Egg Baked in Cream Recipe (2024)



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Very good. Used 4" diameter ramekin with 2 eggs. Warmed the half and half a bit before pouring over eggs. Took 13 mins for a soft, barely runny egg.

Frances McSparran

Stovetop version. Heat about 1/2 inch water in a saucepan to simmer point. Add empty ramekin, and, with a spoon, smear the inside with butter. The water should reach halfway up the sides of the ramekin. Add some chopped fresh or dry herbs (I like tarragon), break an egg in, season, add ramekin to saucepan and cover the pan, reduce heat if water boils too vigorously, bake about 5-6 minutes to set the white and keep the yolk still runny. Remove ramekin carefully without burning yourself and enjoy.


Buttered a small ramekin, smeared Costco pesto in the bottom, cracked in one egg, and covered white with heavy cream about 2 T. Ready in 10 minutes at 400 in toaster oven. Tasty.


I like to saute sweet onion instead of leeks, and as they begin to caramelize, I add coarsely chopped sage and let it sizzle. Sage rules! Then I add the parsley, but no thyme. After cracking the eggs and pouring the half-and-half, I top it with snipped garden chives before baking. It's divine! I, too, made mine in the toaster oven, at 425 degrees for 8 minutes, followed by 390 degrees for 2 minutes. The result is a nice runny yolk.


A very good egg and cream do not need the herbs to get in the way of the tastes of the egg and cream. Try this with just the egg, cream, and butter and see if you don't agree. I serve warm cornmeal muffins along side.


Where's the cream?! To make it eggs in cream you can either just add a teaspoon double cream over the top - which also stops yolk drying out in oven - or do that but also add two teaspoons to ramekin before the egg.

Larry Ratliff

Let the egg rest to finish desired yolk texture


This is a great way to make plain ingredients into something very special! I've made it several times now, using shallots or onions instead of the leeks...used oval-shaped ramekins with 2 eggs each....added a small pile of grated white cheddar cheese around the eggs...used plenty of cream instead of half & half...And it takes longer in my Breville toaster oven, but overall, it's absolutely wonderful! Well worth perfecting-- sublime, delicious- it's elegant comfort food.


Omg! I have been making this for 6ish months now. It is SO GOOD. I have never used the herb combo in the recipe, because the first time I made it, I improvised and love my variation. I heat a cast iron in the oven while it preheats, melt some butter in the cast iron and sprinkle pan with tons of black pepper, fresh rosemary chopped very fine, and chopped parsley. Bake a minute or two, then crack the eggs into the pan and add the cream. And I always serve it with hash brown patties! Don’t judge


Yum! Made with what was on hand, fresh parsley and rosemary. No leek. Put butter and herbs in an individual le crueset casserole dish, popped in the over for a few minutes to melt. Added two eggs, covered in cream. Baked 12 minutes, barely runny. I’m normally an over easy girl but it was still great. Will cook 10 minutes next time, and pour cream over the yoke instead of just the white. I liked the rosemary and parsley combo. Served with hash brown patties since we have no bread, so good.


Are the yolks supposed to be runny?


Reminiscent of Craig Claibourne's Baked Egg in Cream ramikins.


I like to saute sweet onion instead of leeks, and as they begin to caramelize, I add coarsely chopped sage and let it sizzle. Sage rules! Then I add the parsley, but no thyme. After cracking the eggs and pouring the half-and-half, I top it with snipped garden chives before baking. It's divine! I, too, made mine in the toaster oven, at 425 degrees for 8 minutes, followed by 390 degrees for 2 minutes. The result is a nice runny yolk.


A very good egg and cream do not need the herbs to get in the way of the tastes of the egg and cream. Try this with just the egg, cream, and butter and see if you don't agree. I serve warm cornmeal muffins along side.


Buttered a small ramekin, smeared Costco pesto in the bottom, cracked in one egg, and covered white with heavy cream about 2 T. Ready in 10 minutes at 400 in toaster oven. Tasty.


Where's the cream?! To make it eggs in cream you can either just add a teaspoon double cream over the top - which also stops yolk drying out in oven - or do that but also add two teaspoons to ramekin before the egg.

Frances McSparran

Stovetop version. Heat about 1/2 inch water in a saucepan to simmer point. Add empty ramekin, and, with a spoon, smear the inside with butter. The water should reach halfway up the sides of the ramekin. Add some chopped fresh or dry herbs (I like tarragon), break an egg in, season, add ramekin to saucepan and cover the pan, reduce heat if water boils too vigorously, bake about 5-6 minutes to set the white and keep the yolk still runny. Remove ramekin carefully without burning yourself and enjoy.


