Rosalind Hale (2024)

The reality is, I don't care that people hate me. I don't care what they think. That's how I get sh*t done.

Rosalind Hale is the main antagonist from Fate: The Winx Saga. She is a powerful Mind Fairy who served as the Headmistress of Alfea before Farah Dowling and led the crusade against the Burned Ones.


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Early life and before the series
  • 2 Throughout the Series
    • 2.1 Season 1
      • 2.1.1 To the Waters and the Wild
      • 2.1.2 Heavy Mortal Hopes
      • 2.1.3 Some Wrecked Angel
      • 2.1.4 Wither into the Truth
      • 2.1.5 A Fanatic Heart
    • 2.2 Season 2
      • 2.2.1 Low-Flying Panic Attack
      • 2.2.2 Taken By The Wind
      • 2.2.3 Your Newfound Popularity
      • 2.2.4 Are You a Good Witch or a Bad Witch?
      • 2.2.5 Poor Unfortunate Souls
  • 3 Personality
  • 4 Appearance
  • 5 Powers and Abilities
    • 5.1 Basic Fairy Abilities
    • 5.2 Mind Fairy Abilities
    • 5.3 Light Fairy Abilities
    • 5.4 Earth Fairy Abilities
    • 5.5 Air Fairy Abilities
    • 5.6 Other Fairy Abilities
  • 6 Relationships
  • 7 Appearances
    • 7.1 Season One
    • 7.2 Season Two
  • 8 Comparison to Winx Club
    • 8.1 Similarities
    • 8.2 Changes
  • 9 Trivia
  • 10 Gallery
  • 11 Navigation
  • 12 References


Early life and before the series[]

When the Blood Witches kidnapped Bloom as a baby for her powers, she destroyed their home and saved Bloom and sent her to the first world (Earth) and switched with her with the real Bloom after she died shortly after birth and implanted a message into Bloom that she would access once she was old to come and find her.

Throughout the Series[]

Season 1[]

To the Waters and the Wild[]

When Farah Dowling, Ben Harvey and Saul Silva go out into the woods outside the barrier to look at the body of an old farmer,Dowling suggests it could have been a wolf. Silva suggests it could have alternatively been a bear, who could have gone out to protect his herd and got surprised, which led to the attack. Ben tells the other two teachers that he found char residue on the body. Silva then asks how long it had been since the last sighting of a Burned one. Ben explains that it has been about two decades, with Dowling emphasizing it was sixteen years because Rosalind was relentless. Silva suggests it could have been hiding, but Dowling interrupts him by saying that Rosalind killed all the Burned Ones. Ben throws out that they all thought she did, but it’s now apparent she didn’t.

Heavy Mortal Hopes[]

Bloom takes a look through some photos hidden away in the school and asks Beatrix if she knows the person in the photo. She then goes outside and tells Aisha that the woman in the photo is from her vision. Meanwhile, Beatrix tells Dowling’s assistant Callum that they need to go underground immediately because Bloom is asking about Rosalind.

Bloom eventually approaches Dowling and shows the photo of the woman from the picture frames. Dowling confirms that the woman in question is named Rosalind.

Dowling goes on to tell Bloom that she was Rosalind’s student, and then her protégé, but that she doesn’t know the circ*mstances of Bloom’s birth. Dowling continues defending Rosalind, claiming she was headmistress during a difficult period of Alfea. Bloom demands to see her, but Dowling tells her that isn’t possible because Rosalind is dead and “this is where it ends”.

Back in her office and later that night,Dowling tells Saul and Ben that Bloom knows about Rosalind but that the two women can never meet.

Under the school and behind the barrier that Beatrix was trying to break into is Rosalind with her eyes closed and in stasis.

Some Wrecked Angel[]

Aisha finds a mystical recording device and learns that Callum is dead while trying to find the school records to help out Bloom. She tells Bloom, and this in turn leads the fire fairy to ditch the school assembly in order to look deeper for records that delve into Rosalind instead.

Later, Beatrix reveals to Bloom the truth behind Aster Dell, and claims she saw the military conquering the town and the memory was burned into her mind by Rosalind. She then says that Farah, Saul and Ben were there and were responsible for launching the attack. As the pair drive back, Bloom says she needs more answers. Beatrix tells her that Rosalind is still alive and underground at the school behind a barrier.

Wither into the Truth[]

Years earlier, Rosalind is training Farah, Saul, Ben and Andreas. After the quartet take down the last of the Burned Ones in the area, she asks them to bring them down quicker next time.

