๐Ÿงš๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ„ Working with the Fae - a masterpost ๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŒป (2024)

๐Ÿงš๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ„ Working with the Fae - a masterpost ๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŒป

I wanted to do a quick heads up - while I usually use "Faeries" as an umbrella term for any liminal being in multiple cultures - including folklore like Nymphs or Mermaids, this post mostly refers to how the fae work according to Celtic lore. While I don't believe fae belong to any one culture, your culture or country may have different types or "rules" regarding them which I suggest you also research. There is also an element of UPG when working with the fae so do not take my word as fact.

With that disclaimer out of the way, let's get into the Post!

๐ŸŒธFaeries - a Brief Overview๐ŸŒธ

A faerie is a mythical creature that appears mostly across cultures of Europe, including but not limited to Irish, Scottish, Brittonic and Cornish folklore. They are often distasteful or outright violent towards humans. Fae are creatures of magical ability, most by nature, but many have outright supernatural abilities such as Changelings, sirens or Selkies. Fae vary in size and power - Werewolves at some point may have been believed to be Fae for example.

Signs of Fae activity are said to include unexplained noises - especially music or laughter, objects outright disappearing, rather than being moved which is more a sign of spirits, strange behaviour in animals, and can somertimes be seen in liminal times when the veil between worlds is thin.

The Fae occupy a Faerie realm, most commonly called The Otherworld. The Fae realm does not obey the same rules as ours - it is vast, maybe even infinite, and it often changes shape. Most significantly, time flows very differently. What may seem like a few minutes in the Fae realm can be hours, days or years. Equally, what may seem like days in the Fae realm could be a minute in ours. Time can flow faster or slower. Faeries have the ability to move between this otherworld and ours and there are many gateways, such as crossing rivers.

It is important to remember that Fae can be violent and deadly. There are many rules that come with working with them to keep yourself safe. Not all Fae are benevolent and it may be hard to work with multiple fae. In fact, it seems more common that witches worked with one Fae individually for several years in a contract throughout history.

โœจFae Etiquette (and protection)โœจ

First of all - protection

Protection is the most important part of working with the Fae. It can be difficult to tell whether a faerie is Benevolent, as many are Malevolent or outright dislike humans. While this isn't always necessarily "evil" - after all, Fae cannot be held to the same moral standards as humans - many like to trick humans regardless of your "blood" or whether you're a witch, so don't take it lightly. Many will even outright hurt humans. You should always be aware of ways to protect yourself from Fae.

It's said that Bells and Chimes ward off fairies. In addition, iron is believed to burn or harm fairies as well as ward them away. Please note that these methods are meant to avoid bringing fae into certain areas. Some believe that you should NEVER carry iron on you when intending to speak to Faeries as they may take this as an insult, but this may be debated. More natural methods of casting away Faeries may include carrying Juniper Berries.

To avoid angering the Fae, it may be a good idea to appease them by leaving a small bowl or butter or cream on your front doorstep or windowsill. This tradition of leaving Libations for the Fae can be traced back hundreds of years, and may stop angry Fae from wreaking havoc on your garden. It's also said that Cream or Milk may turn an angered boggart into a more well mannered Brownie.

Fae Etiquette

These are my most noted rules for Etiquette around the Fae, but do not take this as an exact list:

Do not give a Faerie your true name - giving this to a Fae could give them the opportunity to assume your identity or take your name among other things. Equally, you should not pressure or demand a fae to give their name . Fae will often give a generic name rather than their own.

It is often considered unsafe to call them "The Fae" out loud. Adopt names like "fair folk" and "good neighbours"

Do not provoke them or invade their spaces

Do not take objects belonging to them - best practices for offerings is to wait for a few days before collection. Equally, remember not to eat their food. Always take it, but do not eat it as it can trap you in the Fae realm.

Always uphold promises or oaths. Do not lie.

Never say thank you or apologize - Fae prefer people to express these through action. In addition, these phrases suggest one might be indebted to them.

Another important thing to note - not all Fae gifts are contracts. Always ask if the item is a contract or a trick. If an item is a genuine gift or acceptance of gratitude it may be considered rude to refuse it.

โš˜How To Connect with the Fae๐Ÿฅ€

Connecting with Nature

To contact the Fae, the most practical way is to connect with nature and Faeries that occupy your area. This can help you build a relationship with them later. Some ways to do this may include spending frequent time in nature or cleaning up natural areas where you are aware fae are active or occupy. When you are out in nature, acknowledge both its beauty and the fae that may be there. You may wish to plant more flowers or be more involved in your garden. There are many ways to be present in nature, even just sitting under a tree for a few moments.

You want to reach out and allow the Fair folk to be aware of your attempts to contact them. Declare your intentions to get to know them, if it is an individual spirit such as one that occupies your home, you may want to leave them notes or offerings. You can also leave offerings within nature. Call out to them, dance in nature, speak to them. Equally, ask them what they want from you. This can begin to establish a connection between yourself and a Faerie.

