Snow forecast - Local Snow Risk Forecast - (2024)

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"+df(jjx);}else{var inc=1;if (exts[row] % 3 ==0){inc=3;} to=df(hx)+"


"+df(hx+inc);}hx="tm"+row;document.getElementById(hx).innerHTML=to;var hidden=""; if (exts[row] <=54 && exts[row] % 3 != 0 && expanded==0){hidden="none";}hx="row"+row;$(document).find("."+hx).each(function(){;});var temp=decodetemp(forecastdata.substr((row*linelength)+0,2));var winddir=dk64(forecastdata.substr((row*linelength)+2,2));var windspeed=roundit(dk64(forecastdata.substr((row*linelength)+4,2))/10,0);var gust=roundit(dk64(forecastdata.substr((row*linelength)+6,2))/10,0);var windchill=decodetemp(forecastdata.substr((row*linelength)+8,2));var h5001000=dk64(forecastdata.substr((row*linelength)+10,2));var t850=decodetemp(forecastdata.substr((row*linelength)+12,2));var prec=dk64(forecastdata.substr((row*linelength)+14,3))/100;if (prec==999.99){prec=0;}var cx=0;var cx2=0;cx3=0; if (prec>2000){prec-=2000;cx=1;}var snowrisk=dk64(forecastdata.substr((row*linelength)+17,2));;if (rd==0 && exts[row]<54 && exts[row] % 3==0) { var row2=row+1; var row3=row+2;var temp2b=decodetemp(forecastdata.substr((row2*linelength)+0,2)); var temp3=decodetemp(forecastdata.substr((row3*linelength)+0,2)); temp=Math.max(temp,temp2b,temp3);var wind2=roundit(dk64(forecastdata.substr((row2*linelength)+4,2))/10,0); var wind3=roundit(dk64(forecastdata.substr((row3*linelength)+4,2))/10,0);windspeed=Math.min(windspeed,wind2,wind3);var gust2=roundit(dk64(forecastdata.substr((row2*linelength)+6,2))/10,0); var gust3=roundit(dk64(forecastdata.substr((row3*linelength)+6,2))/10,0); gust=Math.max(gust,gust2,gust3);var wc2=decodetemp(forecastdata.substr((row2*linelength)+8,2)); var wc3=decodetemp(forecastdata.substr((row3*linelength)+8,2));if (wc3==-50){wc3=9999;}windchill=Math.min(windchill,wc2,wc3);var h52=dk64(forecastdata.substr((row2*linelength)+10,2)); var h53=dk64(forecastdata.substr((row3*linelength)+10,2));if (h53==0){h53=99999;} h5001000=Math.min(h5001000,h52,h53);var t8502=decodetemp(forecastdata.substr((row2*linelength)+12,2)); var t8503=decodetemp(forecastdata.substr((row3*linelength)+12,2));if (t8503==-50){t8503=9999;} t850=Math.min(t850,t8502,t8503);var pc2=dk64(forecastdata.substr((row2*linelength)+14,3))/100; var pc3=dk64(forecastdata.substr((row3*linelength)+14,3))/100; if (pc2==999.99){pc2=0;} if (pc3==999.99){pc3=0;} if (pc2>2000){pc2-=2000;cx2=1;}if (pc3>2000){pc3-=2000;cx3=1;} prec+=pc2;prec+=pc3;var sn2=dk64(forecastdata.substr((row2*linelength)+17,2)); var sn3=dk64(forecastdata.substr((row3*linelength)+17,2)); snowrisk=Math.max(snowrisk,sn2,sn3);}var bc=gett2mcolour(roundit(temp,0)); var tempo='


"; hx="te"+row; document.getElementById(hx).innerHTML=tempo;if (gust

windspeed) { wo=windspeed+"-"+gust+"mph"; } else { wo=windspeed+"mph"; }var hold=windwords(winddir); var holdb=new Array(); holdb=hold.split(","); var windout='

Snow forecast - Local Snow Risk Forecast - (1)

'+''+wo;hx="wi"+row;document.getElementById(hx).innerHTML=windout;bc=gett2mcolour(roundit(windchill,0)); windchill='


"; hx="wc"+row; document.getElementById(hx).innerHTML=windchill;var bc=geth51colour(roundit(h5001000,0)); var tempo='

'+roundit(h5001000,0)+" dam

"; hx="h5"+row; document.getElementById(hx).innerHTML=tempo;var bc=gett2mcolour(roundit(t850,0)); var tempo='


"; hx="t8"+row; document.getElementById(hx).innerHTML=tempo;prec=roundit(prec,3);//var cx=0;//if (prec>2000){prec-=2000;cx=1;}prec=roundit(prec,3); var pc=getpreccol(prec); var pw=precwords(prec);if (cx==1 && cx2==1 && cx3==1){pw="Showers";} var preco='


"; preco+='


";hx="pr"+row;document.getElementById(hx).innerHTML=preco;var sn=getriskcol(snowrisk); hx="sn"+row; snowrisk='


