How To Set Intentions With Crystals (2024)

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Posted by Danelle Ferreira


  1. What To Say When Setting Intentions with Crystals
  2. How To Set Intentions with Crystals During Full Moon
  3. How To Set Intentions with Crystals and Candles
  4. How To Set Intentions with Multiple Crystals
  5. Rose Quartz for Attracting Love
  6. Clear Quartz for Any Intention
  7. Amethyst for Intuition and Emotional Balance

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The law of attraction is the act of manifesting your desires into reality. Adopting a law of attraction mindset is powerful, and you can use crystals to attract the conditions needed to manifest your intentions.

The more positive your mindset is, and the more balanced your emotions are, the easier it is to be productive and to create the life you need to actualize your dreams. Crystals have different properties that allow you to let go of bad habits that stop you from living your best life and help you develop positive attributes that help lead to your success.

Let’s look athow to use intention stonesand what you must do to create your best life with your crystals.

What To Say When Setting Intentions with Crystals

How To Set Intentions With Crystals (2)

Choose a crystal that has properties that align with your intention. For example, you can useCarnelian crystals to set intentionsrelated to helping you feel more confident and self-assured.

If you want to know how often you should set intentions for crystals, the answer is you can repeat affirmations daily or set intentions once a week, or month, through an intention-setting ritual.

If you want to know what to say or write when setting intentions, the answer is anything positive will help the crystal align with what you want it to do. Here are a few examples:

  • If you use Tiger’s Eye, you can say, “I wish for this crystal to give me the strength, courage, and intuition needed to reach my goals.”
  • If you are usingHematite, you can say, “I wish for this crystal to protect me from harm when I explore different places, people, and situations while I follow my ambitions.”
  • If you are usingCitrine, you can say, “I wish this crystal will bring me the money, luck, and resources needed to follow my dreams.”
  • If you are using Pink Kunzite, you can say, “I wish for this crystal to give me the health, energy, and vitality needed to work toward success.”

You can also use crystals to help you set intentions to manifest specific goals. For example:

  • When usingRose quartzfor love, you can say, “I wish for this crystal to allow me to meet my soulmate.”
  • When usingLepidolitefor dreams, you can say, “I wish for this crystal to help me with a lucid dream or astral travel.”
  • When usingUnakitefor fertility, you can say, “I wish for this crystal to increase my chances of conception.”

Saying the Wiccan phrase, “So mote it be,” at the end of affirmations to seal the deal is similar to saying “Amen” at the end of the prayer. A prayer is also a form of intention setting and manifestation.

How To Set Intentions with Crystals During Full Moon

How To Set Intentions With Crystals (3)
  • Cleanse your crystal first by using a method that is compatible with your crystal.
  • Once your crystal is cleansed, place it next to you while you write down what you want to achieve with this crystal.
  • On the night of the full moon, sit outside where you can easily see the moon and where the moonlight falls on your crystal.
  • You can burnsageor incense, or light a candle, to make your intention-setting ritual even more powerful.
  • Hold the crystal in your palm and repeat your affirmation at least three times, though you can repeat it as often as you want. The more you say it, the more your crystal will be charged with your intention.
  • Leave your crystal outside overnight, and then carry it in your pocket or wear it daily to let it work its magic in your life.

How To Set Intentions with Crystals and Candles

How To Set Intentions With Crystals (4)

First, choose a candle color that aligns with your intention.

How To Set Intentions With Crystals (5)

Physical health, your home, and what you own.

  • Cleanse your crystal with a compatible cleansing method.
  • Place your crystal at a safe distance from a candle while writing down your intention.
  • Say your intention aloud at least three times, or as many times as you would like, while holding the crystal in front of the flame.
  • Let the candle burn for 2 hours with your crystal beside it to allow the flame to charge the crystal with your intention. Leave the note with your intention written down under the crystal.

How To Set Intentions with Multiple Crystals

How To Set Intentions With Crystals (6)
  • Find a crystal grid cloth or a piece of paper with the Flower Of Life or Metatron’s cube printed onto it.
  • You do not need to use a printed grid. You can envision the shape of Metatron’s cube or The Flower of Life.
  • Choose the crystals that align with your intention. Ensure they are cleansed before performing this ritual.
  • You can placeSeleniteor Clear Quartz on the edges of the grid and intention crystals in the center.
  • Take a crystal wand and point it to each crystal while stating your intention or affirmation.
  • You can also light a candle, burn some sage, or incense to amplify this ritual.
  • Leave the crystal grid undisturbed for 7 to 28 days. You can carry or wear the crystals afterward, as they will be charged with your intention.

Rose Quartz for Attracting Love

How To Set Intentions With Crystals (7)

Rose Quartz is a wonderful stone to set intentions associated with self-love and attracting love and relationships into your life.

Rose Quartz Affirmations:

  • I am filled with love and light.
  • I love myself unconditionally.
  • I love others unconditionally.
  • I am worthy of being loved.
  • I wish to attract people into my life who fill me with love.
  • I am love.

If you want to know how to set intentions with Rose Quartz, check out49 Rose Quartz affirmations!

Clear Quartz for Any Intention

How To Set Intentions With Crystals (8)

Using Clear Quartz for intention setting works well, as this versatile stone can manifest anything.

Clear Quartz Affirmations:

  • I am filled with strength and wisdom.
  • I have a clear vision that allows me to see the truth around me.
  • My chakras are aligned, and my energy is pure.
  • Nothing has power over my thoughts.
  • My intentions are always pure.

Check out my list of50 Clear Quartz affirmationsto see more!

Amethyst for Intuition and Emotional Balance

How To Set Intentions With Crystals (9)

Amethyst can be used to set intentions related to enhancing your psychic powers, resolving trauma, and balancing and soothing your emotions.

