Fairies (2024)

Look, this is something you'll learn on your first day in class, but fairy magic is linked to emotion. It could be good thoughts, could be bad. Love. Hatred. Fear. But the stronger the emotion, the stronger the magic.

Fairies are magical beings that can command the elemental powers found in nature. They primarily reside in the Otherworld, but on rare occasions, fairy children would be placed in the First World as changelings, unaware of their magical nature. Over the centuries, fairies have lost the ability to access transformation magic in order to manifest wings, but four Alfea College students in the modern era were able to rediscover it while facing powerful threats.


  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Magic
  • 3 Magical Abilities
    • 3.1 Elemental Magic
      • 3.1.1 Air
      • 3.1.2 Earth
      • 3.1.3 Fire
      • 3.1.4 Light
      • 3.1.5 Mind
      • 3.1.6 Water
    • 3.2 Other Forms of Magic
      • 3.2.1 Alchemy
      • 3.2.2 Artifact Enchantment
      • 3.2.3 Barrier Manipulation
      • 3.2.4 Convergence
      • 3.2.5 Dragon Flame
      • 3.2.6 Portal Creation
      • 3.2.7 Raw Magic/Energy Blast
      • 3.2.8 Stasis
      • 3.2.9 Transformation Magic
    • 3.3 Unconfirmed Forms of Magic
      • 3.3.1 Technology
      • 3.3.2 Telekinesis
  • 4 Weaknesses
  • 5 Changes from Winx Club
  • 6 Trivia
  • 7 Gallery
    • 7.1 Promotional Images
    • 7.2 Screencaps
  • 8 References


Fairies (1)

Fairies have a similar physiology to humans, but when using their magical abilities, their eyes glow and change color in accordance with the element they are wielding. Every fairy is born with an affinity for a specific element, but they have the potential to master control of other elements as well. Fairies who accomplish this have silver eyes when they tap into their magic, as demonstrated by Farah Dowling and Rosalind Hale, two Mind Fairies who learnt to wield other elements over their lifetime.

Alfea College is a boarding school for young fairies in order to learn how to control their magic. Fairies who have graduated from Alfea play an integral in Otherworld society, as many of them have ruled realms, led armies, forged powerful relics, and rediscovered lost magic. Luna, for example, is a powerful Light Fairy who rules over the realm of Solaria as its queen.

Upon death, fairies release their life essence into the surrounding environment. Powerful fairies release a powerful life essence that can be tracked with a magical compound to find the whereabouts of the deceased fairy's remains. When Farah sensed that she was about to be murdered by Rosalind, she used all her magical strength to call on the natural world to preserve her spirit. This resulted in Farah's life essence being contained in a Resurrection Plant after Rosalind violently snapped her neck. This Resurrection Plant was found by Terra Harvey and Flora about a year after Farah's death, and Flora was able to deduce that it contained the former headmistress' life essence. Using the remaining energy of the Dragon Flame from a Convergence Crystal, Flora was able to release Farah's life essence as a corporeal spirit that temporarily interacted with the world of the living before passing on.[1]


The magical abilities of fairies are derived from their connection to the elements of nature. Each individual fairy is born with the power to wield either earth, water, mind, air, light, or fire. Once they have mastered their birth element, fairies can then learn to control other elements with proper training.

The powers of fairies born into the same element can vary. For example, Terra Harvey uses earth magic to primarily control plant life, while her brother Sam Harvey has the ability to phase through material created from earth, such as the walls at Alfea College.

Certain locations, such as the Stone Circle at Alfea, amplify the power of fairies who channel their magic through it. However, emotion is the key factor in the level of control a fairy has over their magic. Negative emotions, such as anger and rage, can provide a significant power boost for fairies, but it is not a reliable method of having control over magic in the long-term. Stella was taught to channel her power in this way by her mother, but it led to her losing control and accidentally blinding her best friend Ricki with light magic. She also struggled at times to consciously summon her power, as seen when Aisha asked Stella to provide light in the forest near Alfea while they were tracking their friend Bloom.

