EquiSync® – Frequently Asked Questions – EOC Institute (2024)

I see that you recommend EquiSync Classic more for beginners, and EquiSync Deepereum more for advanced users. Could you go into a bit more detail?

I see that older versions of EquiSync Classic are now available. Is the technology as good as the latest version?

Can you explain what you mean by "advanced user"? Can an experienced meditator use EquiSync Classic and/or a new meditator use EquiSync Deepereum (i.e. the opposite of your suggestion)?

I have been practicing meditation very successfully without sound for many years. Why should I use a sound based program (like EquiSync)?

Do you recommend focusing on the sound(s) when using your program? At what volume should I listen to your audio?

What's the best place to start with Deepereum?

Do I need to practice the method of meditation outlined in your material?

Why does the carrier frequency matter? Can certain sounds affect consciousness in very positive ways?

What are brainwaves? How does EquiSync make deep meditation easier? What are the benefits of alpha, theta, and delta waves (i.e. the brainwaves of meditation)?

How much time per day do you recommend?

Does audio quality matter?

How do I know if/when I've achieved a proper state of meditation? How is meditation supposed to "feel"? What is the "mind awake, body asleep" state?

Will EquiSync help me sleep?

How do I choose which EquiSync Classic tracks to use? Is there a set program that I have to follow?

The EquiSync experience is so pleasurable. I'm curious, can you tell me more about what I'm actually hearing (the layers, etc.)?

What are the differences between the individual EquiSync Classic tracks?

I have a habit of losing files. If needed, can I come back to for my EquiSync purchase in the (perhaps distant) future?

Your 60 day 100% money back guarantee sounds great. Is it easy to redeem if necessary?

The benefits of meditation are incredible. Do I need EquiSync to achieve these benefits?

The science behind meditation and brainwave entrainment audio technology is amazing. Where can I learn more?

What kind of headphones do you recommend for EquiSync?

Which meditation level / brainwave should I choose?

Will I always have to use EquiSync to maintain the benefits achieved?

EquiSync highlights a feature I am very interested in: "natural brainwave patterns." Can you tell me a bit more about that?

Can I use EquiSync for reading, writing, art, or creative activities?

When using EquiSync I have a wonderful new sensual awareness, can you tell me about more about that?

Is my credit card information safe?

I'm having problems ordering with my credit card. Suggestions?

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Lose Weight, Achieve Your Ideal Body. The weight loss benefits of meditation are nothing short of incredible. How meditation can propel anyone to their ideal body.

Access Your Subconscious Mind Power. Learn about the incredible power of your deep mind, and how meditation unlocks a world of benefits. Detailed infographic.

Naturally Boost Good Brain Chemicals. With incredible health benefits, meditation boosts many highly beneficial brain chemicals. Upgrade your life.

Boost Immunity, Build Health, Beat Disease. From conquering “unconquerable” diseases, to extending life, to rewriting DNA, meditation’s latest findings are huge.

Meditation Relieves Anxiety For Good. From boosting brain chemicals, to quieting the mind, to cooling the amygdala, here's how meditation erases anxiety.

Meditation Naturally Beats Depression. From transforming psychology, to rewiring thought, to upgrading the brain, here's how meditation dominates depression.

Harness The Power Of "Neurogenesis." Discovery: Our brain's neuron count is not set for life. Meditation’s ability to generate a "neuro-fortune" has massive implications.

The Best Way To Awaken Creativity. The world needs creativity. Luckily, we are creative by nature. It's in our genes. It's in our brains. Awaken yours with meditation.

How Meditation Magnifies Intuition. According to scientists, human intuition is definitely real. Here's how meditation develops our intuition. Feel the future.

How To Heal Your Body With Your Mind. Your body has 50 trillion living cells. Here's how meditation heals at the molecular level, helping to create a "cellular utopia."

Crank Up Your "Longevity Molecule." As we age, one key hormone decreases year after year, speeding up the hands of time. Luckily, meditation helps us swim in it.

Boost Your "Fountain Of Youth" Molecule. While we don't believe in the mythical "fountain of youth" like our ancestors, one magic molecule is making a strong case.

The Secret To Mastering Food Cravings. Common sense says that, when food cravings hit, we have two options: give in or resist. How meditation unlocks urge surfing.

Master Pain By Mastering Your Mind. Chronic pain can become so ingrained that we feel it's who we are. Here's why meditation is the best pain relief tool.

Long Telomeres Help To Beat Disease. Short telomeres are linked to the whole medical dictionary. Meditation makes our telomeres long, strong, disease begone.

How To Crank Up Your Sleep Molecule. Our screen time and long work hours have taken a heavy toll on our body's "sleep molecule." Rebalance it with meditation.

The Root Of Why We Can't Lose Weight. After stripping away all of the reasons we gain weight, what's at the root? The mind. Master yours with meditation.

Build Your Brain, Unleash Your Memory. Whether you're a college student cramming for exams or a professional climbing the ladder, you can unleash your memory.

It's Like "Miracle-Gro" For The Brain. Father time robs a tiny fraction of our precious brain resources every moment of every day. Meditation reverses that trend.

We Think 70,000+ Thoughts Per Day. This means a worried, anxious mind has a new negative thought every couple of seconds. How meditation quiets the mind.

The Mind-Body-Anxiety Connection. Times are stressful. Only a master can maintain a calm mind in our non-stop, chaotic world. Luckily, there's meditation.

How Depression Makes Our Brain Shrink. When depressed, day after day, our brain's hippocampus slowly wastes away. Here's how meditation reverses that trend.

Lobsters Don't Age. Let's Be Like Them. Lobsters are biologically immortal. That is, they don’t die from old age like we do. Here's how meditation "lobsterfies" aging.

