Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather (2024)

Each of us the child may bless, with a single gift no more, no less.
―Flora at Aurora's Christening

Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather (known collectively as the Three Good Fairies) are the tritagonists in Disney's 1959 animated feature film Sleeping Beauty. They are a trio of elderly fairies whom supply magic for King Stefan's court. When trouble arises, the fairies band together to protect Stefan and Queen Leah's daughter, Princess Aurora, from the wrath of their villainous counterpart, Maleficent.


  • 1 Background
    • 1.1 Physical appearance
    • 1.2 Powers and abilities
  • 2 Appearances
    • 2.1 Sleeping Beauty
    • 2.2 Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams
    • 2.3 Sofia the First
    • 2.4 Cameos
  • 3 Live-action appearances
    • 3.1 Maleficent
    • 3.2 Descendants 2
    • 3.3 Descendants 3
    • 3.4 Maleficent: Mistress of Evil
  • 4 Printed media
    • 4.1 Once Upon A Dream (A Twisted Tale)
    • 4.2 Kilala Princess
  • 5 Video games
    • 5.1 Kingdom Hearts series
  • 6 Disney Parks
    • 6.1 Disneyland Resort
    • 6.2 Walt Disney World
    • 6.3 Tokyo Disneyland
  • 7 Gallery
  • 8 Trivia
  • 9 External links


The Three Good Fairies dress in medieval-styled dresses with a particular, predominating color. Their dresses are also complemented with matching capes and pointy hats secured to their heads with colored veils. Whenever they shrink in size and fly in the air, they appear to the intent observer as tiny balls of light.

  • Flora

  • Fauna

  • Merryweather

Flora's color is red, with her petticoat, cape clasp cuffs, and hat veil a dark yellow. She is the leader of the three, as well as the bravest and most determined of the three. Based on her dialogue in the film, she deals heavily with flowers and nature, her favorite color is pink, and she appears to be the strategist of the group.

Flora was voiced by the late Verna Felton in the original film, Tress MacNeille in House of Mouse, Susanne Blakeslee in Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom, and Barbara Dirickson for most appearances since 2005 (such as Kingdom Hearts II and Sofia the First).

Fauna's color is green - her dress is a dark green with accents in a lighter shade of green, and she is second-in-command. Despite her tendency towards absentmindedness and obliviousness, she is the quietest and most introspective of the three, and often acted as a peacemaker between Flora and Merryweather.

Fauna was voiced by the late Barbara Jo Allen in Sleeping Beauty, and by the late Russi Taylor from 2002 until her death in 2019.

Merryweather's color is blue (her favorite color), and is distinguished from the others by her diminutive stature. Though she tends to be feisty, pessimistic, and often challenges Flora's leadership, she is also pragmatic and resourceful.

Merryweather was voiced by the late Barbara Luddy in Sleeping Beauty, the late Colleen Collins for the demo song, Riddle Diddle, and has been voiced by Tress MacNeille since 2005.

Physical appearance[]

The three fairies dress very much alike in long medieval-style dresses and pointy hats reminiscent of the traditional witches' hats. Flora's signature color is red, but her favorite color is pink. Fauna's and Merryweather's favorite and signature colors are green and blue, respectively. They each have a different shape cloak buckle ― Flora's a square, Fauna's a triangle, and Merryweather's a circle.

Both Flora's and Fauna's eyes are brown, while Merryweather's eyes are blue. Also, Flora's hair is gray, Fauna's a brownish-gray, and they both wear it swept back and up into a pompadour and bun. Merryweather's hair is black (which implies that she is younger than both Flora and Fauna), but her veil, which covers the entire back of her head, makes it difficult to determine how her hair is styled.

When posing as mortals for sixteen years, they wear peasant dresses in their respective colors, with head coverings, stockings, and black slippers, and magically get rid of their wings.

The three fairies vary in height, with Flora the tallest, Fauna slightly shorter, and Merryweather about a full head shorter than the both of them. Fauna is also the slimmest of the fairies, with both Flora and Merryweather being slightly larger.

Powers and abilities[]

As members of the Fair Folk, the three fairies function as forces of good and use their magic in its service. They possess numerous magical abilities that seem to be channeled solely through their wands, and hence they were practically powerless without them. Besides this, they claimed that they could only do good things with their magic, and their magic was also stated to be inferior to Maleficent's in raw power.

Despite these limitations, their magic was revealed to be still an exceedingly powerful force, especially during times of utter crisis (such as their need to rescue Phillip and escort him to Aurora), where they had no qualms in using it to its fullest extent. They could also use their powers not only for their convenience and personal desires (such as their preparations of gifts for Aurora's 16th birthday party), but also in morally ambiguous ways - Flora gifted a sword and shield to Phillip, while Merryweather turned Diablo to stone.

Examples of powers the three fairies derived from their magic are:

  • Flight: Through their wings, the fairies are able to defy gravity and fly, and they were shown to maneuver adroitly through the air.
  • Blessing: The fairies possessed the ability to produce benevolent effects through enchantment. In fact, their first notable acts of magic were the blessings they gave to the baby Princess Aurora - Flora gave the child the Gift of Beauty, Fauna gave the child the Gift of Song, and Merryweather altered Maleficent's curse by replacing the tragic death intended for Aurora with a deep sleep that could be woken by True Love's Kiss. Later on, during the final battle between Phillip and Maleficent, they blessed the former's Sword of Truth so that it could kill the latter with one well-aimed blow. Hence, it could be said that this ability of blessing was one of the strongest magical powers that the fairies were able to access, for it enabled them to negate potent curses and even help to destroy the most powerful of evil supernatural forces (such as Maleficent).
  • Enchanting/Animation: As demonstrated during their preparations for Aurora's 16th birthday, the fairies had the ability to bring inanimate objects to life to do their bidding.
  • Telekinesis: As demonstrated also during their preparations for Aurora's 16th birthday, and later while guiding Phillip through the forest of thorns, the fairies had the ability to move objects with their mind.
  • Color-Manipulation: As demonstrated again during their preparations for Aurora's 16th birthday, the fairies had the ability to manipulate colors - Flora and Merryweather changed Aurora's birthday gown from pink to blue and back again.
  • Conjuration: The fairies were shown to possess the ability to materialize imaginary objects at will. They conjured a crown out of thin air for Aurora to wear as a Princess, holy weapons (the Shield of Virtue and Sword of Truth) for Phillip to use in his battle against Maleficent, and a rainbow to act as a bridge for Phillip to escape from Maleficent's castle. Given how Phillip used the shield and ultimately the sword to vanquish Maleficent, it could be said that this ability of conjuration was also one of the strongest magical powers that the fairies were able to access, for it enabled them to provide one with formidable weapons of righteousness that could triumph over the most powerful of evil supernatural forces.
  • Disappearing/Vanishing: The fairies possessed the ability to make objects disappear or vanish into thin air. When they disguised themselves as humans by dressing as peasants, they concealed their wings through this ability. Later on, Merryweather made a pile of dust vanish after it was swept around the room, and, in the palace, Flora made a wall in the fireplace disappear so she, Merryweather, and Fauna could search for Aurora.
  • Photokinesis: The fairies possessed the ability to create and manipulate light, as demonstrated by their lighting the tips of their wands. This skill enables the fairies to navigate through dark places, such as the secret stairway behind the fireplace within an abandoned tower.
  • Sleep Induction: The fairies possessed the ability to put beings to sleep at will. After Aurora pricked her finger and fell into the enchanted sleep, they cast a spell to put the entire kingdom into a similar sleep that will only end when she awoke. They even used this move to turn the water fountain down and put out the flames on the palace torches and the kitchen candles.
  • Pyrokinesis (Advanced): The fairies possessed the ability to create and manipulate fire at will, but at a highly advanced level - they used their wands as cutting torches to free Phillip of his shackles and open the locked door of his cell, as well as cutting the shackle around Samson's right front hoof, through this ability. Their torches manifested as beams of highly concentrated torch-like fires of pink (Flora), green (Fauna), and blue (Merryweather) respectively. Furthermore, they were able to remove the restraints without the sparks doing any harm to Phillip or Samson nor set anything around them on fire, indicating these fiery effects would only work on the metal restraints themselves and thus do no harm.
  • Transformation: The fairies possessed the ability to manipulate reality to transform any object or being into something else. While brainstorming ideas to keep the Princess safe, Flora initially considered transforming Aurora into a flower (since flowers have no fingers, Aurora could not prick hers on a spinning wheel or anything else), but Merryweather derailed that course of action by pointing out that it would work fine until Maleficent sends a frost. Later on, while helping Phillip to escape from Maleficent's castle, they utilized this ability to spectacular effect - transforming boulders into bubbles, arrows into flowers, and burning oil into a rainbow.
  • Petrification: The fairies were revealed to possess the ability to turn other beings into stone, as Merryweather did so to Diablo in an effort to prevent the raven from alerting Maleficent.
  • Size-Manipulation: The fairies possess the ability to change their sizes while preserving body proportion. This is their most commonly-used ability throughout the film - they first use it to conduct a secret meeting of brainstorming ideas, later to cast a secret sleeping spell over the entire kingdom, to navigate undetected around Maleficent's castle in their search for Phillip, and finally to guide Phillip to Aurora.


Sleeping Beauty[]

Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather (1)

Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather first appear as the invited guests of King Stefan and Queen Leah at the christening of their newborn daughter, Aurora, announced by the royal herald. After materializing from a beam of sunlight, they fly over to cradle containing the baby princess and remark how adorable she was. They then present themselves to the king and queen, and Flora announces their intention to each bless the child with a single gift; Flora grants her the gift of beauty, ensuring that she will grow to be a beautiful woman, and Fauna grants the gift of song, which will give her an incredible singing voice. But before Merryweather can give her gift, Maleficent appears. Insulted by her lack of invitation from the kingdom, Maleficent curses the baby, Aurora, to prick her finger on a spinning wheel's spindle before the sun sets on her 16th birthday which will cause her death. After Maleficent leaves, the fairies ensure the monarchs that Merryweather still has her own gift which can help; though she cannot undo Maleficent's curse, she is able to soften it so that Aurora would not die, but rather enter an enchanted sleep, which she can be awakened from by "True Love's Kiss".

Still fearful of his daughter's life, Stefan orders that every spinning wheel in the kingdom be burned. Knowing that Maleficent will not be deterred by anything to see her curse fulfilled, least of all a "bonfire" as Merryweather puts it, they decide to raise Aurora themselves in secret. An agreement with Aurora's parents is finally reached: the fairies will raise Aurora for 16 years until the curse is no longer a threat, and then return her to the palace. As a further precaution, they change the princess' name to Briar Rose and hide her in a cottage in the nearby woods. The fairies then decide to hide as mortals, as their magic will raise attention (much to Merryweather's dismay), and disguise themselves as Briar Rose's aunts.

Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather (2)

Sixteen years later, the fairies prepare a party for Briar Rose on her birthday. After failing in their attempts to bake a cake (Fauna has never cooked before) and sew a dress normally (with Flora, by using Merryweather as the mannequin), an annoyed Merryweather insists on using their magic wands, and they decide to use magic after closing off almost every crack except the chimney. While Flora uses her magic to sew the dress and Fauna uses her magic to bake the cake (and later decorate it), Merryweather uses her magic to clean up the room until she is distracted by seeing the pink dress.

