21 Native Wildflowers For A Stunning Wildflower Garden (2024)


Wildflowers are always a great choice for gardeners looking for easy-care plants. Besides growing easily, wildflowers are never weedy. They also nourish wildlife, such as insects, bees, birds, and butterflies. Whether you’re thinking of growing flowers from transplants or seeds, wildflowers aren’t that demanding, and the fact they are native to the geographic area makes them unlikely to harm other local plant species.

However, with a diverse options of wildflowers for a wildflower garden, it’s daunting to know how to choose the perfect assortment. Depending on your region, there are instances where you may have to choose certain flowers over others.

To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of our favorite native wildflowers worth growing in your wildflower garden this season. Let’s jump in to the details of each, including which hardiness zones are the best for each wildflower!

Black-Eyed Susan

21 Native Wildflowers For A Stunning Wildflower Garden (1)
Scientific Name: Rudbeckia hirta
  • Type of Plant: Perennial
  • Geographic Origin: United States
  • Size: 24-inches
  • Sun Exposure: Full Sun to Partial Shade
  • Plant Zone: 3 to 10

If yellow is a color you wouldn’t want to miss, the Black-Eyed Susan won’t disappoint you. It can self-seed, which means that the plants can fill your garden in no time. The Black-Eyed Susan can take up to 3 years to reach its full height.

This wildflower grows best under the sun. However, they can also handle partial shade if most of your flowers are away from natural sunlight. In terms of the soil, black-Eyed Susan can thrive on any soil with a moderate amount of nutrients.

While Black-Eyed Susans don’t require much maintenance, it’s important to water them during the first season. This provides them with a nourishing environment to get established.

Blazing Star

21 Native Wildflowers For A Stunning Wildflower Garden (2)
Scientific Name: Liatris Spicata
  • Type of Plant: Perennial
  • Geographic Origin: North America
  • Size: 48 inches
  • Sun Exposure: Full Sun
  • Plant Zone: 3 to 9

You will fall in love with the blazing star wildflowers for their looks alone. Depending on the variety you will find, the blazing star has pinkish-red, white, or purple-pink flowers. One exciting aspect of this perennial plant is that it blossoms from top to bottom.

The blazing star thrives well under the sun. For that reason, its shrubs should be planted in a warm, sunny place. When preparing its soil, confirm that it’s not too acidic and should be moist. Keep the blazing star watered during the first few weeks to allow roots to develop well.

However, its shrubs are intolerant to waterlogging. Therefore, it is essential to maintain good drainage in your garden area. As long as the soil is well drained, blazing stars can tolerate many types of soils, and poor soil conditions.

Blanket Flower

21 Native Wildflowers For A Stunning Wildflower Garden (3)
Scientific Name: Gaillardia sp.
  • Type of Plant: Perennial
  • Geographic Origin: North and South America
  • Size: 24 – 36 inches
  • Sun Exposure: Full Sun
  • Plant Zone: 3 to 9

The daisy-like blanket flower is another easy-to-grow perennial in your garden. Just as the name implies, the plant grows by developing a spreading mound that blankets a specific area. They are fast growers, and you shouldn’t be surprised if they sprout earlier than some of the perennials you select from this list.

The bright colors, red and yellow, will give any garden a bright feel. You will surely enjoy their bright, beautiful company when enjoying your own garden time. If you’re thinking of attracting birds, the blanket flowers will do the trick. They are pollinator friendly, which means you’ll have plenty of butterflies and bees paying you visits.

The perennial blanket flower loves the sun, so make sure you have them planted in an area that gets plenty of sunshine.


21 Native Wildflowers For A Stunning Wildflower Garden (4)
Scientific Name: Aquilegia Canadensis
  • Type of Plant: Perennial
  • Geographic Origin: North America, Europe, Asia
  • Size: 36 inches
  • Sun Exposure: Full or Partial Sun
  • Plant Zone: 3 to 9

One thing you will love about columbines is that they are self-seeding. Once you plant them, all you need to do is sit back and wait for them to bloom. They are hardy, and can adapt to a variety of soil types and living conditions.

