*Recipe* Grand Central Seafood Pan Roast (2024)

by The Foodie Whisperer Leave a Comment

On our recent journey eating our way through New York City, not surprisingly, many of the “old school” classic dishes were show stoppers. I suppose they would kinda have to be to have survived so long, huh? There was one in particular, a standout, long time NYC favorite that I can’t stop thinking about – the Grand Central Seafood Pan Roast at Grand Central Oyster Bar in the basem*nt of Grand Central Terminal. It’s such a simple, yet, decadent, dish – fresh seafood enhanced by a lightly sweet, smooth, creamy and flavorful sauce/broth. I’m not sure why it’s called a “roast” other than the fact that maybe all the other cool seafood dish names were taken.

Anyways, I did my best to re-create the Grand Central seafood pan roastand, while there’s never a substitute for the original, I think you’re gonna be pretty happy with this one. Here’s my Left Coast spin on an East Coast favorite. If you never had a seafood pan roast, you should, and this is a pretty darn good representation if I do say so. Don’t forget to make some homemade pickled onions to go with this. They’re great on the side or as a garnish!

Grand Central Seafood Pan Roast

Prep time

Cook time

Total time

Play around with the heavy cream to half and half proportions until you are happy with the consistency of the broth. Also, adjust seasonings to your desired taste. There's no need to overdo anything in this recipe, as even the basic cream sauce will highlight the seafood flavors, so subtle is better. If you have a pinch or two of saffron on hand, definitely throw that in the broth as well.

Author: The Foodie Whisperer

Recipe type: Seafood, Chowder, Cream Sauce, New York, Stew

Cuisine: Seafood

Serves: 4 servings


  • 2 slices of bacon, minced (about 1 tablespoon)
  • 2 tablespoons sherry
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 celery rib, finely diced
  • 2 tablespoons Heinz chili sauce (ketchup or tomato paste will work here)
  • 1 small yellow onion, finely diced
  • 1 thyme sprig
  • 1 teaspoon sweet paprika
  • 1 teaspoon Old Bay or cajun seasoning
  • 1½ cups fish, clam or lobster stock/broth
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 4 scallops
  • 8 clams
  • 8 mussels
  • 8 oysters, shucked
  • 2 king crab legs, peeled
  • 8 prawns, peeled
  • 3 cups heavy cream
  • 1½ cups half & half
  • 1 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Kosher salt
  • Snipped chives, for garnish
  • Pickled onions, for garnets
  • Buttered baguettes, toasted


  1. Cook the bacon in a large pot until medium done. Remove when cooked and dice bacon finely.
  2. Meanwhile, set up a small steamer and steam open the mussels and clams, only until the shells open (maybe a minute or so over the steam). Shuck the oysters and reserve as much of the liquor from the clams, mussels and oysters as possible.
  3. In the same pot where the bacon was cooked, add a tablespoon of butter, onions, garlic and celery and cook approximately 5 minutes on medium heat until onions are translucent and vegetables begin to meld together.
  4. Add in the reserved liquor from the oysters, mussels and clams, thyme sprig, broth or stock, Old Bay seasoning, chili sauce and heat at a simmer until reduced by half.
  5. Add the heavy cream and half and half. Continue to lightly simmer until desired consistency is reached (about 5 - 10 minutes) and flavors marry. Taste and adjust seasonings, salt and pepper as desired.
  6. Meanwhile, salt the scallops and sear with butter in a hot pan, then set aside. Butter the baguettes and toast in toaster oven.
  7. Add the raw prawns and oysters into the broth. Allow to warm until cooked through and tender, approximately 2-3 minutes. Then, add in the mussels, clams and crab leg meat only to bring up to temperature.
  8. Discard the thyme sprig, finish by stirring in worcestershire and ladle pan roast into shallow bowls. Garnish with chives, a light sprinkling of paprika and some homemade pickled onions. Serve with baguettes. Enjoy, and Cheers, my friends!

*Recipe* Grand Central Seafood Pan Roast (2)


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*Recipe* Grand Central Seafood Pan Roast (2024)


How do you pan roast? ›

Pan roasting is exactly what you think it is. It's cooking something part of the way in a pan over direct heat (we love a cast iron skillet for this), and then moving that pan into an oven to finish cooking. You're essentially using two methods of heat to cook one item of food.

How to cook shell fish? ›

Clams, mussels and oysters in the shell will open when cooked. The FDA suggests steaming oysters for 4 to 9 minutes or boiling them for 3 to 5 minutes after they open. Scallops turn milky white or opaque and firm. Depending on size, scallops take 3 to 4 minutes to cook thoroughly.

Do you put water in the roasting pan when cooking a roast? ›

To give your meat a flavourful crispy exterior, cook uncovered on a rack set in a shallow roasting pan. Don't add water!

Do you need to put water in the bottom of a roasting pan? ›

"Often, consumers will inquire about adding water to the bottom of their roasting pans. We do not recommend adding water to the bottom of the pan. Cooking a turkey with steam is a moist heat-cook method and is acceptable, sure, but is not the preferred method for cooking your turkey."

Why do you soak fish in milk before cooking? ›

Before cooking, soak the fish in milk for 20 minutes

In this scenario, the protein in the milk binds with the compounds that cause that fishy odor, in essence extracting if from the fish. What's left behind is sweet-smelling, brighter flesh with clean flavor. (Just make sure you pour that milk down the drain.

What temp do you cook shell fish to? ›

Cooking with Shellfish

The only way to determine if shellfish has reached a safe internal temperature of 145°F is to measure it with a thin-tip thermometer. This will provide the most accurate cooking temperature.

How long does it take to cook shell? ›

In a large pot of salted boiling water, cook the pasta shells for 10 minutes, until al dente. Drain and drizzle with a little olive oil to keep them from sticking together.

What is the difference between pan frying and pan roasting? ›

Pan Seared: brown both sides of the meat but don't cook through. Pan Roasted: brown one side of the meat, then put the pan in the oven at a high temperature until done. Pan Fried: cook it through in the pan on the burner.

How to pan roast coffee at home? ›

Start off by preheating your pan to 500F. Once the pan is heated, pour in your beans and cover the pan. Once the beans have entered the pan they MUST be kept moving throughout the entire roasting process or there is risk of fire. Roast the beans on high heat, keeping them in constant motion.

What is the difference between pan frying and roasting? ›

Frying describes the preparation of meat, fish and vegetables with oil or fat in a pan, while roasting is particularly popular for larger cuts of meat and is done in the oven. Both frying and roasting cause the formation of the typical, aromatic crust with a nice brown colour.


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