Popcorn Is Not The Best Snack If You’re On The Paleo Diet (2024)

Ice cream and a hot day, s'mores on a camping trip...there are some combos that just pair perfectly together. Another classic: popcorn and a movie. But TBH that bucket of crunchy, salty goodness is a great all-around snack for any occasion—whether you're watching your fave flick, or just need something to munch on post-gym.

But wait..if you’re a paleo diet devotee, is popcorn off-limits? Popcorn is made from corn, right? But it's also kind of starchy. So, is it considered a vegetable, a fruit, or a grain? (What’s the difference?) Is popcorn paleo?! It's time to clear up ALL the confusion.

Is popcorn a vegetable, fruit, or grain?

Would you believe it if I told you that corn can be technically classified in all three categories—vegetable, fruit, and grain? (Mind. Blown.)

It depends on which part of the corn you’re eating and in what form, according to Georgia Rounder, RDN. She says corn is considered a starchy vegetable because it comes from the non-flowering part of the plant. “The corn kernel, specifically, allows it to also be a whole grain,” she says. “Given that corn kernels also contain seeds, they can also be classified as a fruit.”

So where does that leave your favorite snack?

“The Whole Grains Council categorizes popcorn as a whole-grain food, as it is made up of the complete grain kernel including the bran, germ, and endosperm,” says Rounder.

How is popcorn made, exactly?

When you throw some kernels into an air popper or on the stovetop, you probably don’t give much thought to how those little nuggets transform into light, fluffy puffs.

First things first: Not all varieties of corn will give you popcorn. The specific kernel comes from popping corn, which expands when exposed to heat.

“Every popcorn kernel has a small amount of water within a circle of starch,” says Rounder. When exposed to heat, the water begins to expand and turn to steam. “As the kernel continues to heat, the popcorn hull ultimately bursts once the pressure inside the grain reaches the right point,” she says. “The steam inside the kernel releases and the starch inside the popcorn spills out and cools instantly, creating the classic popcorn shape we can all recognize.”


Speaking of crunchy snacks...watch Chrissy Teigen taste-test some crazy potato chip flavors:

Popcorn Is Not The Best Snack If You’re On The Paleo Diet (1)

So, is popcorn paleo?

Sadly, no. Most paleo followers, don’t consider it part of their diet. “Because of its grain status, it’s not typically included in a paleo diet," says Kelsey Kinney, RD, "as the eating style eliminates all cereal grains."

If you need your popcorn fix, one option is this super easy recipe for corn-free popcorn. (Hint: All you need is plain rice cakes.)

Or, you can try Paleo-friendly popcorn alternative. One great brand to check out is Lesser Evil, which offers grain-free Paleo Puffs made from cassava coconut flour, and sweet potato, tumbled in coconut oil, and sprinkled with Himalayan pink salt. They’ve also re-imagined your regular old cheese curls using egg whites, cassava, and organic avocado oil.

Popcorn Is Not The Best Snack If You’re On The Paleo Diet (2)

Lesserevil Grain Free Paleo Puffs, Himalayan Pink Salt

Popcorn Is Not The Best Snack If You’re On The Paleo Diet (3)

Lesserevil Grain Free Paleo Puffs, "No Cheese" Cheesiness

Popcorn Is Not The Best Snack If You’re On The Paleo Diet (4)

Lesserevil Grain Free Paleo Puffs, Honey Roasted

Popcorn Is Not The Best Snack If You’re On The Paleo Diet (5)

Lesserevil Grain Free Egg White Curls, Egg + Cheese

So go ahead. Munch away!

Popcorn Is Not The Best Snack If You’re On The Paleo Diet (6)

Popcorn Is Not The Best Snack If You’re On The Paleo Diet (7)

Christine Yu

Christine Yu is an award-winning journalist and author of the book Up to Speed: The Groundbreaking Science of Women Athletes. Her work focuses on the intersection of sports science and women athletes. She's a lifelong athlete who loves running, yoga, surfing, and skiing.

Popcorn Is Not The Best Snack If You’re On The Paleo Diet (2024)


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