"; document.getElementById(hx).innerHTML=snowrisk;if (corf=="c"){}else{ctof();} // if (expanded==1 && firstx != 1){ // for (var i=0;i < exts.length;i++) // { // if (i% 3 != 0){continue;} // toggleexpand(i,expanded);// // }if (expanded==1 && exts[0] <=54){ document.getElementById("expb").innerHTML="Hide Hourly";document.getElementById("expbb").innerHTML="Hide Hourly";}else if (exts[0]<=54){document.getElementById("expb").innerHTML="Show Hourly";document.getElementById("expbb").innerHTML="Show Hourly";}}var hmm=0;function updatenwforecast(){var rows=forecastdata.length/linelength; displayrows=rows; var cc=0;if (hmm==1) { document.location="index.cgi?action=world;loc=U,18354~18354;sess="; } for (var rowxx=0;rowxx < 24;rowxx++) { if (rowxx >= rows) { var hx="row"+rowxx; $(document).find("."+hx).each(function(){'none';}); continue; }var hidden=""; if (exts[rowxx] <=54 && exts[rowxx] % 3 != 0){hidden="none";}updatenwforecastrow(rowxx,expanded,1);}}function roundit(value,dp) { var dpx=Math.pow(10,dp); 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Local Information For City of London

Snow forecast - Local Snow Risk Forecast - (2)


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Snow Forecast Information

You may not be familiar with a couple of the items within the snow forecast, the first one 850hpa temps is the temperature at approximately 1.5km above the ground. Generally this temperature needs to be at -5°c or below for snow to be likely. The other term is 500-1000hpa, this is a measure of the height or 'thickness' between these two points in the atmosphere (HPA is a measure of air pressure, so these points move up and down dependant on conditions). In general for snow to be likely, this value needs to be showing 528dam or less.

Snow forecast - Local Snow Risk Forecast - (2024)


What is the most accurate snow forecast website? ›

Snow Weather Forecast at is the most reliable and accurate winter travel weather, snow forecast and ski resort conditions for the United States, Canada and the world.

Where is it most likely to snow in the UK? ›

Statistically, the snowiest place in the UK is the Cairngorms in Scotland, with 76.2 days of snow or sleet falling on average. Cornwall is the least likely to get snow, with an average of only 7.4 days of snow or sleet falling a year.

Will it snow in the UK in 2024? ›

It predicts low temperatures, rain and high winds will hit most parts of the UK, with temps down south potentially dropping to between -5C and -10C. Apparently, snowfall will be the heaviest in Perthshire, Scotland.

Will NYC get snow this winter 2024? ›

AccuWeather is predicting 18-26 inches of snow in New York City this winter, slightly below the historical average of 29.8 inches.

What is the most accurate snow forecast app? ›

OnTheSnow, the worldwide leader for snow reports and ski conditions, brings you the world's most downloaded skiing and snowboarding application, the Ski & Snow Report app. The OnTheSnow Ski & Snow Report App is available – It's FREE!

What is more accurate than AccuWeather? ›

Weather Channel would be the most accurate. For a period of fifty-eight days, data was collected from all three companies regarding temperature, humidity, and wind speed.

Where is the snowiest place on Earth? ›

The snowiest city on Earth is probably not where you think it is. It's actually in Aomori City in Japan. Here they received around 26 feet of snow every year! It also snows where you would least expect it to.

What is the hottest place on Earth? ›

Death Valley holds the record for the highest air temperature on the planet: On 10 July 1913, temperatures at the aptly named Furnace Creek area in the California desert reached a blistering 56.7°C (134.1°F).

What is the deepest snow in the world? ›

The reigning world record holder is still on Mt. Ibuki in the Shiga Prefecture in Japan. On Feb. 14th, 1927, a measurement of just over 465 inches (38.75ft) was recorded.

Will it still snow in 2050? ›

The report says annual snow totals will decrease 24% by the year 2050. That means people will have to adapt.

Will we have a heatwave in 2024? ›

Wild Weather Ahead: Summer 2024 Could Be a Scorcher With Incoming Heat Wave. The climate crisis is causing more severe heatwaves and related events. Here's what to know about dealing with extreme weather in 2024.

Why doesn t it snow in britain anymore? ›

For most of us it's usually pretty exciting to see snow in the UK, because it doesn't happen all that often. The reason for this is that we are surrounded by relatively warm seas, which can often keep our temperatures up.

Does El Niño mean more snow? ›

In general, El Niño conditions lead to wetter, snowier conditions in Amarillo and cooler maximum temperatures during the winter. La Niña conditions lead to drier and warmer temperatures overall, with notable extreme cold spells.

Are New York winters getting warmer? ›

It reached 68ºF in Central Park on March 3rd, 2024–surpassing the previous record of 65ºF set on March 3, 1991, according to the National Weather Service. Though meteorologists predicted a “frosty, flakey, slushy” winter for NYC we didn't quite see that.

What is an El Niño season? ›

El Nino is a natural climate phenomenon marked by warmer-than-average sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean near the equator, which occurs on average every 2-7 years. El Nino's impacts on the climate extend far beyond the Pacific Ocean.

What is the most accurate snow forecast model? ›

The ECMWF is generally considered to be the most accurate global model, with the US's GFS slightly behind.

What is the best website for snow? ›

OpenSnow is your trusted source for the most accurate weather forecast, snow report, high-resolution weather maps, and ski conditions information.

How accurate are snow forecasts? ›

The data is clear: Weather forecasts are more accurate than they used to be and are correct much more often than they are wrong. Yet when it comes to snow, the amount and impact of which can vary greatly over relatively short distances, forecasts are often less certain and occasionally way off the mark.

What is the highest accuracy weather forecast? ›

AccuWeather gathers the best and most comprehensive weather data to deliver forecasts with Superior Accuracy. Forecasts are pinpointed for every location on Earth and extend further ahead than any other source.


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Author: Roderick King

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Views: 5957

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Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.