The Magical World of Fairy Gardens (2024)

-Pam Scott-

The Magical World of Fairy Gardens (1)Here at Fifth Season Gardening we sell beer, wine and cheese-making supplies, hydroponic equipment, organic soils, amendments, seedlings, tropical plants and… fairies. We sell fairy figures, fairy friends, fairy decor and all the elements you will need to build a fairy garden. “Why fairies?”, you may ask. Well, building fairy gardens is certainly a delightful way to introduce children to the world of gardening and landscaping. Building a tiny garden is also a whimsical way to bring a touch of nature indoors during the winter months.

Although scientific proof of the existence of fairies is a bit scarce, to say the least, there is a long history behind the building of fairy gardens. Fairy folklore can be found throughout the British Isles, Germany, France and Scandinavia, where it has been well documented for centuries. Fairy folklore was and still is used in many places to explain the unexplainable, weather changes, health changes, and unusual natural phenomena.

In Ireland, fairy gardens are thought to be the gateway to the underground spirit world. It is believed that fairies are the original, magically powerful inhabitants of the British Isles that were driven underground by warring invaders. By creating a fairy garden, you can open a passageway for fairies to join the human world, bringing with them their magical powers and often a bit of mischief as well.

For more than half a century there has existed a community on the northeastern coast of Scotland called Findhorn. There they grow enormous fruits and vegetables. The inhabitants are world renowned for growing 40 lb cabbages and other unusually large produce in abundance. The founding of this commune was based upon their asking the fairies for guidance in nurturing the energetic spirit of everything they grow at the commune.

The Magical World of Fairy Gardens (2)

Building a fairy porthole garden can be as simple as creating a tiny garden in a bowl, an empty bird bath, a glass terrarium or outdoors in a secluded place in the garden. The idea is to build an environment where fairies will feel comfortable, safe, and still be a part of the natural world.

Broken pots can be used as houses, caves or castles. Fragments of broken terracotta or bark chips can be used for steppingstones, bridges or stairways. Twigs can be broken down and glued together to create ladders, fences, bridges, swings and doorways. Pinecones make perfect roofing slates. Use broken mirrors to create ponds and streams. Small pebbles will pave a road, stream bed or pathway. Preserved sheet moss makes an ideal grassy lawn.

The Magical World of Fairy Gardens (3)

A good quality hot melt glue gun is an essential tool for building your tiny fairy worlds. If you build your fairy garden in a dish two or more inches deep you can build the base of soil and incorporate small terrarium ferns or trailing plants into your landscape. If you are building your garden outdoors, you can landscape it with miniature steppable ground covers.

Every winter I delve into my massive stash of twigs, bark, pinecones and mossy bits to create a fairy garden on my dining room table. This tiny landscape brings a bit of nature and magical joy indoors while we navigate through the dark, cozy winter months.

Whether you are building fairy gardens to encourage a visit from other world spirits to help you with your gardening projects or sharing some magic making time with a child, Fifth Season has everything you need to build a whimsical wee world for fairies to frolic in.

Here’s is a video of Pam’s holiday fairy garden this year!

The Magical World of Fairy Gardens (2024)


What is the story behind fairy gardens? ›

It is believed that fairies are the original, magically powerful inhabitants of the British Isles that were driven underground by warring invaders. By creating a fairy garden, you can open a passageway for fairies to join the human world, bringing with them their magical powers and often a bit of mischief as well.

What is the spiritual meaning of fairy gardens? ›

In many cultures, fairy gardens were seen as portals to other realms, where humans could communicate with the spiritual beings that inhabited these spaces. They were used for divination, healing rituals, and connecting with ancestors.

What are the rules for fairy gardens? ›

  • Don't use iron or nickel in the fairy garden as they will repel your fairies.
  • Fairies appreciate when you recycle, compost and garden organically.
  • Perfect playmates for fairies are fireflies, ladybugs and butterflies.
  • Fairies have an affection for honey, sugar and sweet cakes.

Are fairy gardens for adults? ›

Both kids and adults love making them, when it comes down to it. They're very calming and mindful both to put together and to look at. You can use real plants also, so they become a way to cultivate a small garden (and teach kids to as well).

Are fairy gardens still popular in 2024? ›

But hear us out. Large houseplants are going to remain incredibly popular but so are miniature indoor gardens. Add some whimsy to your home with terrariums, bonsai, or even fairy gardens. Terrariums will be especially popular this year for this trend and we have everything you need to get started!

Are fairy gardens good luck? ›

It is said that with a fairy garden one has good luck. Perhaps this is why it has become such a popular pastime that people just can't resist. There are many websites and stores offering almost anything anyone could imagine to keep expanding their fantasy gardens.

How do I attract fairies to my fairy garden? ›

Rocks—fairies are attracted to all kinds of shiny stones like agate, quartz, or crystal. Use them to decorate your garden and give the little ones a place to sit. Shiny things—fairies love to look at their reflection, so include shiny things like a mirror or a dish of water in your garden design.

What flower represents fairies? ›

Foxglove used to be known as goblin's gloves in the mountains of Wales, where the flowers were worn by hobgoblins. In Scandinavian lore, foxglove is associated with both foxes and faeries, for the faeries taught foxes to ring the bell-like flowers in warning when hunters approached.

What do fairies symbolize spiritually? ›

Fairy Spiritual Meaning

Faires symbolize a deeper connection to nature, unseen realms, and your inner child. They might highlight your intuition, a yearning for enchantment, or a reminder that hidden sources of support and guidance are all around you.

What crystal attracts fairies? ›

If you are looking to attract fairies, interdimensional Earth beings, and other natural spirits, we suggest you use Peridot. While if you are looking to connect with the ethereal beings, the higher spiritual planes, psychic visions, or past lives, we suggest using Sapphire.

Which two things do most fairy gardens have? ›

“The basic elements of a fairy garden are miniature plants, fairies and their friends [like dogs, cats and ducks] and accessories,” says Bawden-Davis. “Accessories run the gamut, from tiny watering pails to little rakes and hoes to birdbaths, benches, gazebos and gazing globes.

Is it good to have a fairy garden? ›

A fairy garden is actually a great option to place in hard to grow areas. Other than some small garden plants, most items that make up a fairy garden will be things that don't need to worry about direct sunlight or good soil. Fairy gardens are a great place to let your creative juices and imagination run wild.

What are fairy houses called? ›

Fairy houses (also called woodland dwellings) are a beautiful, enchanting way to explore and enjoy nature. They use natural, found objects and can be as simple or as complex as you like.

What to put in the bottom of a fairy garden? ›

Choose composted soil full of organic matter and small bark pieces to lend the most “alive” look to your fairy garden. Ensure proper drainage by adding a layer of pea gravel to the bottom of your container. It's also a good idea to include a layer of charcoal to keep the garden fresh.

What is the purpose of a fairy house? ›

Fairy house building has been touted as a way to encourage children to spend time in nature and to exercise their imaginations. However, fairy house creation has also been championed by adult creators as well, some of whom build elaborate or longer-lasting structures.

What is the purpose of fairy houses? ›

Fairy Houses are small structures for fairies and woodland creatures to live in. These whimsical habitats are built by children, families, gardeners and nature lovers alike.

What are fairy gardens used for? ›

Fairy gardens are magical spaces of make believe. They are miniature gardens that invite fairy friends to come and live in your world. Whether they are set at the bottom of a tree or planted in a favorite container, these miniature environments promote imagination, creative play, and nurturing behaviors.


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