Scalloped Potatoes With Caramelized Onions Recipe on Food52 (2024)


by: Katheryn's Kitchen



13 Ratings

  • Prep time 30 minutes
  • Cook time 2 hours 15 minutes
  • Serves 6 to 8

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Author Notes

These scal­loped pota­toes were a hit on Easter Sun­day with friends and fam­ily, so why not Thanksgiving? These are not your aver­age scal­loped pota­toes, as there are deli­cious caramelized onions lay­ered in between the sliced pota­toes and cheese. A lighter ver­sion can be made with milk and a béchamel sauce instead of the whip­ping cream; see the direc­tions at the end of the recipe. You can also double the recipe if you have lots of guests, making the potatoes in 2 (12x8-inch) casseroles.

Thanksgiving 2020 Update:

I was a finalist in the 2013 recipe contest, “Your Best Potato Recipe,” with my recipe for Scalloped Potatoes With Caramelized Onions. It doesn’t seem so long ago, but the world is a very different place now. What hasn’t changed is my love for this comfort dish; seven years later, I still make it a few times a year. What has changed is who is at the dinner party or holiday meal.

The last time I made it was this past summer, for my husband and me plus two close friends of ours—it’s a favorite dish of theirs. We felt safe with them after not having invited anyone into the house in months, a bizarre reality. We’ve already had the conversation regarding Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners at our place and the email we will have to send out pre-arrival to confirm no one has symptoms of COVID-19, nor anyone they have had contact with recently.

Cooking and baking have always been a comfort to me, and I’ve been doing a lot more of it through the pandemic lockdown. In almost a desperate way we ran around to grocery stores finding ingredients like flour, sugar, and yeast to feed that comfort. Many others did the same, some baking for the first time, experiencing that neat feeling of accomplishment in the finished product and sharing it with their lockdown companions.

In times like this, the one constant we have is food. It’s a wonderful positive way to bring comfort to your loved ones with a familiar well-loved recipe or excitement in trying something new. How lucky are those who have just discovered this age old craft, a sweet positive during this trying time in the world. —Katheryn's Kitchen

  • Test Kitchen-Approved
  • Your Best Recipe with Potatoes Contest Finalist

What You'll Need

  • 1 tablespoonneutral oil
  • 1 large Spanish or yellow onion, thinly sliced
  • 3 large Yukon Gold potatoes (2 to 3 pounds), peeled
  • 2 cupswhipping cream
  • 4 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 3 whole peppercorns
  • 2 sprigsthyme
  • 3/4 teaspoonsea salt
  • 1 cupshredded Gruyère cheese, divided
  1. In a medium skillet over medium-low heat, warm the oil. Cook the onion, stir­ring often, for about 45 minutes, until light brown. Meanwhile, slice the pota­toes as thinly as pos­si­ble (use a man­do­line if avail­able).
  2. Heat the oven to 300°F. In medium saucepan over medium heat, bring the cream, gar­lic, pep­per­corns, thyme, and salt to just under a boil. Reduce the heat to low, cover, and sim­mer for 15 min­utes. Remove from the heat; set aside.
  3. Layer one-quarter of the pota­toes in greased 12x8-inch glass bak­ing or casse­role dish; top with one-third of the onion and one-quarter of the cheese. Repeat twice. Top with the remain­ing pota­toes. Strain the reserved cream mix­ture over the pota­toes, shak­ing the pan to dis­trib­ute evenly. Sprin­kle with the remain­ing cheese.
  4. Place the pan on a baking sheet (to catch drips) and bake for 1½ to 2 hours, until ten­der and a knife inserted into the dish pierces the pota­toes eas­ily.
  5. Do Ahead: The casserole can be made 2 days ahead. Cover and refrigerate. Reheat, tented with foil, in a 375°F oven for 30 minutes.
  6. Tip: For a lighter ver­sion, steep the gar­lic, pep­per­corns, thyme, and salt in 2 cups (500 milliliters) milk. Then make the béchamel sauce: Melt 2 tablespoons but­ter over medium-low heat. Add 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour. Cook, stir­ring, for 1 minute. Whisk in the strained milk mix­ture and sim­mer for 5 min­utes, until slightly thickened. Pour over the pota­toes.


