Your Guide to Growing and Harvesting Lavender (2024)

Whether you’re in town or the country, lavender is essential for bringing casual elegance to your garden. Growing lavender is as easy as cooking a roast in a crockpot: You set it and forget it. All thrive in full sun and well-drained soil; add organic matter to improve heavy soils, but otherwise, these lovely, fragrant perennial herbs are a cinch to plant, a breeze to grow, and as laid back to preserve as an afternoon in Provence.

You may know lavender by its scent, but that’s only one of this herb’s endearing qualities. Lavender is easy to grow in the West’s warm, dry climates, requiring little in the way of pest control, fertilizer, or, once established, water. Its scent is soothing, which is why its essential oil is a prized ingredient in many aromatherapy products, such as lotions and candles. And you can even cook with lavender flowers.

Your Guide to Growing and Harvesting Lavender (1)

Photo by Linda Lamb Peters

How to Plant

Look for cutting-grown, rather than seed-started lavender plants (most nurseries can provide this information), especially for hedges, since the ultimate size of seed-grown lavender can vary. Most kinds will thrive for about 12 years before they need replacing.

Growing Conditions

Lavender needs full sun and well-drained soil. Where soil drains poorly, grow lavender in raised beds. Set full-size varieties 3 to 4 feet apart, dwarf types 18 inches apart. Mulch with decomposed granite or gravel—not compost.

Your Guide to Growing and Harvesting Lavender (2)

Courtesy of High Country Gardens

Pruning Tips & Plant Care

Irrigate deeply but infrequently, when the soil is almost dry. Lavender plants require little or no fertilizer.

Prune every year immediately after bloom. Cut back 2- to 4- foot tall varieties by a third, low-growing types by 2 to 4 inches. If you won’t be harvesting the blooms of repeat performers, such as Spanish lavender, cut off faded lavender flowers to keep new ones coming.

Snip stems when the bottom third of their blossoms are open; not all blooms are ready to cut at the same time. Remove leaves from the stems, gather stems in bunches, and secure each bundle with a rubber band. Use no more than 100 stems per bundle.

AboutLavender Varieties

Lavender is grown for numerous purposes: essential oil, crafting, culinary use; pick the best varieties for your desired use.AtHavenhill Lavender Farm farm in Silverton, Oregon, Trina Riemersma grows the varieties listed below.

Your Guide to Growing and Harvesting Lavender (3)

Courtesy ofWoodinville Lavender Fields

English lavender (Lavandula angustifolia). A sweetly fragrant lavender used for perfume and sachets; also good for flavoring ice cream, jams, meat rubs, and pastries.

Riemersma grows‘Buena Vista’ lavender―with fragrant, dark blue-purple flowers ― because it’s the perfect complement to savory dishes and sweet desserts (Lavandula angustifolia ‘Mun-stead’ and ‘Hidcote’ can also flavor food). She uses it to enhance blackberry jam and shortbread cookies and as a rub (along with rosemary) for cedar-planked salmon with lavender-honey glaze.

Most varieties form mounds of foliage up to 2 feet tall. Unbranched stems rise above fragrant gray-green or silvery foliage; flowers are white, pink, lavender-blue, or various shades of purple.

Your Guide to Growing and Harvesting Lavender (4)

‘Munstead’ English lavender blooms are valued for their rich coloring and long bloom season. They dry well. Photo bySaxon Holt

• ‘Grosso’ is a widely planted commercial variety in France and Italy; possibly the most fragrant lavandin of all. Compact growth to 2½ ft. tall and wide. Silvery foliage; large, conical spikes of violet-blue flowers with darker calyxes. Often repeats bloom in late summer. Excellent for drying.

• ‘Provence’ may often be described as the perfume lavender, but this selection doesn’t produce the kind of oil used in perfumery (we find it’s better for cookies). It grows 2 ft. tall, with fragrant violet-blue flowers that dry well. If you just want an attractive hedgerow for lining walkways and driveways, try growing this lavender.

Spanish lavender (L. stoechas) Zones 4-24. Stocky plants grow to 3 ft. tall with gray or gray-green leaves. Bracts resemble rabbit ears; they come in shades of purple and pink. Blooms spring into summer.

• Edelweiss-This is a medium-sized plant with white flowers, primarily grown as a landscaping plant.

Your Guide to Growing and Harvesting Lavender (5)

Linda Lamb Peters

Lavender Care

Lavender is the absolute easiest thing in the world to grow. Here are some tips:

Plant lavender in full sun and well-drained soil (add organic matter to improve heavy soils). Starting with the proper conditions is essential for successfully growing lavender.

Water plants deeply but infrequently, when the soil is almost dry.

Prune every year immediately after bloom. For low-growing lavenders, trim back foliage 1 to 2 inches. Starting in a plant’s second year, all 2- to 4-foot lavenders should be cut back by about a third to keep the plant from getting overly woody.If a plant becomes woody and open in the center, remove a few of the oldest branches; take out more when new growth starts. If this doesn’t work, it’s time to dig out the plant and replace it. (Some commercial growers replace plants after 10 to 12 years.)

