How to Write Scientific Names of Plants and Animals | AJE (2024)

Scientific names, or taxonomic names, are the unique nomenclature used in biology to refer to specific species. The purpose of these names is to standardize species names across regions, languages, and cultures to avoid confusion and ambiguity.

While these Latin names may seem intimidating (they even confuse journal editors), they become easy to use once you understand where they come from and how to use the formatting, notations, and abbreviations associated with them.

What is scientific/binomial nomenclature?

In the 1750s, Carl Linnaeus developed the system of binomial nomenclature (a two-part naming system) that we use today to name and classify living things. Species names consist of two parts: the first part is the generic name (genus name), while the second is the specific epithet (species name).

Species with the same generic name are closely related species grouped into the same genus. The specific epithet by itself is meaningless, almost like an adjective without a noun. Unrelated species can have the same specific epithet, such as Melilotus albus (white sweetclover) and Procnias albus (white bellbird). Albus means white.

Some animals have species names where the specific epithet repeats the genus name, such as Gorilla (Western gorilla). This is called a tautonym. While often used in animal names, tautonyms aren’t allowed in plant, fungi and algae names according to the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plantsguidelines.

Some examples of common and scientific animal names:

How to Write Scientific Names of Plants and Animals | AJE (1)

Some examples of common and scientific plant names:

How to Write Scientific Names of Plants and Animals | AJE (2)

Rules for writing scientific names of plants and animals

Scientific names are made up of Latin, or latinized, words. The scientific name often describes some aspect of the organism. For example, the blue jay’s scientific name is Cyanocitta cristata, which means chattering, crested blue bird.

Sometimes, species are named after a person (e.g., a black-eyed satyr butterfly, Euptchia attenboroughi, was named after David Attenborough), or the place where it occurs (e.g., the Arabian gazelle is called Gazella arabica).

How to Write Scientific Names of Plants and Animals | AJE (3)

How to format scientific names

Scientific names are in Latin, so, similar to other words from foreign languages, they’re always written in italics. The generic name is always capitalized, while the species epithet is never capitalized.

If the species name appears in a sentence where the text is already italicized, such as in a heading or figure legend, the species name can be unitalicized to distinguish it from the rest of the text. If written by hand, the name should be underlined.

How to abbreviate scientific names

If a species name is repeated multiple times in a written piece, such as a research paper, it can be abbreviated after the first time the name is written out in full. For example, the mosquito Anopheles stephensi can subsequently be abbreviated as A. stephensi. In the same written piece, you can also refer to another species from the same genus in the same way, such as A. funestus. In some journals, this must be done in both the abstract and main text of the paper.

If there are two genus names in the text that start with the same letter, the genus name can be abbreviated using its first two letters.

For example, if you also mention Aedes vexans mosquitoes in your text, you can abbreviate the two species as An. stephensi and Ae. vexans.

However, as with all abbreviations, these abbreviations should be used sparingly and only if there is no possibility for confusion. Only use an abbreviation if you use the term multiple times in your text. The general guideline is three or more times, but this will depend on the length of your text, so use your own judgement.

Always keep your reader in mind. If there are genera with similar names, rather write them out in full. If you only have one species name in your text that you use repeatedly, abbreviating it is not a problem, but if you mention 10 different species, abbreviations could confuse and frustrate your reader.

When referring to an unknown species in a genus, you can write the generic name followed by the abbreviation “sp.” The plural form is “spp.” The abbreviation “sp. novo” indicates a species that hasn’t been described yet.

For example: “During their bat survey in Guinea, they caught a Myotis sp. in one of their traps. Its distinctive coloring set it apart from other Myotis spp. and they knew it had to be a new species. The discovery of Myotis sp. novo highlights the importance of these surveys.”

How to add the taxonomic authority of a scientific name

Sometimes, the taxonomic authority is added to the scientific name. The taxonomic authority is the surname of the person who first described the species.

In plant names, the taxonomic authority is abbreviated (e.g., Panicum virgatum L., where the L is the abbreviation for Linnaeus). In animals, the surname is written out in full followed by the date when it was first described (e.g., Balaena mysticetus Linnaeus, 1758). A name following in brackets means that the name has been amended subsequent to first descriptions (e.g., Pulchrapolia gracilis (Dyke and Cooper).

How to indicate subgenus, subspecies, form, and variety

Other information that can be added include subgenus, subspecies, forms, and varieties. Subgenus is a classification level below genus, but above species level. If a subgenus is included in the scientific name, it’s placed in parentheses between the generic and specific name, with the first letter capitalized, for example Nereis (Hediste) diversicolor.