Former headmistress of Alfea - Farah Dowling - taught her fairy students to draw on clear, positive emotions while learning to control their magic. This process is more slow and methodical and does not provide immediate results like negative emotions do. Bloom struggled with fire magic at first using Ms. Dowling's method, but found more success channeling negative emotions while being mentored by Stella.

Magical Abilities[]

Elemental Magic[]

Fairies are born with the ability to manipulate an element of nature. Through time and practice, they can gain access to other elemental powers. The known elements are: Air, Earth, Fire, Light, Mind and Water.


Fairies (2)

Fairies with power over air can control its many properties: speed, temperature, sound, its power and electricity. When the power is being used, the eyes of the user glow in a blue color.

Manipulation over electricity is the most common practice of Air magic. By manipulating electrical currents through the molecules of the air, electricity will emit from a fairy's palms, which can manifest as typical bolts of lightning or smaller electrical spheres that can be directed at an opponent. Fairies with this power are able to disrupt electronics, such as a smart phone or light bulbs. More skilled fairies can tap into a telekinetic aspect of electrical magic, capable of moving living bodies or objects and even disintegrating them on a molecular level. Electrical magic has also shown to be capable of disrupting the invisibility powers of Light Fairies.

With air magic, fairies are able to manipulate the sounds in their environment, granting them the ability to eavesdrop on conversations occurring nearby or amplify existing sounds in areas such as forests.

Fairies can use air magic to strangle others by violently removing the oxygen from their lungs in a slow process.

Air magic, also grants control over its temperature. So far it's been shown that users of air magic can access cryokinetic abilities. An example of this, is a Cryo-inducement Veil, which Farah created as a trap, to protect the hidden passage behind a bookcase in her study. The Veil, if triggered, causes the trespasser to be incapacitated by cold, making them unable to move.

Another example of cryokinesis, was when Rosalind cooled down the air around her, and directed it towards Bloom to freeze her over and suspend her. However, this could be either Water magic or a combination of both.

Users: Beatrix, Farah Dowling, Luna, Marco, and Rosalind Hale


Fairies (3)

Fairies with power over earth are able to control soil, sand, rock, and all forms of plant life. When the power is being used, the eyes of the user glow in a green color.

Some users of Earth magic can connect to living things, enabling them to feel how they communicate through subtle signals of nature, such as pheromones and vibrations. With earth magic, fairies are able to make plants grow instantly at will, though it should be practiced with caution as a fairy can over-exert themselves and cause plants to wilt with their magic. A skilled fairy can manipulate the movements of plants, such as vines, to ensnare their opponents. Another aspect of this, is to manipulate plant matter even if it is no longer connected to a living plant, such as manipulating objects made out of wood. An example of this, is the ability to seal a door shut, to fill in the space between the opening of the door, by merging the edges of the crack.

Fairies (4)

The magical connection to all aspects of earth also allows fairies to draw power from natural materials such as minerals. They can scan the ground beneath them for the presence of bodies or objects, pulling them to the surface with their magic, or control rocks and stones, such as turning a piece of coal into a diamond. Certain fairies are also able to manipulate the very density of the natural environment around them, making it so that another person's feet will magically sink into the ground and entrapping them on the spot, or simply burying a body with soil. Earth magic, can also allow some Fairies to bore through natural substances, such as walls of stone, which allows them to walk through it resembling intangibility.

Powerful fairies are able to call on nature to preserve their life essence should they feel the imminence of death. The life essence of the deceased fairy is subsequently contained in a Resurrection Plant.

Users: Benjamin Harvey, Farah Dowling, Flora, Rosalind Hale, Sam Harvey, Terra Harvey


Fairies (5)

Fairies with power over fire have control over its flames, heat and bright light. When the power is being used, the eyes of the user glow in an orange color.

Fire fairies possess the ability of spontaneous combustion, enabling them to create fire out of thin air, as well as controlling its movement, intensity and heat. With focus and precision, a fairy is able to ignite flammable material or conjure a powerful stream of flames that can be directed at an opponent. More skilled fairies can channel fire magic to incinerate a Burned One's cinder, thus killing it instantly.

Apart from its offensive capabilities, fire magic can be used in a controlled way to cauterize small wounds, heat food, and welding purposes.

