How to Create and Sell Printables (2024)

This article was published by WayToChanges – a comprehensive digital marketing blog that specialises in various aspects of making money online, including selling printables.

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    Welcome to a world of endless creativity and entrepreneurial possibilities!

    In this blog post, we delve into the art of creating and selling printables, where imagination meets profitability.

    Whether you’re a seasoned artist or a budding designer, we’ll unlock the secrets to crafting digital masterpieces that captivate hearts and minds.

    From printable planners that organise lives to stunning wall art that ignites inspiration, we’ll guide you step by step through the process of bringing your visions to life.

    Here we go:

    How to Create Printables for Sale

    To create printables for sale, start by selecting a unique and in-demand idea that will attract customers and set you apart from competitors.

    Design the printable using user-friendly software incorporating eye-catching fonts and graphics to enhance its appeal.

    Pay attention to formatting and layout, ensuring your printable looks professional and visually appealing. Also, consider offering editable options for added customisation if applicable.

    Choosing an idea for your printables

    Diving right into the heart of creating printables, we need to talk about choosing an idea that will captivate your target audience. Think carefully about what you know and what interests you the most.

    Discover gaps in the market or unique angles on popular themes. Consider segments like organisation aids, educational materials, or aesthetically pleasing wall art.

    The best printable products come from a blend of passion, knowledge, and creativity wrapped up with a bow of customer demand.

    In case you wonder what types of printables are in great customer demand, consider the following:

    • Planners
    • Party decorations
    • Banners
    • Note Cards
    • Flashcards
    • Invitations
    • Games
    • Labels
    • Stickers

    Keep in mind that selling printables is not just about creating something appealing but also addressing a need or want for your potential customers.

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    Designing printables

    Designing printables using the right tools is a crucial step in creating high-quality and visually appealing products. Here are some key points to keep in mind when creating your printables:

    1. Choose the right software: Consider using user-friendly design tools like Canva, which offers a wide range of templates and graphics suitable for printables. Alternatively, if you have more experience, Adobe Illustrator or InDesign provides advanced features for creating custom designs.
    2. Start with a blank canvas: Begin by selecting the appropriate dimensions for your printable, depending on its intended use. Common sizes include letters (8.5×11 inches) or A4 (210×297 mm).
    3. Use eye-catching fonts and graphics: Experiment with different fonts to find ones that match the style and theme of your printable. Incorporate icons or illustrations to enhance visual appeal and make the design stand out.
    4. Pay attention to formatting and layout: Ensure that the elements of your printable are aligned properly and organised in a visually pleasing manner. Use spacing effectively to avoid cluttered designs.
    5. Consider creating editable options: If applicable, you may want to offer editable features in your printables. This can be achieved by using software capabilities or by utilising PDF editing tools such as Adobe Acrobat Pro.

    In case you don’t have time to create your own printables, you can download done-for-you printable templates. Those you can easily modify and use as your own.

    Adding fonts and graphics

    Adding fonts and graphics to your printables is an important step in creating attractive and professional-looking designs. Here are some tips for selecting fonts and graphics that will enhance your printable products:

    1. Choose fonts that match the theme or purpose of your printable. If you’re creating a printable for children, consider using fun and playful fonts. For a more formal or professional design, opt for clean and classic fonts.
    2. Use contrasting fonts to create visual interest. Pair a decorative font with a simple, easy-to-read font to make headings stand out while ensuring the body text remains legible.
    3. Consider using graphic elements such as icons, illustrations, or borders to enhance the overall design of your printables. Graphics can add personality and visual appeal to your products.
    4. Ensure that the fonts you choose are easily readable in different sizes. Test their legibility by printing out sample copies of your printables in various sizes to ensure they remain clear and sharp.
    5. When adding graphics, make sure they are high-quality and relevant to the content of your printables. Avoid using generic clip art or low-resolution images that may appear blurry or pixelated when printed.
    6. Keep the layout clean and uncluttered by maintaining consistent font styles throughout your printables. This will help create a cohesive and professional look.
    7. Experiment with different colour combinations for both fonts and graphics to find what works best for your design. Consider using colours that complement each other or match the theme of your printable.