Ritual to contact the Fae

Before you begin this ritual you may wish to establish a Fae altar which I have written about below.

Draw a circle around you - you may use candles to represent the 4 elements, or stones or anything. Remember to set intention and protection to ensure you attract benevolent spirits. Sit or stand in the circle, feel your weight on the ground and visualise your energy going into the earth, and your energy forming roots before returning to you. Speak a few words of dedication - if you are looking to work with a singular fae, you may wish to speak words requesting for a familial spirit - if you do work with a singular fae, it will likely be a relationship of mutual benefit for a period of time. Speak your words depending on your intention. They will be different if you wish to attract Faeries to call upon them only in magic for example.

Wait for a response. This may take a while, signs may include sounds such as chimes or laughter. You may get a direct response, but not necessarily. Leave offerings in the space you performed the ritual or on your Fae altar.

How to tell if you have received a response

While there is no direct way to tell if they have responded, here are some ways you can tell and should reach out if there was not direct contact:

-Displaced objects on your offering place or Faery shrine

-Visual signs such as shimmers in the air

-Increased animal activity

-Movement or changes to your altar.

๐ŸŒพFaery Altars and Offerings๐Ÿฏ

Fae altars increase and magnify your energy when working with them. There are three ways your can set up a Faery altar that I recommend - an indoor altar, which may be more convenient, an outdoor altar which in my opinion is better for connecting to the fae and keeping safe at the same time, or my personal favourite a travel altar, where you can move it to the best location. For an outdoor altar, you may wish to set it up in a place which will be hidden from passer-by's, an indoor altar may wish to avoid things that may anger faeries.

Your altar does not need to be complicated, but it should contain a few key elements: a place to give offerings, this may be a plate or bowl; representations of the elements - this isn't strictly necessary, especially if you're outside, but is a nice touch; but you should have something that represents the fae, even if it's just a candle. Many people use a faerie house - these are impractical for use by many fae, but can be a kind gesture or a good place to leave offerings, especially since they're often in nature, faerie gardens or on trees.

Fae prefer spaces to be clean and dislike clutter - nature does not need to be cleansed, but clearing any litter is a great gesture, and clearing up any clutter around your altar and space can help appease the fair folk. Try to avoid using lots of chemicals when cleaning however.

I really recommend taking the steps to decorate your altar - small items like flowers, statues, pretty ribbons are great additions to a fae altar. You can also play music and include the senses by adding smells or even things to touch on your altar.


Here are some ideas of offerings for the Fae:

For food and drink, consider alcohol and juice or pure water

Sweet items like cake

Meat - many people seem to be under the impression that Fae do not eat meat or dislike the consumption of it - however many fae do consume meat

Fresh fruit


Dairy Products

Natural items are also a great choice, try stones, flowers, leaves and bones. Make sure these are gathered ethically and abide by your local laws.

While I may have dismissed fae houses before, places where fae can cross or stay tethered to the world may be helpful. Smaller fae may take a liking to bird houses, and fairy doors can be used as a place to cross to the other world - ensure that these are protected. Fae also may take a liking to windchimes and fairy gardens with wildflowers.

Taking care of the nature around you such as beach clean ups or cleaning up your local woodland may also be appreciated. However Fae aren't strictly nature spirits so this may not be taken up if it is not an area important to the fae. It depends.

โ˜˜Faerie courts๐ŸŒผ

This is the final segment of my post. While it isn't necessarily directly related to "working" with the Fae I think it is important information that any practitioner should know.

There are many Faerie courts, many small, and it is impossible to know all, so I will be talking about the largest four courts in this post. Note: I will not be discussing Unseelie or Seelie courts as these are manmade concepts, and I will also not discuss elementals as I lost my sources on them and wish to have a more accurate source before I post.

The Spring court

This is a cheerful court that is lighthearted, but more likely to engage in pranks. They are polite, but seductive. They are likely to ask questions as they are very curious, but also can be seen as naive.

Summer Court

Equally as polite, but is not as cheery as Spring. These fae are intelligent, but can be angered easily and will punish those who harm or insult them - they may kill out of fury. However they respect life.

Autumn Court

This is a court of mystery and behaves more strangely compared to other courts. The autumn court does not understand the fear of death, and while they are not hot headed they will hold grudges and will curse and torture out of amusem*nt. Equally but opposite, they give great gifts and will give much respect if you respect and honour them.

Winter Court

Winter Court welcome and expect death, and greatly celebrate it. They can be threatening and cruel and are often proud of it. These Fae are the most likely to show hatred towards humans and gain amusem*nt from hurting them.

Not all Fae belong to a court, and it can be difficult to define this group at all.