The Secret To A 130+ Year Life Span. According to an overwhelming number of studies, humans can live to be 130+ years old. Here's where meditation fits in.

A Glass A Day Can Extend Your Life. What’s the magic ingredient in this crimson colored superfood? How meditation helps us reap the same life lengthening benefits.

From Caveman Brain To Astronaut Brain. While sabertooths no longer chase after us, we still have caveman brain wiring. Here's how meditation "super-evolves" humanity.

How To Build A Happy, Healthy Heart. One study had a group of heart patients practice meditation over the course of one year. And the results were jaw dropping.

How To Neutralize Bipolar Disorder. From a variety of angles, here's why bipolar disorder can't live in the brain of a meditation practitioner. Find balance.

How Meditation Solves Emotional Eating. While filling-up our belly makes us feel better for a little while, it doesn't address the deeper issues which lead us to overeating.

Grow Your Brain, Grow Your Memory. Memory loss is not inevitable. Here's how meditation's wonderful brain upgrades keep us sharp as a razor — regardless of age.

Restore Your Skin To Pristine Perfection. With such overwhelming age defying scientific evidence, it's easy to see why meditators so often look decades younger.

Boost The "Mother Of All Antioxidants." What are antioxidants? What are free radicals? And why are they so critically important for living a long, healthy life?

Make Your Brain Too Strong For Anxiety. From dark caves to sunlit skyscrapers, from incoherent grunting to the world wide web, we owe our prefrontal cortex big time.

The Incredible Meditating "Iceman." Holding 25+ Guinness World Records, the 60 year old dutch meditator is famous for his ability to defy the extreme cold.

Have Natural, All Day Lasting Energy. Wish you had more energy? Of course, we all do! Here's how meditation keeps your battery fully charged.

Balance Your Brain With Meditation. Imaging studies have shown that highly successful, massively creative people use both brain halves together — in unison.

How Meditation Extinguishes Anxiety. Inflammation, especially within the brain, is a self perpetuating, highly toxic condition — perfect for anxiety to proliferate.

Become A Certified Master Of Stress. According to scientists, stress causes around 95% of all disease. Here's how meditation transcends this "silent killer."

How Connected Devices Make Us Anxious. With our attention spans lower than ever, anxiety levels are higher than ever. Return to the present with meditation.

From Mindless Eating To Mindful Eating. We shovel down food as fast as possible, eat when not hungry, eat bad foods, overeat — all without thinking about it.

EquiSync® – Frequently Asked Questions – EOC Institute (2024)


How much is Equisync? ›

EquiSync Pricing Plans Comparison Chart
FeatureEquiSync Free PlanScale Plan
Monthly Cost per CEOFree$19
Monthly Cost per Additional StaffN/A$5
Digital FormsBasic AccessUp to 20
Payroll ServicesN/AFull-service
9 more rows

Who is EOC Institute? ›

San Francisco, California, hosts the 'Exploration of Consciousness Research Institute', better known as the 'EOC Institute'. Their mission is "to spread meditation far and wide".

What is equisync? ›

Equisync, with its deep meditation wave frequencies, accelerates your journey to profound meditation, sparing you the extended timeframe typically required to get into such a mental state. Now, let's explore how to effectively integrate Equisync into your routine.

Is brainwave entrainment safe? ›

The warnings done, it must be said that the vast majority of people have no ill-effects from brainwave entrainment. The most common side-effect is simply feeling a little unusual for a while. If you happen to experience any unwanted effects, discontinue use, give it a few days, and you will return to normal.

What does EOC do? ›

The Emergency Operations Center

The EOC is the centralized location of emergency response and recovery support operations during incidents. While tactical on-scene operations are conducted from the ICP, the EOC supports and helps coordinate ICP operations and any other adjacent incident operations.

What does EOC Institute stand for? ›

About EOC Institute

Welcome to the Exploration of Consciousness Research Institute, or as we are better known, EOC Institute.

What does EOC stand for in government? ›

Emergency Operations Center (EOC)

What are the EquiSync programs? ›

EquiSync® Programs 1, 2, 3, & 4. Because EquiSync®'s audio-based brainwave entrainment technology guides your brainwaves into various states of meditation, it helps to understand how alpha, theta, delta, and gamma waves contribute to your state of consciousness.

How do you do meditation? ›

Start your meditation

With your eyes closed, simply breathe in while saying "breathe in" in your head as you do. Then breathe out and say "breathe out". For the next 20 minutes or so, your aim is to focus on this circular breath and the simple words in your head as much as possible.

What are the benefits of binaural beats? ›

Benefits of Binaural Beats
  • Increased creativity and cognitive enhancement.
  • Reduced anxiety and improved mood.
  • Helping you enter a meditative state.
  • Improved sleeping habits.
  • Helping to improve focus, attention, and memory retention.
Apr 30, 2023

What are the most effective binaural beats? ›

The best binaural beats for improving your focus and sustaining your concentration for longer periods of time will probably be Medium Beta (15 – 20 Hz) Low Beta (12 – 15 Hz), High Alpha (10 – 12 Hz), and Gamma (40 – 50 Hz).

What is the difference between Holosync and binaural beats? ›

Unlike other binaural beats recordings Holosync is a course and not a single recording. It is possible to purchase binaural beats recordings designed for a single purpose. The Holosync course, just like binaural beats recordings, comes in the form of CDs and each one is designed to produce just one specific state.

How does brain entrainment work? ›

The brainwave entrainment hypothesis, which assumes that external stimulation at a certain frequency leads to the brain's electrocortical activity oscillating at the same frequency, provides the basis for research on the effects of binaural beat stimulation on cognitive and affective states.


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.