Bloom later tells Dowling that she wants to see Rosalind and that she knows she’s from Aster Dell. Dowling is shocked. Bloom subsequently reveals how she knows they murdered innocent people and have been covering up this atrocious act ever since. Dowling says that she made a mistake that day and that Rosalind was her mentor, but she was feared and respected. She explains that the magic they unleashed that day was potent. Until then, fairies didn’t know they could combine magic and Rosalind kept it a secret until that fateful day. Dowling further says that prior to this event, they never questioned her. Rosalind told Dowling and the others that only the Burned Ones would be hurt from the blast, but it wasn’t true, and it was quite a tragedy.

Dowling admits that if Bloom is from Aster Dell, she’s caused her damage and there will never be enough apologies. Bloom still wants to see Rosalind. Dowling tells Bloom that Rosalind is not worth bringing back to the world and that she promises to give her answers.

As Sky, Silva, Riven, Dowling, and other students prepare for battle. They face the barrier but Aisha turns up and tells them that Bloom and her friends are about to free Beatrix. Meanwhile, Bloom and her friends head underground. Bloom finds the door to Rosalind and the others wait outside. Bloom sees a tall barrier, and inside it is Rosalind, who telepathically greets her.

A Fanatic Heart[]

Bloom is extremely desperate to get to the truth of her past, but in the process she has completely disregarded the safety of the students at Alfea. She’s willing to do anything to speak to Rosalind. Who upon finally meeting her calls Bloom special. She tells her to access her flames and to lean into her instincts.

Bloom uses her powers on the barrier surrounding Rosalind and frees her. By the time Dowling gets underground, they are both gone.

As Bloom begins to learn who Rosalind really is while Dowling looks for the two women near the stone circle. Meanwhile, Bloom asks Rosalind about Aster Dell. Rosalind confirms that Dowling’s account of what happened is true. She explains how Aster Dell was rife with Blood Witches, so she used the opportunity to destroy both the Burned Ones and the witches. As part of the conversation, Bloom realizes her birth parents are likely still alive. Rosalind then confirms that the Burned Ones are after her power, which is why they keep coming. Bloom is the reason for all of this. She’s the special one.

Rosalind continues trying to keep activating Bloom’s true power. She wants her to enjoy the feeling of power and also help her recharge. Suddenly, Bloom stops and realizes that Rosalind is using her. Rosalind tells Bloom that she gave her First World parents a second chance because the key aspect of Bloom learning her powers is love. However, she promises to find her birth parents.

Eventually, after Bloom makes her way back inside Alfea and tells Dowling that Aster Dell was full of Blood Witches and that her parents were not there. Dowling becomes agitated and tells Bloom that she’s being manipulated by Rosalind, and questions where previous headmistress is. Once Bloom reveals that she and Rosalind were actually at the stone circle when Dowling was looking for them, the current headmistress reveals that this is the school’s main source of power. Which is used for things like the electricity inside the school, to power the barrier. In that moment, both women realize Rosalind is the reason they are fighting for their lives is because Rosalind sucking out all the power.

After the battle with the Burned Ones is over, Rosalind finds Dowling in the woods. Dowling has buried the Burned Ones who turned back into humans after Bloom killed them. Rosalind then tells Dowling that the Burned Ones are soldiers from an ancient war, and the legend is about the magic used against them — it created them; she calls it the Dragon Flame, and that it burns inside Bloom. Dowling now understands why Bloom was able to transform so easily. Rosalind used Burned Ones to test Bloom at the school because a war is coming. Rosalind however does not believe Dowling is good enough to lead the next generation.

The former headmistress reveals that Queen Luna no longer believes in Dowling’s teaching methods. While she initially had planned to threaten to expose the Queen regarding the cover-up at Aster Dell, Rosalind instead learned that Luna had been mad at Dowling for a while due to her daughter not improving like she wanted. Luna has thus agreed that the school needs to undergo changes and Rosalind believes the faculty will fall in line when she walks through the doors. Rosalind asks Dowling to take a sabbatical and when Dowling refuses to leave the school, Rosalind uses her powers to lift Dowling in the air and snaps her neck, killing Dowling. The ground then buries Dowling as Rosalind walks off.

When Bloom and her friends return, Rosalind welcomes them back, explaining to the girls that there have been some changes in their absence.

Season 2[]

Low-Flying Panic Attack[]

Rosalind has taken over Alfea as headmistress and begins to push the students harder. Later it is revealed that she is keeping the missing students tied up in a secluded part of the school. Next to the students is a tank with Scrapers.

