UNITA - University of Zaragoza (2024)

UNITA - University of Zaragoza (1)

What is it?

An Alliance between six Universities, from five countries, located in rural and cross-border mountain regions across southern, central and eastern Europe, and sharing Romance languages origins.


Build an inspiring European inter-university campus based both on excellence in learning and teaching and on research and innovation for and with the territories.


UNITA - University of Zaragoza (2)

Why choose UNITA?

The Best Physical Mobility - You can attend a period of face-to-face studies, share your knowledge, or put it into practice with an internship at one of the UNITA's universities and experience a transformative cultural immersion:
· Learn with different teaching methods
· Contribute to rural territories development:
· Discover territories - people, culture, and nature;
· Learn and practice the inter-comprehension method;
· Develop team work and communication skills, and
· Improve your academic background.

Mobility for Students, Teachers and Staff

ERASMUS + Blended Intensive Programs (BIP)

Blended international activity composed by an online period and a short period of physical mobility. The activities aim to be transdisciplinary.

UNITA Geminae Programme Mobilities

Intensify cooperation with partner universities in the American, African and Asian continents, which also have Romance languages as official languages; Foster students mobility and cooperation in teaching, research or management and also share best practices, by organizing international conferences (physical and virtual).

UNITA Rural Mobility

Enroll in a short-term mobility to develop teaching activities at one of UNITA’s universities; Promote the exchange of experiences and teaching methods; Improve your personal and professional background.

Virtual Mobility

Attend distance learning courses offered by a partner university, in a synchronous or asynchronous mode.

UNITA Doctoral Cotutelle Mobilities

Develop a joint research program within UNITA;

Enjoy a period of study and research in a foreign environment;

Experience different research methods and contribute to the development of rural and cross-border mountain regions, as you progress with your investigation.

UNITA very short term mobilities for events' participation

Participate in short-term events, such as workshops and conferences on the three central themes with the purpose of sharing experiences, disseminating knowledge and involving the community.

UNITA ERASMUS Mobilities for Teaching

Enroll in a short-term mobility to develop teaching activities at one of UNITA’s universities; Promote the exchange of experiences and teaching methods; Improve your personal and professional background.

UNITA ERASMUS Mobilities for Teaching

Intensify cooperation with partner universities in the American, African and Asian continents, which also have Romance languages as official languages; Foster students mobility and cooperation in teaching, research or management and also share best practices, by organizing international conferences (physical and virtual).

UNITA ERASMUS Mobilities for Teaching

Participate in short-term events, such as workshops and conferences on the three central themes with the purpose of sharing experiences, disseminating knowledge and involving the community.

ERASMUS + Blended Intensive Programs (BIP)

Blended international activity composed by an online period and a short period of physical mobility. The activities aim to be transdisciplinary.

UNITA Geminae Programme Mobilities

Intensify cooperation with partner universities in the American, African and Asian continents, which also have Romance languages as official languages; Foster students mobility and cooperation in teaching, research or management and also share best practices, by organizing international conferences (physical and virtual).

UNITA ERASMUS Mobilities for Training

Participate in a training session at one of UNITA’s institutions, share experiences and acquire knowledge and good practices. Acquire and improve practical skills that are relevant to your current position and also to your professional development.

UNITA very short term mobilities for events' participation

Participate in short-term events, such as workshops and conferences on the three central themes with the purpose of sharing experiences, disseminating knowledge and involving the community.

More Offers


New way of documenting and certifying skills, to encourage and facilitate alternative learning pathways: shorter, more targeted and more flexible.


  • Portability: the learner is able to share credentials, to translate them from one context to another - Storage, Stackable, and Modularity;

  • Quality: the content is quality-assured and that the format is secure – use of digital tools; and

  • Recognition:

    • learning outcomes: specific intellectual and practical skills;

    • make sure that skills are well recognized for labour market.

UNITA - University of Zaragoza (3)

Research & Innovation Hubs

UNITA can contribute to the development of rural and mountain areas through promoting the value of the natural resources for renewable energy, developing networks of circular economy (including bio-economy), linking different economic activities (agriculture, tourism, industry and crafts), promoting the richness of the cultural and linguistic heritage, and optimizing the relationship among the different actors of each ecosystem.

UNITA - University of Zaragoza (4)

The hubs from each thematic areas are:

T&L Centers

To promote knowledge, growth and pedagogical approaches, best practices are identified through the exchange of information, methods, and techniques between different Universities. Teaching & Learning Centers (T&L Centers) provide lecturers and teachers with the tools and training to strengthen the student-centered approach.

Study in UNITA

Hub of Success

The Hub of Success is a specific UNITA organization for supporting students on the internationalization of their study path. It comprises the following services:

  • Advise students on how to plan mobility based on the matrix of recognizable activities related to the 3 strategic thematics: cultural heritage, circular economy, renewable energy;

  • Educational counselling and monitoring of students participating in physical mobility;

  • Support students in the identification and the formal recognition of skills related to an international mobility experience.