After she starts an argument with Flora over the color of the dress by turning it blue, they try changing the dress and each other's clothes to the opposite colors. The magic blasts fly up the chimney and attract the attention of Maleficent's raven, Diablo, who immediately flies back to Maleficent with the news of Aurora's discovery. The argument ends when both rays hit the dress at the same time, making it a terrible mixture of pink and blue. Flora was outraged at Merryweather for messing the dress up. As Briar Rose is returning from berry picking, Flora quickly turns it to pure pink and hides. Then Merryweather turns it to blue before hiding herself. After Flora points out that the mop is still running, Merryweather uses her magic to make it stop. Briar Rose, who has returned home from berry picking, is surprised. When she happily tells her "aunts" about the man she met in the woods. The fairies also reveal her true identity as Princess Aurora, as well as the fact that she's already betrothed in an arranged marriage with Prince Phillip and that they intend to return her to her father and mother that same night. Aurora informs them that the man she met is going to stop by the cottage that night, but they forbid her to see him again, which leaves Aurora heartbroken, much to the fairies' dismay.

The fairies take Aurora back to the castle and take her to a room. They use their magic to create a tiara for Aurora, to help her realize her true royal identity. However, they soon decide to leave her alone for a time as Aurora is still heartbroken of never again seeing the young man with whom she has fallen in love (not knowing that it's the prince himself).

Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather (3)

The fairies begin to talk about the boy and want to help Aurora, with Merryweather expressing her opinion that it's unfair for Aurora to be forced into an arranged marriage. When Fauna suggests they reveal the news to Stefan, they hear a faint sound from the room and realize that it's Maleficent enchanting Aurora. Realizing that Aurora is in trouble and it was wrong to leave her alone, they frantically try to stop the princess, who keeps following Maleficent (as a will-o-the-wisp) up the tower, where Maleficent creates a spinning wheel with a glowing spindle which Aurora begins to touch. The fairies warn her not to touch anything, momentarily breaking the spell, but Maleficent orders Aurora to touch the spindle to invoke the curse. Unfortunately for Merryweather, Flora, and Fauna, they arrive too late to save Aurora from pricking her finger. The fairies gasped as they run into Maleficent, who briefly mocks her archenemies for their efforts of trying to defeat her by protecting Aurora until after her 16th birthday, when the curse would be nullified. She then reveals the now sleeping Aurora, who has pricked her finger on the spindle, much to the fairies' horror, and she disappears while cackling maniacally in triumph over the fairies' failure to stop Aurora.

The fairies feel extremely heartbroken as they discover Aurora has fallen into a deep sleep after pricking her finger on the spindle. After putting Aurora in bed, Merryweather and Fauna wonder how they will explain their failure to the king and queen. Flora decided that they put everyone in the castle to sleep until Aurora awakens. While putting everyone in the kingdom to sleep, including King Stefan, Queen Leah, King Hubert, Minstrel, and the herald, Flora learns from a sleepy Hubert that the man Aurora met in the woods was actually her betrothed fiancé, Prince Phillip, who may be the only one who can break the spell in order to save Aurora, their family, and everyone else in the kingdom. He had previously intended to go to the cottage to meet Aurora, so the fairies race back to the cottage. Upon arrival, they arrive too late and are horrified to discover that Phillip's hat is left behind on the floor in the midst of the wreckage. Deducing that the prince has been captured by Maleficent and her Goons, the fairies decided to go to Maleficent's domain, the Forbidden Mountain, to rescue him.

Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather (4)

The fairies sneak into the Forbidden Mountain and witness a group of Maleficent's Goons celebrating the prince's capture by partying around the bonfire. The fairies follow Maleficent, who has been watching the celebration, to the dungeon, where Phillip is chained to the walls. They wait until Maleficent leaves the dungeon to go sleep in her tower, then they free Phillip and melt the dungeon lock. They arm him with the magical Sword of Truth and enchanted Shield of Virtue, both weapons of righteousness that will triumph over evil. As Phillip and the fairies exit the dungeon, they are confronted by Diablo, who calls the Goons.

The Goons do everything in their power to stop the heroes, from dropping giant rocks to shooting arrows and pouring hot oil, but Flora uses her magic to turn them into bubbles, flowers, and a rainbow, respectively. Seeing their failure to stop Philip and the fairies, Diablo goes to warn his mistress. Fed up with Diablo and his attempt to stop them, Merryweather pursues him and just as he reaches Maleficent's tower, she turns him to stone as he lands on one of the parapets, letting off a smug, angry scowl at having taught the raven a lesson before returning to Philip, Flora, and Fauna. However, all the commotion has awakened Maleficent, who is enraged to discover the escape. After escaping the Forbidden Mountain, the fairies aid Phillip by protecting him from various obstacles as they make their way to Stefan's castle that is conjured by Maleficent as she tries to stop her enemies. Eventually, Phillip is forced to fight Maleficent, who transformed herself into a dragon. The fairies assist Phillip in retreating, but he is cornered at the cliff and loses his shield. Under Flora's direction, the fairies greatly empower his sword, allowing Phillip to throw it straight into Maleficent's heart, finally killing her.

Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather (5)

After defeating Maleficent, Phillip and the fairies enter Stefan's castle and go up the tower where Aurora sleeps. The fairies watch as Phillip gives Aurora Love's First Kiss that breaks the curse and awakens her and the entire kingdom residents from their eternal sleeping curse, including Stefan, Leah, Hubert, Minstrel, and the herald. Lastly, the three fairies go to the throne room, where they watch happily as Aurora and Phillip descend the stairs, reunite with their respective parents, and share a dance. But then, Flora finally notices that Aurora's dress is blue and uses her magic to turn it pink. This upsets Merryweather, who turns the dress blue, leading to another argument. The argument continues, with the dress continuously alternating colors (pink and blue) as the storybook closes.

Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams[]

Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather (6)

The three fairies reappear in the first Sleeping Beauty story since the original. Since the death of Maleficent, the fairies have become almost desperate to help Aurora out with anything. While King Stefan, King Hubert, Prince Phillip, and Queen Leah are away to a royal conference, Aurora is left in charge of the kingdom, aided by Lord Duke. King Hubert accidentally forgets his speech at Stefan's castle, so the fairies finally help Aurora by going to return it. When Duke reminded Aurora that they have a lot of work to do for the kingdom, Flora and Fauna leave to do the task of delivering the speech to Hubert for the royal conference.

While Flora and Fauna leave, Merryweather stays for a few moments to give Aurora her wand if things become too difficult before Aurora goes back to her task of reviewing the signed forms. After giving Hubert his speech, Flora and Fauna learn the secret Merryweather has hidden about the wand. While they were gone, the wand's power began to get out of control, but due to Aurora's calm attitude, things were settled down. The fairies returned, along with Stefan, Hubert, Leah, Phillip, and Duke (who witnessed the magic incident of giant chickens, green pigs, and cows, in which one of the cows sends him out of the castle grounds). Merryweather regains her wand and they gather for a banquet put together by Aurora without the use of magic, including Prince Phillip, King Stefan, King Hubert, Queen Leah, and Lord Duke.

Sofia the First[]

Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather (7)

Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather appear in the Disney Junior series as the supporting sidekick characters to the titular character Sofia. They are the magical tutors of the young princess and teaches her the ways of the royal highness she will one day become. It is shown in several episodes that Flora and Merryweather have yet to settle the blue-pink debate.

Fauna plays a major role in "The Princess Test", as part of a secret reveal behind Sofia helping Mrs. Higgins get her books to her house. Sofia was the only one willing to help her, at the risk she would miss the test and ends up ruining her gown in return; to her surprise, Sofia is teleported to the test by Mrs. Higgins, who was revealed to be Fauna in disguise having given Sofia the chance to display the most important part of a princess: kindness. While the other students are given silver stars for their performances, Sofia passes with the highest score possible and is rewarded a gold trophy in reward of passing the secret test.

Their largest role in the series to date is in the episode "Make Way for Miss Nettle" where the fairies' former apprentice, Miss Nettle visits the academy to (supposedly) teach an after school gardening class to Sofia and friends. However, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather soon discover Nettle's actually after their spellbook, in an attempt to become more powerful than the three fairies combined, betraying them. Fortunately, due to the efforts of Sofia and friends, the fairies are rescued and peace is restored.

The fairies had a subplot in "Scrambled Pets" where they are giving Princess Zooey a new princess attending Royal Prep and her mother Queen Avery a tour around Royal Prep.

Merryweather plays a role in "The Princess Prodigy", where she invites Baron Von Rocha to Royal Prep to teach the students. Unaware to Merryweather, Von Rocha is actually a fraud and using magic to steal musical talents from many people for years. When Merryweather learns that Von Rocha stole Vivian's musical talent, she helps Sofia, Vivian, James, Amber, and Khalid stop Von Rocha by using a counter spell thanks to Piccolo. After stopping Von Rocha by returning Vivian and everyone's musical talents he stole, Merryweather sent him packing.


The Three Fairies make several cameos in the television series House of Mouse. In the episode "Humphrey in the House", they performed on stage unsuccessfully attempting to bake a cake without magic like in the original film. Humphrey disguises himself as Merryweather only to be caught by Woodlore. It is in that episode that they are "revealed" to be sisters. In "Jiminy Cricket", they gave Aurora a sewing machine so she wouldn't have to use a spinning wheel so she would fall into a sleep.

In The Lion King 1½, the Three Fairies make a brief silhouette cameo at the end of the movie where they along with other Disney Character came to rewatch the film with Timon and Pumbaa.

In Once Upon a Studio, the Three Fairies appear outside the studio, with Flora and Merryweather once again alternating colors (pink and blue) on this time The Sorcerer's Hat on the studio building. They later appear in the group photo along with the rest of the Disney characters.

Live-action appearances[]


Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather (8)

The Three Fairies appear in the 2014 live-action film Maleficent, under different names and are referred to as The Flower Pixies. Knotgrass (Flora) was played by Imelda Staunton, Thistlewit (Fauna) by Juno Temple, and Flittle (Merryweather) by Lesley Manville. Though not outright vilifying them like King Stefan, this film portrays the characters in a rather unpleasant light, as they are now depicted as incompetent, bumbling, and comically inept trio of pixies, compared to their matured and competent counterparts in the original 1959 film.

They grant the infant Aurora magical gifts, but when Maleficent places a curse on the young princess, they take her into hiding and raise her as their niece. They claim they are very good with children, but it turns out they are incapable of looking after Aurora, so while they struggle living like humans, Maleficent secretly cares for the princess from a distance and through Diaval while at the same time, pranks the trio just to kill her boredom.

Descendants 2[]

According to Jane, it is said that Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather went on a spa vacation with Aurora's daughter, Audrey.

Descendants 3[]

Uma mentioned Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather to Mal about the Fairy Cottage where Princess Audrey was hanging out with Cinderella's son Chad Charming.

Maleficent: Mistress of Evil[]

The Three Fairies cheer with excitement as Prince Phillip proposes to Aurora. Later, the Pixies and all the other residents of the Moors are invited to the wedding. During the climax, they get trapped in the chapel and are attacked with red metal dust released by Gerda that strips the creatures of their magic and sentience. Flittle sacrifices herself by going inside the organ and stop the flow of dust. Knotgrass and Thistlewit avenge her death by making Gerda fall to her presumed death when she tries to get the organ working again.

At the wedding, Knotgrass and Thistlewit argue over the color of Aurora's wedding dress and keep changing it between pink and green. When the dress turns blue, they turn to a regenerating Flittle telling her how they like the color.