Taken By The Wind[]

Rosalind starts giving Bloom daily lessons that focus on her magic, but after leaving her office momentarily, she returns to find Bloom snooping through her desk. Devin, the unconscious student, is still being cared for by Terra and her father, but Rosalind decides that he needs to be moved to the capitol since there's nothing else they can do for him. When she finds him in her office fully conscious, she uses her mind magic to drill through his memories and kill him. Rosalind orders the rest of the students out of her office.

Your Newfound Popularity[]

Rosalind continues her work in the East Wing. She injects rats with a red potion before feeding them to the Scrappers. When Andreas enters and tells her that everything is ready for the Alumni banquet. Rosalind tells him that it's time for "dinner and a show."

Are You a Good Witch or a Bad Witch?[]

Sebastian reveals to Bloom that the Blood Witches of Aster Dell had found her, not kidnapped her as Rosalind had claimed. He also reveals that both his father and Rosalind are zealots, fanatics who believe in the ancient war and want one between the fairies and Blood Witches. Before Sebastian leaves, he tells Bloom that Rosalind had murdered Farah Dowling.

Upon Bloom's return to the Otherworld, she is confronted by Rosalind in the cemetery. Rosalind notices that something is different about Bloom and Bloom confronts her about Sebastian's claims of Dowling's murder. Rosalind confesses, telling Bloom that Dowling died "a little to your right." Enraged, Bloom attacks Rosalind who immobilizes her and attempts to place Bloom into stasis, explaining that she can still channel the Dragon Flame from Bloom when Bloom is in that state. However, after Rosalind insults Dowling for supposedly being weak, Bloom loses control of the Dragon Flame and melts the ice. As the furious and out of control Bloom prepares to kill her, Rosalind admits that she might've been wrong about Bloom being weak. Bloom blasts a fireball at Rosalind, creating an immense magical shockwave and killing Rosalind. When Bloom's friends arrive in the graveyard, they find that Rosalind has been left as a charred corpse.

Poor Unfortunate Souls[]

Queen Luna blames Rosalind's death on Sebastian and the Blood Witches and uses it as a pretext to declare war on them. Bloom is put on trial for killing Rosalind with her friends attempting to assert a claim of self-defense based upon Dowling's murder. However, they are unable to locate Dowling's body and Bloom is sentenced to 20 years in stasis for killing Rosalind. Before her sentence is announced, Bloom admits that there was a moment when she could've stopped herself, but she had wanted to make Rosalind pay for Dowling's murder and the Dragon Flame had given her the power to do it.

Later, Flora realizes that a plant recovered from the graveyard is actually a Resurrection Plant containing Dowling's spirit. After Dowling is released from it, she frees Bloom and explains to her, Flora, Musa, Aisha, Stella and Terra Harvey that she had anticipated that Rosalind was going to kill her and so Dowling had called upon nature to preserve her spirit. However, Dowling did not survive Rosalind's attack and she only has a limited amount of time to communicate with them. Bloom expresses guilt over killing Rosalind and Dowling calls it a burden that she will have to bear for the rest of her life. However, Dowling also states that an objective truth is that the world is a better place with Rosalind Hale dead. Dowling admits that she herself had wanted to kill Rosalind after learning the truth about Aster Dell and that if Dowling had had Bloom's kind of power, things might've ended very differently.


Much of Rosalind's personality remains to be seen, but she seems cold, likely due to fighting Burned Ones for so long. She seems rather manipulative and is extremely confident. She openly threatens people with her magic, such as Dane and Riven, and has no qualms about killing her former protege. She changes a similar story as many times as it takes and as subtly as it takes to convince people to follow her, and if that doesn't work, she'll use a bald-faced lie. She seems to care for Bloom and Beatrix, though she's likely using them for their extreme magic potential. She doesn't seem to have lasting relationships that she won't end in an instant. Bloom, though, is the likely exception to that rule.


Rosalind is also an attractive older woman with blonde hair pulled back in a low ponytail through a leather tube, similar to the tube Icy, from the original series, uses to pin her hair up. She has blue eyes and tends to dress martially.

Powers and Abilities[]

Basic Fairy Abilities[]

  • Channeling: Like every fairy, Rosalind possesses the ability to channel her own emotions as a source of power to fuel her magic. She also has the ability to channel the Stone Circle. However, too much channeling can drain the Stone Circle and cut off power to important facilities.
  • Eye-Color Shifting: Once Rosalind's powers are in use, her eyes shift to a grey color.