For more information and support, you can contact the UNITA Offices or the UNITA’s Mobility Office of each institution. The contacts are provided below, in the contact section.

Bachelors and Masters

Check each University Webpage to see their formative offer:


To find out about all the opportunities that the Alliance can offer, access the Newsletters and podcasts, please visit the Web Site: http://univ-unita.eu/

You can also visit and follow us through our social networks:

Facebook Twitter Youtube Instagram Linkedin Newsletter

You can ask for more information by contacting the UNITA's Mobility Office:

  • UBI: internacional@ubi.pt

  • UPPA: unita-mobilites@univ-pau.fr

  • USMB: mobilite-unita@univ-smb.fr

  • UVT: international@e-uvt.ro

  • UniTO: unita@unito.it

  • UNIZAR: unitacontact@unizar.es

Or the UNITA's Offices:

  • UBI: unita@ubi.pt

  • UPPA: unita@univ-pau.fr

  • USMB: unita-office@univ-smb.fr

  • UVT: international@e-uvt.ro

  • UniTO: unita@unito.it

  • UNIZAR: unitacontact@unizar.es

La Universidad de Zaragoza (UNIZAR) es una institución pública de enseñanza e investigación al servicio de la sociedad, el mayor centro de educación superior del Valle del Ebro que combina una tradición de casi cinco siglos de historia (fue creada en 1542) con la actualización permanente de su oferta académica. Su principal misión es generar y transmitir conocimientos con el objetivo de la formación integral de las personas.

En la Universidad de Zaragoza se pueden cursar más de un centenar de programas de grado y máster y numerosos programas de doctorado de todos los ámbitos del conocimiento.

Es una Universidad de calidad, solidaria y abierta que desea ser instrumento de transformación social para el desarrollo económico y cultural.

UNITA - University of Zaragoza (11)

Alojamiento y comidas


En UNIZAR hay varias residencias de estudiantes ubicadas en los diferentes campus, que disponen también de diversos servicios complementarios. Para solicitar plaza en las mismas hay disponible un formulario online. También hay una amplia oferta de alojamientos en residencias de estudiantes privadas. Para otras alternativas como ofertas de pisos para estudiantes del ayuntamiento, pisos compartidos privados o alojamiento temporal en albergues, consultar aquí.

Para profesorado y personal de administración y servicios vayan a realizar estancias de varios días, existe un acuerdo de precios cerrados ventajosos con diversos hoteles locales que puede consultarse aquí.

Las ciudades donde se encuentran los campus de UNIZAR son muy diferentes. Zaragoza es una gran ciudad de casi 680 000 habitantes, afortunadamente cuenta con una muy buena red de transporte público. Huesca (54 000), Teruel (36 000) y La Almunia (8 000) son más pequeñas, y por tanto es más sencillo desplazarse por la ciudad.


Se pueden encontrar cafeterías y comedores universitarios en muchas facultades de la Universidad de Zaragoza. Las cafeterías suelen abrir de 8:00 to 20:00 los días laborables (de lunes a viernes) y sirven desayunos, bocadillos, snacks dulces y salados, bebidas calientes, agua y refrescos. En los comedores universitarios, la comida se sirve de 13:00 a 15:00. Si se compran bonos de varias comidas se obtiene un descuento.

Si prefieres llevar tu propia comida, puedes calentarla y comer en áreas comunes dotadas de servicio de hornos microondas. También hay máquinas, distribuidas por los edificios, máquinas expendedoras de agua, refrescos, snacks dulces y salados y máquinas de bebidas caliente.

Para información general sobre bares y restaurantes en las distintas ciudades donde se ubican los campus de UNIZAR, se pueden consultar los siguientes enlaces:

Ser estudiante

Hay seis Oficinas de internacionalización (ORI) en los campus de Zaragoza, Huesca y Teruel. La ORI relacionada con tu facultad te ayudará con las cuestiones académicas. Para más información, visita la web de las ORIs. También puedes ponerte en contacto con la Oficina Central de Relaciones Internacionales: relint@unizar.es.

Como estudiante, dispondrás de una tarjeta universitaria virtual, una cuenta de correo electrónico y acceso a la red wifi en todos los campus de la universidad. Los servicios de reprografía y acceso a salas de informática estarán disponibles en días laborables.

Hay 17 bibliotecas en Unizar. La mayoría está especializada en un campo de conocimiento relacionado con la facultad o campus donde está localizada. Las bibliotecas están abiertas en días laborables de 08:15 a 21:15.

Junto a las bibliotecas, puedes encontrar salas de estudio. Algunas de ellas abren de lunes a domingo.

Practica deporte y disfruta de actividades en la naturaleza. Puedes apuntarte a algún curso o utilizar las instalaciones deportivas. Con la tarjeta de deportes obtendrás condiciones ventajosas.

