Learn How to Grow Lavender for a Lovely, Fragrant Garden (2024)

Lavender is known and loved all over the world for its powerful fragrance and pretty purple blooms. If you were to ask Ree Drummond about growing lavender in her garden, she'd describe it in two words: "It's glorious." That's because it's so much more than just a pretty scent! Lavender also contains powerful phytochemicals with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Plus, many studies have found that the scent of lavender relieves stress. It's all pretty impressive for such a lovely little plant!

Lavender also makes a beautiful dried flower in bouquets, as well as a delicious ingredient in simple syrup, scones, or cupcakes with lavender frosting. But before you can enjoy lavender's many benefits, you must first learn how to grow it in your garden. This perennial herb is easy to plant and care for, but you must give it the right conditions or it will succumb to cold, wet winter weather.

Here's what else you need to know about how to grow lavender, including all the different varieties and how to plant and harvest it.

Where does lavender grow best?

Learn How to Grow Lavender for a Lovely, Fragrant Garden (1)

Different kinds of lavender thrive in different conditions or USDA Hardiness zones. The most widely grown hardy types are English lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and lavandin (Lavandula x intermedia), the latter of which is a hybrid that has been bred to be more heat and cold tolerant. Most hardy types bloom mid-summer and can handle cold climates that range from zones 5 to 10 on the USDA hardiness scale.

Other lavender, such as Spanish (Lavandula stoechas), tends to do better in hot and humid climates, like the south. It's hardy to zone 7 or warmer climates—and typically thrives in zones 8a to 9b. Spanish lavender has tufted flower spikes that resemble cute little pineapples or pine cones, and they bloom a bit earlier in the season. Another type is French lavender (Lavandula dentata), which is not as fragrant and not used as often for culinary purposes because it's less pungent. Though if you wanted to grow it, this warm-region type is hardy in zones 8 to 11.

If you've previously planted lavender and been happy with the outcome, you'll want to double-check your USDA hardiness zone before getting back in your garden. That's because the USDA has updated their zone map for the first time since 2012, resulting in about half of the United States shifting to a new hardiness zone.

Is lavender an easy plant to grow?

Yes! If you follow a few simple rules, you can easily grow your own. First, find a spot with full sun, which is considered six or more hours of direct sunlight. If you don't have full sun, your plant will struggle and not flower well. In its native habitat, lavender grows in sandy, rocky soils, so make sure the spot you choose has good drainage and no standing water, or plant lavender in pots with drainage holes in the bottom.

Next, dig a hole that's two to three times as wide as your plant, ease it out of the pot, and place the plant in the hole at the same level—or slightly higher—than it was in the pot. Replace the soil and tamp down. (Remember, lavender doesn't like to stay soggy.) If you have clay soil, plant it a few inches higher than ground level, and don't add anything like compost to the hole, which will hold on to too much water. No matter what kind of soil you use, it's not recommended to mulch lavender plants, although a light topping of light colored pebbles is okay.

Once you've planted your lavender, don't overwater! Give it a deep drink every few days as it's getting established its first year. Keep it weeded, too, because it doesn't do well in competition with weeds. It's not necessary to fertilize lavender because it tolerates poor soils. In fact, too much fertilizer actually can make the plant more vulnerable to disease and cold weather.

Does lavender come back every year?

Lavender is a perennial, so it will come back every year as long as you care for it properly, which includes giving it plenty of sun, a little bit of water, and a lot of love. If all of its needs are met, you can expect your lavender plant to bloom every year, for about three to five years.

Should I prune lavender?

You should prune in the spring to keep your lavender well-shaped and to encourage new growth! Do this once new growth begins to appear on the stems. Lavender plants are also a bit slow to leaf out until it really warms up, so don't be impatient! Snip off the dead parts right above where buds appear. But don't cut your lavender back in the fall, which can increase the likelihood of winter damage. And don't cut it to the ground, which will kill it altogether.

How do I harvest lavender?

Harvesting lavender is incredibly easy and so rewarding! Plus, the more you harvest, the more flowers will bloom. Just remember: the earlier, the better. You'll want to harvest your lavender early spring, early bloom, early morning. To do this, identify the blooms you want to harvest, then use a harvesting knife or sharp hand pruner to cut the stems about 1/8 to 1/4 inch just above new growth.

Once you've got your lavender stems in baskets or bundled with rubber bands, you can enjoy it fresh or dried. To dry your lavender, hang small bunches upside-down in a warm, dark place with good air circulation. Depending on humidity, the drying process should take about 7 to 10 days. Arrange the beautiful, aromatic stems in vases around your home or use the edible flowers in your cooking! Their flavor can enhance anything from salads and soups to cookies and cakes. And don't forget the tea!

Shop Lavender Plants for Your Garden

Learn How to Grow Lavender for a Lovely, Fragrant Garden (3)

'Grosso' Lavender

Learn How to Grow Lavender for a Lovely, Fragrant Garden (6)

Blue Hidcote Lavender

Learn How to Grow Lavender for a Lovely, Fragrant Garden (7)

Arricca Elin SanSone

Arricca Elin SanSone has written about health and lifestyle topics for Prevention, Country Living, Woman's Day, and more. She’s passionate about gardening, baking, reading, and spending time with the people and dogs she loves.

