisfying.

Are canned beets as good as fresh beets? ›

With only a few exceptions, canned beetroots have about the same nutritional value as fresh beetroots. Fresh beetroots have double the phosphorus, potassium and folate, but 1 cup of sliced, canned beetroots has 14 percent of the recommended daily intake of folate and 4 percent of phosphorus and potassium.

Can I eat raw beetroot? ›

Beets are often roasted, as their natural sugars create a tasty caramelization when baked at high heat. They can also be eaten raw. There are a couple of ways to make beetroot juice. You can first chop and roast the beets, then pulse them in a blender.

Does beetroot burn belly fat? ›

There is no evidence to suggest that beetroot can directly burn belly fat. Beetroot is healthy and nutritious. But no single food can cause fat loss in a specific body area. Following a balanced, calorie-controlled diet and engaging in regular physical activity are essential.

Is beetroot a fruit or vegetable? ›

Beets are a hardy root vegetable grown all over the world. The most common type of beet sold in grocery stores is Beta vulgaris, but there are many different varieties. They generally have an earthy, sweet taste that many people enjoy and are packed with nutrition.

Is beetroot good or bad for liver? ›

Because it is high in fiber, antioxidants, and essential minerals, beetroot juice is one of the best homemade remedies for fatty liver. Its nutrients help to detoxify the liver and improve the processes of fat elimination.

What are the pros and cons of beetroot? ›

Beetroot juice has higher nitrate levels; while typically, these nitrates might help with blood pressure, drinking beetroot juice in the morning might lead to health risks due to the formation of potentially cancer-causing substances in the long run. Allergy to beetroots is very rare.

Is jarred beetroot healthy? ›

Fermented pickled beets are rich in healthy bacteria called probiotics, which improve your digestion by making it easier for your body to break down foods and absorb their nutrients ( 18 , 19 ). Probiotics may also protect against toxins and harmful bacteria, as well as reduce gas, constipation, and bloating.

Can you eat too many beet chews? ›

Side effects of eating too many beets at once include gas, gut discomfort, and red urine or stool. Taking too high a dose of a beet supplement can cause lowered blood pressure – watch out, if you already have low blood pressure.


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