El Centro de Lenguas Modernas te ofrece la oportunidad de estudiar 10 idiomas diferentes: cursos generales, cursos de otoño, cursos de primavera, cursos intensivos, grupos de conversación…

Otros servicios ofrecidos por la Universidad de Zaragoza:

Nuestros estudiantes son gente amigable y están dispuestos a ayudarte, nuestro Foro Europeo de Estudiantes organiza un fantástico "Buddy pair program" para ayudarte con todo tipo de asuntos relacionados con tu vida cotidiana.

Además, hay algunas Asociaciones Internacionales de Estudiantes que pueden ayudarte mientras estés en UNIZAR.

Asociación juvenil International Students' Association (ISA-Zaragoza)

A.E.G.E.E. - Association des etats Généraux des Etudiants de l'Europe.

Si buscas actividades o lugares para disfrutar en tu tiempo libre, puedes encontrar mucha información en las webs de turismo:

Información relacionada con la ciudad de Zaragoza:

Información relacionada con la ciudad de Huesca:

Información relacionada con la ciudad de Teruel:

Información relacionada con la localidad de La Almunia de Doña Godina:


Para cualquier información que puedas necesitar sobre la Universidad, consulta https://internacional.unizar.es/international-student. o manda un correo electrónico a: unitacontact@unizar.es.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/unizar.es

Twitter: https://twitter.com/unizar

Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/UniversidaddeZaragoza_es

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/universidaddezaragoza/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/school/universidad-de-zaragoza

The University of Zaragoza is a public teaching and research institution whose aim is to serve society. As the largest higher education center in the Ebro Valley, it has faculties scattered throughout the territory, promoting the development and progress of the autonomous community, and combines almost five centuries of tradition and history (since 1542) with a constantly updated range of courses.

Its main mission is to generate and convey knowledge to provide students with a broad education. At the University of Zaragoza, students can choose between more than a hundred Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees and a broad set of doctoral programs in all areas of knowledge.

The University bases its principles on quality, solidarity and openness and aims to be an instrument of social transformation to drive economic and cultural development.



At UNIZAR, there are several university residences (on different campuses), with some complimentary services. An online form is available. There are also private student residencies. For other options as City Council opportunities for university students, shared flats, or temporary hosteling, consult here.

If you are teaching /administrative staff and want to do a several-day stay, there is an agreement of closed price with several hotels in several cities.

University campus locations are very different. Zaragoza is a big city with almost 680 000 inhabitants, but luckily there is a good public transport network! Huesca (54 000), Teruel (36 000) and La Almunia (8 000) are smaller, so moving around is easy.

UNITA - University of Zaragoza (12)


If you feel hungry, there are canteens in almost every faculty. They are open from 8:00 to 20:00 on labour days, and they serve snacks and hot and soft drinks. The main meal (lunch) is served from 13:00 to 15:00, and those who acquire a voucher will get a discount.

Common areas with microwave oven service are available if you prefer to bring your food. There are also soft drink and snack vending machines in almost all the university buildings and centers.

For general information about food and drink in UNIZAR campus cities:

UNITA - University of Zaragoza (13)

Be a Student

There are six Internationalization Offices (ORI) at Zaragoza Campuses and also in Huesca and Teruel campuses. The ORI related with your faculty will help you with academic questions. For more information, visit ORIs webpage. You can also contact the International Relations Central Office at relint@unizar.es.

As a student, you will have a virtual university card, your email account and access to the wireless network at all university campuses. Printing services and some free-access computers are also available on labour days.

There are 17 libraries at UNIZAR. Most of them are specialized in a field related to the faculty or campus where they are located. Libraries are open on labour days from 8:15-21:15.

Next to the libraries, you can also find study rooms. Some of them are open from Monday to Sunday.

Play sports and enjoy activities in nature. You can attend group classes or use universities gyms. With the sport university card you will obtain advantageous conditions.

The Modern Language Center give you the opportunity to attend 10 different languages courses: general courses, autumn`s courses, spring`s courses, intensive courses, conversation groups…

Other services offered by University of Zaragoza:

Our local students are friendly people willing to help, so our local European Students’ Forum organizes a fantastic "Buddy pair program" to help you with all kinds of daily life affairs

There are also some International Student Associations that can help you while you are at UNIZAR

Asociación juvenil International Students' Association (ISA-Zaragoza)

A.E.G.E.E. - Association des etats Généraux des Etudiants de l'Europe.

If you are looking for activities or places to go in your free time, you can find a lot of information on tourism websites:

For information about the city of Zaragoza:

For information about the city of Huesca:

For information about the city of Teruel:

For information about La Almunia village:


For any information you need about the University, see https://internacional.unizar.es/international-student. or email to: unitacontact@unizar.es.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/unizar.es

Twitter: https://twitter.com/unizar

Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/UniversidaddeZaragoza_es

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/universidaddezaragoza/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/school/universidad-de-zaragoza

UNITA - University of Zaragoza (2024)


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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.