    Formatting and layout

    Formatting and layout are crucial elements when creating printables for sale. Here are some essential tips to consider:

    1. Keep it clean and organised: A clutter-free design is essential for a printable to be visually appealing and easy to use. Use white space strategically to give your printable a clean and professional look.
    2. Consistency is key: Maintain consistent formatting throughout the printable. Use the same fonts, font sizes, and colours for headings, subheadings, and body text. This will ensure a cohesive and polished appearance.
    3. Break it up with sections: Divide your printable into sections using headings or dividers. This makes it easier for users to navigate through the content and find the information they need.
    4. Consider colour schemes: Select a colour palette that complements your brand or fits the theme of your printable. Stick to a few colours for consistency, and avoid using too many bright or clashing colours.
    5. Optimise for printing: Ensure your printable is designed with printing in mind if it’s intended for physical use rather than digital-only downloads. Leave enough margins around the edges so that nothing gets cut off during printing.
    6. Test thoroughly: Before finalising your design, test print it yourself to make sure everything looks as intended on paper.

    Creating editable options (optional)

    Creating editable options for your printables is an optional but valuable addition to your product offerings. By providing editable templates, you allow customers to easily customise the designs with their own information or unique preferences.

    This added flexibility can make your printables more appealing and increase their value. To create editable options, you can use software like Canva or Adobe Illustrator to design the template and then save it in a format that allows editing, such as a PDF with fillable form fields.

    Keep in mind that not all printable products may be suitable for editability, so consider which ones would benefit from this feature based on customer demand and usability.

    With customisable options available, you’ll have even more opportunities to attract customers and stand out in the competitive world of printable sales.

    How to Sell Printables Online

    To sell printables online, you can set up an Etsy store, create a Shopify storefront, or even sell on your own website.

    Let’s discuss these methods in more detail:

    Setting up an Etsy store

    To start selling your printables on Etsy, follow these easy steps:

    1. Sign up for an Etsy account: Create an account with Etsy by visiting their website and clicking on the “Sell on Etsy” button. Fill in the required information and agree to the terms of service.
    2. Set up your shop: Once your account is created, click on the “Open Your Etsy Shop” button. Choose a name for your shop that reflects your brand and the type of printables you will be selling.
    3. Customise your shop: Personalise your shop by adding a profile picture, and banner image, and writing a compelling shop announcement or bio. Use keywords related to your niche to optimise your shop’s visibility in search results.
    4. Upload and list your printables: Click on “Listings” in your seller dashboard and then select “Add a Listing.” Upload high-quality images of your printables along with detailed descriptions that highlight their features, uses, and benefits.
    5. Set pricing and shipping options: Determine the price for each printable based on factors such as design complexity, market demand, and production costs. Consider offering free shipping or flat-rate shipping to attract more buyers.
    6. Choose payment methods: Set up payment options for customers to easily purchase your printables. Etsy offers several secure payment gateways, such as PayPal or direct checkout through credit cards.
    7. Optimise product tags and titles: Use relevant keywords in your product titles, tags, and descriptions to improve visibility in search results within Etsy’s marketplace. Consider using tools like “Sales Samurai” for better product listing optimisation.
    8. Promote your shop: Take advantage of Etsy’s built-in marketing tools like promoted listings or social media integration to drive traffic to your store. Consider running targeted ad campaigns or collaborating with influencers in your niche to increase exposure.

