How To Attract The Fae — Solstice Sisters (2024)

The fae might not always show themselves to us, but that’s not to say they aren’t there. These wonderfully bright beings are constantly working their magick behind-the-scenes, and if you approach them with respect and a childhood sense of wonder, they might just give you a hand in your own spells!

Welcoming The Good Folk

The number one key to attracting the fae is actually pretty simple: acknowledge their presence. When you start the day, say good morning and offer them a small bit of milk or cream as you make your coffee. Greet them as you water your plants and create enchanted little nooks around your home to give them a space of their own. Household fae love offerings that are left out for them at night, especially gifts of bread or milk. Mine are especially fond of honey drizzled over fresh berries, and I always pour them the first cup of tea out of every pot. My point is, if you make it cozy and let them know that you appreciate and welcome their presence in your home, they will return the energy in kind.

Another tip when attracting the fae is to keep your space clean and tidy. The fae aren’t a fan of anything that might block the flow of their energy, and they may be chaotic but a lot of them (such as the tomte) don’t like messes. With that said, they’ll throw little fae parties if you fill your home with as many plants as possible. That’s not clutter to them -- it’s atmosphere.

Get Plantin’

If there’s one thing the fae love, it’s greenery. They thrive in natural environments, so the more plant life that you offer them around your home, the more likely they will be to visit. So which ones attract the most fae? Here’s a quick list of the ones my household fae go crazy for:

The fae will love all kinds of plants, though, so whatever calls to you and your household spirits is what you should plant. They’ll be just as in love with a succulent as they will with a peony. Just start planting! If you’re a city witch without a lot of space, get some shade-loving plants for the balcony or window-sill. Trust me, you’ll see the fae pop in for a visit in no time at all.

Time To Meditate

Last but not least: take the time each day to meditate on the faery realm and talk to the fae. It doesn’t have to be for very long; my daily talks with the fae usually only last for ten minutes in our time…but it feels much longer when you’re actually meditating. Here’s a peek into my daily meditation routine: Light a floral or woodsy incense, put on some calming flute music, and lay down on the floor. Taking a few deep breaths, open your heart and third eye to the energy of the fae. Envision yourself walking down a forest path that opens up into an overgrown courtyard, where a small pond awaits in the middle. Politely greet the fae and thank them for the blessings they’ve shared with you while sit by the small pond. Stare into the waters and look for signs from the fae, or listen to the forest around you for their movement. Spend time each day meditating in this sacred mind-palace, and get comfortable in this meditative state. In this place, they can easily send messages to you. The more time you spend meditating in this gathering place and letting the fae know that you're open to their wisdom, the more messages you will receive. If you ever feel uncomfortable traveling to the faery realm, hold a protective stone such as black tourmaline or tigers eye while you meditate.

If you follow some of these tips, you might be surprised by who stops in for a visit. Have you had any faery visitors lately? Let us know in the comments!

How To Attract The Fae — Solstice Sisters (2024)


What gifts do the fae like? ›

Here are some more suggestions on fae-approved food:
  • Bread.
  • Cakes.
  • Honey.
  • Wine.
  • Milk (or cream...or butter... basically, if it's dairy they're gonna love it)
  • Wine and Spirits.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Berries (of all kinds!)
Aug 20, 2023

What are the rules of the fae? ›

Rules of the Fey
  • Never say 'Thank you' to them. ...
  • Never, ever accept a gift from a Fey. ...
  • Never lie to a Fey. ...
  • Always keep your word when dealing with a Fey. ...
  • The Fey hate dirty water. ...
  • Never brag about any interaction that you may have with them. ...
  • Don't spy on them or capture their likeness without their permission.

What is a fae magic? ›

Faery Magick is simply the act of asking the Fae to assist in your spells and rituals, as well as opening yourself to the lessons they have to teach. The core of Faery magick is not only confidence in the Fae's ability to help, but in your own power as a witch who can manifest anything they want.