  • Canadian
  • American
  • Onion
  • Potato
  • Milk/Cream
  • Garlic
  • Cheese
  • Thyme
  • Serves a Crowd
  • Sauté
  • Bake
  • Entertaining
Contest Entries
  • Your Best Recipe with Potatoes

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53 Reviews

suzieq12 December 29, 2022

I’m having guests for dinner who do not eat any cheese. Do you think this dish would work without it?
Thank you !

Katheryn's K. December 29, 2022

Sure, just season extra well and maybe caramelize extra onions to sprinkle on top or make crispy fried onions to sprinkle on top.

I’ve also added a little horseradish to potatoes in the past for a little zing. You could also alternate with sweet potato for extra flavour.

Jenluv November 23, 2022

My favorite I’ve made this for years it’s so simple and so delicious!

Noel December 1, 2021

These potatoes were super easy to make and a huge hit at Thanksgiving. Instead of using just Gruyère, I used half an aged Gouda with Gruyère. I think with just the Gruyère would have been great as is, but I was feeling adventurous with my cheese mixing. Would 100% make again!

Miss_Karen November 16, 2021

This is very similar to a recipe I already make. Both are scrumptious! The main difference is I use smoked Gruyere and chopped bacon. Sometimes I use leeks instead of onions.

Kitchen C. October 26, 2021

Best scalloped potatoes I’ve ever made. You should have won the contest! <3

Katheryn's K. October 26, 2021

Thank you so much! It makes me happy people are still enjoying the recipe so many years along. I think I posted the recipe in 2013. Thanks again.

Sb55 November 25, 2020

Hi! Making this tomorrow! Can you please clarify number 3? Cook oil and onion for 45min? Do I add the potatoes to this too? Thank you!

Meisen November 25, 2020

The onions are caramelized by themselves. The raw potatoes are layered with the onions and cheese and cook in the oven.

Sb55 November 26, 2020

To clarify cook onions in oil for 45min?

jennygallo November 21, 2020

I'm wondering about adding peas. Any advise or thoughts?

Katheryn's K. November 21, 2020

I would never have thought of adding peas but they would go well with caramelized onions, maybe add at the same time you add the onion layer, I mean why not, I love peas!

jennygallo November 21, 2020

Thank you for the swift reply! Trying on Thanksgiving :)

Katheryn's K. November 21, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving!

jennygallo November 27, 2020

Your recipe was SO good! Love the impact of the infused cream. And the peas worked great. I sprinkled them over the onions in each layer .... maybe 1 1/4 cup in total. I think I'd do this with frozen drained spinach or chopped kale too another time. Thank you for sharing your recipe!

Katheryn's K. November 27, 2020

So happy you enjoyed it and I'm not surprised the peas tasted delicious, great idea! I would saute fresh spinach or kale and season first before adding to the potatoes, will add more flavour perhaps but up to you. Thanks for leaving this message, very kind of you.

Karen G. December 23, 2019

Has anybody used russet potatoes instead of Yukon gold? Do you think it would be okay? I just bought 6 lbs. for mashed potatoes, but I think this sounds so much better!

Katheryn's K. December 23, 2019

Hi! They may fall apart more easily than the Yukon gold. I would use them but maybe cut a little thicker so they hold up and try not to overcook. I cut these super thin when using yellow potatoes.

Karen G. December 23, 2019

Thank you for your quick response. I’ll definitely try the thicker cut on the russet potatoes.

Olga L. November 23, 2018

This was the 🌟 of dinner yesterday. I made it in individual shallow cast iron skillets, but otherwise mostly stayed with the recipe. I would double the caramelized onion next time. Also, I ran it at 350 cause I don't have double ovens, and it was totally fine - done in about 1 HR 15 min on the lower rack (turkey breast was up top). A friend said that their family does scalloped potatoes for xmas every year and it's the first time he had a version that beats theirs hands down.