    Creating a Shopify storefront

    Creating a Shopify storefront is a popular option for entrepreneurs looking to sell their printables online. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, Shopify makes it easy to set up an attractive and professional online store. Here’s how to get started:

    1. Choose a Shopify plan: Select a plan that best suits your needs and budget. Shopify offers different pricing options with varying features, so make sure to choose one that aligns with your business goals.
    2. Set up your store: Follow Shopify’s step-by-step instructions to set up your store. This includes choosing a domain name, customising the look and feel of your storefront, and adding logo and branding elements.
    3. Add products: Upload images and descriptions of your printable products. Make sure to showcase them in an appealing way and provide detailed information about what customers can expect.
    4. Customise your online store: Use Shopify’s customisation tools to create a visually appealing storefront that reflects your brand identity. Choose from various templates or hire a designer if you want a more unique look.
    5. Add payment options: Set up payment gateways, such as PayPal or Stripe, to allow customers to easily purchase your printables. Ensure that the checkout process is seamless and secure.
    6. Optimise for mobile devices: More and more people are using their smartphones for online shopping, so make sure your Shopify store is optimised for mobile devices. Test it on different screen sizes to ensure it looks great on all devices.
    7. Enable digital downloads: Since printables are digital products, you’ll need to enable the option for customers to download their purchases immediately after purchase. This can be done through apps or built-in features provided by Shopify.
    8. Set up shipping (if applicable): If you offer physical products in addition to digital downloads, you’ll need to set up shipping options within Shopify. This includes choosing carriers, setting shipping rates, and configuring fulfilment processes.
    9. Test and launch: Before launching your Shopify storefront, thoroughly test the shopping experience to ensure everything is working smoothly. Make any necessary adjustments or fixes before telling the world about your printables.

    Selling on your own website

    Selling on your own website can be a great option for entrepreneurs looking to create and sell printables. Here are some key steps to consider:

    1. Choose a reliable e-commerce platform: Selecting the right e-commerce platform is crucial for selling printables on your own website. Look for a platform that offers easy customisation options, secure payment gateways, and integration with popular marketing tools.
    2. Set up a user-friendly online store: Create an appealing and user-friendly online store where customers can browse and purchase your printables easily. Use high-quality images, clear descriptions, and categorise your products for easy navigation.
    3. Customise your online store: Personalise your website to reflect your brand identity and showcase your unique selling proposition. Utilise themes or templates that complement the aesthetic of your printables.
    4. Add multiple payment options: Offer multiple payment options to cater to different customer preferences, such as credit/debit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, etc. Ensure that the payment process is seamless and secure.
    5. Optimise for search engines (SEO): Implement SEO strategies to improve the visibility of your website in search engine rankings. Research relevant keywords related to your niche and incorporate them into product descriptions, headings, and meta tags.
    6. Offer freebies or discounts: Attract potential customers by offering freebies or exclusive discounts on certain printable products. This can help build brand loyalty and encourage repeat purchases.
    7. Provide excellent customer service: Respond promptly to customer inquiries or concerns through email or live chat support. Make sure to address any issues with downloadable files or order processing efficiently.
    8. Promote through digital marketing channels: Drive traffic to your website by utilising digital marketing channels like social media advertising, email marketing campaigns, influencer collaborations, content marketing through blog posts, or guest articles in relevant publications.

    Marketing and Promoting Your Printable Business

    There are several ways to market and promote your printable business.

    You can utilise social media platforms, create a dedicated blog or website to showcase your printables, implement email marketing strategies to reach potential customers directly and consider collaborating with influencers or bloggers in your niche for increased visibility.

    Utilising social media platforms

    Social media platforms are powerful tools for marketing and promoting your printable business. We can gain a wider reach and connect with potential customers by utilising these platforms effectively.

    Here are some strategies to consider:

    1. Create engaging content: Share visually appealing images or videos of your printables on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Show how your printables can be used in real-life situations to grab the attention of your audience.
    2. Leverage hashtags: Use relevant hashtags specific to the niche or theme of your printables. This will help potential customers discover your content when they search for related topics. For example, if you sell printable art, use hashtags such as #printableart or #walldecor.
    3. Engage with your audience: Respond to comments, messages, and questions from followers promptly and professionally. Building a positive relationship with potential customers can increase engagement and sales.
    4. Collaborate with influencers: Partnering with influencers or bloggers in your niche can help you reach a larger audience interested in printables. Offer them free samples of your printables in exchange for a shoutout or review on their social media channels.
    5. Run contests or giveaways: Encourage user-generated content by hosting contests or giveaways on social media platforms. Ask participants to share photos of their favourite printables or tag friends who might be interested in purchasing them.
    6. Share behind-the-scenes content: Show the creative process behind designing and producing your printables. This gives your audience a glimpse into the effort that goes into creating these products, making it more likely for them to appreciate and support your business.
    7. Utilise ads: Consider running paid advertisem*nts on platforms like Facebook or Instagram to target specific demographics interested in relevant topics such as home decor, organisation, education, etc.