Very good. Used 4" diameter ramekin with 2 eggs. Warmed the half and half a bit before pouring over eggs. Took 13 mins for a soft, barely runny egg.

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Egg Baked in Cream Recipe (2024)


What is a baked egg called? ›

Baked Eggs

Also known as 'shirred eggs' are eggs that are baked in a flat dish like a ramekin or a muffin pan and then topped with herbs, cheese or vegetables.

What happens when eggs are baked? ›

Making your eggs in the oven will result in a similar texture to hard-boiled eggs, but you can make the egg yolks a LITTLE bit softer. However, they will never be as runny as a fried egg. The beauty of baked eggs is that there is no shell to deal with! Simply slide the eggs out of the pan and you are ready to eat!

What is the science behind eggs in baking? ›

When air is incorporated into the protein molecules in egg whites, the proteins unwind and stretch to form an elastic web that encases the air bubbles. Egg whites can expand up to eight times their volume. They provide volume and structure to soufflés, angel food cake and meringues.

What are the 5 uses of eggs in baking? ›

In cooking and baking there are five main functions of an egg. They bind, thicken, coat, serve as a leavening agent, and emulsify.

Are McDonald's eggs baked? ›

Our freshly cracked and scrambled eggs are cooked on the grill with liquid real butter. We also use the grill to heat our folded egg, which is previously cooked in our suppliers' kitchens before arriving at our restaurants.

What are the three types of eggs in baking? ›

Whole eggs, egg yolks and egg whites are all used to add structure to batters.

How long does it take to bake an egg at 350? ›

Bake eggs at 350ºF for 10-15 minutes or until the yolk reaches your desired doneness. If your eggs don't come right out, run a knife around the edges to help them loosen.

Do baked eggs taste different? ›

In terms of taste, baked eggs and fried eggs can have different textures and flavors. Baked eggs can have a creamier texture, while fried eggs have a crispier texture on the edges. Some people may prefer the taste and texture of fried eggs over baked eggs, while others may prefer the opposite.

How long does it take to cook an egg in the oven at 350? ›

Directions. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Put an egg in each cup of a standard muffin tin. Bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes.

What size eggs do most baked recipe call for? ›

The Large egg is the standard used in most recipe development. Using a different size, without making an adjustment, will affect texture, flavor balance, consistency, and in most cases will give an unsatisfactory result.

What does egg do for flour? ›

On a smaller scale, the steam created from the liquid in just one or two eggs works quietly in most batters and doughs to boost rising. The proteins in eggs also enable them to act as leavens but in a completely different manner. Proteins unwind and stretch to form the flexible, elastic film that encases air bubbles.

What are two functions of eggs in baking? ›

In addition to their nutritional value, eggs can provide structure, leavening, richness, color, and flavor to baked products. The height and texture of baked goods is determined by the balance between eggs and flour which provide strength, and sugar and fat which add tenderness.

What does sugar do in baking? ›

Sugar easily binds with water, which accomplishes two main things. 1) It locks in moisture, keeping your baked goods from drying out; and 2) It inhibits the development of gluten which keeps your cookies, cakes and sweet breads softer. Variances in sugar type will create different outcomes here.

Which vitamin is not present in the egg? ›

The egg and, more precisely, the egg yolk, is a vitamin-rich food that contains all vitamins except vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

What are the 4 types of cooking eggs? ›

4 Ways to Cook Your Eggs
  • Scrambled. How to Prepare: When making scrambled eggs, crack eggs into a small bowl; whisk in milk, salt, and pepper. ...
  • Fried. How to Prepare: Melt butter in a skillet over medium-low heat. ...
  • Hard-Boiled. How to Prepare: Place eggs in cold saucepan and cover completely with cold water. ...
  • Poached.
Apr 9, 2019

What are the names of cooked eggs? ›

Fried Eggs
  • Sunny-Side-Up Eggs.
  • Over-Easy Eggs.
  • Over-Medium Eggs.
  • Over-Hard Eggs.
  • Egg-in-a-Basket.
  • Hard-Boiled Eggs.
  • Deviled Eggs.
  • Soft-Boiled Eggs.
Feb 26, 2021

Why is it called a devil egg? ›

In the 19th century, the adjective "deviled" came to be used most often with spicy or zesty food, including eggs prepared with mustard, pepper, or other ingredients stuffed in the yolk cavity. Similar uses of "devil" for spiced foods include deviled ham and fra diavolo sauce (from the Italian word for "devil").

What's it called when you cook an egg in the middle of bread? ›

Egg in the basket—also known by many other names—is an egg fried in a hole in a slice of bread.


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