Fire magic also allows fairies to control fire that was created from another source. This gives them the power to protect themselves and others from being engulfed by flames and suffocating from smoke inhalation.

Fairies using fire magic are immune to the heat and intensity of the flames they generate. They can summon it from the palm of their hands and direct it around their bodies without setting their clothes alight. However, this could be an instinctual reaction, rather an actual physiological immunity to heat, as they can still be burned, such as zapped by electricity magic. It is possible, that by manipulating the heat of the fire, they don't allow the heat to enter and burn their skin or even their clothes, similarly to how they can actively burn only one piece of kindling and leave the surrounding ones untouched by the flames.

Users: Bloom Peters, Doris, Farah Dowling, Nick, Bloom Peters' birth mother, Unnamed Fire Fairy students


Fairies (6)

Fairies with power over light have control over illumination, illusion and its energy. When the power is being used, the eyes of the user glow in a yellow color.

Light fairies can generate it on command, as well as manipulate the properties of light for a variety of purposes. Fairies can summon a blinding light from the palm of their hands, they can even induce a permanent loss of vision in someone exposed to it. Users can also conjure spheres of light hover above or near them. Fairies can also adjust the existing lighting of their surroundings to either dim it or change its color.

With some skill, fairies are able to play with light to create constructs such as rainbows in their hands.

They are also able to bend the light around them to render themselves and others invisible to the naked eye. A more advanced version of this is the creation of an invisible veil to hide an area as large as a town, though it can be temporarily disrupted with powerful electrical magic.

By manipulating light, users can also create holograms or life-like illusions. For example they can make a room appear as a completely different location to trick a person. Another example, is the ability to project a hologram of an object, after its reflected light has been copied, which can be used to create an enlarged holographic image of said object.

Users can also create an image of themselves to another place, as a form of Astral Projection, to allow communication. However, as the image of the person can both hear and speak through it, this may be a spell with the combined element of Air, which allows the manipulation of sound.

Users of light magic can also create an image of a black hole with a realistic event horizon, bending the light all around it. The black hole can be a hint that the user can also manipulate darkness.

*In the official Instagram account of the series, in a post was revealed that Light Fairies control more than just illumination and that they can control energy. Although not canon, it is possible that Light Magic can be used to control, not only the visible light, but also the entire spectrum of electromagnetic energy. That may open up the possibility to other powers, such as radiation manipulation, x-rays and even solar flares.

Users: Luna, Rosalind Hale, Stella


Fairies (7)

Fairies with power over mind have access and control over thoughts, memories, dreams, and emotions of other people.

Fairies whose mind magic is attuned to emotions are known as "empaths". They have the power over people's moods temperament and general feelings, including physical pain. An empath can sense what someone is feeling at will, but in some cases this power is always activated causing difficulty controlling it by focusing on one emotion. With power over people's feelings, a practitioner of mind magic, can manipulate and change them. For example, they can control someone's pain, to inflict or ease it or change their current emotional state. However, when one keeps covering negative emotions with positive, the negative emotions may bottle up, and when brought to the surface, they can cause the person to lose control of themselves. For example, constant suppression of anger, can cause the anger to be turned into rage.

Mind magic is also able to give a fairy the power over the memories of other beings. A user can probe through memories, erase or activate old forgotten memories, causing an individual to remember things, even as a baby.

Some can take control of a mind entirely and control an individual's movements.

Fairies with mind magic are also effective in protecting their own mind or others' from Mind or Blood Witch magic. With enough effort, a fairy can stop the mind magic of another fairy and free someone under their control, or protect their own mind from being invaded.

Other abilities afforded by mind magic include telepathic communication which allows the fairy to exchange information with someone else.

Users: Beatrix, Devin, Duke Hammerström, Farah Dowling, Luna, Musa, Rosalind Hale


Fairies (8)

Fairies with power over water can control large bodies of water, such as lakes, oceans etc. and can even control the molecules of water that exist in organisms. When the power is being used, the eyes of the user glow in a blue color.