A subspecies is a further division of a species into groups of individuals that are distinguishable, but not different enough to be classified as a separate species. In animal names, the subspecies name is written after the species name, in lowercase italics. For example, the Bengal tiger is Panthera tigris and the Sumatran tiger is Panthera tigris sondaica. The Bengal tiger is found in India, while the Sumatran tiger is only found on the island of Sumatra and is much smaller than the Bengal tiger. Despite the differences in their distribution and appearance, they can interbreed, making them subspecies and not different species.

In plant names, the abbreviation subsp. is added between the species and subspecies name. For example, Cornus sericea subsp. sericea.

A variety is a population of individuals with distinct, inheritable differences and are indicated with the abbreviation var., for example Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis refers to the thornless variety of the thorny honeylocust. Form refers to occasional variations in individuals, such as variation in flower color. For example, Cornus florida f. rubra refers to individuals of the flowering dogwood with pink flowers instead of the usual white.

How to write the name of a hybrid

Hybrids are indicated with an “x”. Hybrids that have been named are written with the x between the genus and species name. For example, Solanum x procurrens is the hybrid between S. nigrum and S. physalifolium. If a hybrid hasn’t been named, or if you want to specify the parentage, the same hybrid can be written as S. nigrum x S. physalifolium.

How to write the name of a cultivar

Cultivar names are written inside quotations, capitalized, and not italicized. If the cultivar was bred from a single species, the cultivar name follows the specific epithet; for example Zea mays “Wisconsin 153.” If the cultivar was bred by hybridizing several species, the cultivar name replaces the specific epithet, for example, Rosa “Iceberg” is a cultivar derived from crosses between Rosa chinensis, Rosa multiflora, Rosa gigantea, and several other Rosa spp.

Can two species have the same scientific name?

When two genera from the same kingdom have the same name, this is called a hom*onym. This is similar to hom*onyms in grammar, which refers to words with the same spelling but different meanings. While hom*onyms aren’t allowed in scientific nomenclature, errors sometimes slip through as shown in thisonline list of hom*onyms. For example, Colobus is a genus of beetles and a genus of primates.

When two genus names from different kingdoms have the same name, this is called a hemihom*onym. For example, Ficus is a genus of plants and a genus of snails.

Hemihom*onyms are allowed since the scientific names of different kingdoms are governed by different regulatory bodies. TheInternational Code of Nomenclature(ICN) governs the naming of algae, fungi, and plants, while theInternational Commission on Zoological Nomenclature(ICZN) regulates the naming of animals. Arecent publication highlighted the problem with and extent of this phenomenon and compiled anonline list of hemihom*onyms.

It can happen that two species from generic hemihom*onyms also have the same specific epithet, resulting in identical scientific names. In the previous example of the hemihom*onym, Ficus, there’s both asea snailand afignamed Ficus variegata. Another example is Orestias elegans, which is the scientific name of both anorchidand afish.

Resources for finding scientific nomenclature

TheIntegrated Taxonomic Information System(ITIS) andThe Catalogue of Lifeare online data bases where you can find the scientific name of any life form by searching either the common name or the scientific name. They provide the full taxonomic classification, from kingdom to species level, the taxonomic authority, and references to the publications where these species were described.

TheIUCN Redlistis another trusted source and provides a list of animal, plant, and fungi species with their taxonomic information and conservation status details, including population numbers, distribution, and current threats.

However, species names can change when new taxonomic information becomes available. Keeping track of the taxonomic changes of all organisms is a huge task. While the above-mentioned lists are a good starting point to finding a species name, do some further research to be sure you have the latest accepted scientific name.

A scientific name in a database might have been correct at the time it was last updated, but it could be outdated. For example, the name of the sweet thorn tree was changed to Vachellia karroo as described byBanfi and Galasso in 2008. However, in the ITIS database, Acacia karroo is still listed as the correct name, while the IUCN Redlist and The Catalogue of Life have the correct accepted name, with Acacia karroo listed as the synonym.

Region- or taxon-specific resources such as recent, regional field guides or online databases are often better resources. For example, a good reference for bird species would be theBirdlife International website. TheWorld Register of Marine Species(or WORMS) is a database of marine organisms. However, the gold standard would be the most recent taxonomic publications on the species.

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How to Write Scientific Names of Plants and Animals | AJE (2024)


How to Write Scientific Names of Plants and Animals | AJE? ›

In plant names, the taxonomic authority is abbreviated (e.g., Panicum virgatum L., where the L is the abbreviation for Linnaeus). In animals, the surname is written out in full followed by the date when it was first described (e.g., Balaena mysticetus Linnaeus, 1758).