Peggy G. February 27, 2018

Top With Caramelized Bacon before baking or halfway thru baking so it does not get too crispy.

Katheryn's K. February 27, 2018

Nice idea!

Busy M. February 13, 2016

Ok this is absolutely phenomenal. Comes together quickly, easily customizable (I used goat milk and manchego for my cow allergic kid, added ham), toss a salad while it bakes and dinner is ready! Totally my go to scalloped potato recipe forevermore.

Katheryn's K. February 13, 2016

Busy Mama thank you so much! I love it when people adjust written recipes to their specifications and likes, I do the same all the time. A recipe is just something to reference as far as I am concerned.

Mae October 26, 2015

The cream sauce is fantastic! I made it with almond milk, followed the instructions on the bottom. I also used more cheese than the recipe calls for, maybe another 1/2 cup. It was just me and my boyfriend, and he doesn't like onions. He told me he likes caramelized onions, but he picked them out of this. I'd give it five stars though!

allans April 8, 2015

Made this for some picky eaters on Easter. Big hit! Everyone had seconds.

shoestringmama December 1, 2014

Made these for Thanksgiving and they were awesome! I should have doubled the recipe as they were that good. I used sweet onions and would double those next time just because they whittled down so much ... but man were these ever good and got rave reviews - thank you for sharing. SO worth making!

sheila M. April 14, 2014

Yes, I know, I google recipes with the onions caramelized to see if anyone had ever done it.

sheila M. April 14, 2014

Great, I was wondering if you could caramelize the onions - it could only improve the flavour. I will double this for Easter. I may also add browned sliced mushrooms.

Katheryn's K. April 14, 2014

Actually the recipe does call for the onions to be caramelized- adding mushrooms might be nice too, I love mushrooms.

Sam S. December 30, 2013

Made this for Christmas dinner and it was a huge hit! Will definitly be adding this recipe to my favorites book! I doubled the recipe so we could have leftovers and it was even better the 2nd time around.

Katheryn's K. December 30, 2013

Thanks Sam, I'm so happy you and your family enjoyed the potatoes! I really appreciate your comments. Happy New Year! Katheryn :))))

Katheryn's K. December 18, 2013

Daniela- there are definitely no eggs in this recipe-it will not turn out with eggs-will curdle -sorry
Beatriz-Translated last paragraph for ligher version is:For a lighter ver­sion, steep gar­lic, pep­per­corns, thyme, and salt in 2 cups of (500 mL) milk. Then make béchamel sauce: In saucepan, melt 2 tablespoons but­ter over medium-low heat. Add 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour. Cook, stir­ring, for 1 minute. Whisk in strained milk mix­ture, and sim­mer everything for 5 min­utes until slightly thickened. Pour over pota­toes.

Beatriz December 15, 2013

Hope someone could translate into English (sorry).
Step 6. For the ligntest version: Add garlic, peppercorns, thyme and salt "a un plato con uno o dos huevos batidos. Pasar todo por la batidora. Echarlo por encima a la fuente donde están las papas, cebollas y queso. Meterlo al horno, vigilando para que no se queme (puede taparse con papel de aluminio).
Many thanks

Daniela B. December 18, 2013

Step 6. for a lighter version: In a stand mixer or blender place one or two eggs, garlic, freshly ground black pepper, thyme. Pulse to combine. Pour the mixture on the potatoes, onion and cheese. Bake. Cover with foil if it gets too brown on top.

Meisen December 15, 2013

I've been making these for years. They are a family favorite.

Scalloped Potatoes With Caramelized Onions Recipe on Food52 (2024)


What is the one trick Michael Symon uses to make perfect scalloped potatoes? ›

Surprisingly, aluminum foil is his secret weapon. After beautifully shingling the potatoes (he's got a genius trick for doing this quickly, too) he covers the dish in foil before hitting the oven.