Printed media[]

Once Upon A Dream (A Twisted Tale)[]

Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather appear in Liz Braswell's second novel in the Twisted Tales series, where Prince Phillip never manages to wake Aurora up and Maleficent takes them both to a dream world in which she rules. Whilst Maleficent poses as the Queen of King Stefan's castle, which is supposedly the last stronghold in the world, and secretly begins collecting the blood of the inhabitants there to sustain herself, the Good Fairies are left in the real world to care for the sleeping people who live there, but find their magic ineffective against Maleficent's killings. Flashbacks also show the fairies living with Aurora in the cottage in the woods. The fairies send a part of their souls into the dream world to help guide Aurora in her final battle with Maleficent, creating three avatars that highlight their most prominent attributes (Flora's bravery, Fauna's kindness, and Merryweather's wit). Flora also manages to guide King Hubert to the castle. The fairies' avatars perish in battle with Maleficent but their real counterparts reunite with Aurora.

Kilala Princess[]

The Fairies attend Aurora's 17th birthday party in the castle. They are attacked by Maleficent who had come back to life, and saved by the power of love from Kilala Reno and Rei.

Video games[]

Kingdom Hearts series[]

Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather (9)

Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather live with Master Yen Sid in his tower in Kingdom Hearts II. They originally come from the Enchanted Dominion world and appear in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. The three fairies also appear on Aurora's pillar during Sora's Awakening in Kingdom Hearts.

In Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, the three fairies appear during Ventus' visit after Maleficent took Aurora's heart using Terra's darkness. Together, they descend into Maleficent's castle to retrieve her heart. After her heart is released, Ventus meets Maleficent in a battle and before Aqua arrives. With Ventus gone, the three fairies find Aqua in a cell, where they meet Prince Phillip, the only true love who can break the curse laid upon Princess Aurora. The three fairies help Aqua and Prince Phillip to the castle and defeat Maleficent in dragon form. At the end of the story, Prince Phillip kisses Aurora and breaks the spell.

During the ending credits, the three fairies observe the couple as they dance. But when Flora sees the blue color on Aurora's dress, she changes it to pink and Merryweather changes it back to blue. This continues until the video fades out on the couple.

In Kingdom Hearts II, the three fairies give Sora his new outfit after he wakes from his year-long sleep, as well as the Star Seeker Keyblade and the ability to use Drive. When Diablo brings Maleficent's robe to Yen Sid's tower, the fairies' memories accidentally bring her back to life.

Although they do not appear physically in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, The three fairies were briefly mentioned in the game. Yen Sid mentions to Mickey, Donald, and Goofy that Lea is being trained to summon the Keyblade in a magically suppressed training session under the three fairies and Merlin.

They are mentioned again in Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A Fragmentary Passage- as the ones who created the cloaks for Riku and Mickey to use while traveling through the Realm of Darkness to protect them from the darkness in their mission to rescue Aqua and in Kingdom Hearts III, they are mentioned as the ones who made Sora's new outfit, where it took extra time to make as like with the last outfit it also has special powers.

Disney Parks[]

Disneyland Resort[]

Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather (10)

The fairies appear in Sleeping Beauty Castle walkthrough attraction at Disneyland (as well as Hong Kong Disneyland).

The fairies also made notable appearances in Walt Disney's Parade of Dreams alongside other Disney fairies, such as the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio.

Walt Disney World[]

The trio is featured in Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom at the Magic Kingdom. Maleficent returns from the dead via Hades and steals a crystal shard in order to rule Fantasy Land. Upon finding out about Maleficent's revival, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather head over to the Forbidden Mountain to find out what Maleficent plans to do. Unfortunately, one of Maleficent's Goons captured Flora and Fauna, but Merryweather managed to escape. Merryweather and the guests travel into Maleficent's castle to free them. Beating one of Maleficent's Goons and breaking through a door with the Sorcerer's Crest, Flora and Fauna are freed and with help from the park guest, they defeat Maleficent. Merryweather also has her own spell card called "Merryweather's Stone Spell".

The fairies co-host the former fireworks show, Magic, Music and Mayhem, where they showcase dazzling fireworks and thwart the plans of Captain Hook.

Tokyo Disneyland[]

The fairies are very prominent for Tokyo Disneyland's Nightfall Glow, which is only performed on nights when it's too wet and rainy to run Tokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade Dreamlights. Both Flora and Merryweather fight over the parade's colors with Fauns joining in. The trios quarrel (mainly between Flora and Merryweather) over their color preferences are seen throughout the entire parade.

The trio also appear for Tokyo Disneyland's 35th Anniversary parade Dreaming Up! during the Disney Princess section lead by Fairy Godmother.


Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather (11)

The Disney Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather.


  • Despite being supporting characters in the film, the fairies have the most screen time and involvement in everything, including the battles.
    • The fairies are the only sidekicks in a Disney Princess movie to have more dialogue and screen time than the princess and the prince.
  • Flora was the name of Walt Disney's mother.
  • The fairies were alluded to by Clarabelle Cow in the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episode "Pluto's Tale".
  • Originally, Walt Disney wanted the Three Good Fairies to be similar to Huey, Dewey, and Louie until animators Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnson decided to give them their own personalities.
  • In the original fairy tale, two of the twelve good fairies like Flora and Fauna give the gifts of beauty and abilities of song and music.
  • In the original French story, it is only the last seventh good fairy who puts the castle to sleep, but in the film, all three fairies cast the sleep spell over the castle.
  • The ballet has six, instead of seven good fairies, with the wicked one being the seventh.
  • Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather's color schemes of red, green and blue are the primary colors of light (even though Flora's favorite color is pink). This is fitting in that they are the most powerful of the good fairies.
  • In Kingdom Hearts II, when the three fairies remember Maleficent and went to inform Yen Sid, there were two different versions. In the Japanese version, the fairies simply disappeared; in the English version, they turned into a ball of light much like in the original Disney film.
  • In early drafts of the story, the three good fairies would have had connections to the various aspects of nature. As their names suggested, Flora would have been in charge of the plants and vegetation, Fauna would have held dominion over the animal kingdom, and Merryweather would have controlled the weather. This initial concept was dropped being seen as too complicated, yet the names stuck.
  • In the demo recording, they originally had a song while making preparations for Aurora's birthday party, "Riddle Diddle".
    • Also in the deleted song, while Verna Felton and Barbara Jo Allen were officially chosen as Flora and Fauna, Coleen Collins recorded dialogue as Merryweather before being replaced by Barbara Luddy for the film's final cut.
  • Earlier concepts also had the names of the fairies as Fernadell, Merryweather, and Tranquility, each connected to certain aspects. Fernadell represented the forest, Merryweather the elements and weather, and Tranquility dreams.
    • Although, in the end, Merryweather was the only name retained from the original concept.
  • In the Latin American dub, Merryweather's name is changed to "Primavera" which is the Spanish name for "Spring".
  • Merryweather almost resembles Nanny from One Hundred and One Dalmatians, due to them having a similar face. However, Nanny would actually resemble all the fairies as it shows a few scenes where she would have Flora's face and Fauna's face.
  • The fairies always have black eyes during the movie, but their eye colors obviously change a few times. At Rose's birthday party, Flora and Fauna have brown eyes while Merryweather has blue eyes. Fauna has green eyes when Aurora is put to sleep. Flora has pink eyes upon finding Phillip's hat on the floor of the cottage and realizing he was captured by Maleficent. Afterwards, all three of the fairies' eyes go back to black for the rest of the movie.
  • Flora's favorite color is pink and Merryweather's favorite color is blue. It is unknown what Fauna's favorite color is, but it could be green, which is the color she wears.
  • Fauna has never been seen wearing glasses in any other movie or TV show, but in Sofia the First, she wears glasses as her only difference. Flora and Merryweather are the only fairies that don't and never wear glasses.
  • The running gag of Flora and Merryweather arguing about whether Aurora's dress should be pink or blue originated from the filmmakers' problem as to deciding just that.
  • It is unknown what gift Merryweather was going to bestow upon Aurora, since she uses it to weaken Maleficent's curse. But according to the audio commentary on the platinum edition DVD of Sleeping Beauty, her gift was going to be happiness.
  • The fairies' signature colors, names, and personalities later inspired those of the Powerpuff Girls from the animated television series of the same name.
  • In House of Mouse, Flora mentions and reveals that the fairies are sisters.
  • Flora and Merryweather are always getting into fights over their own colors on something they want either blue or pink. Fauna doesn't seem to blend in with the arguments since her color doesn't matter that much to her as it seems she might be the only fairy that doesn't even mind any color as long as the object is beautiful in its own way.

External links[]

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Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather (13)

Films: Sleeping Beauty (video/soundtrack/The Legacy Collection) • Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your DreamsMaleficent (video/soundtrack) • Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (video/soundtrack) • Maleficent 3

Shows: House of MouseOnce Upon a TimeOnce Upon a Time in WonderlandSofia the FirstChibi Tiny Tales
Video Games: Kingdom Hearts: Birth by SleepDisney InfinityMaleficent Free FallDisney Infinity: 2.0 EditionDisney Heroes: Battle Mode
Books: My Side of the Story: Sleeping Beauty/MaleficentThe Curse of Maleficent: The Tale of a Sleeping BeautyOnce Upon a Dream: From Perrault's Sleeping Beauty to Disney's MaleficentMistress of All Evil: A Tale of the Dark FairyDisney Princess BeginningsPrince of Thorns & Nightmares

Disney Parks
Castle of Magical DreamsCinderella Castle Mystery TourClub VillainDisney Animation BuildingKing Arthur CarrouselLe Château de la Belle au Bois DormantLa Tanière du DragonPrincess PavilionSleeping Beauty CastleSorcerers of the Magic KingdomMidship Detective AgencySleeping Beauty Castle WalkthroughDisney Heroes: Battle Mode

Entertainment: "A Whole New World" A Magical Disney SongbookAnimagiqueCinderellabration: Lights of RomanceDisney's BelieveFantasmic!Feel the MagicMickey's Gift of DreamsMickey's Magical CelebrationOnce Upon a MouseOne Man's Dream II: The Magic Lives On!Soryo KobuThe Golden MickeysThe Starlit Princess WaltzVillains Tonight!
Restaurants: King Stefan's Banquet Hall
Parades: Disney's Dreams On Parade: Moving OnDisney's FantillusionDisney's Party ExpressDisney Carnivale ParadeDisney on ParadeDisney Stars on ParadeDreaming Up!Festival of Fantasy ParadeFlights of Fantasy ParadeHappiness is Here ParadeJubilation!Magic HappensMain Street Electrical ParadeMickey's Rainy Day ExpressMickey's Soundsational ParadeSpectroMagicThe Wonderful World of Disney ParadeNightfall GlowMinnie's Tiara of Dreams
Fireworks: Celebrate! Tokyo DisneylandDisney Dreams!Magic, Music and MayhemMagical: Disney's New Nighttime Spectacular of Magical CelebrationsMomentousWishes: A Magical Gathering of Disney DreamsWonderful World of AnimationWondrous Journeys
Spring: Disney Pirate or Princess: Make Your Choice
Summer: Club Mouse BeatMickey's WaterWorks
Halloween: Celebrate the MagicDisney's Maleficious Halloween PartyFrightfully Fun ParadeHappy HallowishesHocus Pocus Villain SpelltacularInferno Dance PartyIt's Good to be Bad with the Disney VillainsJack Skellington’s Villainous GatheringLet's Get WickedKooky Spooky Halloween NightRe-Villains! Halloween ParadeThe Disney Villains Halloween ShowtimeThe Villains Rockin’ HalloweenThe Villains WorldVillains GroveVillains Mix and MingleVillains Night Out!World of Color: Villainous!
Christmas: A Christmas Fantasy ParadeRoyal Christmas BallRoyal Christmas Wishes