    Creating a blog or website to showcase your printables

    Creating a blog or website is an essential step in showcasing your printables and connecting with potential customers. Here’s why it can be beneficial for entrepreneurs:

    1. Increase visibility: Having a dedicated blog or website gives you a platform to showcase your printables to a wider audience. It allows you to display your products, highlight their features, and provide more detailed information.
    2. Build credibility: A well-designed blog or website lends credibility to your printable business. It shows that you’re serious about what you do and have taken the time to create a professional online presence.
    3. Showcase your brand: Your blog or website is an opportunity to establish and communicate your brand identity. You can use consistent branding elements, such as colours, fonts, and logos, throughout the site to create a cohesive and memorable brand experience.
    4. Provide valuable content: In addition to displaying your printables, having a blog allows you to share useful content related to your niche. For example, if you sell teacher printables, you can write articles on classroom organisation tips or lesson planning strategies. This positions you as an expert in your field and attracts potential customers.
    5. Engage with your audience: A blog or website provides a platform for two-way communication with your audience through comments and feedback forms. You can interact with visitors, answer their questions, and build relationships that can lead to repeat customers.
    6. Drive traffic: By optimising your blog or website for search engines (SEO), you can attract organic traffic from people searching for relevant keywords related to printables in search engines like Google. Regularly publishing quality content also helps improve search engine rankings.
    7. Capture leads: To further grow your printable business, you can use your blog or website to capture email addresses through opt-in forms or freebies related to your printables. This allows you to build an email list of interested prospects whom you can market to directly.

    Email marketing to reach potential customers

    Email marketing is a powerful tool for reaching potential customers and promoting your printable business. Here are some effective strategies to make the most of email marketing:

    1. Build an email list: Create a sign-up form on your website or blog to collect email addresses from interested visitors. You can also offer incentives such as free printable samples or exclusive discounts to encourage sign-ups.
    2. Segment your email list: Categorise your subscribers based on their interests, preferences, or purchase history. This allows you to tailor your email content and offers specifically for each segment, increasing the chances of engagement and conversions.
    3. Provide valuable content: Your emails should go beyond just sales pitches. Offer valuable tips, inspiration, or helpful resources related to printables in order to establish credibility and build trust with your subscribers.
    4. Showcase new products or collections: Highlight any new printables you have created in your emails, along with eye-catching visuals and detailed descriptions. Include links that direct subscribers straight to the page where they can make a purchase.
    5. Run email-exclusive promotions: Reward your loyal subscribers by offering exclusive discounts or early access to new releases through email campaigns. This creates a sense of exclusivity and encourages repeat purchases.
    6. Personalise the emails: Use personalisation tags in your emails to address subscribers by their names and customise content based on their preferences whenever possible. This helps create a more individualised experience for each subscriber.
    7. Test different email formats and layouts: Experiment with different layouts, images, colours, fonts, and calls to action in your emails to see what resonates best with your audience. A/B testing can help determine which elements drive higher click-through rates.
    8. Track metrics and analyse data: Monitor the success of your email campaigns by tracking metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Use this data to refine your email marketing strategy and improve future campaigns.

    Collaborating with influencers or bloggers in your niche

    Collaborating with influencers or bloggers in your niche can greatly boost your printable business.

    By partnering with individuals who have a strong online presence and a dedicated following, you can tap into their audience and increase your reach.