What is a fae creature? ›

A fairy (also fay, fae, fey, fair folk, or faerie) is a type of mythical being or legendary creature, generally described as anthropomorphic, found in the folklore of multiple European cultures (including Celtic, Slavic, Germanic, and French folklore), a form of spirit, often with metaphysical, supernatural, or ...

What do the Fae not like? ›

Iron by the way. If you find yourself in trouble with faery folk use iron. Iron is their one true weakness. Cold iron can be used to trap or do physical harm to a fairy.

How to make fairies happy? ›

11 tips to attract fairies
  1. a water fountain in your home that clatters on crystal or a rock.
  2. a plant near your pond.
  3. a plant that grows out of or on a rock.
  4. a herb garden mainly with old stone formations.
  5. shrines and altars to nature gods.
  6. wine cellars (yes don't ask me why but it seems to work)
  7. fantasy altars with offerings.
May 6, 2021

How to spot a fae? ›

1 Fae have “hard to stop” energy.
  1. Fae have “hard to stop” energy. ...
  2. The age of a Fae does not match their aura. ...
  3. Fae have compelling dexterity. ...
  4. They are constantly muttering spells. ...
  5. Fae have snacks. ...
  6. They appear in non-general places. ...
  7. They creep out the incurious. ...
  8. Fae know ancient & dangerous things.
Feb 16, 2024

How to befriend the fae? ›

To contact the Fae, the most practical way is to connect with nature and Faeries that occupy your area. This can help you build a relationship with them later. Some ways to do this may include spending frequent time in nature or cleaning up natural areas where you are aware fae are active or occupy.

What happens if you say thank you to a fae? ›

If you've studied fairy lore for more than five minutes, you'll know that you don't ever say “thank you” because it implies an obligation on your end (you've just agreed to a contract you didn't know you were agreeing to) or it's insulting to the fae, because it implies they are there to serve you.

What can fae do to humans? ›

Fae will steal adults as well. They are particularly fond of musicians and poets and will take them away to their realm for their entertainment. They also take humans who offend them and transform them into strange creatures or keep them as servants. In some versions of the story of Tam Lin the bard, he went willingly.

What can a fae do with your name? ›

Archfae, Fae, and Pixies are those fairies, they want to take True Names, and stealing away their owners is among the nicest things that can happen. When someone's True Name is taken, that person becomes a creature known as a Changeling.

What kills a fae? ›

The Fae possess the same physical weaknesses as ordinary humans, meaning they can be killed through sustained injuries or blunt trauma. Decapitation: Fae can be killed through decapitation. Heart Extraction: Fae can be killed by ripping their hearts from their bodies.

What are fae traps? ›

Instead of being a positive force that brings good fortune, the fae are known for being tricksters who mislead humans and bring nothing but bad luck. In other words, it's best to avoid them. As for fae traps, these refer to elaborate setups the fae would create to lure humans into their secret world.

Can a fae have a human mate? ›

Not very often does a fae have a mortal mate. The death of a mate is emotionally harrowing for the remaining partner. Mating bonds can develop between a fae or halfling and an individual of another humanoid species and of any gender.

Can a fae fall in love? ›

The lore of the faery realm has, like the world of humans, traditionally focused on love—both tales of faery lovers and of fey beings who have fallen in love with mortals and sometimes tried to keep them forever in their faery kingdoms.

What do fairies crave? ›

In traditional folklore and literature, fairies are often depicted as eating and drinking the same things as humans. However, they are also sometimes said to subsist on dew, honey, or the nectar of flowers. In some stories, they are also said to be able to steal milk or butter from milkmaids.

Do the fae like sweets? ›

Fairies were known to have a sweet tooth, and some stories say that they would kidnap talented human bakers to cook for them. In a tale that originates in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, a renowned baker was said to be taken away by the fairies to bake her famous cake for them.

What 3 gifts did the fairies give Aurora? ›

In fact, their first notable acts of magic were the blessings they gave to the baby Princess Aurora - Flora gave the child the Gift of Beauty, Fauna gave the child the Gift of Song, and Merryweather altered Maleficent's curse by replacing the tragic death intended for Aurora with a deep sleep that could be woken by ...


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