Columbines are best grown in places where there is some shade. But that doesn’t mean that your wildflowers won’t perform well in full sun. With frequent watering, columbines can flourish under the sun.

The sprouting flowers from columbines provide varying shades of color, ranging from bright blue, orange, and red to even yellow and pink. These colors should give your garden a beautiful and lasting glow during spring and summer.

California Poppy

21 Native Wildflowers For A Stunning Wildflower Garden (5)
Scientific Name: Eschscholzia californica
  • Type of Plant: Annual
  • Geographic Origin: North America
  • Size: 1-3 Feet
  • Sun Exposure: Full or Partial Sun
  • Plant Zone:1 to 10

California poppies are probably the best perennials to naturalize your surroundings. They have cup-like flowers that bring a riot of summer color to any garden space. These beautiful blooms usually show themselves as brightly colored flowers in orange or yellow.

This annual wildflower is common all over North America, and they can grow across a variety of different hardiness zones. It’s often seen in many different wildflower mixes that can be purchased at easily at local stores. Blooms are shorter lived, usually happening in March through the month of May.

Dutchman’s Breeches

21 Native Wildflowers For A Stunning Wildflower Garden (6)
Scientific Name: Dicentra Cucullaria
  • Type of Plant: Perennial
  • Geographic Origin: North America
  • Size: 6–12 inches
  • Sun Exposure: Partial Shade, Full Shade
  • Plant Zone: 3 to 7

Who doesn’t love the sound of humming bumblebees in the garden? As garden enthusiasts, we all do. The Dutchman’s breeches are a good selection, not just because of the bumblebees but because they flower early.

Besides depending on bees for pollination, you can also take care of these flowers by leaving enough litter on the ground. Breeches thrive well under the shade. Their little maintenance will give you ample time to do other things.

Hepatica Americana

21 Native Wildflowers For A Stunning Wildflower Garden (7)
Scientific Name: Hepatica nobilis
  • Type of Plant: Perennial
  • Geographic Origin: North America, Europe
  • Size:12 inches
  • Sun Exposure: Filtered, Partial
  • Plant Zone:4 to 9

You probably know hepatica, but the name might be somewhat strange for you. Most people identify this flower by the names Anemone Americana, liverleaf, or American liverwort. Sounds familiar?

If you know a flower by sight, then you can identify this flower by its alluring purple color. It also has a touch of pale pink and light blue flowers.

Hepatica thrives in humus-rich soil. To ensure it grows well, consider planting it under partial shade and topping your soil with leaf molds during fall.


21 Native Wildflowers For A Stunning Wildflower Garden (8)
Scientific Name: Arisaema Triphyllum
  • Type of Plant: Perennial
  • Geographic Origin: Eastern North America
  • Size: 24 inches
  • Sun Exposure: Partial Shade, Full Shade
  • Plant Zone: 4 to 9

Jack-in-the-pulpit is a wonderful choice if you’re thinking about finding the best wildflowers for a wildflower garden. Most gardeners argue that this wildflower can be used as a stiffener for clothes. Others use this plant for medicinal purposes like treating certain skin diseases and headaches.

Whatever reasons you might consider planting Jack-in-the-pulpit, they will blend perfectly with other wildflowers. Plant them in moist soil and give them a layer of leaf mold. That’s all it takes to provide them with a conducive environment to grow and beautify your garden.

Joe-Pye Weed

21 Native Wildflowers For A Stunning Wildflower Garden (9)
Scientific Name: Eutrochium Purpureum
  • Type of Plant: Perennial
  • Geographic Origin: North America
  • Size: 84 inches
  • Sun Exposure: Full or Partial Sun
  • Plant Zone: 4 to 9

Joe-Pye weed falls under the family of sunflower plants. They grow well with sufficient sunlight. The wildflower can invite butterflies and other pollinator insects to your garden. The flower is named after Joe Pye, a native American who used the plant to treat various diseases.