Sleeping Beauty: AuroraPrince PhillipFlora, Fauna, and MerryweatherMaleficentDiabloKing StefanQueen LeahKing HubertForest AnimalsSamsonGoonsMinstrel

Maleficent: Forest ArmyKing HenryKing Henry's ArmyFairiesQueen IngrithConallBorraGerdaDark FeyLickspittle
See also: Vulture (deleted character) • The Duke

King Stefan's CastleForbidden MountainAurora's CottageForestMoorsUlsteadCavernous Nest
Sleeping Beauty: Hail to the Princess AuroraThe Gifts of Beauty and SongI WonderOnce Upon a DreamSkumpsSleeping Beauty

Deleted Songs: Sing a Smiling SongIt Happens I Have a PictureRiddle DiddleGo to SleepEvil - Evil
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil: You Can't Stop The Girl

See also
1951 versionSpinning WheelMaleficent's Staff
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Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather (14)

House of MouseMickey's Magical ChristmasMickey's House of Villains
Main Characters: Mickey MouseMinnie MouseDonald DuckDaisy DuckGoofyPlutoPeteMax GoofHuey, Dewey, and LouieClarabelle CowHorace HorsecollarGus GooseMortimer MouseLudwig Von DrakeMicrophone MikeChip and Dale

Recurring Guests: TimonPumbaaJafarIagoHadesMushuCri-KeeArielPrince EricKing TritonFlounderSebastianPeter PanTinker BellJiminy CricketPinocchioGeppettoBlue FairyBelleBeastLumiereCogsworthMrs. PottsChip PottsGastonLeFouDumboTimothy Q. MouseMad HatterMowgliShere KhanThe Three Little Pigs Cruella De VilChernabogMufasaSimbaGrumpyThe Evil QueenMagic MirrorAladdinJasmineCinderellaAnastasia TremaineDrizella TremaineLuciferMaleficentPain and PanicUrsulaBaby ShelbyGoat ManEmperor Kuzco

Season One: "The Stolen Cartoons" • "Big Bad Wolf Daddy" • "The Three Caballeros" • "Goofy's Valentine Date" • "Unplugged Club" • "Timon and Pumbaa" • "Gone Goofy" • "Jiminy Cricket" • "Rent Day" • "Donald's Lamp Trade" • "Donald's Pumbaa Prank" • "Thanks to Minnie" • "Pluto Saves the Day"

Season Two: "Daisy's Debut" • "Goofy for a Day" • "Clarabelle's Big Secret" • "The Mouse Who Came to Dinner" • "Max's New Car" • "Not So Goofy" • "Everybody Loves Mickey" • "Max's Embarrassing Date" • "Where's Minnie?" • "Super Goof" • "King Larry Swings In" • "Ladies' Night" • "Dennis the Duck"
Season Three: "Suddenly Hades" • "Pete's One-Man Show" • "House of Crime" • "Mickey and Minnie's Big Vacation" • "Donald and the Aracuan Bird" • "Goofy's Menu Magic" • "Music Day" • "House of Scrooge" • "Donald Wants to Fly" • "Dining Goofy" • "Chip 'n' Dale" • "Humphrey in the House" • "Ask Von Drake" • "Salute to Sports" • "Pluto vs. Figaro" • "House of Magic" • "Mickey vs. Shelby" • "House of Turkey" • "Pete's Christmas Caper" • "Clarabelle's Christmas List" •"Snow Day" • "Pete's House of Villains" • "Halloween With Hades" • "House Ghosts" • "House of Genius" • "Mickey and the Culture Clash"

Rockin' at the House of MouseMortimer MouseSoup or Salad, Fries or Biscuits, Extra Olives, DonutsBibbidi-Bobbidi-BooBig Bad Wolf DaddyA Parrot's Life for MeLet's Slay the BeastThe Ludwig Von Drake SongIt's Our House Now!The Best Christmas of AllGrim Grinning GhostsHumphrey HopEverybody Wants to Be a WoofI Wanna Be Like M-O-YouPink Elephants on ParadeMy Name is PanchitoBoom-Da-BoomWe Are the Three CaballerosMe the Mouse (and I'm the Duck) (Reprise) • Daisy CrockettThe Daisy Duckie RoomMinnie Mouse (in the House)
House of Mouse (night club)Toontown
Maleficent's StaffPoisoned AppleSorcerer HatJafar's Snake Staff
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Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather (15)

Kingdom Hearts (HD I.5 ReMIX/Soundtrack/Soundtrack Complete/HD I.5 ReMIX Soundtrack) • Chain of MemoriesKingdom Hearts II (HD II.5 ReMIX/HD II.8 Final Chapter Prologue/Soundtrack/HD II.5 ReMIX Soundtrack ) • 358/2 DaysBirth by Sleep (Soundtrack) • codedDream Drop Distance (Soundtrack) • χ [chi]Unchained χ/Union χ [cross]Kingdom Hearts IIIDark RoadMelody of MemoryMissing-LinkKingdom Hearts IV
Other media
Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween PartyAgrabah (Kingdom Hearts pilot)
Incorporated Films and Shorts
Aladdin/The Return of JafarAlice in WonderlandBeauty and the BeastBig Hero 6CinderellaFantasiaFrozenHerculesThe Hunchback of Notre DameLilo & StitchThe Lion KingThe Little MermaidMickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three MusketeersMonsters, Inc.MulanThe Nightmare Before ChristmasPeter PanPinocchioPirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl/Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's EndSleeping BeautySnow White and the Seven DwarfsSteamboat WillieTangledTarzanToy StoryTron/Tron: LegacyWinnie the PoohWreck-It Ralph
Main Characters: SoraRikuKairiKing MickeyDonald DuckGoofyRoxasAxel/LeaNaminéXionAquaTerraVentus

Villains: XehanortAnsemXemnasMaleficentPeteVanitasXigbar/BraigXaldinVexenLexaeusZexionSaïx/IsaDemyxLuxordMarluxiaLarxeneTerra-XehanortYoung XehanortXehanort's Guardian
Other Characters: Jiminy CricketAnsem the Wise/DiZYen SidMaster EraqusDilanEvenAeleusIenzoLingering WillHaynerPenceOletteKairi's GrandmaRiku ReplicaJiminy's JournalForetellersMaster of MastersLuxuEphemerSkuldChirithyStrelitziaLauriamYozoraVorHermod
Original Monsters: HeartlessNobodiesUnversedDream Eater
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts: Queen MinnieDaisy DuckPlutoChip and DaleHuey, Dewey, and LouieMagic BroomsAliceWhite RabbitDoorknobCheshire CatQueen of HeartsCard SoldiersTarzanJane PorterClaytonTerkKerchakKalaSaborHerculesPhiloctetesHadesCerberusRock TitanIce TitanAladdinAbuJasmineGenieCarpetJafarIagoPeddlerCave of WondersPinocchioGeppettoMonstroCleoArielFlounderSebastianUrsulaKing TritonFlotsam and JetsamGlutJack SkellingtonZeroSallyOogie BoogieLock, Shock, and BarrelDr. FinkelsteinMayor of Halloween TownPeter PanTinker BellCaptain HookMr. SmeeWendyCrocodileMerlinWinnie the PoohTiggerPigletEeyoreRabbitOwlRooBeesBeastBelleSnow WhiteCinderellaFairy GodmotherAuroraPongoPerditaDalmatian PuppiesSimbaMushuDumboBambiChernabog
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts II: Flora, Fauna, and MerryweatherMaleficent's RavenScrooge McDuckMulanLi ShangShan YuHayabusaYao, Ling, and Chien PoThe EmperorLumiereCogsworthMrs PottsChipWardrobePegasusMegaraPain and PanicHydraHorace HorsecollarClarabelle CowClara CluckJack SparrowElizabeth SwannWill TurnerCaptain BarbossaBo'sunJacobyTwiggCursed CrewPrince EricAttinaAndrinaSanta ClausSkeletal ReindeerTimonPumbaaNalaRafikiScarShenzi, Banzai, and EdMufasaKiaraPridelandersHyenasTronMaster Control ProgramCommander SarkKangaGopherStitchChicken Little
Disney Characters introduced in Birth by Sleep: Prince PhillipMaleficent's GoonsDocGrumpyHappySleepyBashfulSneezyDopeyThe PrinceEvil QueenMagic MirrorPrince CharmingJaqLady TremaineAnastasiaDrizellaLuciferGrand DukeGrand CouncilwomanCaptain GantuJumbaExperiment 221Lost Boys
Disney Characters introduced in Dream Drop Distance: QuasimodoEsmeraldaPhoebusJudge Claude FrolloVictor, Hugo, and LaverneKevin FlynnSam FlynnQuorraCLUBlack GuardsBlue FairyBeagle BoysChernabog's MinionsJulius
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts χ: Mad HatterMarch HareRazoulRoyal GuardsMauriceGaston
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts Union χ: SultanSamsonVanellope von SchweetzFix-It Felix Jr.Sergeant CalhounKing CandySour BillCy-BugsHero's Duty Troops
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts III: ZeusApolloAthenaHermesLava TitanTornado TitanLittle ChefWoodyBuzz LightyearRexHammSargeGreen Army MenLittle Green MenRapunzelFlynn RiderPascalMaximusMother GothelSulleyMike WazowskiBooRandall BoggsChild Detection AgencyTrailer FolkElsaAnnaKristoffOlafSvenMarshmallowHansMr. GibbsTia DalmaDavy JonesKrakenCutler BeckettDavy Jones' Locker CrabsBaymaxHiro HamadaGo Go TomagoHoney LemonFredWasabiLumpyWreck-It Ralph
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts Dark Road: Tweedledee and Tweedledum
Disney Characters introduced in the manga: CaterpillarChi-Fu
Square Enix Characters: LeonCloudMoogleOthers

Plot Elements: Kingdom HeartsHeartKeyblade WarDark Seeker SagaMore

Game Elements: Gameplay in Kingdom HeartsMagic

Sea-salt ice creamWayfinderDoor to DarknessKeybladeX-bladeMorePixar BallA113Pizza Planet Truck
Original Worlds: Destiny IslandsTraverse TownRadiant Garden/Hollow BastionDisney Castle/Disney Town/Timeless RiverDive to the HeartEnd of the WorldRealm of DarknessTwilight Town/Mysterious TowerThe World That Never WasCastle That Never WasLand of Departure/Castle OblivionKeyblade GraveyardDaybreak Town/Scala ad Caelum

Disney Worlds: WonderlandDeep JungleOlympus Coliseum/Underworld/OlympusAgrabahAtlanticaHalloween Town/Christmas TownNeverlandHundred Acre WoodThe Land of DragonsBeast's CastlePort Royal/The CaribbeanPride LandsSpace ParanoidsDwarf WoodlandsCastle of DreamsDeep SpaceLa Cité des ClochesThe GridPrankster's ParadiseCountry of the MusketeersToy BoxKingdom of CoronaMonstropolisArendelleSan FransokyoGame Central Station/Niceland/Cy-Bug Sector/Candy Kingdom