    Here are some ways to collaborate with influencers and bloggers:

    1. Seek out relevant influencers: Look for influencers or bloggers who share a similar target audience or niche as your printable business. This ensures that the collaboration will be more effective in reaching potential customers who are already interested in what you have to offer.
    2. Offer free samples or exclusive discounts: Provide influencers with complimentary access to your printables or offer them exclusive discount codes to share with their audience. This not only allows them to experience the quality of your products firsthand but also encourages their followers to try out your printables at a reduced price.
    3. Guest blog posts or social media takeovers: Collaborate with influencers by inviting them to write a guest blog post on your website or take over your social media accounts for a day. This allows them to showcase their expertise while also introducing their audience to your printable business.
    4. Sponsored content or product reviews: Consider sponsoring influencer content where they highlight and promote your printables within their own channels. Alternatively, you can provide them with free printables in exchange for an honest review on their blog, YouTube channel, or social media platforms.
    5. Joint giveaways and contests: Organise joint giveaways or contests where influencers and bloggers partner with you to promote your printables. This helps create buzz around your products and incentivises their followers to engage with both the influencer’s content and yours.

    Extra Tips for Success in Creating and Selling Printables

    Here are some extra tips that will help you to drive extra exposure to your printables regardless of where you sell them.

    Researching popular niches and trends

    To create successful printables, it’s crucial to research popular niches and trends. Finding out what customers are currently looking for will help you tailor your products to meet their demands.

    Look for emerging themes or topics that are gaining traction in the market. For example, you might discover that printable planners or educational worksheets are highly sought after.

    Additionally, keep an eye on social media platforms and online communities where people share their interests and needs. This can provide valuable insights into niche markets that you may not have considered before.

    Also, consider using tools like Google Trends to spot what is currently trending right now and take advantage of that.

    Pricing your printables competitively

    Pricing your printables competitively is crucial to the success of your business. Researching popular niches and trends in the market will help you determine a fair and competitive price for your products.

    Take into consideration factors like the time, effort, and materials invested in creating each printable. It’s important not to undervalue your work but also to remain competitive within the marketplace.

    Providing exceptional customer service alongside quality products will justify higher prices and attract repeat customers. Continuously monitor pricing trends in your niche to ensure that you’re staying both competitive and profitable as an entrepreneur selling printables online.

    Providing exceptional customer service

    At our printable business, we understand the importance of providing exceptional customer service. It goes beyond just creating and selling printables – it’s about building relationships with our customers and ensuring their satisfaction every step of the way.

    We believe in prompt response times to inquiries and resolving any issues that may arise quickly and efficiently.

    One way we prioritise exceptional customer service is by offering clear instructions on how to use our printables. We know that not everyone is tech-savvy or familiar with using digital products, so we provide detailed guidance to make sure our customers have a seamless experience.

    Additionally, we offer personalised assistance when needed, whether it’s helping them customise a design or answering any questions they might have.

    By going above and beyond in providing exceptional customer service, we’ve built a loyal customer base who appreciates the value of our products but also values the level of care that comes along with them.

    Continuously improving and expanding your product offerings

    As entrepreneurs, it’s important to continuously improve and expand our product library when creating and selling printables. This allows us to stay relevant in the market and attract more customers.

    Keep an eye on popular niches and trends by doing research, as this will give you valuable insights into what people are looking for. Additionally, pricing your printables competitively is crucial to stand out from the competition.

    Providing exceptional customer service is also key, as it builds trust and loyalty with your customers. Lastly, don’t be afraid to experiment with new ideas and explore different types of printables to keep your business fresh and exciting.


    In conclusion, creating and selling printables can be a profitable venture for entrepreneurs looking to tap into the online marketplace.

    By following the outlined steps, such as choosing the right printable idea, designing them with user-friendly tools, and setting up shop on platforms like Etsy or Shopify, you can easily start your own printable business.

    Remember to market your products effectively through social media, blogging, and email marketing to reach potential customers. With dedication and creative ideas, you can find success in the world of printable products.

    So why wait? Start creating and selling printables today!

