The Verdict is in These are the Top 15 Most Hated Foods in the World! (2024)

The Verdict is in These are the Top 15 Most Hated Foods in the World! (1)

Here’s the thing, I’m what you might call a “Picky Eater!”

I found the following list and was a fan of five foods on the list.

Now I’m starting to think I may just be a weird eater!

The top 15 worst foods are as follows:
1. Beets
2. Olives
3. Cilantro
4. Mushrooms
5. Tomatoes
6. Durian
7. Bitter Gourd
8. Eggplant
9. Circus Peanuts
10. Bologna
11. Pineapple Pizza
12. Liver
13. Ginger
14. Mayonnaise
15. Spam

I know my least favorite food made the list at number four.

Did your least favorite food make the list?

Let me know on our Facebook Fanpage at 1015 The Hawk.

');}return false;});$('#comments .commentlist .comment-content a').attr('target','_blank');});The Verdict is in These are the Top 15 Most Hated Foods in the World! (2)

The Verdict is in These are the Top 15 Most Hated Foods in the World! (2024)


The Verdict is in These are the Top 15 Most Hated Foods in the World!? ›

The most hated food title goes to the anchovy, with 50% of those polled saying they hated the fish. Of that number, 58% of anchovy haters were women and 43% were men. With Halloween coming up, it might be prudent to stock up on any candy other than black licorice.

What is the #1 most hated food? ›

The most hated food title goes to the anchovy, with 50% of those polled saying they hated the fish. Of that number, 58% of anchovy haters were women and 43% were men. With Halloween coming up, it might be prudent to stock up on any candy other than black licorice.

What is the most disliked food in America according to Instacart? ›

Hold the Anchovies

Our survey found that half of Americans hate anchovies, making the small, oily fish the most hated polarizing food on our list. Below, we include a breakdown of the states that order the most and fewest anchovies by Instacart share order, in addition to a few other bite-sized insights.

What foods don't people like? ›

20 Most Hated Foods in the US according to Reddit
  • 20 - Pickles. Pickles may be a huge part of burgers in the US, however, it is one of the most hated foods when eaten raw. ...
  • 19 - Brussels Sprouts. ...
  • 18 - Liver. ...
  • 17 - Anchovies. ...
  • 16 - Tofu. ...
  • 15 - Sweet Tea. ...
  • 14 - Collard Greens. ...
  • 13 - Sushi.
Aug 24, 2023

What food is often disliked? ›

Beets: These earthy root vegetables are hated by 33% of shoppers (but by our math, that means they are loved by 67%—especially in these recipes—and we're glass-half-full people). Blue Cheese: Also hated by 33% of people, "moldy cheese" was bound for this roundup as it's definitely divisive.

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Things like smoking and genetics put us at risk for developing different diseases, but neither are the biggest risk factor. "Nutrition is now the No. 1 cause of early death, and early disease in our country and the world," says Dr.

What is the most loved food in the world? ›

Pizza has rightfully earned its place as the world's most beloved food. This Italian creation has become a staple in numerous countries, with endless variations to suit every taste bud. Whether you prefer thin crust or deep dish, classic Margherita, or loaded pepperoni, pizza has something for everyone.

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Instacart Profit

Instacart dropped into net loss in 2023, reporting a $1.6 billion net loss.

What's the least liked food in the world? ›

The Verdict is in These are the Top 15 Most Hated Foods in the...
  • Beets.
  • Olives.
  • Cilantro.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Durian.
  • Bitter Gourd.
  • Eggplant.
Apr 15, 2021

Which 5 food items don't you like? ›

"It's Like Eating Crispy Water": People Are Revealing Food And Drink Items They're Completely Disgusted By
  • Even if you tried it a billion times, sometimes you just can't stomach a certain kind of food. ...
  • "Black licorice. ...
  • "Peeps, the Easter sugared candy. ...
  • "Wine. ...
  • "Olives. ...
  • "I know this is a drink, but sparkling water.
Sep 6, 2023

What foods do picky eaters hate? ›

Picky Eaters Hate These 10 Foods, But Love These 10
  • Brussels Sprouts. These tiny green cabbages may be the bane of your existence, but give them a chance – they might surprise you with their deliciousness.
  • Pizza. ...
  • Mushrooms. ...
  • Chocolate. ...
  • Liver. ...
  • Ice Cream. ...
  • Olives. ...
  • Macaroni and Cheese.

What foods do kids hate? ›

The foods children are most likely to turn their nose up at are cabbage, onions - and Brussels sprouts. A study of 1,000 parents, of 5-11-year-olds, revealed the top 30 foods kids are particularly wary of, including broccoli, tomatoes, and spinach. Others complain about eating mushrooms, avocado, and fish.

What is the most disliked color? ›

Pantone 448 C is a colour in the Pantone colour system. Described as a "drab dark brown" and informally dubbed the "ugliest colour in the world", it was selected in 2012 as the colour for plain tobacco and cigarette packaging in Australia, after market researchers determined that it was the least attractive colour.

What is the most feared food? ›

For that reason, the Fugu or Pufferfish is the most dangerous food known to man.

What is the number one liked food? ›

Pizza, from Italy. Ramen, from Japan. Burger, from the United States.


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Name: Tish Haag

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.