This magic allows fairies to draw water from the atmosphere, from the ground, or from existing bodies of water, such as oceans and lakes and substances which contain water molecules, such as alcoholic drinks. Fairies are able to manipulate and shape the water as they see fit; either by creating floating spheres of water, calling it forth like a geyser to extinguish wildfires on the ground, summoning a powerful stream strong enough to push foes away with concussive force, or creating a giant wall of water to surround someone. However, as water is an element that fights form, it takes a considerable amount of focus to keep it under control. With enough practice, fairies can use water magic to create miniature clouds that produce rain and a small rainbow.

Other abilities include, to keep someone under water for an extended period of time, while also providing them a bubble with oxygen around their face, to allow them to breathe.

Water can also be used in its solid state of ice, such as freezing a person's body in a layer of ice.

Users: Aisha, Farah Dowling

The eyes of the fairies who have mastered other elements besides their born element, glow in a white-silver color when they use any power.

Other Forms of Magic[]

Fairies have the ability to cast spells and access other magical capabilities. These appear to be advanced forms of magic and are possibly based on a combination of many or all the elements, however, that is unclear. Most of their magic is cast through runes, either by drawing or carving hem on objects or tracing them on surfaces.


Alchemy is the craft of combining scientific knowledge, mostly chemistry, with magic and create potions, substances with magical properties, such as oils, powders, serums, even potions in gas form. Fairies with an affinity to sciences can come up with a variety of formulas, and utilize regular or magical ingredients and substances to achieve a magical effect. The effects of these potions can be either medical, poisonous or they can even be used to detect remnants of magic.

Artifact Enchantment[]

Fairies have the ability to create and enchant objects and artifacts giving them a certain magical property. Some of these objects can be used by anyone, such as a gateway ring, and others can only be used by a selected few, those who are given authority. For example, the Gem to keep Stella within the school grounds, was placed by Rosalind and was removed by Luna's magic. Another example is when Bavani, Solaria's commanding officer, had the power to remove Runic Limiters from someone.

Barrier Manipulation[]

Fairies are capable of creating and manipulating magical protective barriers. At Alfea College, there's a magical barrier that protects the campus from evil threats, such as the Burned Ones. It is powered by the Stone Circle. Having access to the Stone Circle, one is capable of either taking down the Barrier, or manipulating it in other ways such as, to seal it completely, preventing anyone from going through it, either to enter or exit the campus.


Fairies (9)

Multiple fairies are able to combine their powers to accomplish powerful feats of magic. It was previously thought to be impossible until Rosalind Hale, Farah Dowling, and Ben Harvey combined their magic to conjure lightning strong enough to completely destroy Aster Dell, Blood Witches, and the Burned Ones present at the village. After Stella, Aisha, and Terra transformed for the first time and manifested their wings, they combined their enhanced power with Bloom's Dragon Flame to destroy Sebastian Valtor.

A Convergence Crystal is a rare relic that serves as a conduit in combining fairy magic. After Musa was drained of power by the Scrapers, Aisha hypothesized that it could be restored if she and her suite mates channeled their magic into Musa through a Convergence Crystal to "jump start" the latter's magic. At first the Convergence Ceremony didn't work, but when Bloom called on the Dragon Flame for extra power, it successfully allowed the fairies to combine their magic in the Convergence Crystal. The ceremony was interrupted by Musa as she did not want to regain her powers. However, the magic that the Convergence Crystal did collect resulted in the Winx Suite girls' powers being heightened temporarily.

Dragon Flame[]

Fairies (10)

The Dragon Flame is a legendary power that has been burning for over a thousand years. It resides within Bloom Peters, a Fire Fairy who inherited the Dragon Flame from her birth mother. The Dragon Flame is a destructive force, capable of killing thousands and creating creatures known as Burned Ones. It has also shown the power to burn through stasis magic, giving Bloom the ability to access transformation magic for the first time, and restoring the Burned Ones to their original human forms by ripping their Cinders out.

Portal Creation[]

There are several places within the Otherworld, such as entrances and doors that are enchanted gateways to lead into the First World. There are different ways to open those portals such as magical objects or specific actions similar to a passcode. Stella had a Gateway Ring, which allowed the user to open a portal by placing the hand the ring is worn on, onto the enchanted door. Sebastian had a gateway door in his shop, and by placing two of his fingers on the decorative figurines, he could enact two hidden runes that would open the portal.

