Nigel Slater's Spaghetti Bolognese - Genius Recipe (2024)

Every week --often with your help-- Food52's Senior EditorKristen Migloreis unearthing recipes that are nothing short of genius.

Today: A ragù that works around your schedule -- and might even be better than Nonna's, thanks to a secret ingredient or four.

Nigel Slater's Spaghetti Bolognese - Genius Recipe (1)

It you're looking to make a correct bolognese or a definitive bolognese -- and you're looking to do so while avoiding scolding -- this is not the recipe for you.

There are times to make Bologna's saucy gift to the world -- a proper version, in all its delicate, slow-cooked glory. Let us appreciate it, and cook it sometimes -- but (please) let us also then play around with it, and make it new, ours, and, in our various ways, better.

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Nigel Slater's Spaghetti Bolognese - Genius Recipe (2) Nigel Slater's Spaghetti Bolognese - Genius Recipe (3)

Nigel Slater's version in The Kitchen Diaries is humbly named: "A really good spaghetti bolognese" doesn't begin to cover it. But it's not correct. In just about every way, it does the opposite of Marcella Hazan's bolognese, by many accounts the Platonic ideal.

More: Tomato sauce with onion and butter, another Platonic ideal from Marcella Hazan.

Hazan speaks to her sauce quietly, over long stretches. Plain ingredients -- ground beef, onion, celery, carrot -- melt. She doesn't brown a thing; she doesn't raise the knob above medium. "No less than 3 hours is necessary, more is better," she says. And that's after you've already watched tides of milk, then white wine, then tomatoes ebb away at a very, very slow simmer.

Nigel Slater's Spaghetti Bolognese - Genius Recipe (4)

When you have a Sunday to loll near the stove, do this. If you want to really understand a classic bolognese, stand by, tasting here and there to see how the sauce mellows and sweetens and swells with time. To be fair, Hazan notes that you can stop at any point, then resume. But that doesn't get you to dinner in time for tonight.

Nigel Slater's Spaghetti Bolognese - Genius Recipe (5) Nigel Slater's Spaghetti Bolognese - Genius Recipe (6)

In Slater's blasphemous, really good recipe, every step is brilliantly layered within the others, so that while your onions are softening, you're chopping carrots and celery; once they're in, it's onto the next.

Nigel Slater's Spaghetti Bolognese - Genius Recipe (7) Nigel Slater's Spaghetti Bolognese - Genius Recipe (8)

Nigel Slater's Spaghetti Bolognese - Genius Recipe (9)

The recipe is a model of kitchen efficiency and focus. If you're a compulsive mise-en-placer, that's okay (see ingredient shot above) -- you can still follow along.

Nigel Slater's Spaghetti Bolognese - Genius Recipe (10) Nigel Slater's Spaghetti Bolognese - Genius Recipe (11)

Unlike in Hazan's standard of patience and virtue, heat gets cranked, and bits are left to color. On top of workaday soffrito, Slater pulls from the large-and-in-charge ingredient roster: there's pancetta, red wine, bay leaves. If you're feeling really hungry and feisty, there's even a ground lamb option, and it is outstanding. Perhaps most genius of all: there are portobello mushrooms.

Nigel Slater's Spaghetti Bolognese - Genius Recipe (12)

Not only do the mushrooms plump up the earthy notes and umami, they also go all buttery and soft. Any textural subtlety you've lost in cooking your sauce a bit more aggressively is returned with the swollen swish of portobello. In about an hour and a half, you have an exceptionally supple, meaty ragù, one you'll consider eating without the interruption of pasta, or anything else on the plate.

Nigel Slater's Spaghetti Bolognese - Genius Recipe (13)

But about that pasta. Slater calls for spaghetti. Counterpoint, Hazan: "Meat sauce in Bologna is never served over spaghetti." Fresh tagliatelle, yes. Lasagne, classic. Fresh tortellini, good. Twirly dry shapes like rigatoni, conchiglie, fusilli, irreproachable. We used linguine. Not irreproachable. But really good.

"I made it during the week," Food52er JadeTree told me when she sent it my way, "since I had a rare hour of freedom to chop (and chop you will), but we all agreed that this is company food, hands down. Just because you want a bigger crowd to marvel over it."

Nigel Slater's Spaghetti Bolognese - Genius Recipe (14)

Nigel Slater's Really Good Spaghetti Bolognese

Adapted slightly from The Kitchen Diaries (Gotham Books, 2006)

Serves 4

For the bolognese:

4 tablespoons butter
3 ounces cubed pancetta
1 medium onion
2 fat cloves garlic
1 carrot
2 stalks celery
2 large, flat mushrooms such as portobello, about 4 ounces
2 bay leaves
1 pound ground beef or lamb
1 cup crushed tomatoes or passata
1/4 cupred wine
3/4 cupstock
A nutmeg
3/4 cuphalf-and-half or cream

To serve:

Spaghetti or tagliatelle for 4
Grated Parmesan

See the full recipe (and save and print it) here.

