How to Meet a Fairy... (2024)

Perhaps the most common question we are asked by our lovely Earth Fairy Society is, "How do I meet a fairy?". We have compiled a list of hints and tricks to greatly improve your chances. Let us know any tips of your own!

Hint One - Choose Your Time Wisely
Fairies have an uncommon aversion to being spied upon at any time, but you can improve your chances greatly by taking advantage of the wonderful in between times at dawn and dusk. Of course, most fairy activity occurs at night, but the difficulty in viewing them in a dark environment means we have substantially fewer sightings at that time. Conversely, lying in wait as night turns to dawn is bound to bring rewards to the patient observer...

Hint Two - Find a Peaceful Environment
Country gardens are a common haven for modern fairies, who tend to shy away from the busy urban habitats we tend to live in. That's why it is so important to ensconceour fairy gardens in a sheltered, even camouflaged position in our yards. It helps the fairies feel safe and relaxed and encourages them to frolic freely.

Hint Three - Encourage Visits from Children
Fairies are children of the Earth, and they revel in the energy that our own children bring to their environment. You will find a spirit of joy in any garden where fairies have regular visits from the other wee folk in our lives.

Hint Four - The Rule of One
Fairies are hardly ever, ever seen by more than one person at a time. Fairy viewing is an activity best undertaken individually.

Hint Five - Avert Your Gaze
Many of us have seen fairies but not perhaps realised it. As they tend to avoid a direct gaze, they are often seen just out of the corner of one's eye. A flickering light in the shadows of the garden is almost always an indication that the fae are active nearby.

Hint Six - Fine Tune Your Senses
We encourage new fairy hunters to start their journey on a still, windless day. It will be all the more easy to hear the tinker of tiny fairy bells or feel the gentle touch of a fairy breeze on the skin. You may also be graced with the vision of ripples on water, a sure sign that fairies are nearby. Takes these signs as an opportunity to settle in, as close to the ground as possible, and observe unobtrusively as you rest.

Hint Seven - Embrace Wildness
Not just your own... although, that's essential too. But in this case, we mean your garden. Leave a section to be rampaged by the weeds, be lax with the pruning, and allow nature to run its course. The fairies are free and wild and they love their environment to be that way too.

Hint Eight - Sing
Or if you prefer, play music. All music brings with it a spirit of joy, and the fairies feed off this as much as any other part of the environment. Sing with an open heart, or simply soak in a favourite masterpiece - either way, the fairies will be blessed with yourspirit of creativity and imagination.

Hint Nine - Leave a Little Sparkle
Entice your fairy with an offering... sparkly if possible. Fairies are delighted with all objects bright and beautiful, and if a special treasure goes missing in your home, you can be assured it has been taken as a token by a mischievous fairy. Fairy dust, ocean shells, crystals and gems are all irresistible to the wee folk, so leaving an assortment of these items out will be particularly enticing for them.

And finally, Hint Ten - Remember What Is Important
Embrace what you feel rather than what youknow. You are more likely to have your encounter with fairies confirmed by the goosebumps on your skin, that a vision before your eyes. You have been blessed with their presence, and that is an experience you can keep in your heart without further confirmation needed.


Earth Fairy

How to Meet a Fairy... (2024)


How to Meet a Fairy...? ›

Rocks—fairies are attracted to all kinds of shiny stones like agate, quartz, or crystal. Use them to decorate your garden and give the little ones a place to sit. Shiny things—fairies love to look at their reflection, so include shiny things like a mirror or a dish of water in your garden design.

How can I meet fairies? ›

11 tips to attract fairies
  1. a water fountain in your home that clatters on crystal or a rock.
  2. a plant near your pond.
  3. a plant that grows out of or on a rock.
  4. a herb garden mainly with old stone formations.
  5. shrines and altars to nature gods.
  6. wine cellars (yes don't ask me why but it seems to work)
  7. fantasy altars with offerings.
May 6, 2021

Where do you find fairies? ›

Traditionally, Fairies can live in your house, your garden, in a flower pot or even a tree but being such adaptable beings, they can live practically anywhere that takes their fancy.