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    How to Create and Sell Printables (2024)


    Can you really make money selling printables? ›

    Selling printables on Etsy can be a fantastic source of income — and not just any income, but passive income that requires minimal effort to drive maximum profit.

    How to create and sell printables? ›

    Start by creating your digital products, either from scratch or using commercially licensed assets. Next, open an Etsy store (or use an existing one) and list your products by setting up appealing listings. Finally, market your store through SEO, social media, and Etsy ads.

    What printables sell most? ›

    What Printables Sell Best On Etsy?
    • Planner.
    • Home decor.
    • Product labels.
    • Order inserts.
    • Business cards.
    • Invitations.
    • Fitness and habit trackers.
    • Self-improvement printables.
    Feb 25, 2024

    Do people still buy printables? ›

    Creating and selling printables is one of the most popular side hustles online right now and for good reason! This is such a fun side hustle because there are so many different types of printables that can be created.

    Are printables profitable in 2024? ›

    Printable art is a great digital product idea for 2024, as it can be customized to fit any decor style or niche. You can create printable art for specific niches, such as nursery decor or motivational quotes, or create a general printable art product that can be customized to fit anyone's needs.

    Do you need a license to sell printables on Etsy? ›

    Etsy's seller policies do not require you to have a business license to sell on their platform. However, the inquiry doesn't end there. A seller of goods on Etsy may need a license or permit from municipal, county, state, or federal agencies regulating businesses. Your Etsy shop is either a business or a hobby.

    Where is the best place to sell Printables? ›

    Etsy is a well-established online marketplace known for its handmade and vintage products. It offers a dedicated section for printables, making it a popular choice for sellers in this niche. With millions of buyers visiting Etsy every day, it provides a vast audience for your printables.

    Can you sell printables made on Canva? ›

    You can only sell original designs

    If you want to create a product you can sell, it needs to be an original design. You can't sell any Canva content on a standalone basis.

    How to start a printable side hustle? ›

    Mom who makes 6 figures through Etsy side hustle: 5 steps to start your own printables shop
    1. Consider, 'what do people need? ' ...
    2. Use Google Docs, Excel or Canva to make your product. ...
    3. Create 'beautiful listing images' ...
    4. Use smart keywords. ...
    5. 'Price right in the middle'
    Sep 6, 2023

    What is the best format for Printables? ›

    Some of the best file formats for printing are:
    • TIFF. TIFF files are an excellent choice for almost every printing session. ...
    • PNG. PNG files offer many of the same advantages as TIFF files, and it's an excellent choice for printing photos. ...
    • PDF. If exact formatting matters, opt for PDF. ...
    • JPEG.

    How do I find trending printables on Etsy? ›

    Selling printables on Etsy has many steps, but the most important one is finding what printables sell best on Etsy. For discovering the most popular Etsy printables and selling digital art on Etsy, you can either use Insightfactory's Etsy printable trends or search through the Etsy keyword research tool.

    Can you actually make money selling digital downloads on Etsy? ›

    Generally, successful sellers are able to earn several thousand dollars per month selling digital downloads on Etsy. We will recommend you put more time and energy into your marketing efforts to increase your earnings.

    Can you really make money selling print on demand? ›

    Print-on-demand allows entrepreneurs, artists, and creatives to monetize their imagination and create a passive income stream without the risk of losing money. The beauty of the print-on-demand business model lies in the fact that a trusted print provider takes care of the entire production process for you.

    Is selling digital prints profitable? ›

    Yes, selling artwork online is a great way for artists to make money. It allows you to reach a broad audience of worldwide art enthusiasts looking to own unique, eye-catching pieces. However, the art market is competitive, so the profitability of your online art business depends on numerous factors.

    Can you make good money selling prints on Etsy? ›

    Yes! Selling art on Etsy can be a fun side job or a profitable full-time venture. Some sellers make a few hundred dollars per month, while others make thousands. Follow the sound advice above, and you'll be well on your way to creating a successful Etsy shop.


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