Joe Pye weed also goes by the name kidney root, gravel root, purple boneset, snakeroot, or the queen of the meadow.

Planting Joe Pye weed is easy since you can scatter the seeds around where you want them to grow. After that, use your fingers to press the seeds into the soil. The plant grows with little interference as long as it’s positioned in the right place.

The best time to plant Joe Pye is during spring or late autumn. During the first few weeks after planting, ensure you maintain moist soil. Regular watering is also required during hot summer months. Don’t wait for too long before watering because the soil can dry up with other vital nutrients. Joe Pye is a taller perennial, so keep that in mind when planting around other plants, as it will soak up some sun next to neighboring plants.

New England Aster

21 Native Wildflowers For A Stunning Wildflower Garden (10)
Scientific Name: Symphyotrichum novae-angliae
  • Type of Plant: Perennial
  • Geographic Origin: North America
  • Size: 1 – 1.5 – inch
  • Sun Exposure: Partial sun
  • Plant Zone: 3 to 8

The New England Aster is an easy-going wildflower that will give your garden an appealing natural aura. With a range of colors from pink, lavender and purple, you’ll get some softer colors that will keep your garden feeling fresh.

The best part about growing asters is that they create a conventional cottage garden feel.

Besides, they also attract butterflies, bees, and other valuable insects to your small farm. Undeniably, if the flowers are good for the wildlife, meaning they are also good for you. You can make the most out of the organic garden you will be creating.

Asters are also recommended for gardeners looking to have flowers in bloom for the better part of the year. Since they are perennial, expect them to bloom season after season with little maintenance from your end.

Purple Coneflower

21 Native Wildflowers For A Stunning Wildflower Garden (11)
Scientific Name: Echinacea Purpurea
  • Type of Plant: Perennial
  • Geographic Origin: North America
  • Size: 48 inches
  • Sun Exposure: Full Sun
  • Plant Zone: 4 to 9

Purple coneflower will also draw bees, birds, and other pollinators to your small farm. Their tall height will give your landscape a tall background. Usually, they grow up to 5 feet tall, and thanks to their sturdy stalks, they rarely bend.

The soil quality required to grow coneflower should be poor or lean soil. The problem with rich soil is that it could lead to poor flowering and lush foliage. When growing them in full sun areas or under the shade, ensure the plants have access to the sun for at least six hours.

Once the coneflowers are fully grown, taking care of them should be relatively easy. During the rainy season, you don’t need to water them. There is little to do during dry summers since they are also drought resistant. So, minimal maintenance is required to ensure coneflower grows and blossoms optimally.

Shasta Daisy

21 Native Wildflowers For A Stunning Wildflower Garden (12)
Scientific Name: Leucanthemum x Superbum
  • Type of Plant: Perennial
  • Geographic Origin: North America
  • Size:9 inches
  • Sun Exposure: Full Sun to Partial Sun
  • Plant Zone: 4 to 9

From the daisy family, the white and yellow blend of the Shasta daisy wildflower will bring more life and color into your garden. The perfect combination of the white petals and their sunny centers can bring childhood memories into the picture.

Shasta daisy can be helpful when you want to fill any lingering empty spaces. They grow up to three feet tall, which means they won’t be obstructed from getting all the sun they require to grow optimally. Their aroma and colorful appeal will also draw helpful pollinators like bumblebees and butterflies.

When planting the Shasta daisy, good drainage is important. Moreover, ensure that the plants are well spaced to allow air circulation. Be careful when watering other flowers because these perennials don’t need to be overwatered. When summer dry spells hit, providing them with an inch of water weekly is enough.

Solomon’s Seal

21 Native Wildflowers For A Stunning Wildflower Garden (13)
Scientific Name: Polygonatum Biflorum
  • Type of Plant: Perennial
  • Geographic Origin: North America
  • Size: 6 inches
  • Sun Exposure: Partial, Shade
  • Plant Zone: 4 to 8

Solomon’s seal is native to Asia and Europe. This wildflower falls under the Liliaceae family. Planting them in your garden can be an excellent addition, especially for gardeners with woodland settings.