What's the difference between scalloped potatoes and au gratin potatoes? ›

The difference comes down to cheese. Scalloped potato recipes are usually baked in a basic cream sauce until soft and tender, with no cheese topping. Potatoes au gratin are a bit more decadent. They are made with lots of cheese sprinkled in between the layers of potatoes and also on top of the casserole.

Why does my sauce break in scalloped potatoes? ›

But it can be frustrating when the creamy sauce and cheese separate or look curdled. The good news is that the dish tastes just fine, even when it looks a little strange. The curdling is caused by high heat, which is hard to avoid in an oven. So to keep the sauce together, tackle it before the dish goes in the oven.

Can I slice potatoes for scalloped potatoes the day before? ›

If raw, once the potato is cut you can store in the refrigerator, covered with water for 12-24 hours. Be sure to keep submerged in water to prevent slices from turning gray or brown.

Why do my scalloped potatoes taste bland? ›

My scalloped potatoes are bland

They are also in need of serious seasoning to ensure deliciousness. Make sure your sauce is well-seasoned, but also, season each layer of potatoes with salt and pepper before adding the sauce, to make sure they are as flavorful as you want them!

Why won't my scalloped potatoes get soft? ›

Potatoes or rice can remain rock-hard after prolonged cooking. Starch will not swell if it is acidic. If you have a lot of sour cream in your scalloped potatoes or add something acidic, your potatoes may not soften. You can cook the potatoes with heavy cream or milk and then, after they soften, stir in sour cream.

Why are scalloped potatoes called funeral potatoes? ›

Why are they called funeral potatoes? Funeral potatoes get their unique name from being a crowd-pleasing casserole served as a side dish at after-funeral luncheons (particularly in the culture of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints).

What pan is best for au gratin potatoes? ›

This is one of my all time favorite potato recipes. I love cooking these potatoes in a cast-iron skillet because it gives the potatoes a nice crispy edge and it makes the perfect amount of potatoes.

What is the most common mistake in sauce making? ›

The most common problems arise when the flour is not whisked in thoroughly into the pan drippings and/or while adding the stock to the roux and/or you adding the liquid too quickly. Any and all of these missteps can produce lumps.

How do you keep cream from curdling in scalloped potatoes? ›

The best way to prevent curdling in scalloped potatoes is to start with high starch potatoes, such as Russets, that will help to thicken the sauce, use very fresh cream or half-and-half rather than whole or low-fat milk, and thicken the cream with flour or corn starch to make a sauce rather than topping the ingredients ...

Why won't my scalloped potatoes thicken? ›

Another crucial aspect to consider is the amount of external liquid introduced into the baking dish. Avoid drowning the potatoes in the sauce. Instead, add just enough liquid to graze the top layer of the ingredients. Excessive liquid will get in the way of achieving the desired thickness and creaminess.

Why won't my scalloped potatoes get done? ›

Starch Will Not Swell–Rock-Hard Scalloped Potatoes

If you have a lot of sour cream in your scalloped potatoes or add something acidic, your potatoes may not soften. You can cook the potatoes with heavy cream or milk and then, after they soften, stir in sour cream.

What are the tips and tricks for potatoes? ›

Proper storage and handling

Do not refrigerate or freeze fresh potatoes before cooking. Colder temperatures lower than 50 degrees cause a potato's starch to convert to sugar, resulting in a sweet taste and discoloration when cooked. There is no need to store your potatoes in a bag; you can store them loose.

Why are my scalloped potatoes not thickening? ›

To thicken scalloped potatoes, keep cooking the sauce a minute or so longer than directed before adding the cheese. This will create a rich, extra-thick sauce. You can also use whole or 2% milk in place of the fat-free milk. You can try out these sauce thickening tips, too!

Why are my scalloped potatoes soupy? ›

Watery scalloped potatoes are not good, and is often caused by using the wrong type of potato. This recipe requires starchy potatoes, such as russets or Yukon golds, not waxy potatoes. Another cause is washing or holding the sliced potatoes in water (as outlined in the question above).


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

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Job: District Real-Estate Architect

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.