Raw Magic/Energy Blast[]

Fairies have the ability to draw pure magical energy from their elemental powers, by activating them and concentrating. This ability is mostly used to blast someone with energy and throw them or disintegrate them. It can also be used for Convergence Ceremonies.

This ability was first shown in "No Strangers Here", by Musa, a mind fairy, who channeled her magic into a ball of magenta purple-like waves of energy between her hands. It was used during a Convergence Ceremony and was shown to be amplified with Transformation Magic.


Fairies (11)

Stasis is the act of using runes to conjure a powerful wall of electrical magic around a fairy, placing them in a dormant state and inhibiting their powers. In stasis, a fairy is immobilized and unable to free themselves without external help.

Fairies (12)

Bloom was placed in stasis as a baby by her birth mother, who feared that her daughter would lose control of the Dragon Flame just as she had. Bloom remained in stasis for a thousand years, until she was found by a Blood Witch and brought to Aster Dell. Rosalind Hale was placed in stasis after orchestrating the destruction of Aster Dell, where she was hidden away in Alfea's undercroft area. Sixteen years later, Bloom found Rosalind with Beatrix's help. Rosalind was able to regain consciousness and telepathically communicate with Bloom even through the stasis barrier, encouraging the latter to channel the Dragon Flame to burn away the stasis wall. Bloom successfully did so and freed Rosalind.

A year later, Bloom was sentenced to twenty years in stasis following a trial where she was found guilty for killing Rosalind with the Dragon Flame. Bavani Selvarajah placed Bloom in stasis in the undercroft, but she was freed by the spirit of Farah Dowling.

Transformation Magic[]

Fairies (13)

Transformation magic is an ancient fairy ability that has been lost over the ages. It is a form of magic that is accessed when a fairy draws power from both positive and negative magic to manifest wings made of their birth element. Once a fairy has transformed, their magic is much more powerful than before, but the first time tapping into transformation magic usually has an exhaustive effect on fairies. However, subsequent uses of transformation magic is less draining than the first and fairies will be able to easily access it at will.

Bloom was the first fairy in centuries to rediscover transformation magic. About a year later, her suite mates Aisha, Stella, and Terra were also able to unlock transformation magic thanks to the spirit of their former headmistress, Farah Dowling.

Unconfirmed Forms of Magic[]


In a prequel novel of the show, there was one mention of Technology magic. However, as technology is not an element of nature, it can be presumed, that control over it can be granted through the other elements or a combination of them.[2]

*One theory suggests that Earth fairies can tap into the metals and minerals within electrical and electronic devices to control their charged particles and manipulate the device. Based on another theory, as light is electromagnetic radiation, Light fairies might be capable of manipulating other forms of EM radiation including radio signals and electrical pulses in devices.

*Some suggest, that Air magic can be used to manipulate technology, but that can be counteracted by the fact, that Air fairies can manipulate electricity by manipulating the air molecules and the atmosphere. That prevents them from manipulating devices, as there is no air partaking to the powering or function of an electrical and electronic device.

However, as Technology magic has never been confirmed, it can also be speculated that it is a general Fairy ability.

Technology magic in the show, has appeared in the form of enchantments rather than an individual's power. Alfea is known to be powered by magic rather than an ordinary power source. Additionally, communication through technology with the First World can be made, if one is in the Otherworld, through social media such as Instagram, or via text, phone calls and video chats, implying that magic allows for electrical signals to travel through the two worlds.


Fairies (14)

Telekinesis is the ability to manipulate movement by using magic. Two powerful Fairies, Farah Dowling and Rosalind Hale, have demonstrated telekinetic abilities. They have both mastered other elements over their lifetime, so it is unclear whether this telekinesis is a subset of a specific elemental magic, such as air magic, or a fairy ability on its own. Farah used telekinesis to close the door to a gateway while facing a Burned One, and Rosalind used the power to lift Farah into the air and violently snap her neck to kill her.