They are best planted in well-drained soil, but Solomon’s seal will still adapt to different types of soils. Prepare your soil will animal manure or any other type of fertilizer, and plant the flowers under partial to full shade.

Southwestern Mock Vervain

21 Native Wildflowers For A Stunning Wildflower Garden (14)
Scientific Name: Glandularia gooddingii

Type of Plant: Perennial
Geographic Origin: Southwestern United States
Size: 12 inches
Sun Exposure: Full Sun to Partial Shade
Plant Zone: 6 to 11

Southwestern mock vervain is part of the Vebena family. This purple flower is somewhat drought tolerant, although not quite as drought tolerant as other plants despite the pedigree of being native to the southwestern United States. It prefers rocky soils that are well drained, but likes moisture to truly thrive.

This perennial blooms in shades of pink and purple, and blooms are longer lived, usually starting in late March, through June, depending on your geographic location.

Shrubby St. John’s Wort

21 Native Wildflowers For A Stunning Wildflower Garden (15)
Scientific Name: Hypericum prolificum
  • Type of Plant: Perennial Shrub
  • Geographic Origin: North America
  • Size: 1-5 Feet
  • Sun Exposure: Partial Shade to Full Shade
  • Plant Zone: 3 to 8

Shrubby St. John’s Wort is a small perennial shrub with bright yellow flowers. It’s from the same family of traditional St. John’s Wort, which is a popular flower that’s native to Europe. Shrubby St. John’s Wort is native to the United states, and can survive across many different hardiness zones.

This shrub is quite low maintenance, and is distinguished by it’s uncommon yellow blooms. This perennial shrub is great for areas that get shade, and is adaptable to a wide range of different soils. It has few pests, and can work great as a garden hedge for your wildflower garden.


21 Native Wildflowers For A Stunning Wildflower Garden (16)
Scientific Name: Viola sp.
  • Type of Plant: Perennial
  • Geographic Origin: Northern hemisphere
  • Size: 4-10 inches
  • Sun Exposure: Full Sun to Partial Shade
  • Plant Zone: 3 to 9

Violet wildflowers are hardy perennials that you’ll only need to plant once, and you’ll be able to enjoy the beautiful scenery for decades. These flowers also reseed for ages, so propagating them won’t be an issue.

If you’re fond of the native appeal of violets in the forest, growing these flowers in your garden will be fulfilling. Unlike most flowers, violets grow just about anywhere. Be extra cautious when selecting the right place to grow them. It’s important to keep them contained since they can be quite aggressive and could sprout in other areas.

Wild Ginger

21 Native Wildflowers For A Stunning Wildflower Garden (17)
Scientific Name: Asarum Canadense
  • Type of Plant: Perennial
  • Geographic Origin: Eastern North America, Southeastern Canada
  • Size: 6 inches
  • Sun Exposure: Shade
  • Plant Zone: 4 to 8

Wild ginger is different from the usual ginger you buy from the grocery store. It’s mildly toxic, but some folks eat it as a spice. Historically, wild ginger was used to make syrup for medicinal purposes. The plants also have a wide array of antibiotic compounds which can be used to rid the skin of certain diseases.

This perennial plant is best grown in shady areas since it doesn’t need much light to flourish. To ensure the leaves stay green and healthy, consider growing wild ginger under partial shade.

In terms of the soil, wild ginger blossoms in rich, moist soil with hummus. Organic soils are ideal for wild ginger flowers. You can plant them in containers and provide them with the necessary nutrients.