How do you write the scientific name of a plant and animal species? ›

The binomial name consists of a genus name and specific epithet. The scientific names of species are italicized. The genus name is always capitalized and is written first; the specific epithet follows the genus name and is not capitalized. There is no exception to this.

How to properly write scientific names? ›

Scientific name consists of two parts. The first is genus name and second is species name. It is always written in italics (if typed) or underlined (handwritten). The first letter of genus name is always capitalized.

How do you format scientific names for animals? ›

As stated, the full name of a species is given as two words: its genus (always capitalized) followed by the specific epithet (never capitalized), e.g., Urusus americanus, the black bear.

How do you name plants and animals? ›

Genus is written first followed by the scientific name while writing a scientific name. The first letter of the genus is capitalized and the first letter of species or subspecies is written in small letters. Scientific names are always written in Italics dialect and underlined when written by hand.

How do you write plant names correctly? ›

Genus and species:

Names should always be italicized or underlined. The first letter of the genus name is capitalized but the specific epithet is not. Most commonly, italicized font is used when typing the name and underlining is used when handwriting the name.

How do you create a scientific name for a plant? ›

The system of nomenclature used today is based on the binomial system of nomenclature, developed by Linnaeus in the late 1700's. The binomial system of nomenclature is structured so that the scientific name of a plant consists of two names: (1) the genus or generic name, and (2) the specific epithet or species name.

Which shows the correct way to write a scientific name? ›

The correct way to write a scientific name is by using the genus and species of the organism. This two-way naming system is called binomial nomenclature. When writing a scientific name, the genus name is always capitalized, with the species name shown in lowercase. The entire name should be italicized.

What is an example of a proper scientific name? ›

Examples: The scientific name of humans is hom*o sapiens where hom*o represents genus name and sapiens represents species name. he scientific name of Mango is Mangifera indica where Mangifera represents genus name and indica represents species name.

What is the scientific name of 20 plants with examples? ›

Common Plant Names with Their Scientific Names
AppleMalus domestica
TomatoSolanum lycopersicum
TulsiOcimum sanctum
TurmericCurcuma longa
39 more rows

What are the three rules of writing a scientific name? ›

3.1. 1 Scientific names
  • Scientific names are always italicized. ...
  • The genus is always capitalized.
  • The species is never capitalized, even when it refers to the name of a place or person. ...
  • In its first use within a particular document, the genus is always written in full.
Apr 22, 2024

What are scientific names for plants? ›

How to write hybrid plant names? ›

A hybrid can be indicated by writing the names of the parents, in alphabetical order, linked by a multiplication sign (or a lower case 'x' in Roman if a multiplication sign is not available). This is a hybrid formula. Many plants known to be hybrids are given new names.

How to write a scientific name handwritten? ›

The scientific name consists of two parts. The first is the genus name and second is the species name. It is always written in italics (if typed) or underlined (handwritten). Always capitalize the first letter of the genus name.

What are the rules for naming plants? ›

The proper way to name a plant is to use its scientific name and cultivar, if applicable. Genus names are capitalized, species epithet are not. Both genus and species names are treated in italics, e.g. Vanilla planifolia. If there is a natural variant, “var” is used with the variant type italicized and all lowercase.

How to find scientific names of animals? ›

To find a species scientific name, you may want to try one of the following resources:
  1. Encyclopedia of Life. Online encyclopedia providing a summary of almost all organisms. ...
  2. Index to Organism Names (ION) ...
  3. Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) ...
  4. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. ...
  5. WFO Plant List.
May 2, 2024

What is the scientific word for plants and animals? ›

Binomial Nomenclature: Scientific names consist of two parts – the genus name and the species name. The genus name is written first and is always capitalized, while the species name is written second and is in lowercase. Both parts are italicized when typed, or underlined when handwritten.

What is the scientific name for plant and animal cells? ›

Both plant and animal cells are eukaryotic, so they contain membrane-bound organelles like the nucleus and mitochondria.

Are both genus and species italicized? ›

Italicize family, genus, species, and variety or subspecies. Begin family and genus with a capital letter. Kingdom, phylum, class, order, and suborder begin with a capital letter but are not italicized.

What does the scientific name of plants and animals contain? ›

Such a name is called a binomial name or a scientific name. The generic name or the initial part of the name highlights the genus to which an organism belongs. The second part, or the specific name, identifies the exact species under which the organism falls, within the genus.


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