If you won’t be harvesting the blooms of repeat performers, such as Spanish lavender, cut off faded lavender flowers to keep new ones coming.Snip stems when the bottom third of their blossoms are open; not all blooms are ready to cut at the same time. Remove leaves from the stems, gather stems in bunches, and secure each bundle with a rubber band. Use no more than 100 stems per bundle.

Your Guide to Growing and Harvesting Lavender (6)

Harvest for sachets and potpourri by cutting flower spikes or stripping flowers from stems just as blossoms show color; dry in a cool, shaded place.

TipsforStarting a Lavender Farm

Thinking of starting your own lavender farm? Whether you want to start growing lavender en masse for fun or for profit, know what you’re getting into. Question locals about life in the new community before you begin your new dream life as a lavender farmer (which, the more we think about it, sounds pretty dang amazing). Assess what’s needed to make the new place livable, and how much you can do yourself. And while you’re at it, maybe consider adding a few bee boxes, to help your new invertebrate neighbors out.

Lavendersby Mail

If you can’t find the variety you want locally, try one of these sources.

High Country Gardens; 800/925-9387.
Joy Creek Nursery; 503/543-7474.
Goodwin Creek Gardens; 800/846-7359.

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Your Guide to Growing and Harvesting Lavender (2024)


Your Guide to Growing and Harvesting Lavender? ›

Harvest lavender so it grows back by pruning no more than two-thirds of the plant's height or cutting to just above the bottom two sets of leaves on each green stem. Avoid cutting into the woody part of the plant. Bundle lavender as you harvest.

How to harvest lavender so it keeps growing? ›

Harvest lavender so it grows back by pruning no more than two-thirds of the plant's height or cutting to just above the bottom two sets of leaves on each green stem. Avoid cutting into the woody part of the plant. Bundle lavender as you harvest.

What to do with lavender after it blooms? ›

You can also pick some of the flowers to make flower water which can then be used for simple syrup to make incredible lavender drinks and desserts. Once the flowers fade (late summer through autumn), they can be snipped off ('deadheaded') to encourage further blooming.

When should lavender be cut back? ›

Left to their own devices, lavender can become woody and ungainly, so to keep plants compact and attractive, it's best to trim them annually in late summer, just after flowering has finished. Remove any spent flower stalks and about 2.5cm (1in) of leaf growth.

What is the secret to growing lavender? ›

Light: Lavender needs full sun and well-drained soil to grow best. In hot summer climates, afternoon shade may help them thrive. Soil: Lavender grows best in low to moderately-fertile soils, so don't amend the soil with organic matter before planting. Lavender performs best in neutral to slightly alkaline soils.

Should I let my lavender flower? ›

Removing the flowering stems from the bush promotes new growth in the plant's roots, keeps the plant looking tidy, and gives you bunches of fragrant, fresh lavender flowers. To enjoy dried stem bunches or dried buds for cooking, you'll want to cut the lavender when just a few of the buds on the stem have bloomed.

Does cutting lavender encourage more flowers? ›

Pruning lavender each year provides several benefits including: Refining the shape of the plants. Encouraging bushier growth. Producing more flowers.

How to keep lavender blooming all summer? ›

Prune at the Right Time

Hold off on pruning lavender until late summer or early fall, after all the blooms have faded. This allows the plants to complete their full flowering cycle. Then prune lavender bushes into a dome shape to promote healthy growth. Remove spent blooms and snip back leggy stems above leaf sets.

How many times will my lavender bloom? ›

Flowering typically occurs as early as May (in areas with mild summers and winters) with another flush of blooms in June followed by another flush of color in late summer or fall.

What happens if lavender is not cut back? ›

Without pruning, a lavender plant becomes woody. Deep at the center of the mounded semi-shrub, your lavender plant is trying to turn to wood.

Do lavender plants spread? ›

Keep in mind that although lavender has a large, spreading root system, it prefers growing in a tight spot. If you are growing your lavender plants in containers, select those that are just a few inches larger in diameter than the root ball.

Does lavender grow back after cutting? ›

Lavender will almost always grow back after light pruning following its first spring flowering. The only time this may not happen is if the lavender is having some issue with damage, disease, or pests.

Can you get lavender to rebloom? ›

The plants can be trimmed back to 6 inches tall in early spring to remove any dead woody tissue or stems, and also to encourage flowering on new wood. If plants are cut back or pruned after their summer flowering, this can encourage lavender to bloom once again during the moderate weather of early fall.

Does pruning lavender encourage growth? ›

To remain healthy and beautiful, lavender does need regular pruning, along with well-drained soil and lots of sunshine. “Pruning lavender keeps it looking full, encourages new growth and flowering, and gives you lots of fresh tips to harvest throughout the season,” Amy Fedele from Pretty Purple Door says.


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