Wild Rose

21 Native Wildflowers For A Stunning Wildflower Garden (18)
Scientific Name: Rosa
  • Type of Plant: Perennial Shrub
  • Geographic Origin: Worldwide
  • Size: Varies
  • Sun Exposure: Full Sun
  • Plant Zone: 3 to 9

Who wouldn’t want to have roses in their garden? Wild Roses are ancient blooms, and they will give your home farm an aesthetic appeal. Many people don’t know, but wild roses are native wildflowers in the United States. These perennial shrubs are easy to grow, and require minimal care.

While they are slightly different from what many would consider a traditional rose shrub, they are still beautiful, and come in a variety of different colors. They are most commonly seen flowering in pink, but you will have many color options depending on your gardening goals!

Wood Anemone

21 Native Wildflowers For A Stunning Wildflower Garden (19)
Scientific Name: Anemone Quinquefolia
  • Type of Plant: Perennial
  • Geographic Origin: Temperate Zones Worldwide
  • Size:6 inches
  • Sun Exposure: Full Sun to Partial Sun
  • Plant Zone: 3 to 8

If having beautiful carpets in your garden is your thing, the wood anemone will surpass your expectations. As long as they are grown in the right place, these wildflowers for the wildflower garden won’t disappoint. The wood anemone is most commonly identified from their beautiful snow white flowers that sets them apart from other flowering plants.

Plant your anemones 6-8 inches apart to give them ample space to blossom. Ensure you wear gloves while planting them to avoid skin irritation. Like any other wildflower, you should enrich your soil with organic matter. The richer the soil, the more nutrients the plant will get, which yields more flowers from the plant.

Woodland Phlox

21 Native Wildflowers For A Stunning Wildflower Garden (20)
Scientific Name: Phlox Divaricata
  • Type of Plant: Perennial
  • Geographic Origin: North America
  • Size: 12 inches
  • Sun Exposure: Partial, shade
  • Plant Zone: 4 to 8

Woodland Phlox is another good pick to add to your garden. It’s a semi-evergreen wildflower that blooms to create beautiful, fragrant flower mats, especially during spring.

Phlox has saucer-shaped flowers that come in shades of blue, rose, or lilac.

This wildflower is known to have a shallow root system, which means it can grow well in shallow soils. Most people with this perennial plant in their garden argue that the best way to plant it is in drifts.

Consider planting it over early spring bulbs, such as squill or scilla. However, due to its creeping stems, its leaves should be uncovered to ensure they get enough sun.

Phlox also self-seeds. For this to happen, allow the seeds to ripen without interfering with the flowers. Naturally, the seed pods will shoot their seeds away from the parent flower.


21 Native Wildflowers For A Stunning Wildflower Garden (21)
Scientific Name: Achillea Millefolium
  • Type of Plant: Perennial
  • Geographic Origin: Asia, Europe, North America
  • Size: 36 inches
  • Sun Exposure: Full Sun
  • Plant Zone: 3 to 9

Yarrow grows on its own with little to no maintenance required from your end. It has deep roots which can mine calcium, potassium, and magnesium nutrients from the soil. This means that the plant can help in creating nutrient-rich topsoil.

The perennial can stand dry weather conditions, which makes it a perfect choice for more arid climates. Yarrow has clustered flowers that come in many colors, including white, pink, and yellow.

Combined with other wildflowers for a wildflower garden, you will likely be happy with the natural blend of colors in your garden.

Recommended varieties of this perennial include cerise queen, final, coronation gold, and paprika.

Final Thoughts

You now have a comprehensive list of native wildflowers that you can plant in your wildflower garden. You may have noticed that it’s good to have a mixture of flowers that do well under the sun and in the shade. Each wildflower listed herein brings something unique to your garden. The perfect blend would be flowers that add more color, attract pollinators and add wildlife diversity to your garden space!