Organization XIIIPrincesses of HeartDisney Villains Council
"Dearly Beloved" • "Simple and Clean" • "Sanctuary" • Face My FearsDon't Think TwiceMickey Mouse Club MarchSwim This WayPart of Your WorldUnder the SeaUrsula's RevengeA New Day is DawningDestatiThis is HalloweenHe's a PirateBeauty and the BeastBibbidi-Bobbidi-BooIt's a Small WorldNight on Bald MountainWinnie the PoohThe Sorcerer's ApprenticeThe Pastoral SymphonyNutcracker SuiteYou've Got a Friend in MeHealing IncantationPut That Thing Back Where It Came From or So Help MeLet It GoDo You Want to Build a SnowmanYo Ho (A Pirate's Life for Me)A Whole New WorldCircle of Life
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Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather (16)

Sofia the First (Videography/Soundtrack/Songs From Enchancia) • Sofia the First: Once Upon a PrincessElena and the Secret of AvalorDisney Junior DJ ShuffleDisney Junior DJ Shuffle 2Books
Disney Parks
Princess SofiaQueen MirandaKing Roland IIPrince JamesPrincess AmberPrincess HildegardCedric the SorcererWormwoodBaileywickRobinMiaCloverWhatnaughtGoodwyn the GreatWinifred the WiseJadeRuby HanshawPrincess ClioPrince ZandarPrincess JunPrince HugoMinimusPrincess VivianCrackleKing Marcus and Queen CecilyTrollsLucindaPrince JinMagic CarpetJasperPrince KhalidMeg and PegMadam UbetchaPrince DesmondMiss NettleSir GilliumProfessor PopovHelen HanshawOonaQueen EmmalineCoraPlankAunt TillyWilbur the WombeastSvenEmperor QuonEmpress Lin-LinRexPrince AxelKing GarrickElectraVaughan and VanceMarlaSir BartlebySir MaxwellSir FinneganGwenChef AndreSofia the WorstLady JoyLord GilbertWu-ChangJade JaguarSir DaxBooPrincess LaniMamanuKamea and HaliaPralineFreedoPrincess ZooeyPrincess AstridSlickwellGreylock the GrandPrincess IvyDragons of EnchanciaWinterWhiskersGlacia the Ice WitchElliot, Amy, and KurtTizzyMaster ErwinBryce TwigleyButton, Benngee, and BrodyMossyCarol of the ArrowJanePrincess KariMiss ElodieFlukeSlimShellyFlipMantacornOnyx and OpalWendell FidgetMrs. FidgetSaffronMuck, Gunk, and GrimeSpruceBallerinaMazzimoPrince RoderickGavinKazeemSergeant FizzKing Habib and Queen FarnazChief GnucklesFlinchGrottaElfonsoElfredMilo the SnakeKing HenrikCordelia the ConjurorCalistaMorganaCrispyBarleySassofrasProfessor Zacharias FleeberGrand MumGemina and ArgusCount BarnstormSir OliverSir JaxonWillawingKaiPrincess CharlotteMorrisZinessaKing Philip and Queen EverlyLilyIndigoMarty and MapleGrimtrixWriggley, Pumpkin, and ChesterSkyePiccoloBaron Von RochaProfessor PecullianSea MonstersMalachite and FigOmarPrismaAzurineOrionVegaChrystaSizzleCinderSingeMare of the MistKing Roland IRomaGiggling GoblinCaptain QuiversTwitchVorNerissa

Elena of Avalor: Princess ElenaPrincess IsabelFranciscoLuisaShurikiAlacazarZuzoMateoMigs, Luna, and SkylarRafaChancellor EstebanArmandoKing Raul and Queen LuciaNaomi Turner
Guest Characters: Flora, Fauna, and MerryweatherCinderellaJasmineMagic CarpetBelleArielAuroraSnow WhiteMulanRapunzelTianaMeridaOlafMerlinArchimedes

Season One: "Just One of the Princes" • "The Big Sleepover" • "Let the Good Times Troll" • "Cedric's Apprentice" • "A Royal Mess" • "The Shy Princess" • "Blue Ribbon Bunny" • "The Princess Test" • "Baileywick's Day Off" • "Tri-Kingdom Picnic" • "The Little Witch" • "Two to Tangu" • "Finding Clover" • "The Amulet of Avalor" • "The Buttercups" • "Make Way for Miss Nettle" • "The Amulet and the Anthem " • "Tea for Too Many" • "Princess Butterfly" • "Great Aunt-Venture" • "The Baker King" • "The Floating Palace" • "Holiday in Enchancia" • "Four's a Crowd"

Season Two: "Two Princesses and a Baby" • "The Enchanted Feast" • "The Flying Crown" • "Mom's the Word" • "The Silent Knight" • "Enchanted Science Fair" • "King for a Day" • "When You Wish Upon a Well" • "Gizmo Gwen" • "Sofia the Second" • "Mystic Meadows" • "Princesses to the Rescue!" • "Ghostly Gala" • "The Emerald Key" • "Scrambled Pets" • "The Princess Stays in the Picture" • "Baileywhoops" • "The Curse of Princess Ivy" • "Winter's Gift" • "The Leafsong Festival" • "Substitute Cedric" • "Clover Time" • "In a Tizzy" • "A Tale of Two Teams" • "The Littlest Princess" • "Buttercup Amber" • "Carol of the Arrow" • "Sidekick Clio"
Season Three: "Cool Hand Fluke" • "Minimus is Missing" • "Cedric Be Good" • "Princess Adventure Club" • "Minding the Manor" • "The Secret Library" • "New Genie on the Block" • "The Fliegel Has Landed" • "The Princess Ballet" • "All the Sprite Moves" • "Sofia in Elvenmoor" • "Stormy Lani" • "Lord of the Rink" • "The Secret Library: Olaf and the Tale of Miss Nettle" • "Gone with the Wand" • "Bad Little Dragon" • "Bunny Swap" • "Her Royal Spyness" • "Best in Air Show" • "Dads and Daughters Day" • "The Tale of the Noble Knight" • "The Bamboo Kite" • "Beauty is the Beast" • "Cauldronation Day" • "Camp Wilderwood" • "Royal Vacation" • "Hexley Hall" • "The Princess Prodigy" • "One for the Books"
Season Four: "Day of the Sorcerers" • "The Secret Library: Tale of the Eternal Torch" • "The Crown of Blossoms" • "Pin the Blame on the Genie" • "The Mystic Isles" • "The Mystic Isles: The Princess and the Protector" • "The Royal Dragon" • "The Mystic Isles: The Mare of the Mist" • "Through the Looking Back Glass" • "Princess Jade" • "Ivy's True Colors" • "Too Cute to Spook" • "Pirated Away" • "The Mystic Isles: The Falcon's Eye" • "The Mystic Isles: The Great Pretender" • "The Mystic Isles: A Very Mystic Wassalia" • "The Birthday Wish" • "In Cedric We Trust" • "The Mystic Isles: A Hero for the Hoodwinks" • "The Mystic Isles: Undercover Fairies" • "A Royal Wedding" • "The Royal School Fair" • "The Lost Pyramid" • "Return to Merroway Cove" • "The Elf Situation" • "Forever Royal"

Theme Song

Once Upon a Princess: I'm Not Ready to Be a PrincessRoyal PrepA Little Bit of FoodTrue SistersRise and Shine
Season One: Princess ThingsAnythingPerfect Slumber PartyMake Some NoiseCedric the GreatGoldenwing CircusAll You NeedBlue Ribbon BunnyI Belong(You Can Always) Count On BaileywickPicnic of the YearGood Little WitchThe Ride of Your LivesBring My Best Friend BackI'll Get My/That AmuletThe ButtercupsMake Way for Miss NettleEnchancia AnthemMake It RightBigger Is BetterWho's That?A Recipe for AdventureThe Simple LifeMerroway CoveThe Love We ShareWassaliaPeace and JoyRoyal Fun
Season Two: Sisters and BrothersTwo by TwoAll You DesireHuzzah! Huzzah!Me and My MomTilly, Oh TillyFriendship Is The FormulaBe Your Own KingMake Your Wishes WellBelieve in Your DreamKeeping Promises No Matter WhatMystic MeadowsStronger Than You KnowGhostly GalaA Princess TrueIn Your PawsKnow It AllHelping HandA Kingdom of My OwnSmoke, Wings and FireDare to Risk it AllFrom the HeartI Feel So FreeNever Forget the Sorcerer's SecretHoppin' Out With YouMake Our Dreams Come TruePlay With UsIt's a Small New WorldImproviseAny Deed For Those In NeedMy First FlightWings of a Dream
Season Three: Moment to ShineWendell's WayA Better MeWhen It Comes To Making FriendsIt's Up To YouDo I DareGenie RulesThis Fliegel Has LandedGotta Reach a Higher HeightI Like You So MuchElvenmoorHappy ThoughtsTake A LeapMy Finest FlowerMagic Like MerlinYou're the Cutest ThingLiving It UpBe an Expert ExpertI'm A New Horse NowDads and Daughters SongA Knight Such As IThis Panda Just Wants to DanceMore to AdoreThe Broomstick DanceThe Summer Camp BluesWhat A VacationThe Great UnknownThe Spirit of AvalorMy TimeOur Wizards Are the BestThe Magic in the MusicLive It to Learn It
Season Four: My Evil DreamsThis Island Belongs To UsThe Right Wrong Thing To DoGive The Kid One More ChanceThe Magic of the Mystic IslesOur Royal PlanMy Power Will Be Crystal ClearThat's Not Who I AmTough EnoughAll Fired UpPick MeMagic TouchThe Dunwiddie DittyThis Feeling I'm Feeling In MeSuper Spooky NightNever Lost AgainListen UpLearn This RhymeThat's What Wassalia's ForGonna Be GreatI Am On Your SideThe Boldest, Bravest Bunny of All TimeThe Fairy WayMeant To BeWhat You're Gonna DoCome To Your Senses With MeWhen I Start to Make Some WavesYou've Gotta Have FunA Big DayGet WickedFor One and AllOn Your/My Own

EnchanciaRoyal Preparatory AcademyTanguMerroway CoveWei-LingMystic MeadowsWildwing ValleySecret LibraryElvenmoorHakaloFreezenburgEnchanted Animal ParkAvalorDragon HoldMaruHexley HallMisty PalisadesMystic IslesEverRealm
Amulet of AvalorAunt Tilly's Carpet BagEnchanted MirrorFloating PalaceMermaid Comb of Merroway CoveEnchanted Swing SetWishing WellEmerald KeyPin of KlutzenheimerFlying CrownFamily WandDazzleballSnowdropsDragonclaw WandKazeem's LampBehind the WallsShuriki's WandEternal TorchForever FountainCrown of the GnomesEnchantletLooking Back GlassWicked Nine
See Also
Elena of AvalorButtercupsSpells and MagicJaquinsMerpeopleChanulHoodwinks
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Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather (17)

Elena of Avalor (Videography/Soundtrack/Original Soundtrack) • Elena and the Secret of AvalorBooks
Disney Parks