Beatrix, an Air fairy, has also demonstrated forms of telekinesis, by manipulating electricity around objects or people in order to move them. A notable example, was when she manipulated the Sand Map, levitating the sand and shaping it into locations. As initially electricity was made visible, while lifting and shaping the sand, there was no more electricity, which made it appear as if it were regular telekinesis. This could imply that Telekinesis is an Air power, rather than a general fairy ability. (The specific example could be counteracted, by claiming that the Sand Map is a specifically enchanted object which can allow all fairies to activate and manipulate it regardless of their element.)


  • Scrapers: Scrapers are dark creatures from the Realm of Darkness that drain the magic of fairies. Fairies are powerless against them because when the fairy is about to direct her magic on them, she falls into a kind of "trance"
  • Burned Ones Infection: When the Burned Ones attack, the infection enters the fairy's body, and if the attacking Burned One is not exterminated, the fairy will die.
  • Emotions: Fairies can easily lose control of their powers due to their emotions, and inadvertently harm people. Bloom is a very fairy who very often loses control of her magic.
  • Magic: Fairies are not immune to other fairy's magic. Farah Dowling was killed by air magic by Rosalind Hale, and Stella's ex-best friend Ricky was blinded by light magic.

Changes from Winx Club[]

  • They are based on the Fairies Fairies (15) from the original Winx Club series Fairies (16).
  • Instead of each fairy having a unique power of her own, in Fate: The Winx Saga they are divided by "fairy types", like mind, fire, water, etc;. Additionally. the magic types are now more based on the elements of nature than it was in the original.
  • Unlike the Fairies from the original series, the Fairies in Fate: The Winx Saga do not have winged Fairy Forms Fairies (17)[3]. According to Farah Dowling, Fairies lost the secret of transformation magic long, long ago, for unknown reasons.
    • However, Bloom was able to transform in the episode "A Fanatic Heart" making her the only one to do so since long ago.
    • In the episode "All the Wild Witches", Terra, Aisha and Stella were able to transform as well. So far, the four girls are the only fairies to transform since long ago.
  • Unlike the Fairies from the original series, the Fairies in Fate: The Winx Saga are not solely female and there are both female and male Fairies in the show[3].
    • The showrunner for Fate: The Winx Saga, Brian Young, said that the inclusion of male fairies was a deliberate attempt at challenging the original Winx Club series' outdated gender norms[3].


  • Farah Dowling mentioned that Tinkerbell was an Air Fairy.[4] Tinkerbell Fairies (18) was a major character in the Winx Club spin-off, World of Winx Fairies (19), which was produced as a Netflix Original series much like Fate: The Winx Saga.
  • When Sky first met Bloom at Alfea, he said she must be a fairy due to being presumptuous.[4]
  • The magic color of Air and Water elements is blue, which makes it impossible to recognize if a fairy has Air or Water magic simply by their eyes glowing.


Promotional Images[]

Fairies (20)

Fairies (21)


Fairies (22)

Fairies (23)

Fairies (24)

Fairies (25)

Fairies (26)

Fairies (27)

Fairies (28)

Fairies (29)

Fairies (30)

Fairies (31)

Fairies (32)

Fairies (33)

Fairies (34)

Fairies (35)

Fairies (36)

Fairies (37)

Fairies (38)

Fairies (39)

Fairies (40)

Fairies (41)

Fairies (42)

Fairies (43)

Fairies (44)


  1. Season 2, Episode 6: Poor Unfortunate Souls
  2. Novel: Lighting the Fire
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 'Boys can be fairies - it's the 21st century': How Fate: The Winx Saga finds the reality in fantasy. The Guardian. December 10, 2020.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Season 1, Episode 1: To the Waters and the Wild
Fairies (2024)


Fairies? ›

A fairy (also fay, fae, fey, fair folk, or faerie) is a type of mythical being or legendary creature, generally described as anthropomorphic, found in the folklore of multiple European cultures (including Celtic, Slavic, Germanic, and French folklore), a form of spirit, often with metaphysical, supernatural, or ...