Mind Fairy Abilities[]

  • Mind Walking: Rosalind possesses the standard power of mind fairies, that allows her to enter people's minds.
    • Psychic Communication: Rosalind was able to connect with Bloom and show her visions of her birth. She also connected with Beatrix to burn the memory of Aster Dell and likely a message. She, later in A Fanatic Heart, connected with Riven and Dane. The boys' eyes glowed for a moment, perhaps establishing a telepathic link.
    • Memory Manipulation: Rosalind is shown capable of manipulating memories.
      • Memory Awakening: By connecting with Bloom and Beatrix, Rosalind was capable awakening their memories of when they were babies, one with Bloom first time seeing Rosalind and one with Beatrix bein in Aster Dell.
      • Memory Erasure: Rosalind erased Riven's memories of him working for her, after she found out that he knew of who set Silva free.
    • Pain Manipulation: Rosalind was shown causing unbearable pain to Bloom to incapacitate her.

Light Fairy Abilities[]

  • Invisibility: Rosalind is shown to be able to make herself and those around her invisible by reflecting light, which is shown in A Fanatic Heart when she makes her and Bloom invisible to hide from Farah Dowling in the Stone Circle.

Earth Fairy Abilities[]

  • Geokinesis: Rosalind uses this ability in A Fanatic Heart after killing Farah, thereby covering her corpse with soil.
    • Mineral Manipulation: Rosalind was shown carving Andreas' tombstone with her mind.
  • Chlorokinesis: Rosalind has displayed the ability to control plants. Rosalind created flowers upon the soil that Farah's corpse had been buried.

Air Fairy Abilities[]

  • Air Manipulation: Rosalind sucked the air out of Andreas, Riven and Dane in Taken By The WInds.
  • Temperature Manipulation: Rosalind is capable of manipulating temperature.
    • Cryokinesis: By cooling down air and directing it towards Bloom, Rosalind was capable of freezing her.

Other Fairy Abilities[]

  • Alchemy: Rosalind was shown experimenting with serums in order to understand the Scrapers better and heal the students that were attacked by them.
  • Artifact Enchantment: Rosalind has the power to manipulate enchanted objects. She was shown placing a magic Gem on Stella's back, in order to prevent her from leaving campus and using her Invisibility.
  • Barrier Manipulation: Rosalind, by tapping into the magic of Alfea through the Stone Circle, she has access to the Veil that is protecting Alfea. By manipulating it, she can make it turn completely solid, preventing anyone from leaving or entering it. She can also turn turn it off, allowing the Burned Ones to enter the school. However, this could be a side effect of her absorbing the magic of the Sone Circle.
  • Convergence Magic: In collaboration with Farah Dowling and Ben Harvey, Rosalind set a lightning strike upon Aster Dell thought to be evacuated resulting in numerous deaths.
  • Telekinesis: Rosalind possesses the ability to move things with her mind. She has demonstrated this power multiple times. She is skilled enough to use it for various feats, from lifting small object to killing someone by snapping their neck.



Season One[]

Season Two[]

Comparison to Winx Club[]

Rosalind is an original character created for Fate: The Winx Saga, though she share similarities with Daphne Rosalind Hale (1), a character from Winx Club Rosalind Hale (2).


  • Like Winx Club Daphne, she sent Bloom Rosalind Hale (3) to Earth to protect her from the Ancestral Witches Rosalind Hale (4).
  • They both ended up as a disembodied spirit and started to appear in Bloom's visions after the latter discovered her fairy powers and enrolled at Alfea Rosalind Hale (5), and recovered a physical form thanks to her.


  • Unlike Winx Club Daphne, Fate Rosalind isn't Bloom sister and is not related to her family and her original world at all.
  • Fate Rosalind becomes the evil headmistress of Alfea, whereas Winx Club Daphne is a kind and devoted nymph and crown princess of Domino Rosalind Hale (6).



Rosalind Hale (7)

Rosalind using her mind powers



SkyBeatrixRivenVanessa PetersHeadmaster SilvaRosalind HaleHeadmistress DowlingDaneProfessor HarveySamMike PetersQueen LunaAndreasBrowse all


Rosalind Hale (2024)


Why did they recast Rosalind? ›

Scheduling Conflicts Are To Blame

There doesn't seem to have been any animosity. The Winx Saga recast appears to have resulted from scheduling conflicts. Production of Fate: The Winx Saga season 2 was delayed by the coronavirus pandemic, not starting until almost two years after season 1.