21 Native Wildflowers For A Stunning Wildflower Garden (2024)


What are the disadvantages of a wildflower meadow? ›

Cons of a Wildflower Meadow:
  • Initial Establishment: Establishing a wildflower meadow requires careful planning and preparation. ...
  • Weeds and Competing Species: Maintaining a healthy balance between desired wildflowers and invasive weed species can be challenging. ...
  • Limited Usability: ...
  • Aesthetic Preferences:
Jun 11, 2023

What is the easiest wildflower to grow? ›

John's wort (Hypericum spp.), blazing star (Liatris spp.), Spotted beebalm (Monarda punctata), Silver-leaved aster (Pityopsis graminifolia), black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia spp.), wild petunia (Ruellia spp.), sage (Salvia spp.), skullcap (Scutellaria spp.), senna (Senna spp.), rosinweed (Silphium spp.), goldenrod (Solidago ...

What is the number 1 prettiest flower? ›

1. Rose. The rose is considered the most beautiful flower in the world, which is why it's called the “queen of the garden.” It's one of the most popular flowers worldwide, and it comes in different sizes and colors.

What is the rarest wildflower in the world? ›

Middlemist's Red Camellia
  • The Middlemist's Red Camellia has the title of rarest flower in the world.
  • It's named after John Middlemist, who brought it back to England from China in 1804.

What happens if you just scatter wildflower seeds? ›

The wildflower seeds will have a hard time germinating and may not be able to access the water and sunlight that they need to grow. If there is no vegetation in the space where you plan on growing wildflowers, your chances of success may be a bit better if you simply toss the seeds onto the ground.

What happens if you plant too many wildflower seeds? ›

Be careful not to plant more than the recommended rate - wildflowers do not like crowded conditions! Planting too much seed can cause crowding and reduce flowering.

Can you just throw wildflower seeds? ›

It can't be said too often: preparation is the key to success when it comes to growing a meadow or garden. Gardeners often ask, “Can I just toss seeds in the grass?” We do NOT recommend it! Planting perennials and bulbs into poorly prepared soil will result in disappointing growth as well.

Do wildflowers grow back every year? ›

Perennial wildflowers return year after year, blooming in the second season and for many years to come. They grow more slowly, and in the first season focus the most energy on establishing strong roots, so they typically don't bloom until their second year.

How to plant a bed of wildflowers? ›

Plant: Sow Your Wildflower Seeds Like A Pro
  1. Mix your seeds with sand. Put your seeds into a bucket, bowl, or bag with plenty of extra room. ...
  2. Then, sow your seeds in two batches. ...
  3. Next, compress your seeds into the soil. ...
  4. Water your seeds. ...
  5. Leave seeds uncovered.

What month is best to plant wildflower seeds? ›

The best time of year to plant wildflower seeds is in the spring, ideally March/April time. If you miss the window of opportunity in the spring, the second-best time is the autumn, around September/October.

Are wildflower gardens hard to maintain? ›

Done properly, wildflower meadows are ecologically-friendly landscape components that, once established, have minimal maintenance requirements.

How many wildflower seeds should I plant? ›

A maximum of 22 lbs/acre (approximately 160 seeds per square foot) is recommended if you are unable to prepare the soil and control the weeds prior to sowing your seed. The higher seeding rate is also recommended if you desire a fuller wildflower stand.

What is the world's nicest flower? ›

The Most Beautiful Flowers In The World
  • Iris. The iris flower appears to have been intricately designed by a meticulous creator. ...
  • Lilac. Lilacs are a favourite among many for their enchanting fragrance. ...
  • Water Lily. ...
  • Marigold. ...
  • Orchid. ...
  • Dahlia. ...
  • Bird-Of-Paradise. ...
  • Rose.

What is the most rare and beautiful flower? ›

The Middlemist Red Camellia, or Camellia japonica 'Middlemist's Red,' is an exceptionally rare flower with vibrant pinkish-red petals. With only two known living specimens in the world, both located in New Zealand and the United Kingdom, it holds the title of the rarest flowering plant on Earth.

What is the rarest flower color in nature? ›

Did you know that blue is the rarest flower color? Brandon George, graduate student in Public Garden Leadership at Cornell University, takes an in-depth talk on the color blue, why it is so rare in the plant world, and some tips for displaying it in a garden.


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