๐Ÿงš๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ„ Working with the Fae - a masterpost ๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŒป (2024)


What does the fae do to humans? โ€บ

Fae will steal adults as well. They are particularly fond of musicians and poets and will take them away to their realm for their entertainment. They also take humans who offend them and transform them into strange creatures or keep them as servants. In some versions of the story of Tam Lin the bard, he went willingly.

What do the Fae symbolize? โ€บ

The Fae are often believed to preside in Fairyland, a realm created for them by Life. This realm is typically associated with the Otherworld, a mystical and otherworldly dimension separate from the mortal world. Fairyland is a rich and diverse realm with various sectors or regions.

What happens if a fae knows your name? โ€บ

Anyone who knows of the Aymm Rhoin, or Elven Naming Ritual knows that names are powerful seals and hold power, especially to a Fey. If a Fey asks for a humanoid's name and they say it, they're giving them power (and possibly partial control) over them.

What is the meaning of Fae? โ€บ

A fairy (also fay, fae, fey, fair folk, or faerie) is a type of mythical being or legendary creature, generally described as anthropomorphic, found in the folklore of multiple European cultures (including Celtic, Slavic, Germanic, and French folklore), a form of spirit, often with metaphysical, supernatural, or ...

Can a fae have a human mate? โ€บ

Not very often does a fae have a mortal mate. The death of a mate is emotionally harrowing for the remaining partner. Mating bonds can develop between a fae or halfling and an individual of another humanoid species and of any gender.

Do fae fall in love with humans? โ€บ

The lore of the faery realm has, like the world of humans, traditionally focused on loveโ€”both tales of faery lovers and of fey beings who have fallen in love with mortals and sometimes tried to keep them forever in their faery kingdoms.

Do fae tell the truth? โ€บ

In folklore and fiction the idea that fae can't lie is very common. Hags aren't generally considered Fae (that's a D&Dism). While Fae can't tell a lie, they can mislead and they mislead all the time. The most common way to achieve this is to very selectively tell you only parts of the truth.

Are fae all female? โ€บ

Faeries can be any gender. Thanks to Disney, most faeries are depicted as female, but depending on what mind set you have, a faery can be any gender. Most people simply have their minds set on faeries being female, so their more often depicted this way than their male counterparts.

Do fae have powers? โ€บ

Powers and Abilities

Allure: The ability to possess extraordinary beauty and be highly desirable and enticing to others. Immortality: The state of possessing an infinite lifespan and an arrested aging process. This also grants immunity to all human diseases and viruses.

What are the fae rules? โ€บ

Don't tell them your real name Don't accept gifts from the fae Additionally Don't thank them for anything as that can cause them to become offended (I believe it suggests servitude) Don't step into fairy circles as it can anger the fae and cause then to curse you They like offerings of milk and honey if you want to ...

What happens if you anger a fae? โ€บ

If someone annoys a Fae sufficiently, they will generally take an elaborate revenge upon that person at some point in the future, sometimes taking decades to plan it. In the interim, their victim is marked with a curse, warning other Creatures not to mess with that person until they've had their go.

Can fae tell lies? โ€บ

So, can a fairy say something that turns out not to be true? Yes.

What is fae love? โ€บ

The human treatment of love is a concept many faeries do not understand, and thus a "human"-like love of a faery to a mortal is frowned upon. For the fae folk, servitude is love.

What is a fae personality? โ€บ

"The Fae are incredibly playful when young which wanes into a flirtatious, mischievous and wise temperament in their old age." Their mental maturity has a waning effect on their childlike personalities with the onset of the mental changes starting from their youth.

What does fae look like? โ€บ

The depictions of the cute, tiny creatures with wings were mostly created from the Victorian era until the present day. Older accounts would have seen faeries looking like ethereal humans--more beautiful and absolutely more deadly, of course.

What evil things do fairies do? โ€บ

Fairies of folklore were blamed for all manner of mischief and ills, ranging from petty vandalism and theft to outright murder and kidnap. They would frequently be blamed for causing livestock to grow sick or die. They would lead travelers astray at night or lure men to their doom near ponds and rivers.

What happens if a fairy kisses you? โ€บ

They are known for the following: Fairy Kiss: Fairies have the ability to mark people with a sort of invisible protection charm by kissing them on the nose. It prevents the Fairy Queen from killing them (at least not right away) as the Fairies show trust in whoever they kiss and possibly would not want them killed.

How to survive the fae? โ€บ

Nightingale beginner's guide: 12 tips to help you survive the Fae...
  1. Keep an eye out for Puck. ...
  2. Craft cards to explore different Realms. ...
  3. Seek shelter, build your Estate Cairn, and prioritize bonuses from comfort. ...
  4. Craft better gear and tools. ...
  5. Collect berries, mushrooms, and meat for food.
Feb 20, 2024


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