What are the four types of fairies? ›

In the mid-thirteenth century, Thomas of Cantimpré classified fairies into neptuni of water, incubi who wandered the earth, dusii under the earth, and spiritualia nequitie in celestibus, who inhabit the air.

What were fairies known for? ›

Fairies are often associated with plants and springtime, depicted as pure figures who possess magical powers. In the tales of fairies, they are more often than not mischievous creatures with dark and evil intentions. The Latin root word for fairy is 'fay' meaning fate.

Does fairy still exist? ›

In modern day, fairies have been associated with children's books, resulting in the moniker, “fairy tales,” according to Live Science. Though the belief in fairies still exists to present day, there is no concrete proof for or against the existence of fairies.

What is a faerie vs fairy? ›

The terms 'fairy' and 'faerie' refer to supernatural beings that are typically depicted as small, magical creatures with wings. The difference is that 'fairy' is the more common spelling, while 'faerie' is an archaic and uncommon spelling.

What is a male fairy called? ›

“Fairy” is a non-gendered word, unless an individual fantasy author makes it different for their story. “Nymph,” on the other hand, is feminine. The original meaning of the word was “bride.” And “satyr” is male, though late in antiquity artists made up “satyresses.”

What do fairies want from humans? ›

Fairies love shiny things, particularly things no one else seems to want, like old buttons, charms and paperclips. They don't however like human money. That is why they like to give it away when they collect your teeth.

What power do fairies have? ›

In literature, fairies have a lot of magical powers. These powers include teleportation, telekinesis, object manipulation, enchantments, nature manipulation, and many more.

What makes someone a fairy? ›

The label of fairy has at times applied only to specific magical creatures with human appearance, magical powers, and a penchant for trickery. At other times it has been used to describe any magical creature, such as goblins and gnomes.

Are fairies fallen angels? ›

Writing in 1887, Lady Jane Wilde popularised the Irish belief that: fairies are the fallen angels who were cast down by the Lord God out of heaven for their sinful pride…and the devil gives to these knowledge and power and sends them on earth where they work much evil.

Can humans become fairies? ›

Certainly, there are instances in Folklore of humans being gifted fairy-like powers such as prescience. 'As to the reverse', some have suggested that fairies can be reincarnated into a human form (rather than shape shifting into one temporarily) for some purpose or other in their custodianship of Mother Nature.

What do fairies actually look like? ›

There are a multitude of other beliefs but suffice to say; the notion that fairies are tiny winged creatures is mainly something that came into being around the Victorian age. In ancient times, fairies were often adult size, and the Irish Sidh were said to be up to 14 feet tall.

What are the 6 types of fairies? ›

Fate: The Winx Saga changes that formula by introducing six core elements that every fairy's magic connects to – fire, water, earth, air, light, and mind. Aisha's “waves” magic simply becomes water magic, Musa is a mind fairy, and so on.

Are fairies only female? ›

Faeries can be any gender. Thanks to Disney, most faeries are depicted as female, but depending on what mind set you have, a faery can be any gender. Most people simply have their minds set on faeries being female, so their more often depicted this way than their male counterparts.

Are fairies real or mythical? ›

fairy, a mythical being of folklore and romance usually having magic powers and dwelling on earth in close relationship with humans.

What are the six types of fairies? ›

Fate: The Winx Saga changes that formula by introducing six core elements that every fairy's magic connects to – fire, water, earth, air, light, and mind. Aisha's “waves” magic simply becomes water magic, Musa is a mind fairy, and so on.

How many kinds of fairys are there? ›

There are many different types of fairies. Some examples are pixies, sprites, trolls, nymphs, brownies, tricksters, and elves.

Are there different types of fairys? ›

We will delve into their history, the fairy realm, and various types of fairies. These include the Banshee, Leprechaun, Pooka, Dullahan, and Changelings. We will also explore popular fairy tales from Ireland.

What are fairies classified? ›

A fairy (also fay, fae, fey, fair folk, or faerie) is a type of mythical being or legendary creature, generally described as anthropomorphic, found in the folklore of multiple European cultures (including Celtic, Slavic, Germanic, and French folklore), a form of spirit, often with metaphysical, supernatural, or ...


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Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.