Types of Fae: A Comprehensive Guide (2024)

Have you ever heard of the fae? These mythical creatures have captured human imagination for centuries, appearing in folklore, literature, and even modern media. The fae are often depicted as small, winged creatures with magical powers, but did you know that there are many different types of fae?

The term "fae" is commonly used to refer to mythical winged creatures with pointed ears known as fairies,however, the term can also be used more broadly to refer to any type of fairy or faerie creature from various cultures and traditions. For example,"fae" can also be used morebroadly to describe supernatural beings with magical powers and a connection to nature.

One of the most well-known types of fae is the fairy. Fairies are often depicted as small, delicate creatures with wings, known for their mischievous behavior and love of nature. However, fairies can also be powerful and dangerous, capable of granting wishes or cursing those who cross them.

Another type of fae is the elf. Elves are often portrayed as tall, slender beings with pointed ears and a love of music and art. They are known for their wisdom and magical abilities, and are often associated with forests or other natural settings. Some elves are also said to have a mischievous streak, much like fairies.

Here is a great video that explains in detail the different types of fae and the dark stories behind them.

Seelie Court

The Seelie Court, also known as the blessed court, is one of the two major courts of the fae. It is said that the Seelie Court is composed of the most benevolent faeries, who are known for their love of beauty and their kindness towards humans.

Types of Fae: A Comprehensive Guide (1)


Pixies are one of the most well-known members of the Seelie Court. They are small, winged faeries that are known for their mischievous nature. Pixies are often depicted as playful tricksters who love to play pranks on humans. They are also known for their love of music, and it is said that they can often be heard singing and playing instruments in the woods.


Sprites are another member of the Seelie Court. They are small, delicate faeries that are known for their beauty and grace. Sprites are often depicted as shy and quiet, and they are said to be very protective of nature. They are also known for their ability to control the weather, and it is said that they can bring rain or sunshine depending on their mood.


Sylphs are the most ethereal members of the Seelie Court. They are tall, slender faeries that are known for their ability to fly. Sylphs are often depicted as wise and mysterious, and they are said to have the power to control the winds. They are also known for their love of music, and it is said that they can often be heard singing hauntingly beautiful songs in the forests.

In conclusion, the Seelie Court is home to some of the most benevolent and beautiful faeries in the world. The Pixies, Sprites, and Sylphs are just a few of the many members of this court, each with their unique abilities and personalities.

Unseelie Court

The Unseelie Court is a group of faeries that are considered to be the darker and more malevolent counterparts to the Seelie Court. They are known for their mischievous and often cruel behavior towards humans and other faeries alike.

Types of Fae: A Comprehensive Guide (2)


Redcaps are one of the most feared members of the Unseelie Court. They are known for their violent tendencies and their love of bloodshed. Redcaps are often depicted wearing a red cap that is stained with the blood of their victims. They are said to be able to move incredibly fast and are known for their strength and agility.


Boggarts are mischievous faeries that are known for their love of pranks and their ability to shape-shift. They are often depicted as small, mischievous creatures that enjoy causing chaos and confusion. Boggarts are said to be able to change their shape into anything they desire, making them difficult to catch or control.


Banshees are faeries that are known for their ability to predict death and their eerie wailing cries. They are often depicted as ghostly figures that appear to warn humans of impending doom. Banshees are said to be able to appear in various forms, including that of a beautiful woman or a terrifying hag.

Overall, the Unseelie Court is a group of faeries that should be approached with caution. Their unpredictable and often malevolent behavior makes them a dangerous group to interact with.


Elementals are fae that are closely associated with the four elements of nature - earth, air, fire, and water. They are believed to be the guardians of these elements and are known to possess great powers related to their respective elements.

Types of Fae: A Comprehensive Guide (3)

See Also


Gnomes are earth elementals and are known for their connection to the earth and its energies. They are often depicted as small, stout creatures with a love for gardening and mining. Gnomes are known to be hardworking and loyal, and they are said to possess great knowledge of the earth's secrets. They are also known for their ability to manipulate the earth and create illusions.


Salamanders are fire elementals and are associated with the element of fire. They are often depicted as small, lizard-like creatures with a fiery temperament. Salamanders are known for their ability to control and manipulate fire, and they are said to be able to create fire out of thin air. They are also believed to be able to control the temperature of their surroundings.