Learn How to Grow Lavender for a Lovely, Fragrant Garden (8)

Macie Reynolds

Assistant Editor

Macie Reynolds is the assistant editor of E-Commerce and SEO for The Pioneer Woman.

Learn How to Grow Lavender for a Lovely, Fragrant Garden (2024)


What is the secret to growing lavender? ›

Light: Lavender needs full sun and well-drained soil to grow best. In hot summer climates, afternoon shade may help them thrive. Soil: Lavender grows best in low to moderately-fertile soils, so don't amend the soil with organic matter before planting. Lavender performs best in neutral to slightly alkaline soils.

Are eggshells good for lavender plants? ›

In most cases, eggshells help improve the soil pH and increase or decrease it to a neutral level. For example, lavender does not enjoy acidic soil. If the soil in your region is acidic, mix eggshells in it to make the soil neutral and tolerable for the plant to grow properly.

What is the best companion plant for lavender? ›

While it will flourish without much care, one way to ensure a successful harvest is by growing lavender next to companion plants. Sowing lavender in tandem with other garden staples—like marigolds, rosemary, garlic, or sage—creates a plot full of plants that mutually benefit each other.

Should you use Miracle Grow on lavender? ›

For the very best results—think lots of beautiful, fragrant blooms—it's also important to feed lavender regularly with a premium plant food like Miracle-Gro® Performance Organics® Blooms Plant Nutrition. Be sure to follow the directions on the label.

Does lavender keep bugs away? ›

Lavender (Perennial)–This well-known purple perennial is not only fragrant, but also well known to repel mosquitos, moths, flies, and fleas. Plant lavender in sunny areas outside or place dried bouquets around your home.

Does coffee grounds help lavender plants? ›

Coffee grounds are an excellent soil amendment medium for some potted greenery. They have a decent nitrogen content of 1-2 percent, which they release slowly into the potting soil. But, you can't use coffee grounds on potted plants, like rosemary, lavender and geraniums, as it makes the potting mix too acidic for them.

What lavender has the strongest scent? ›

Lavandin Hybrids (Zones 5-10): “Lavandins” are English Lavender Hybrids (Lavandula x intermedia) that bloom later than species lavenders and have a higher essential oil content. They have large, gray-green leaves and are known for their speedy growth and strong fragrance.

How to make lavender smell stronger? ›

Lavenders with higher oil content, such as Lavandula x intermedia 'Grosso', will stay fragrant longer. Squeeze or crush the flowers to release the scent. You may want to apply some lavender essential oil to the flowers to refresh their fading fragrance.

Can I mix coffee grounds and eggshells together for my garden? ›

Depending on the size of your garden, compile enough of each component to contribute a moderate amount to each hungry plant. Combine the two together, crush the eggshells by hand even more (which should be easier now that they're fully dry), and sprinkle the mixture across the soil bed.

Can I just sprinkle Epsom salt on plants? ›

Can I Just Sprinkle Epsom Salt on Plants? Never apply Epsom salt straight from the package. Always dilute the granules in water first, and either drench your plants' roots or spray it on the foliage. Don't spray on hot or sunny days, however, to avoid scorching the foliage.

How is baking soda good for plants? ›

Spraying baking soda on the leaves makes the surface become less acidic and limits the ability of fungal spores to grow.

What to avoid planting near lavender? ›

The best companion plants for lavender are sun-loving plants that don't require a large amount of water. For that reason, it's best to avoid thirsty plants like ferns, hostas, and hydrangeas. Shade-loving plants like violets and impatiens will also not thrive in the same areas as lavender.

What animal is attracted to lavender? ›

The flowers also attract pollinators of the bee kind including bumblebees, honeybees, mason bees, carpenter bees and carder bees.

Does lavender grow better in pots or ground? ›

Yes, almost all lavenders grow quite well in pots. Dwarf and smaller varieties are better suited, but even large lavenders that mature into small shrubs can be grown in pots for several years before being transplanted into the ground.

How do you increase lavender growth? ›

In spring, cut the foliage back by one third to stimulate new growth. Then, after the new foliage has grown in, cut that back by one third to stimulate new growth at the base of the plant. If new growth does break at the base of the plant, prune the plant back to just above the new growth.

How to keep lavender blooming? ›

Lavender benefits greatly from being pruned in mid-spring and deadheaded in the summer. -To deadhead: now is the time to remove faded flower stems just below the tips of the foliage. I like to nip the tips of the branches when I deadhead to stimulate lots of new branches that will eventually grow more flowering spikes.

Why is lavender hard to grow? ›

Lavender loves full sun, and if your plant is not blooming as expected, maybe there is not enough sunlight. The soil for this beautiful herbaceous shrub needs to be well drained, and also should not be too fertile. If you've been fertilizing too much, you are prohibiting the flower from blooming.

How do I perk up lavender plants? ›

If root rot is suspected, prune out infected roots and replant the lavender in well-draining soil. Be sure your lavender, potted or otherwise, receives six to eight hours of sun. Water deeply but wait until the top inch (2.5 cm.) of the soil is dry until watering again.


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