Fae, Faeries, and Fair folk! Who are They & 3 Ways to Connect with Them — Cassie Uhl (2024)

The fae go by a variety of names, including but not limited to fae, fair folk, faeries, and fairies. The size and appearance of faeries will vary depending on your location and personal beliefs. Some see faeries as human-sized, while others see them as smaller beings.

Faeries are a magical species of human-like beings. They live in a spirit realm alongside, but separate, from our physical world. This realm is referred to as otherworld or underworld. In my practice, I refer to this space as otherworld and will refer to it as such throughout the rest of this post.

Similar to humans, the fae are not a monolith! There are benevolent and malevolent faeries. Many report them as being quite mischievous, and some even say they're dangerous. It’s important to remember that just like forming a relationship with a new human, you need to determine a faerie's intentions before engaging. Always approach anyone from the spirit realm both respectfully and carefully.

Folklore about faeries is most common in Ireland, Wales, England, and Scotland but certainly pops up in other parts of the world as well. The idea of a “spirit of place” or genius loci, which faeries are, is common for many practices. Even if you don’t work with faeries in your practice, you may have a similar entity in your spiritual lineage or a similar kind of being where you currently live.

Rather than assuming the fae will appear to you like Tinkerbell, I invite you to be open to how the spirits of your locality and lineage may present themselves. Elves, gnomes, tree spirits, animals, and more can all be present as local spirits.

Why Would You Want to Connect With The Fae?

At this point, you might be wondering why you’d even want to bother connecting with the fae. In fact, some highly advise not to interact with the fae at all! This is a personal choice you’ll need to make. All I can share with you is my personal experience.

I have spirit guides in otherworld who are faeries, and my experiences have been overwhelmingly positive. Beyond my personal experience, the fae do live in a spirit world less dense than ours, so they also have a very different perspective. I think most of us could learn a great deal from a different perspective!

The second reason I think it’s important to connect with fae, or your local spirits, is to form a better relationship with the natural world and the spirit world. It takes conscious practice to form a relationship with any being in the spirit world. Doing so can be a powerful and enlightening experience.

Here are three simple ways to start building a better relationship with the fae or any local spirits in your area.

3 Ways to Connect with Faeries

The seasons of Beltane and Samhain are two of the best times to interact with the fae. If you’re catching this post during another season, don’t fret, you can still try these techniques. It might just take a bit longer to see any results. During Beltane and Samhain, sabbats opposite each other on the Wheel of the Year (find more about the Wheel of the Year and a free printable here), the veil between the spirit and physical world is at its thinnest. The thin veil makes it easier to reach the home of the fae, also known as otherworld.

1.Prepare a faerie offeringon a home altar or out in nature

The easiest way to start working with the fae will be to physically and energetically take action to open yourself up to the potential of learning from them. You can do this by leaving faerie offerings out in nature or on your altar. Because otherworld is all around you, this is less about attracting the fae and more about creating a safe space for you to experience beings, like faeries, from otherworld.

That said, there are items you can use that correspond with and attract faeries. The items listed below will serve two purposes, first as a reminder of your desire to connect with the fae and as a way to attract them. Faeries are said to love sweet treats like fruit and cakes. Milk is another common food item that the fae are said to enjoy. There are also a host of herbs that the fae enjoy, like thyme, yarrow, heather, and rosemary.

All things cute and tiny will also serve as potent reminders to you to be open to experiences from otherworld. Building a faerie garden outside or creating a special altar space in your home dedicated to the fae can both be powerful ways to set an intention to work with the fae.

2. Form a strong relationship with your natural surroundings.

Our busy lives often distract us from the innate magic all around, but it’s always there, especially in nature. Many practices have what is called a “spirit of place” or genius loci. These are the spirits of the land, which include faeries, elves, gnomes, and more.

Connecting with nature regularly will help open doorways to your local spirits of place. This can be as simple as going for daily walks, becoming more in tune with the seasons, or gardening.

To use this method to become more in tune with faeries, try setting that intention as you walk around to notice signs of spirit in nature. Perhaps you’ll start to notice things in nature that look like portals or doorways, signifying entry points to otherworld. Maybe you’ll start to see flashes or shadows of the fae out of the corner of your eye as you explore nature. Be open to experiencing scents, sounds, sensations, and visuals from the fae and other spirits of place as you explore your natural environment.

3. Meditation and Journey Work

Meditation and journey work are my favorite way to work with faeries. It’s unlikely that you’ll come across a solid, living, breathing faery in your garden, but journeying to otherworld is another story! If meditation is new to you, this technique will likely take some practice, or you might not feel quite ready for it, be patient with yourself.

