What is the Rarest Color of Rose? (2024)

The rose, America’s favorite flower, has existed for over 35 million years. The rose is a perennial flowering plant of the genus Rosa, in the family Rosaceae. The Rosa genus offers over 300 species, thousands of varieties, almost every color, and comes in many shapes. A universal symbol of beauty and love, roses are a favorite addition to gardens and landscapes. Loved for its many colors and popular scent, roses make beautiful cut flowers for any occasion. The rarest color of rose is the Blue Rose, and it is very difficult to find.

What is the Rarest Color of Rose? (1)

History of the Rare Blue Rose

A blue rose is a flower of the genus Rosa (family Rosaceae) and has a blue-to-violet petal color instead of the more common red, white or yellow. Historically, blue roses existed only in paintings and poetry. It was later used as an object or subject in movies and stories. Blue roses are used to symbolize mystery or “longing to attain the impossible.”

Naturally, a true blue rose does not exist. The very first blue rose was said to be a white rose that was painted or dyed blue. In 2004, researchers used genetic modification to create roses that contain the blue pigment delphinidin, which roses do not normally carry. Despite the color turning out to be more of a lilac color, it was still referred to as a Blue Rose; hence, a true blue rose is impossible to create.

Meaning of the Blue Rose

Flowers are known for symbolism and meanings. The blue rose is associated with true love- a love that is incomparable and unattainable. Blue roses also have various other meanings:

  • Symbolize mystery
  • Unrequited love
  • Deep desire that cannot be attained
  • Patriotism
  • Baby boy

What is the Rarest Color of Rose? (2)

Why People Choose Blue Roses for Loved Ones

Roses have been one of the most favorite flowers to send to a loved one or someone special. Because it is rare and unique, the blue rose is becoming more popular to send as it conveys how special the recipient is to the giver. The perfect romantic gift, the rare blue rose signifies trust, commitment, and relationship. Because the Blue Rose is the rarest color of rose, you can expect the price of the flower to be higher than other colors. Due to the fact that the blue rose is a unique rare color, it is best to contact your florist well in advance when ordering a bouquet of these mysterious flowers.

What is the Rarest Color of Rose? (3)

Author Chris Link - Published 05-28-2021

What is the Rarest Color of Rose? (2024)


What color rose is the rarest? ›

Blue Rose is the rarest color of rose, you can expect the price of the flower to be higher than other colors. Due to the fact that the blue rose is a unique rare color, it is best to contact your florist well in advance when ordering a bouquet of these mysterious flowers.

What is the unique color of the rose? ›

Every rose color has a distinct meaning

We all know that roses are red and violets are blue—but actually, roses can also be blue, pink, orange and even black. And that's just the beginning. These beautiful flowers come in many different colors, both naturally and with the help of dye.

What is the rarest color flower? ›

Did you know that blue is the rarest flower color? Brandon George, graduate student in Public Garden Leadership at Cornell University, takes an in-depth talk on the color blue, why it is so rare in the plant world, and some tips for displaying it in a garden.

How rare is a blue rose? ›

There are a lot of wild roses growing in the world, but none are naturally blue. People have tried to find them or create them artificially, but because of the absence of a necessary gene, blue roses remain super rare.

Is black rose rare? ›

The Halfeti Black Rose, scientifically known as Rosa 'Halfeti', is an extremely rare flower and exotic cultivar originating from the small village of Halfeti in Turkey. This unique rose variety is renowned for its truly black blossom, a result of natural mutations in the genes responsible for pigment production.

Are rainbow roses real? ›

Rainbow roses do not occur in nature but they haven't been painted either. rainbow roses are artificially coloured through the flower's intake of water – splitting the stem into different cups of dyed water to achieve the rainbow effect.

Are black roses real? ›

Black roses are not naturally occurring in nature and exist due to human intervention: they are extremely darkly shaded. Usually, this is a white or red rose soaked in black dye. You can also find different breeds of black-petaled roses.

What is the darkest rose color? ›

'Munstead Wood' is one of the darkest roses available. Its petals are an irresistible velvety crimson. An English rose from David Austin, this variety has deeply cupped blooms and loads of Old World-style charm. As the blooms age, they fade to an even darker purple.

Do purple roses exist? ›

Purple roses, while not as common as other rose colors like red or pink, are still popular among rose enthusiasts and flower lovers. They are sought after for their unique and captivating appearance, making them a desirable choice for special occasions and floral arrangements.

What is the rarest flower in Earth? ›

The Middlemist Red Camellia, or Camellia japonica 'Middlemist's Red,' is an exceptionally rare flower with vibrant pinkish-red petals. With only two known living specimens in the world, both located in New Zealand and the United Kingdom, it holds the title of the rarest flowering plant on Earth.

What is the rarest color in nature? ›

Blue is a tough color to spot in nature because there is no naturally occurring blue compound to color things blue. This is why blue rocks and minerals are so rare and why it was so pricey back when the Egyptians began mining the vibrant blue lapis lazuli mineral thousands of years ago.

What rare flower only blooms every 100 years? ›

Agave Americana Blooms Once Every Hundred Years

You have to admit the plant looks like it's from another time (Jurassic or Triassic) or possibly from another planet. But no, the agave americana is definitely from Earth.

What is the rarest rose? ›

The rarest color of rose is the Blue Rose, and it is very difficult to find.

Are blue dragon roses real? ›

Since blue roses do not exist in nature, as roses lack the specific gene that has the ability to produce a "true blue" color, blue roses are traditionally created by dyeing white roses.

Are blue Moon roses rare? ›

The Blue Moon hybrid tea rose is specifically known for its striking blue-lavender blooms, which are relatively uncommon in the world of roses.

Which is the most expensive rose? ›

Probably the most popular English Rose and at the same, the most luxurious is the David Austin Juliet Rose. This particular rose variety is well-loved in weddings due to its delicate beauty. It took 10 years for this well-known rose to be developed hence it is considered to be the most expensive rose ever.

What color roses are more expensive? ›

Specialty Varieties

Specialty colored roses like lavender or blue roses often cost more than plain red or pink. Exotic colors require special breeding and growing techniques, limiting their availability. Novelty variety roses with unique colors, shapes or sizes also fetch higher prices.

Do purple roses really exist? ›

Purple is a popular color in the garden, and there are many pretty purple perennials from which to choose. But true purple roses are rare, with a rarity similar to that of the coveted purple dye in the ancient world that gave the color its regal reputation and association with royalty, power, and wealth.

What is the most beautiful rose? ›

Queen Elizabeth Rose was voted the most beloved rose variety in 1979, and it is also considered the most beautiful rose in the world. Queen Elizabeth Rose possesses an elegant, sophisticated beauty with its gentle pink tone, along with an incredibly alluring sweet fragrance.


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