Got a genius recipe to share -- from a classic cookbook, an online source, or anywhere, really? Please send it my way (and tell me what's so smart about it) at[emailprotected].Thanks to Food52er JadeTree for this one!

Photos by James Ransom

Nigel Slater's Spaghetti Bolognese - Genius Recipe (2024)


What makes spaghetti bolognese taste better? ›

Milk. Adding milk to Bolognese is actually a part of the traditional method. Not only does dairy make sauces silkier and richer, but it also makes the meat more tender. We add milk to our mixture a whole hour after simmering our Bolognese, and then allow it to simmer for a further 45 minutes.

How do you get the depth of Flavour in spaghetti bolognese? ›

You can cheat in more flavour by “seasoning” the tomatoes with a little sugar and lemon juice now too. During cooking, you can further improve your meat sauce by adding other flavourings to boost complexity; a splash of worcestershire or even some soy which are both especially good with beef mince.

What does adding milk to spaghetti bolognese do? ›

Milk is a magical ingredient when it comes to bolognese. First, the lactic acid and calcium in milk help to tenderize the meat. More than that, though, milk balances the wine and tomato, creates a creamier texture and adds richness (similar to how butter or yogurt add more richness and flavor to dishes).

What is the difference between spaghetti bolognese and spag bol? ›

Spaghetti bolognese, or shortened to "spag bol" in the UK, is a popular pasta dish outside Italy, although not part of Italian cuisine. The dish is generally perceived as inauthentic by Italians.

How do you get rich flavor in bolognese? ›

How to make your spaghetti Bolognese taste even better
  1. Good quality mince (lamb or beef)
  2. Onions, leeks and garlic.
  3. Mushrooms.
  4. Red peppers.
  5. Carrots.
  6. A small amount of passata.
  7. A small amount of stock (with a stock cube or homemade)
  8. Black pepper (not salt)

What is the best cut of meat for Bolognese sauce? ›

If you want to cut the meat yourself, get cuts like chuck or flank steak, as per the Bolognese tradition, or even a skirt steak (the diaphragm, practically impossible to find at the butchers). The same goes for pork: choose pieces like the thigh which are fatty and tasty.

What is the missing ingredient in bolognese sauce? ›

If you are missing an umami note, it's possible you are missing a very common ingredient in bolognese - chicken livers. These give a meaty, almost sweet flavour. Soak them in water for a few minutes, then finely chop or pulse in a food processor. I use minced (ground) pork, beef and chicken livers.

Is bolognese better the longer you cook it? ›

Pro Tips: Take your time with the Bolognese sauce. Allow it to simmer slowly, at a low temperature, to allow the flavors to fully develop and intensify. This slow-cooking process is essential for achieving the rich, complex taste that makes Bolognese sauce so distinctive.

What can I add to Bolognese sauce to give it more Flavour? ›

You can add various herbs, too. Try a teaspoon of dried Italian mixed herbs (added at the start) or a tablespoon of fresh, chopped oregano (added towards the end) in the meat sauce.

Why does my bolognese taste bland? ›

Your spaghetti sauce may taste bland due to insufficient seasoning. Try adding more salt, herbs (like basil, oregano, or thyme), and other flavor enhancers like garlic, onion, or red pepper flakes.

How can I make my spaghetti more flavorful? ›

Here are my favorite ways to make canned spaghetti sauce more exciting!
  1. 1 - Extra virgin olive oil. Adding a good amount of a flavorful olive oil will go a long way in infusing flavor into your sauce. ...
  2. 2 - Fresh garlic. ...
  3. 3 - Meat. ...
  4. 4 - Hot pepper flakes. ...
  5. 5 - Red wine. ...
  6. 6 - Fresh or dried herbs. ...
  7. 7 - Cheese. ...
  8. 8 - Cream and/or butter.
Feb 26, 2018

Does bolognese get better the longer you cook it? ›

Like most recipes the longer you leave it to slowly cook the better the flavour will be but this can also be knocked up with in an hour.

How to add umami to bolognese? ›

Sundried tomatoes are another great source of umami for a bolognese sauce. The concentrated tang of sundried tomatoes will add an especially complex taste that's both sweet and smoky, and that flavor will tie the overall taste of your bolognese together.


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