Entertainment: Disney Adventure Friends Cavalcade
Fireworks: Happily Ever After

Princess ElenaPrincess IsabelMigs, Luna, and SkylarFranciscoLuisaChancellor EstebanNaomi TurnerMateoGabe NúñezZuzoArmandoDaniel TurnerDoña PalomaHigginsProfessor MendozaPrince AlonsoShurikiAlacazarKing Raul and Queen LuciaKing ToshiCharocaRafaFieroKing Juan RamónYacalliKing HectorKing JoaquínKing LarsKing RajaCarmen and JulioDoña AngelicaOrizabaCristinaCielaRico VillalobosRoberto NúñezBlanca NúñezPrincess CaterinaNicoChief ZephyrAviónTroyoSeñorita MarisolQuiqueAmaraLord ElrodSir CassiusScarlett TurnerVictor DelgadoCarla DelgadoCacahuateBoboOliviaKing VeragoMarimondaQuita MozAntonio AgamaPrincess ValentinaMingo, Zoom, and EstrellaDulceCruzVestiaProfessor OchoaZuni, Maya, and LomoLama, Hool, and QapaTomikoJavierSantos GutierrezPrincess MarisaPrince MarzelCucoKing PescoroQueen CamilaDuke CristóbalSalosoAsh DelgadoQueen AbigailTornadoZopiloteFloSanzaTito the Magical BanditChatanaPiliTzilocoPrincess ChloeMaligaIxlanThe Jaguar KingFour Shades of AwesomeKizinPrincess RebeccaGrand MacawAntonia Bello

Sofia the First: Princess SofiaKing Roland IIQueen MirandaPrincess AmberPrince JamesFloraGwen

Season One: "First Day of Rule" • "Model Sister" • "All Heated Up" • "Island of Youth" • "Spellbound" • "Prince Too Charming" • "Finders Leapers" • "Royal Retreat" • "A Day to Remember" • "The Scepter of Light" • "Navidad" • "Olaball" • "Flight of the Jaquins" • "Crystal in the Rough" • "The Princess Knight" • "Captain Turner Returns" • "King of the Carnaval" • "My Fair Naomi" • "Spirit Monkey Business" • "Wizard-in-Training" • "Realm of the Jaquins" • "The Gecko's Tale" • "Party of a Lifetime" • "Blockheads" • "Masks of Magic"

Season Two: "The Jewel of Maru" • "Royal Rivalry" • "The Curse of El Guapo" • "Three Jaquins and a Princess" • "A Spy in the Palace" • "Science Unfair" • "Rise of the Sorceress" • "Shapeshifters" • "The Scepter of Night" • "The Race for the Realm" • "A Tale of Two Scepters" • "Class Act" • "All Kingdoms Fair" • "A Lava Story" • "Song of the Sirenas" • "The Tides of Change" • "The Return of El Capitán" • "Finding Zuzo" • "Snow Place Like Home" • "Two Left Fins" • "Movin' On Up" • "Not Without My Magic" • "Luna's Big Leap" • "Naomi Knows Best"
Season Three: "Sister of Invention" • "To Save a Sunbird" • "Father-in-Chief" • "The Incredible Shrinking Royals" • "Norberg Peace Prize" • "The Magic Within" • "Flower of Light" • "Captain Mateo" • "Sugar Rush" • "The Family Treasure" • "Dreamcatcher" • "Changing of the Guard" • "King Skylar" • "Spirit of a Wizard" • "Team Isa" • "The Last Laugh" • "Festival of Lights" • "The Birthday Cruise" • "Giant Steps" • "Shooting Stars" • "Crash Course" • "Sweetheart's Day" • "The Lightning Warrior" • "Dia de las Madres" • "Heart of the Jaguar" • "Elena's Day Off" • "To Queen or Not to Queen" • "Coronation Day"

Theme SongReady to RuleSister TimeBlow My TopAvaloran LullabyAvalor Birthday SongThe Magic Within YouFeel Free to Have FunSomething SpecialTo Be In My ClubFestival of LoveThe Gift of NightThe Great UnknownThe Spirit of AvalorMy TimeThe Way We Do NavidadLet Love Light the WayPlay It Your WayThe Bros Are BackFix AnythingSteppin' UpHome for GoodSomething I Would Never DoThe Bright Light of the BallYour Spirit GuideCast A Spell With MeGot It DownA Big DealYou Can't Catch MeForeverIt's Up To UsBest for Our GuestsMake Them ProudA Little Bit MoreThe Captain of the GuardI Am Grown Up EnoughDon't Look NowHand in HandThis New DayThe Right Thing To DoWisest Wizard in the WorldIf You Just Keep Moving OnOnly One Will RemainWelcome to the FutureArmandoFallin' Like a RockFamilia ForeverA New TaleOur ChanceThe Art of the StealThe Legend of Los TresTop Banana KingHome for NavidadHearts Full of CheerThe Most Royal ManNever Get AwayMore Than Your MagicGive Me A ShotSpeakThe One and OnlyChief DaddyHappy to Be AliveLove AlwaysThe Spirit of LovePick It Up Wings UpBy My SidePut Your Mind To ItMagic Works Like a CharmGirl's DayChoose Your PathBegin A New JourneyFit To Be QueenFour Shades of AwesomeNever Too LateGuiding Light
AvalorSatuFountain of YouthCordobaEnchanciaSecret LibraryRoyal Preparatory AcademyMaruEverRealmSpirit WorldVallestrellaOphidan Island
Amulet of AvalorScepter of LightCodex MaruEye of MidnightBehind the WallsShuriki's WandCoza KexScepter of Night
See Also
Sofia the FirstJaquinsNoblinsChanulSpells
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Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather (18)

Toys and MerchandiseMobile Application (Disney and Star Wars)Mobile Application (Marvel)Television ShortsKingdom Hearts Union χDisney Tsum Tsum FestivalTwisted Wonderland
Mickey and Friends: MickeyMinnieDonaldDaisyGoofyPlutoChip and DaleOswaldOrtensiaDuffyShellieMayGelatoniStellaLouCookieAnn'Olu MelHuey, Dewey, and LouieJosé CariocaPanchito PistolesClarabelle CowHorace HorsecollarMax GoofClaricePeteScrooge McDuckLudwig Von DrakeDr. FrankenollieJulius

Pooh and Pals: PoohTiggerPigletEeyoreRabbitOwlRooKangaGopherChristopher RobinLumpy
Lilo & Stitch: StitchLiloScrumpPleakleyJumbaAngelLeroyDr. HämstervielUgly DucklingSparky627GigiBabyfierYangSlushyShortstuff625AmnesioDupeSampleClipTankYinHunkahunkaPlasmoid
Silly Symphonies: Donald DuckBig Bad WolfPractical PigFiddler PigFifer PigUgly Duckling
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: Snow WhiteEvil QueenDocGrumpyHappyBashfulSneezySleepyDopey
Pinocchio: PinocchioJiminy CricketFigaroCleoGeppettoBlue FairyHonest John and GideonLampwickMonstro
Fantasia: MickeyYen SidChernabogHyacinth HippoBen Ali Gator
Dumbo: Dumbo
Bambi: BambiThumperMiss BunnyFriend OwlThe Great Prince of the Forest
The Three Caballeros: GauchitoBurrito
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad: Mr. Toad
Cinderella: CinderellaJaq and GusPrince CharmingFairy GodmotherLady TremaineLuciferSuzyPerlaBruno
Alice in Wonderland: AliceMad HatterMarch HareDormouseWhite RabbitCheshire CatTweedle Dum and Tweedle DeeQueen of HeartsKing of HeartsCaterpillarDinahOysters
Peter Pan: Peter PanTinker BellWendy DarlingJohn DarlingMichael DarlingCaptain HookMr SmeeNanaTick TockTiger Lily
Lady and the Tramp: LadyTrampSi and AmJockTrustyPeg
Sleeping Beauty: AuroraPhillipMaleficentFloraFaunaMerryweatherDiabloSamsonKing StefanGoonOwlRabbit
Mary Poppins: Mary PoppinsBertPenguin Waiter • Carousel Horse
One Hundred and One Dalmatians: Cruella De VilLuckyPatchRolly
The Jungle Book: MowgliBalooBagheeraShere KhanKaaKing LouieHathi, Jr.Raksha
Pete's Dragon: Elliott
The Fox and the Hound: TodCopper
The Aristocats: MarieBerliozToulouseduch*essThomas O'Malley
The Rescuers: BernardBianca
Oliver & Company: OliverDodgerTitoRitaFrancisEinstein
The Little Mermaid: ArielFlounderSebastianEricUrsulaTritonMaxScuttle
Beauty and the Beast: BelleBeastLumiereCogsworthMrs. PottsChipMauricePhilippeGastonLeFou
Aladdin: AladdinAbuGenieJasmineJafarSultanIagoRajah
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack SkellingtonSallyZeroLock, Shock, and BarrelOogie BoogieDr. FinkelsteinMayor of Halloween TownSanta Claus
The Lion King: SimbaNalaTimonPumbaaZazuRafikiScarEd
Pocahontas: PocahontasJohn SmithMeekoFlitPercy
Hercules: HerculesMegaraHades
Mulan: MulanLi ShangMushuFa ZhouKhan
The Emperor's New Groove: KuzcoYzmaKronk
Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers: Mickey MouseMinnie MouseDonald DuckGoofy
Chicken Little: Chicken Little
The Princess and the Frog: TianaDr. Facilier
Tangled: RapunzelFlynn RiderPascalMaximusMother GothelQueen AriannaKing FredericCassandra • Fidella • Pub Thug
Wreck-It Ralph: Wreck-It RalphFix-It Felix Jr.
Frozen: AnnaElsaOlafKristoffSvenHansSnowgiesBruni
Big Hero 6: HiroBaymaxFredWasabiHoney LemonGo Go TomagoTadashi HamadaYokaiMochi
Zootopia: Judy HoppsNick WildeMayor LionheartFlashYaxGazelleChief BogoClawhauserFinnickMr. BigBellwetherJerry Jumbeaux Jr.
Moana: MoanaMauiPuaHeiheiTamatoaKakamora
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers: ChipDaleGadgetMonterey Jack
Phineas and Ferb: Perry
The Lion Guard: KionOnoBungaBeshteFuli
DuckTales (2017): Scrooge McDuckHuey, Dewey, and LouieWebby Vanderquack
Kingdom Hearts: SoraRikuKairiAquaXemnasAnsem, Seeker of DarknessVentusTerra • Chirithy • LeaYoung XehanortRoxas • Dark Riku • Naminé
Sofia the First: SofiaMinimusSkye
Elena of Avalor: Elena
Enchanted: Giselle
Disney Fairies: PeriwinkleRosettaSilvermist
The Sword in the Stone: WartMerlin
Oliver & Company: Oliver
Raya and the Last Dragon: RayaSisu
Twisted Wonderland: Grim
Encanto: MirabelIsabela

Toy Story: WoodyBuzz LightyearBo PeepHammAlienJessieRexBullseyeStinky PeteLotsoForkyDucky and Bunny

A Bug's Life: FlikDotHeimlich
Monsters, Inc.: SulleyMikeBooRandallCeliaRozFungusGeorge Sanderson
Cars: Lightning McQueenMaterSallyDoc HudsonJackson StormCruz RamirezMackMiss Fritter
Finding Nemo: NemoDoryMarlinCrushBruceDestinyBaileyHankSquirtNigelGillSheldonPearlDarlaCharlieJenny
Ratatouille: RemyLinguini
Up: Carl FredricksenDugKevinRussell
Brave: Merida
Inside Out: JoySadnessAngerDisgustFearBing Bong
The Good Dinosaur: Arlo
Coco (film): MiguelHéctorImelda
Onward: Ian LightfootBarley Lightfoot
Soul: Joe22
Luca: Luca
Turning Red: Mei
Lightyear: Sox
Luxo, Jr.: Luxo, Jr.

