Gluten Free Tortilla Recipe (2024)

By Ester Perez on · Updated · 171 Comments

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Gluten Free Tortilla Recipe (1) Tortillas are a big part of my family’s culture. I know you can’t tell but I am hispanic. I grew up eating lots of corn and flour tortillas. I love to scoop up delicious stew with tortillas. These tortillas are perfect for fish tacos, burritos and any yumminess you would need a tortilla for. My daughter loves these so much that she started rolling them out herself! She did not want to wait for me! They are that easy to make! Let me show you how easy it is to make these gluten free tortillas with this step by step tutorial. For all you visual learners, watch me make these delicious gluten free/Paleo Tortillas below:

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You Will Need:

Some key ingredients you will need are finely ground blanched almond flour, tapioca flourand xanthan gum. My current favorite brand for buying flour isAnthony Goods, they have the best prices, mostly organic flours, certified gluten free and great quality! After making the dough in a mixer, roll into 6 balls, I made a double batch so I have more in my ziplock below. Store in a ziplock between rolling so they do not dry out. You can also store in the refrigerator for a few days until ready to use. Gluten Free Tortilla Recipe (2) Next, flour up your surface with tapioca flour and press dough down into a disc. Try to press the edges down. This will prevent the edges from cracking. Gluten Free Tortilla Recipe (3) Roll out the dough to about 8-10 inches with a wooden rolling pin. They are medium sized tortillas. Gluten Free Tortilla Recipe (4) Roll out to about 1/8 inch thick. Gluten Free Tortilla Recipe (5) Heat on a cast iron griddle. I love a cast iron griddlebecause it heats quickly and evenly. Tortillas work best on cast iron, trust me on this one! (Sorry the lighting is horrible in the photo above but I want you to get the visual picture). My heat is medium-low. After placing a tortilla on the skillet, it starts to slowly form bubbles and then they puff up really nice. It takes about 45 seconds on the first side and then 30-45 on the second side. You want little brown spots throughout. Do not overheat or the tortillas will crack when you fold them. Gluten Free Tortilla Recipe (6) Place your tortillas in a towel lined with aluminum foil or tortilla warmerto keep soft, this is a must! My tortilla warmer actually steams the tortillas and keeps them warm all throughout dinner! Gluten Free Tortilla Recipe (7) They fold perfectly into a burrito. My daughter loves quesadillas, my son loves these with avocado and bacon and my favorite it to have them with my Paleo Chili and avocado. Yum! You can wrap these in a paper towel and then cover in aluminum to pack for a lunch box. Your kids will be pleased! Gluten Free Tortilla Recipe (8) For more delicious healthy gluten free/Paleo-ish meals, please subscribe below. You will get my free Paleo Breakfast E-Book as my gift to you and new recipes straight to your inbox!

Check out these delicious recipes we use these gluten free tortillas with:

Thai Shrimp Curry to be scooped up with these yummy tortillas Gluten Free Tortilla Recipe (9) Paleo Friendly Chocolate Chili (Whole30)for burritos Gluten Free Tortilla Recipe (10) Gluten Free Beer Battered Fishfor fish



Gluten Free Tortilla Recipe (12)

★★★★★5 from 42 reviews
  • Author: Ester Perez
  • Total Time: 20 minutes
  • Yield: 6 tortillas 1x
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Gluten Free Tortillas are soft, flexible and delicious! The best grain free tortilla recipe! Gluten free, Dairy free and grain free.


  1. To a large mixing bowl orKitchenAid mixer using flat beater attachment, add blanched almond flour, tapioca flour, salt and xanthan gum. Whisk until all lumps are removed.
  2. Add honey and hot water slowly while mixing. Watch the dough incorporate and press the dough between your fingers. It should feel like soft play dough and not stick to your hand. Add more tapioca flour or hot water accordingly until you get the right texture.
  3. Dust your hands with tapioca flour and gather dough into a ball. Separate into 3 equal amounts, divide that into two more amounts. You should have 6 pieces of dough. Roll dough into 6 equal balls and store in a plastic wrap until ready to roll out.
  4. Dust surface with tapioca flour and place a ball of dough in the center. Press down slightly and more on edges. See photo above.
  5. Dust top of dough with tapioca flour and roll out with a wooden rolling pin to about 8 inches.
  6. Heat a cast iron griddle to medium low heat.
  7. When skillet is hot, add tortilla. Flip once bubbles have formed and fully puffed, about 45 seconds.
  8. Heat on other side another 30-45 seconds or until brown spots have formed underneath.
  9. Place in tortilla warmer until ready to serve to prevent them from getting stiff and repeat steps 4-8 with remaining dough. Store tortillas in a ziplock bag in the fridge until ready to use and reheat on a skillet before serving.