How to make a fairy come to you? ›

Add some small decorative items like miniature furniture, a small pond, and a fairy statue to make the garden even more inviting. Leave offerings: Fairies are said to appreciate gifts and offerings. Leave small trinkets like crystals, shells, or pretty stones around your home or garden as a sign of goodwill.

How to connect with a fairy? ›

Spend quiet contemplative time in nature everyday close to where you live or in a magical spot. Make an offering in nature for the fairies. This can be something like a flower, seeds or food!

What do fairies want from humans? ›

Fairies love shiny things, particularly things no one else seems to want, like old buttons, charms and paperclips. They don't however like human money. That is why they like to give it away when they collect your teeth.

Where do real fairies live? ›

Depending on the region, fairies are said to live in woodland communities, underground kingdoms, or inhabit lakes, hills, or stone or grass circles — often along with centaurs, elves, ogres, gnomes and other such animals.

What happens if you see a fairy? ›

Most fairies bring good fortune, so humans have tons of traditions for finding them, enticing them and making them happy.

How do you call a fairy? ›

Synonyms of faerie
  1. fairy.
  2. elf.
  3. dwarf.
  4. goblin.
  5. pixie.
  6. gnome.
  7. leprechaun.
  8. fay.

What are the 6 types of fairies? ›

Fate: The Winx Saga changes that formula by introducing six core elements that every fairy's magic connects to – fire, water, earth, air, light, and mind. Aisha's “waves” magic simply becomes water magic, Musa is a mind fairy, and so on.

What are fairies most attracted to? ›

Roses, which are a favorite of many gardeners, are beloved of fairies as well. Roses can be put in any sunny spot, and will provide shade for any fairy dwellings you may have set out. Thyme is an herb that not only attracts fairies, but also allows humans to see them when worn.

How can I catch a fairy? ›

Just set your jar in an open window with the lid off. Sprinkle a little fairy lure around the jar and over the window sill. Carefully place a tiny piece of cake or pastry in your jar and wait. The fairy will be attracted to the shiny fairy lure and then fly into the jar to eat the treat.

What would you do if you meet a fairy? ›

If I met a fairy my wishes would be:
  1. To remove poverty from the world - As a lot poverty leads to less of education.
  2. To always keep all happy - Happiness is the medicine to be fit always.
  3. I would ask her to let me see people's mind - so I can help the best I can.
  4. To let all enjoy peace - Peace Not War.
Mar 10, 2021

How can I contact a fairy? ›

Leave Them Food Offerings

Those who claim to have contacted these fairies say raw chocolates, candies, cakes, ginger, and barley are really attractive to fairies. Others say that simply putting some honey in an accessible place is enough to make fairies willing to make contact.

What are the rules of fairies? ›

Rules of the Fey
  • Never say 'Thank you' to them. ...
  • Never, ever accept a gift from a Fey. ...
  • Never lie to a Fey. ...
  • Always keep your word when dealing with a Fey. ...
  • The Fey hate dirty water. ...
  • Never brag about any interaction that you may have with them. ...
  • Don't spy on them or capture their likeness without their permission.

How do fairies travel? ›

According to folklore a fairy path (or 'passage', 'avenue', or 'pass') is a route taken by fairies usually in a straight line and between sites of traditional significance, such as fairy forts or raths (a class of circular earthwork dating from the Iron Age), "airy" (eerie) mountains and hills, thorn bushes, springs, ...

How to meet a fae? ›

How To Attract The Fae
  1. Welcoming The Good Folk. The number one key to attracting the fae is actually pretty simple: acknowledge their presence. ...
  2. Get Plantin' If there's one thing the fae love, it's greenery. ...
  3. Time To Meditate. Last but not least: take the time each day to meditate on the faery realm and talk to the fae.

How to enter the fairy realm? ›

Simple Instructions for Entering a Fairy Realm
  1. So. ...
  2. On a night with a full moon, you must find a natural stream far from any city. ...
  3. Should the stream fall utterly still and quiet while you stand there, you will know that a gateway has been opened and that the fairy court beyond it has welcomed you.
Aug 9, 2016


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.