Disney Parks
MonorailWalter E. DisneyDumboMad Tea PartySplash MountainAstro OrbiterMatterhorn BobsledsThe Haunted MansionAlbertEnchanted Tiki RoomOrange BirdPirates of the CaribbeanJungle CruiseBig AlBonnie BearTower of Terror
The Avengers: Iron ManCaptain AmericaThorThe HulkBlack WidowHawkeyeFalconWar MachineWinter SoldierAnt-ManBlack PantherVisionSharon Carter

Ultimate Spider-Man: Spider-ManVenomGreen GoblinMiles MoralesLizardRhinoDoctor OctopusIron SpiderSpider-GwenKraven the HunterHobgoblin
Guardians of the Galaxy: Star-LordGamoraRocket RaccoonGrootDrax
Marvel's Women of Power: WaspElektraCaptain MarvelShe-HulkSpider-Woman
Marvel Icons: DaredevilDoctor StrangeGhost RiderMs. MarvelThanos

Star Wars
Luke SkywalkerHan SoloPrincess LeiaC-3POR2-D2Moff TarkinYodaChewbaccaStormtrooperSandtrooperAT-AT DriverRed GuardTusken RaiderJawaWicketJabba the HuttGreedoObi-Wan KenobiQui-Gon JinnQueen AmidalaClone TrooperJar Jar BinksDarth MaulJango FettGeneral GrievousAayla SecuraAnakin Skywalker/Darth VaderMace WinduCount DookuPlo KoonReyFinnBB-8Kylo RenPoe DameronCaptain PhasmaFirst Order StormtrooperMaz KanataThe MandalorianThe Child
The Muppets
KermitMiss PiggyFozzie BearRowlfGonzoAnimalThe Swedish Chef
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Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather (19)

Disney Emoji Blitz (mission tags) • Event listItem collections listAs Told by EmojiDisney Heroes: Battle Mode (chat section)
Disney feature films
Mickey Mouse & Friends: MickeyMinnieDonald DuckDaisyPlutoGoofySteamboat Willie MickeyRetro MinnieOswald the Lucky RabbitHoliday Mickey8-Bit MickeyHoliday MinnieHoliday PlutoRose Gold MinnieRainbow MickeyVampire MickeyWitch MinnieMermaid MinnieDeep Sea MickeyCrab DonaldFairy MinnieSeashell DaisyPirate Peg-Leg PeteBirthday Baby PlutoPeppermint MinnieGardener MickeyFlower MinnieWatermelon MinnieIce Cream MickeySoft Serve DonaldSea Creature GoofyPumpkin MickeyGingerbread MickeyChristmas Clarabelle CowGarnet MinnieRainy Day DonaldAstronaut MickeyAlien PlutoPine Cone PlutoPancake GoofyBlueberry Muffin DonaldPumpkin MinnieSanta GoofyPlatinum MickeyFashion MinnieSpring Flute MickeyWinter PetePlatinum DonaldPearl DaisyPlatinum MinnieAstronaut DonaldTopiary DaisyDapper MinnieDapper Mickey

The Lion King: SimbaTimonPumbaaRafikiScarSpirit MufasaNalaShenziBaby SimbaZazuAdult SimbaPlatinum SimbaMufasa
The Little Mermaid: ArielFlounderSebastianUrsulaKing TritonPrince EricWedding ArielVanessaFlotsamAmethyst UrsulaRuby ArielScuttleKiss the Girl Ariel
Bambi: BambiThumperPretty FlowerApril Shower BambiFloral Ms. Bunny
The Aristocats: Marie
Winnie the Pooh: Winnie the PoohTiggerPigletEeyoreRabbitHoney Bee PoohFlower PigletBunny TiggerBaby Chick EeyoreHoney Cake PoohSanta PoohRooLumpy Heffalump
Pinocchio: Jiminy CricketPinocchioBlue FairyFigaroPlatinum Jiminy CricketSketch Blue Fairy
Dumbo: DumboTimothy MouseMrs. Jumbo
Peter Pan: Tinker BellPeter PanCaptain HookWendyNanaSmeeJohn DarlingSlightlyHoliday Tinker BellTopaz Tinker BellCaptain PanPrismatic Tinker Bell
Aladdin: The GenieAladdinJasmineJafarAbuRajahIagoMagic CarpetDisguised JasmineSnake JafarVacation GeniePrince AliAquamarine JasmineElephant AbuSultanBaby RajahRed Carpet GenieGenie JafarCave of WondersCelebration JasminePlatinum Genie
Alice in Wonderland: AliceWhite RabbitCheshire CatMad HatterCaterpillarThe Queen of HeartsDoorknobKing of HeartsLittle OystersHouse AliceRoseMarch HareMr. WalrusTweedle Dee
Cinderella: CinderellaFairy GodmotherGusPrince CharmingJaqLuciferAnastasiaDrizellaLady TremaineWedding CinderellaPink Dress CinderellaHoliday CinderellaIolite Fairy Godmother
Frozen: ElsaAnnaOlafSvenKristoffMarshmallowGrand PabbieThe Fire SpiritElsa the Snow QueenQueen AnnaDiamond ElsaYoung AnnaCitrine AnnaOpal OlafPrince HansSketch Elsa
Lilo & Stitch: StitchLiloJumbaScrumpAngelShaved Ice StitchRainbow StitchNani PelekaiPlatinum StitchCobra BubblesSapphire Stitch
Zootopia: Judy HoppsNick WildeClawhauserFinnickFlashGazelle
Beauty and the Beast: BelleThe BeastLumiereCogsworthMrs. PottsChipGastonEnchantressWinter BelleFancy BeastBookworm BelleMagical EnchantressZircon Belle
Moana: MoanaMauiPuaHei HeiGramma TalaTamatoaBaby MoanaTe FitiKakamora ChiefTe KāVoyager Moana
Mulan: MulanMushuCri-KeePingShan YuLi ShangThe EmperorReflection MulanRuby MushuMelanite Mulan
Tangled: RapunzelPascalFlynn RiderMaximusTiara RapunzelMother GothelWedding MaximusBaby Rapunzel
Sleeping Beauty: AuroraPrince PhillipMaleficentFloraFaunaMerryweatherWinter AuroraDragon MaleficentBriar RosePeridot Maleficent
The Jungle Book: BalooKaaKing LouieMowgliShere KhanBagheera
Fantasia: Sorcerer's Apprentice MickeyYen SidChernabogPlatinum Sorcerer's Apprentice MickeySpring Sprite
One Hundred and One Dalmatians: Cruella De VilPerditaPatchWinter Cruella
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack SkellingtonSallyZeroOogie BoogieSanta JackDr. FinkelsteinThe MayorChristmas SallyMan-Eating WreathLockShockBarrel
Pocahontas: PocahontasFlitMeekoPercyGrandmother WillowGovernor RatcliffeColors of the Wind Pocahontas
Big Hero 6: Hiro HamadaBaymaxPlatinum BaymaxHoney Lemon
Wreck-It Ralph: VanellopeRalphYesssFix-It Felix Jr.CalhounKing CandyPixel Ralph
The Princess and the Frog: TianaLouisRayDr. FacilierAlmost There TianaPrince NaveenPlatinum TianaCharlotte La Bouff
Lady and the Tramp: LadyTramp
Hercules: HerculesMegPegasusHadesPhilZeusBaby PegasusBaby Hercules
The Emperor's New Groove: KuzcoKronkPachaYzmaYzma Kitty
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: Snow WhiteDopeyMagic MirrorThe Evil QueenGrumpyThe PrinceSleepyDocWinter Snow WhiteThe WitchObsidian Snow WhitePlatinum Snow WhiteBashfulSneezyPurple Diamond Dopey
The Rescuers: BernardBiancaMadame Medusa
Robin Hood: Robin HoodMaid MarianLady KluckLittle JohnSir HissPrince John
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad: Mr. Toad
The Hunchback of Notre Dame: EsmeraldaQuasimodoHugoFrollo
The Sword in the Stone: ArthurArchimedesMerlinMadam MimSugar BowlYoung Mim
Mickey's Christmas Carol: Bob Cratchit MickeyGhost of Jacob MarleyEbenezer Scrooge McDuckTiny TimEmily Cratchit MinnieGhost of Christmas Future Pete
A Goofy Movie: MaxVacation GoofyPowerlineRoxannePJ
Raya and the Last Dragon: RayaSisuTuk TukNamaariHuman Sisu
The Three Caballeros: JoséPanchitoCaballero Donald
Encanto: MirabelAntonioLuisaBrunoIsabelaPlatinum MirabelAlma MadrigalCamiloDolores
Bolt: Bolt
The Fox and the Hound: TodCopper
The Great Mouse Detective: Professor Ratigan
Pixie Hollow: SilvermistIridessaRosettaFawn
Treasure Planet: John Silver
The Black Cauldron: The Horned King
Oliver & Company: Oliver
Wish: AshaValentinoStar

Disney animated shows
DuckTales: Scrooge McDuckLaunchpad McQuackWebby VanderquackGizmoduckMagica De SpellHueyDeweyLouie

Darkwing Duck: Darkwing Duck
Rescue Rangers: ChipDaleGadgetMonterey JackDevil DaleAngel Chip
Gargoyles: GoliathBronxDemona
The Proud Family: Penny ProudSuga Mama
Kim Possible: Kim Possible
Adventures of the Gummi Bears: Zummi Gummi

Monsters, Inc.: MikeSulleyRandallCeliaRozBoo

Toy Story: WoodyBuzz LightyearAlienJessieBullseyeBo PeepForkyRexDuke CaboomHammMrs. NesbitZurgLotsoPlatinum WoodyBunnyStinky PeteFluorite Buzz
Finding Nemo/Finding Dory: NemoDoryHankCrushBruceBaby DoryDestinyBaileyPearlPlatinum NemoDarla
Cars: Lightning McQueenCruz RamirezJackson StormMater
Inside Out: JoySadnessAngerDisgustFearBing BongRainbow UnicornSapphire Joy
Coco: Miguel RiveraHéctorDanteImeldaPepitaAlebrije DanteErnestoMama CocoDisguised MiguelPlatinum Miguel
Ratatouille: RemyAnton EgoAlfredo LinguiniAuguste Gusteau
The Incredibles: Mr. IncredibleMrs. IncredibleJack-JackVioletDashFrozoneEdna ModeSyndrome
A Bug's Life: FlikPrincess AttaHeimlich
Brave: MeridaYoung MeridaQueen Elinor
Up: DugRusselCarlKevinAlphaHeadphones Dug
Onward: IanBarleyThe Manticore
Soul: Joe22
Luca: LucaAlberto
Turning Red: Meilin LeeRed Panda MeiAbby ParkRed Panda Ming Lee
Lightyear: Captain LightyearSox
Pixar Shorts: Bao
Elemental: EmberWade

Disney video games
Kingdom Hearts: SoraAquaCaptain GoofyRoyal Magician Donald
Disney live-action films
Pirates of the Caribbean: Captain Jack SparrowBarbossaDavy JonesElizabeth SwannPrison DogTia Dalma

Descendants: Mal
Hocus Pocus: Winifred SandersonMary SandersonSarah SandersonBinxBilly ButchersonYoung WinifredThe Book
Mary Poppins: Mary PoppinsBertJolly Holiday Mary Poppins
Enchanted: GiselleWedding Giselle
Jungle Cruise: FrankLily Houghton
The Little Mermaid: King TritonAriel
Cruella: Masquerade Cruella
The Santa Clause: Scott CalvinBernard the Elf
Maleficent: Maleficent