Optional: Add a drizzle of olive or avocado oil to the mixture.

  • Prep Time: 11 mins
  • Cook Time: 9 mins

Gluten Free Tortilla Recipe (13)


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Ester Perez

I’m a loving wife, mother of two healthy children, and I am obsessed with teaching people how to make delicious and mouth-watering gluten-free/Paleo friendly foods that nurture your gut!

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Gluten Free Tortilla Recipe (2024)


Why do my homemade tortillas fall apart? ›

If your dough is hard to manage (it falls apart) when you try to roll it into small balls or it cracks when you press it, then it's too dry. Test this by checking the edges of your pressed raw tortillas. If they're jagged and crackly, the dough lacks a bit of moisture.

What are gluten-free tortillas made of? ›

Making gluten-free tortillas at home is super easy! With just five simple ingredients, you can make soft gluten-free flour tortillas in just a few minutes. All you need is gluten-free flour, baking powder, salt, water, and vegetable oil.

Does Trader Joe's have gluten-free tortillas? ›

Trader Joe's Gluten Free Tortillas Made With Quinoa Flour.

How do you make gluten-free less crumbly? ›

Mix the Additives in Before the Wet Ingredients

Without it, gluten-free products can be dry and crumbly. There is a way to compensate for this however — use xanthan gum. Some bakers also use gelatin or agar. If you're using additives, mix them thoroughly with the dry ingredients before adding the wet.

How do you make tortillas stick to each other? ›

Have you ever heard of tortilla glue? If not, let me show you how it's done. Mix together 2 ingredients, flour and water, until you get a paste that looks like this. Now that your tortilla glue is ready, get out a flour tortilla, cut it into any shape you'd like, and paste each side during the folding process.

How do you make flour tortillas not fall apart? ›

Flour tortillas hold up better if you warm them before using. Put four tortillas between damp paper towels and microwave for about 30 seconds. If they still don't hold up,you are probably putting too much. You need to use a wrap.

How do you make tortillas less crumbly? ›

These four tips helped us make soft, chewy, bubbly flour tortillas.
  1. Dissolve the salt in warm water before you add it to the dough.
  2. Roll the tortilla dough into very thin discs.
  3. Get the heat right. ...
  4. Transfer your cooked tortillas to a towel or tortilla warmer, which keeps them warm and soft.

What does baking powder do when making tortillas? ›

Baking powder: Baking powder acts as a leavener, giving the tortillas a slightly pillowy texture. Salt: Salt enhances the overall flavor of the flour tortillas. Lard: Lard, a common baking ingredient in Mexican cuisine, adds flavor and helps create the perfect flour tortilla texture.

Why is gluten-free flour so expensive? ›

This ingredient may cost manufacturers around two times as much given the uniqueness of gluten-free grains, seeds, and nuts. These special ingredients are not as abundant or easy to process as wheat, and are also a bit more difficult to buy in very large scale.

What happened to Aldi gluten free wraps? ›

However, the grocer has bad news for those who are a fan of its liveGfree-branded gluten-free wraps. "We are so sorry to disappoint, but they have been discontinued and there are currently no plans for them to return," it told an inquiring fan, who said they had trouble spotting them in local stores.

Is sourdough bread gluten-free? ›

Sourdough is not gluten free, but we know that many people with IBS, gluten intolerance, or gluten sensitivity can tolerate sourdough bread. This is because the methods used to make sourdough break down some of the gluten in the flour so it is easier to digest. Think of sourdough as low-gluten rather than gluten-free.

Are almond flour tortillas gluten-free? ›

Almond Flour "Everything" Tortillas

Our delicious Almond Flour Everything Tortillas are free from gluten, soy and artificial ingredients.

Are mission flour tortillas gluten-free? ›

These soft taco flour tortillas are gluten free, vegan-friendly, and have no artificial colors. Our tortilla wraps can stack up to any meal and bring an extra 5g of dietary fiber per serving to the table.

Is quinoa gluten-free? ›

Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) is gluten-free and is a great alternative to gluten-containing grains. It is a nutritionally dense whole grain that gives a higher amount of antioxidants than other common grains eaten on the gluten-free diet. It's also one of the few plant foods that is considered a complete protein.

How do you keep gluten-free dough from falling apart? ›

To successfully make a gluten-free pie crust that won't fall apart, add one egg to your dry ingredients before adding any water. Fully combine the egg and then add only the amount of water you need to form the dough.

How do you make tortillas not fall apart? ›

Steam corn tortillas in the microwave so they stay pliable and don't split under the weight of taco fillings. Wrap a stack of tortillas in damp paper towels or a damp kitchen towel, then wrap in plastic wrap or place in a microwave-safe resealable plastic bag (keep the bag open to vent).


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