Remember, “Your body is one of the best vessels of magical energy.” - Sirona Knight, from Celtic Traditions: Druids, Faeries, and Wiccan Rituals.

Fae, Faeries, and Fair folk! Who are They & 3 Ways to Connect with Them — Cassie Uhl (2024)


What are fae associated with? ›

Regardless of the name used, the fae are generally understood to be more than mere mortals, but less than gods. They are associated with nature, have magical powers and an inclination to interfere with humans. Throughout history they were associated with ghosts, spirits, demigods, demons and devils.

What is the difference between faeries and fae? ›

While all fairies are considered Fae, not all Fae are fairies. Fairies are a specific type of Fae that are often associated with nature and magic. Other types of Fae may have different abilities and characteristics.

What is the relationship between fairies and humans? ›

The fairies of the past were feared as dangerous and powerful beings who were sometimes friendly to humans but could also be cruel or mischievous. Fairies are usually conceived as being characteristically beautiful or handsome and as having lives corresponding to those of human beings, though longer.

How to connect with fairies? ›

Attracting the energy of faeries is a beautiful and magical way to connect with the natural world. Creating a faerie garden, leaving offerings, using natural materials, and connecting with your inner child are all ways to attract the playful and whimsical energy of these magical beings.

What is a fair folk? ›

A fairy (also fay, fae, fey, fair folk, or faerie) is a type of mythical being or legendary creature, generally described as anthropomorphic, found in the folklore of multiple European cultures (including Celtic, Slavic, Germanic, and French folklore), a form of spirit, often with metaphysical, supernatural, or ...

What are the 6 types of fairies? ›

Fate: The Winx Saga changes that formula by introducing six core elements that every fairy's magic connects to – fire, water, earth, air, light, and mind. Aisha's “waves” magic simply becomes water magic, Musa is a mind fairy, and so on.

Are fae all female? ›

Faeries can be any gender. Thanks to Disney, most faeries are depicted as female, but depending on what mind set you have, a faery can be any gender. Most people simply have their minds set on faeries being female, so their more often depicted this way than their male counterparts.

Do fae have souls? ›

Do Faeries have souls? Not in the way you might think of souls, no. A human soul is a spiritual essence contained within a body of pure physicality that exists in the dimensions of space and time.

What are fairies attracted to? ›

Fairies love nature in general, but they are especially drawn to flowers. Sometimes flowers are useful to fairies, but sometimes they just like curling up inside a blossom to sleep the day away.

What do fairies call humans? ›

It is unknown why the fairies call humans "Mud Men"; this may result from the fairies' conception that uncivilized, low-tech people are nothing more than cave-men, thus mud men, and that they are filthy in comparison to fairies.

Can fae fall in love with humans? ›

Love and Marriage

Throughout the four lessons, we have seen the manifestation of faery love between fae and mortal. In fact, most stories usually tend to display a partnership between a besotted mortal and a fae seducer.

How do fairies communicate? ›

They possessed a weak brand of magic that allowed it to evade its predators such as the Augurey. The fairy could not speak; instead, it made a high-pitched buzzing noise to communicate with its fellow fairies, but they were able to laugh in a similar way to the Flitterbies playful buzzing with the wings.

What are the four types of fairies? ›

In the mid-thirteenth century, Thomas of Cantimpré classified fairies into neptuni of water, incubi who wandered the earth, dusii under the earth, and spiritualia nequitie in celestibus, who inhabit the air.

What animals are associated with the fae? ›

Some fae realm animals are magical, some are simply fae-specific versions of animals, and some are seemingly almost the same as their human realm counterparts, like certain horses, deer, frogs, dogs, nightingales, wolves, swans, turtles, crabs, fish, octopuses, dolphins, whales, etc.

What are the characteristics of a fae? ›

The Fae are tiny creatures with humanoid forms and beautiful, bright and colourful wings as large as their bodies. Their wings are unique in the sense that they have a thin, delicate frame with webby, membraneous skin coverings.

What happens if a fae knows your name? ›

Anyone who knows of the Aymm Rhoin, or Elven Naming Ritual knows that names are powerful seals and hold power, especially to a Fey. If a Fey asks for a humanoid's name and they say it, they're giving them power (and possibly partial control) over them.

What animals are associated with fairies? ›

Deer, mice, cats, wolves and birds are favoured forms amongst the fairies. In fact, if you find a fallen bird feather while walking in nature, it's considered a gift from the fairies. Animals that are coloured red-and-white are considered most strongly connected to the fairy world, including the Fairy Cow.


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