Undines are water elementals and are associated with the element of water. They are often depicted as beautiful, ethereal creatures with a love for water. Undines are known for their ability to control and manipulate water, and they are said to be able to communicate with aquatic creatures. They are also believed to have healing powers and are often associated with the concept of purification.

Overall, elementals are an important part of the fae world and are believed to play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of nature.


Changelings, also known as shapeshifters, are a type of fae that are known for their ability to change their appearance. They are often depicted as mischievous and cunning, and they have been the subject of many legends and myths throughout history.

Changelings are said to be able to take on the form of any living creature, from animals to humans. They are often associated with babies, as it was believed that faeries would steal human babies and replace them with changelings. The changeling would then grow up in the human world, causing chaos and mischief wherever they went.

There are many different types of changelings, each with their own unique abilities. Some are able to change their appearance at will, while others are only able to change under certain circ*mstances, such as during a full moon or when they are in danger.

Changelings are often seen as tricksters, using their powers to play pranks on humans and other faeries alike. They are known for their quick wit and cunning, and they are often able to outsmart their opponents with ease.

Despite their mischievous nature, changelings are not necessarily evil. They are simply creatures of the faerie realm, with their own set of rules and customs. If you ever encounter a changeling, it is best to treat them with respect and caution, as they can be unpredictable and dangerous if provoked.


Nymphs are a type of fae that are commonly associated with nature. They are often depicted as beautiful, ethereal beings that live in forests, meadows, and bodies of water.

Types of Fae: A Comprehensive Guide (4)


Nymphs are known for their beauty and grace. They are often depicted as slender, with delicate features and long, flowing hair. Their skin is usually pale and flawless, and they have a natural radiance that seems to emanate from within.


Nymphs are closely connected to the natural world and have a deep understanding of its rhythms and cycles. They are often associated with specific natural elements, such as trees, flowers, and bodies of water. Nymphs are known for their ability to heal and rejuvenate living things, and they are often sought out for their medicinal properties.


Nymphs are generally peaceful creatures, but they can be fiercely protective of their homes and the natural world they inhabit. They are known to be mischievous at times, and they enjoy playing pranks on humans who enter their domain. Nymphs are also known for their love of music and dance, and they often hold elaborate celebrations in honor of the natural world.

Types of Nymphs

There are many different types of nymphs, each associated with a specific natural element. Some of the most commonly known types include:

  • Dryads: Nymphs of the trees
  • Naiads: Nymphs of bodies of water
  • Oreads: Nymphs of the mountains
  • Anthousai: Nymphs of flowers
  • Alseids: Nymphs of the groves and glades

Overall, nymphs are a fascinating and important part of fae lore. Their connection to the natural world and their ability to heal and rejuvenate make them a valuable asset to any fae community.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the different classes of Fae?

There are many different classes of Fae, each with their own unique characteristics and abilities. Some of the most common classes include fairies, elves, goblins, and pixies.

What is the difference between a fairy and a Fae?

While all fairies are considered Fae, not all Fae are fairies. Fairies are a specific type of Fae that are often associated with nature and magic. Other types of Fae may have different abilities and characteristics.

What are human sized fairies called?

Human-sized fairies are often referred to as "faerie folk" or simply "faeries." They may have similar abilities and characteristics to their smaller counterparts, but are often more powerful and capable of interacting with humans on a more equal level.

What are Fae characteristics?

Fae are often associated with magic, nature, and mischief. They may have wings, pointed ears, and other physical features that set them apart from humans. They are also known for their ability to manipulate the natural world and create illusions.

What are some famous Fae?

Some of the most famous Fae include Tinkerbell from Peter Pan, Oberon and Titania from A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Puck from Shakespeare's The Tempest.

What are some mythical Fae creatures?

There are many mythical Fae creatures, including unicorns, dragons, and mermaids. These creatures are often associated with magic and may have special abilities or characteristics that set them apart from other Fae.

Types of Fae: A Comprehensive Guide (2024)


Are there different types of fae? ›

There are many different classes of Fae, each with their own unique characteristics and abilities. Some of the most common classes include fairies, elves, goblins, and pixies.

What happens if a fae knows your name? ›

Anyone who knows of the Aymm Rhoin, or Elven Naming Ritual knows that names are powerful seals and hold power, especially to a Fey. If a Fey asks for a humanoid's name and they say it, they're giving them power (and possibly partial control) over them.

What's the difference between fae and fairies? ›

Urban fantasy often uses quasi-archaic spellings like Fay, Fae and Faerie, especially to conjure images of Fae creatures of a more archaic and scary sort, while Fairy has come to mean the children's creature or the romantic Victorian concept of the tiny winged Pixie.