Amethyst Affirmations:

  • I am a spiritual and awakened being.
  • I am connected to the universe and everything around me.
  • I am balanced, filled with peace, and whole.
  • The past has no power over me; the present is where I want to be.
  • I will release this addiction and will create a healthy, wholesome life.

You can also read50 Amethyst affirmationsto know what intentions to set on Amethyst.

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How To Set Intentions With Crystals (2024)


How do you set your intention on a crystal? ›

Program Your Crystal: Hold the crystal in your hands and focus on your intention. Envision the energy of your intention flowing into the crystal. Picture light surrounding it. You may speak your intention aloud or repeat it silently.

Do you set intentions before or after charging crystals? ›

How To Charge Your Crystals With Intentions
  1. Step 1: Choose Your Crystal. The first step in charging a crystal with intentions is choosing one that resonates with your intention. ...
  2. Step 2: Cleanse Your Crystal. ...
  3. Step 3: Set Your Intentions. ...
  4. Step 4: Charge Your Crystal. ...
  5. Step 5: Use Your Crystal.

How do you ask your crystals to work with you? ›

A good rule of thumb, when asking the Universe for anything is to focus on a need, rather than just a want. With a still mind, focus on your crystal and your intention. You may want to describe your intention aloud or repeat it in your head, constantly focusing on the connection between your words and your crystal.

How do you activate crystals to work? ›

You can bury them in the ground to absorb the energy of the earth, or bury them in salt and water, this will help to activate them very well. Wash your crystals in full sunlight or moonlight, this will have a great positive impact on your crystals.

How to set intentions example? ›

5 Examples of Intentions
  • I intend to move my body in ways that feel good.
  • I intend to get the sleep my body needs to be healthy.
  • I intend to listen to what my body tells me it needs.
  • I intend to practice self-care and treat my body with love and respect.
  • I intend to engage in my spiritual practice.
Jan 4, 2024

What do you say when using crystals? ›

Say aloud, "I dedicate this crystal to the highest good. I ask that it be used in love and light." Then, program the crystal for a specific use. Think about what you want that crystal to support you with, whether it's landing a new job or speaking more kindly to yourself.

What to say to charge your crystals? ›

Chant a mantra like “I am strong” or “I am healed” while doing this to create positive vibes. Close your eyes and imagine the crystal filling with light. Then, visualize the crystal becoming so bright and full of light that you can't even look at it.

What happens if you don't set an intention with a crystal? ›

Without setting intentions, being really clear on what you want, it's unlikely that you will be able to manifest it. People who are great at manifesting open up space to regularly tune into what they want to create in their lives, how they want to feel, how they want things to be and getting really clear on that.

How do you charge your crystals when you first get them? ›

Sprinkle a spoonful of salt into the bowl. Fill the bowl with warm water to help dissolve the salt (which will support charging). Submerge the crystal in the salt water. Leave the crystal submerged for a period of time—an hour, all day, or overnight—depending on where your intuition leads you.

How long does it take for crystals to start working? ›

The power of crystals is not dependent on a time frame, but your commitment. Crystals will naturally emit energy. However, the more time you spend learning their unique powers and using them in your manifestation or meditation rituals, the faster they will provide healing benefits.

How do you tell if a crystal is meant for you? ›

How to select your crystal. First things first: Identify what you feel you're missing before looking into what the stones can provide you. This will help you determine what's happening within yourself before depending on outside sources. From there, just let your intuition choose what's best for you.

What does it mean if a crystal jumps out of your hand? ›

If it seems to “jump” out of your hands and break on the floor, maybe it's asking for a rest from working for a while. Or, it could be asking for a thorough cleansing, perhaps, especially if you have been neglecting to do it.

How to put intention in crystals? ›

Setting an intention for your crystal basically means giving it a purpose. To do this, write out your intention or say it out loud. When setting an intention, Halley advises placing the crystal in your hand and focusing on your intention as though it's already happened.

How do you connect yourself to crystals? ›

You can do this by:
  1. passing your crystal through incense, especially sage smoke.
  2. using sound, like chanting or singing bowls.
  3. exposing your crystal to sun or moonlight for several hours.
  4. setting your crystal under running water.
  5. immersing your crystal in salt water.
  6. burying your crystal in a bowl of brown rice.
Nov 24, 2020

How do I recognize my crystals? ›

The first step in identifying a crystal is a thorough visual inspection; this means examining its color, luster, transparency, and any unique features like inclusions or patterns, as these characteristics can provide initial clues about the crystal's identity.

How do you manifest with crystals? ›

Crystals to manifest love
  1. Rose Quartz promotes self-love and attracts unconditional love.
  2. Rhodonite symbolises forgiveness and compassion.
  3. Black Obsidian is known to remove negativity.
  4. Amethyst acts a spiritual protector.
  5. Jade stone helps attract fortune.
  6. Peridot is also known as the 'money stone'
Apr 9, 2024

How do you set your intention when manifesting? ›

  1. REFLECT ON THE PAST YEAR. Take some time to review the past year. ...
  2. CONNECT WITH YOUR HEART. Find a quiet space to sit in stillness and connect with your heart. ...
  3. DEFINE YOUR INTENTIONS. Your intentions should be specific and heartfelt. ...

How do you connect to your crystals? ›

To establish a deeper bond with your new crystal, consider incorporating meditation into your practice. Hold the crystal in your non-dominant hand (your non-dominant hand receives energy, while your dominant hand sends energy) and meditate on its qualities. A guided meditation can be especially helpful for beginners.

How do you invoke a crystal? ›

Set An Intention

Invoking an intention of some kind, let's say “inner peace,” has a specific frequency. Take hold of your new crystal, find a seat, and close your eyes. Hold your crystal gently, and start to think of your intention.


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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.