Is Rosalind good or bad in Fate? ›

Rosalind Hale is the main antagonist from Fate: The Winx Saga. She is a powerful Mind Fairy who served as the Headmistress of Alfea before Farah Dowling and led the crusade against the Burned Ones.

What type of fairy is Rosalind? ›

She's a mind fairy, but can use other elements. At one point Dane calls Rosalind “the most powerful mind fairy in the other world”.

Who were Bloom's real parents? ›

Six mysterious individuals, Bloom and her friends, her best friends, Flora, Stella, Musa, Aisha and Tecna, are searching for Bloom's birth parents, King Oritel and Queen Marion. They seek the help of Hagen, the blacksmith who crafted Oritel's powerful sword.

Why was Winx cancelled? ›

The show had 151 million hours viewed in its first 28 days, which is rather high. However, after two seasons, the cost of the show might have been what shut it down at Netflix. Despite that, as Warrior Nun showed, there could be someone willing to put up the money to get these viewers.

Was the Fate Winx saga cancelled? ›

After two seasons dropped on the streaming platform, fans were excitedly looking ahead to a potential season three. However, showrunners have now announced that Fate: The Winx Saga has sadly been cancelled, meaning we won't be getting a third season after all.

Who killed Rosalind in fate? ›

But when Rosalind wanted Bloom to lose control and kill Sebastian, they all reacted with shock and basically said, "She's not a killer!" Also, when Bloom killed Rosalind, they had to go to great lengths to try to console Bloom and tell her her action was justified, while she felt terrible.

Who does Bloom end up with? ›

This leads to Sky asking Bloom to be his princess at the end of the first movie, The Secret of the Lost Kingdom and formally asking Bloom to marry him towards the end of Magical Adventure. In both instances, Bloom accepted happily, and the two have been engaged ever since.

Why was Bloom switched at birth? ›

Their biological baby, who was born with a heart defect, was switched with Bloom at birth without their knowledge. Rosalind knew that Bloom possessed the Dragon Flame, even as a baby, so she sent her to the human world where she could grow up hidden, and her secret would remain protected.

Why is Bloom so powerful in Fate? ›

Bloom was born with the Dragon Flame, an ancient power thought to be extinct. Burned Ones Manipulation: Due to the Burned Ones being created by the Dragon Flame, Bloom has power over them. Burned Ones Connection: The Dragon Flame allows Bloom to sense when Burned Ones are close.

Who is Bloom's sister in Fate? ›

In the animated series, Bloom was from the destroyed kingdom of Domino, her parents were the rulers, and she also had an older sister named Daphne. Bloom finding her “mom” at the end of the Netflix series' second season could be the first step to finding out about the rest of the family.

What fairy is Farah Dowling? ›

She is a Mind fairy.

Is Bloom 1000 years old? ›

He told Bloom she was actually born a thousand years ago, inheriting the power of the Dragon Flame from her mother.

Is Bloom's sister alive? ›

Daphne is Bloom's late sister, and the older daughter of King Oritel and Queen Mariam of Domino. She is now a spirit living as a nymph bound to the bottom of Lake Roccaluce in Magix since she was killed 16 years before the beginning of the events of the show when the Ancestral Witches destroyed her kingdom.

Who is Bloom's birth mother? ›

Bloom Peters' birth mother is an unnamed fairy who previously wielded the Dragon Flame before passing it on to her daughter, the fairy that would become known as Bloom Peters. She sealed herself in the Realm of Darkness after killing thousands of people with the Dragon Flame.

What happened to Rosaline in the Winx Saga? ›

Why has Rosalind been recast in Fate: The Winx Saga? Rosalind was released from stasis at the end of the first season, as headmistress Farah knew she was trouble. In the explosive finale, Rosalind fought against Farah and seemingly killed her, proceeding to take over the leadership of Alfea.

Why does Rosalind leave as you like it? ›

Shortly after, Orlando is warned of his brother's plot against him and seeks refuge in the Forest of Arden. At the same time, and seemingly without cause, Duke Frederick banishes Rosalind. She decides to seek shelter in the Forest of Arden with Celia.

Who was Bloom switched with Winx? ›

How is Bloom a changeling? Throughout the show's first season, Bloom finds out that she actually was born in the Otherworld. However, Rosalind switched her to live on Earth in an effort to protect her from the Burned Ones who seem to be after her.

Is Rosalind evil in Winx? ›

Rosalind Hale is the main antagonist from Fate: The Winx Saga.


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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.