Disney live-action shows
The Golden Girls: Rose NylundBlanche DevereauxSophia PetrilloDorothy Zbornak
Disney Parks
The Haunted Mansion: Hatbox GhostMadame LeotaThe BrideHitchhicker Ghost PhineasConstance

Matterhorn Bobsleds: Abominable Snowman
Journey Into Imagination: FigmentSketch FigmentRainbow Figment
Main Street Electrical Parade: Electrical Parade ElliottElectrical Parade MinnieElectrical Parade Tinker BellElectrical Parade Cheshire CatElectrical Parade Blue Fairy

The Muppets
The Muppets: Kermit the FrogFozzie BearSwedish ChefMiss PiggyGonzoAnimal

The Muppet Christmas Carol: Bob Cratchit KermitMiss Piggy Emily Cratchit
Muppets Haunted Mansion: Madame PigotaGauzey the Hatbox Bear

Star Wars: ReyFinnBB-8Kylo RenLuke SkywalkerPrincess LeiaThe MandalorianGroguChewbaccaHondoFirst Order StormtrooperHan SoloR2-D2Cara DuneMoff GideonDeath TrooperPoe DameronC-3POBoba FettJabba the HuttAnakin Skywalker/Darth VaderQueen AmidalaDarth MaulFennec ShandAhsoka TanoJedi AnakinGeneral GrievousYodaLando CalrissianEmperor PalpatineGrand Moff TarkinK-2SOJyn ErsoCassian AndorObi-Wan KenobiGrand InquisitorWicketJedi Master LukeImperial StormtrooperBo-KatanCad BanePlatinum GroguSalacious CrumbBoushh Disguise LeiaRancorSabine WrenC1-10PMace WinduJar Jar BinksAdmiral AckbarHera SyndullaAdmiral AckbarEmerald YodaMeadow PadméEndor Rebel Leia

Indiana Jones: Indiana JonesMarion RavenwoodHelena1969 Indiana Jones
Willow: WillowKit

20th Century Studios
Ron's Gone Wrong: RonBarney

Ice Age: ScratSidMannyDiego
Anastasia: Anastasia RomanovRasputin
Titanic: RoseJack

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Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather (20)

Kilala PrincessRescue the Village with Mulan
Original Characters: Kilala RenoReiTippeErica AngeSylphyKilala's ParentsValdou

Disney Characters: Snow WhiteDocGrumpyHappySneezyBashfulSleepyDopeyThe Evil QueenTinker BellCinderellaPrince CharmingLady TremaineAnastasia TremaineDrizella TremaineAuroraMaleficentFlora, Fauna, and MerryweatherArielFlounderSebastianUrsulaBelleBeastLumiereCogsworthMrs. PottsChip PottsGastonJasmineAladdinJafarIagoThe SultanFa MulanMushuLi Shang

ParadisoThe Queen's CastleAtlanticaKing's CastleBeast's CastleKing Stefan's CastleAgrabahChina
Magic TiaraMagic MirrorPoisoned AppleGlass SlipperTridentEnchanted RoseJafar's Snake Staff
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Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather (21)

Chibi Tiny TalesChibiverse
Animated characters
Amphibia: Anne BoonchuySprig PlantarPolly PlantarHop Pop PlantarMarcy WuSasha WaybrightDominoBessieKing AndriasOne-Eyed Wally

Phineas and Ferb: Candace FlynnPhineas FlynnFerb FletcherPerry the PlatypusHeinz DoofenshmirtzLinda Flynn-FletcherSuper Super Big Doctor
Big City Greens: Cricket GreenTilly GreenAlice GreenBill GreenRemy Remington
DuckTales: Scrooge McDuckMagica De SpellFlintheart GlomgoldWebby VanderquackLaunchpad McQuackHuey, Dewey, and LouieDarkwing DuckFenton CrackshellLena SabrewingBentina Beakley
Tangled: RapunzelFlynn RiderPascalCassandraLance StrongbowMaximusVarian
Moana: MoanaMauiKakamoraPuaHeihei
The Ghost and Molly McGee: Molly McGeeScratchAndrea DavenportLibby Stein-TorresThe ChairmanOliver ChenGeoffJeffPete McGeeSharon McGeeDarryl McGeeThe Ghost Council
The Owl House: Luz NocedaEda ClawthorneKingHootyLilith ClawthorneAmity BlightWillow ParkGus PorterOwlbertGhostStringbeanEmperor BelosHunter
Hamster & Gretel: HamsterGretel Grant-GomezKevin Grant-GomezHiromi Tanaka
The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder: Penny ProudOscar ProudTrudy ProudBeBe & CeCe ProudSuga MamaLaCienega BoulevardezKareem Abdul-Jabbar BrownPuffDijonay Jones
Mickey Mouse & Friends: Mickey MouseMinnie MouseDonald DuckDaisy DuckGoofy
Kim Possible: Kim Possible Ron StoppableRufusShego
Star vs. the Forces of Evil: Star ButterflyMarco DiazPony Head
TaleSpin: BalooKit Cloudkicker
Goof Troop: Max Goof
Bonkers: Bonkers D. Bobcat
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers: Chip and Dale
American Dragon: Jake Long: Jake Long
Gravity Falls: Dipper PinesMabel PinesBill CipherWaddlesStan Pines
Gargoyles: GoliathDemona
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur: Moon GirlDevil DinosaurCasey CalderonThe Beyonder
Milo Murphy's Law: Milo Murphy
Lilo & Stitch: Lilo PelekaiStitchGrand CouncilwomanCaptain GantuJumba JookibaPleakleyMertle EdmondsNani PelekaiDavid KawenaCobra BubblesIce Cream ManPudge
Hailey's On It!: Hailey BanksScott DenogaBetaA.C. Aychvak
Kiff: Kiff ChatterleyBarry BunsCandle Fox
Cinderella: CinderellaJaq and GusLady TremaineAnastasia TremaineDrizella TremaineLuciferMiceBirdsPrince CharmingFairy GodmotherThe Grand Duke
Beauty and the Beast : BelleBeastLumiereCogsworthMrs. PottsChipMauricePhilippeGastonLeFouBimbettesWardrobeWolvesVillagers
Sleeping Beauty : AuroraPrince PhillipFlora, Fauna, and MerryweatherMaleficentDiabloKing StefanQueen LeahForest AnimalsSamson
Hercules: HerculesHadesPegasusPhiloctetesMegaraPain and PanicMusesZeusHeraAmphitryon and AlcmeneHydra
The Emperor's New Groove: KuzcoPachaYzmaKronkChichaChacaTipoBucky the SquirrelJaguarsYupi

Live-Action characters
Halloweentown: Marnie PiperSophie PiperDylan PiperAggie Cromwell

Descendants: MalEvieJayCarlos De VilBenJaneAudreyDougUmaHarry HookDizzy TremaineCelia FacilierFairy GodmotherHades
Zombies: Zed NecrodopolisAddison WellsBucky BuchananWilla LykensenWyatt Lykensen
High School Musical: Troy BoltonGabriella MontezSharpay EvansRyan EvansChad DanforthTaylor McKessieKelsi NielsenZeke BaylorMartha CoxMs. Darbus
Hocus Pocus: Max DennisonDani Dennison,AllisonThackery BinxBilly ButchersonWinifred SandersonMary SandersonSarah Sanderson
Hannah Montana: Miley Stewart
Lizzie McGuire: Lizzie McGuire
Wizards of Waverly Place: Alex Russo
That's So Raven: Raven Baxter
The Suite Life of Zack & Cody: Zack MartinCody MartinMaddie FitzpatrickLondon TiptonMarion Moseby
K.C. Undercover: K.C. Cooper
Camp Rock: Mitchie TorresShane Grey

Disney Park characters
Pirates of the Caribbean: Treasure SkeletonHector BarbossaReddBeacon JoeCaptain XTreasure KeeperCarlosStupid PiratePooped PirateScalawagPrison DogSeedy PrisonersCooteBillie How
Chibiverse episodes
"Pizza vs. Fireworks" • "Bad Luck Chibis" • "The Great Chibi Mix-Up!" • "Chibi Villains Unite" • "The Chibi Quiz Challenge" • "The Chibi Couple Game"
Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather (2024)


Who are the three fairies in Sleeping Beauty? ›

Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather are the three good fairies in Walt Disney's 1959 film Sleeping Beauty. They are characterized as Princess Aurora's fairy godmothers and guardians, who appear at baby Aurora's christening to present their gifts to her.

What are the names of the three fairies in Maleficent? ›

The three good fairies are completely benign and agreeable, but they don't seem nearly powerful enough to stop Maleficent or save the Princess, a fact that produces much of the movie's suspense.

What color is Flora from Sleeping Beauty? ›

[close] Flora is one of the "Three Good Fairies" who first appeared in the 1959 animated film Sleeping Beauty. She is the one dressed in shades of red.

What are the powers of flora fauna and Merryweather? ›

As a group, they all have powerful magical abilities, channeled by their wands. They are able to do many things through their magic, such as shrinking in size, fly, bringing inanimate objects to life, and putting people to sleep. Their wings allow them to fly and they maneuver adroitly through the air.

Why are Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather in Sofia the first? ›

Sofia the First

Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather appear in the Disney Junior series as the supporting sidekick characters to the titular character Sofia. They are the magical tutors of the young princess and teaches her the ways of the royal highness she will one day become.

What kind of fairy is Queen Clarion? ›

Queen Clarion is a wise fairy, which is why she is the queen. She always makes the fairies and sparrow men like her children and looks after them. She never wants them to get hurt and creates many rules. Such as, never crossing the border to the Winter Woods.

Is Maleficent really Aurora's mother? ›

The irony is that Aurora was taken from her mother to protect her from Maleficent, but, to Aurora, Leila is simply the woman who gave birth to her while she refers to Maleficent as her Fairy Godmother.

Which fairy is fauna? ›

We've all watched Disney's Sleeping Beauty. And we know the 3 good fairies: Flora, Fauna & Merryweather. For those of you who only remember them by their colors–you uncultured swine– Flora is pink/red, Fauna is green, & Merryweather is blue.

What type of fairy is Flora? ›

Flora is one of the original Winx girls in the Winx Club and is known as the Guardian Fairy of Nature. She was born and raised on the planet Linphea, where she learned to become one with nature and hone her skills.

What was Maleficent's curse? ›

Maleficent is represented as an evil fairy and the self-proclaimed "Mistress of All Evil" who, after not being invited to a christening, curses the infant Princess Aurora to "prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die" before the sun sets on Aurora's sixteenth birthday.

Which Disney princess wears a pink dress female? ›

While creating the Disney Princess franchise, Disney Consumer Products decided that Aurora should be marketed wearing the pink version of her dress in order to further distinguish her from Cinderella, who also wears blue.

Is Flora the weakest fairy? ›

Iginio Straffi, the creator of Winx Club, stated that Flora is the second most powerful fairy ONLY behind Bloom from the Winx Club. 2. Bloom- She has the power of the Dragon Flame which is the most powerful power in the Magic Dimension.

Did Flora lose her powers? ›

Winx Club: Magical Adventure

It is unknown if she did this to trick the guards or if she really is a princess. Flora then goes to Gardenia along with the Winx and stays at Bloom's foster parents house for awhile. She and the others lose their powers because the Trix destroyed the positive energy.

What did flora and fauna do? ›

Flora and fauna hugely contribute towards human existence as they play a role in the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Plants are responsible for producing Oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide, and most of the fauna do the vice versa.


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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

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Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.