What are the different types of fae elves? ›

Types of fae
  • Daoine Sidhe.
  • Undine.
  • Aes Sidhe.
  • Rose Goblin.

What are the six types of fairies? ›

Fate: The Winx Saga changes that formula by introducing six core elements that every fairy's magic connects to – fire, water, earth, air, light, and mind. Aisha's “waves” magic simply becomes water magic, Musa is a mind fairy, and so on.

What is the most powerful kind of fae? ›

The Cù Sìth are the most powerful of all Fae. They control the very fabric of time and space. They create the Faery circles that are the most powerful and accurate of all magical teleportation. They can go anywhere in Time to correct or interfere in someone's life.

Can I name my child fae? ›

This name originally comes from the Latin fĭdēs, meaning "trust" and "belief," and fata meaning “the Fates.” So, if you believe baby will resonate with any of these definitions or you simply would like to honor baby's French roots, Fae can be the perfect name!

What happens if you anger a fae? ›

If someone annoys a Fae sufficiently, they will generally take an elaborate revenge upon that person at some point in the future, sometimes taking decades to plan it. In the interim, their victim is marked with a curse, warning other Creatures not to mess with that person until they've had their go.

Do fae tell the truth? ›

In folklore and fiction the idea that fae can't lie is very common. Hags aren't generally considered Fae (that's a D&Dism). While Fae can't tell a lie, they can mislead and they mislead all the time. The most common way to achieve this is to very selectively tell you only parts of the truth.

What is a Sidhe Fae? ›

Celtic fae, the Sidhe, are not small, European fairies, but tall and handsome, much like high elves. They inhabited the six Celtic nations (Brittany, Cornwall, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and the Isle of Mann).

What does high Fae look like? ›

The High Fae are a group of faeries that are known as the ruling nobility in the Fae world. High Fae differ from the lesser faeries by their human-looking appearances, save for their delicately arched ears and longer limbs. Any other difference will mark a faerie as 'lesser' faeries.

Can a Fae fall in love? ›

The lore of the faery realm has, like the world of humans, traditionally focused on love—both tales of faery lovers and of fey beings who have fallen in love with mortals and sometimes tried to keep them forever in their faery kingdoms.

What are the four types of fairies? ›

In the mid-thirteenth century, Thomas of Cantimpré classified fairies into neptuni of water, incubi who wandered the earth, dusii under the earth, and spiritualia nequitie in celestibus, who inhabit the air.

What is a fae trap? ›

Instead of being a positive force that brings good fortune, the fae are known for being tricksters who mislead humans and bring nothing but bad luck. In other words, it's best to avoid them. As for fae traps, these refer to elaborate setups the fae would create to lure humans into their secret world.

How to identify the fae? ›

1 Fae have “hard to stop” energy.
  1. Fae have “hard to stop” energy. ...
  2. The age of a Fae does not match their aura. ...
  3. Fae have compelling dexterity. ...
  4. They are constantly muttering spells. ...
  5. Fae have snacks. ...
  6. They appear in non-general places. ...
  7. They creep out the incurious. ...
  8. Fae know ancient & dangerous things.
Feb 16, 2024

What is the difference between a high Fae and a faerie? ›

The High Fae are a group of faeries that are known as the ruling nobility in the Fae world. High Fae differ from the lesser faeries by their human-looking appearances, save for their delicately arched ears and longer limbs. Any other difference will mark a faerie as 'lesser' faeries.

What are the levels of Fae? ›

There are two main types of faeries:
  • High Fae: humanoid Fae who were made specifically to be the rulers of all faeries.
  • Lesser Faeries: faeries that don't look human and serve other purposes.

What is the difference between light Fae and dark Fae? ›

The Dark Fae are black-haired, with pale skin and gray eyes, and they often have a gift for metallurgy. The Light Fae are a blond, charismatic race, with either blue or green eyes, and they have an aversion to iron.

How to identify the Fae? ›

1 Fae have “hard to stop” energy.
  1. Fae have “hard to stop” energy. ...
  2. The age of a Fae does not match their aura. ...
  3. Fae have compelling dexterity. ...
  4. They are constantly muttering spells. ...
  5. Fae have snacks. ...
  6. They appear in non-general places. ...
  7. They creep out the incurious. ...
  8. Fae know ancient & dangerous things.
Feb 16, 2024


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