Roses: choosing the best / RHS Gardening (2024)

See the list below for some of our suggestions on choosing the best roses. A much wider range of roses can be found at RHS Find a Plant.

(A) Alba
(Bb) Bourbon
(Ce) Centifolia
(Ch) China
(Cl) Climbing (in combination)
(DPo) Damask Portland
(F) Floribunda
(G) Gallica
(GC) Ground cover
(HM) Hybrid Musk
(HT) Hybrid tea or Large-flowered
(Mo) Moss (in combination)
(N) Noisette
(Patio) Patio, Miniature Floribunda or Dwarf Cluster-flowered
(Poly) Polyantha
(Ra) Rambler
(RH) Rubiginosa hybrid (Hybrid Sweet Briar)
(Ru) Rugosa
(S) Shrub
(SpH) Spinosissima Hybrid
(T) Tea
(e) evergreen
(c) continuous flowering
(rf) repeat flowering
(sp) spring flowering only (su) summer flowering only
(vf) very fragrant (fr) fragrant (sf) slightly fragrant
(d) double flowers
(sd) semi double flowers
(s) single flowers
(ps) tolerant of poor soil
AGM - The RHS Award of Garden Merit

Selling names
Most plants are sold under only one name or trade designation but some, especially roses, may be sold under a number of names particularly when cultivars are introduced from other countries. A trade designation is used to market a plant when a cultivar name is considered unsuitable for selling purposes so both cultivar name and trade designation are quoted. For example Rosa Gertrude Jekyll = ‘Ausbord’ (S) AGM. Gertrude Jekyll is the trade designation and ‘Ausbord’ is the cultivar name.

Climbing roses for north-facing or shady walls

R. 'Adélaïde d’Orléans' (Ra) AGM:
(e) (vf) (su) (sd) (ps) pale-pink to white. Height 5m (16ft)
R. ‘Albéric Barbier' (Ra) AGM: (e) (sf) (su) (d) (ps) creamy-white flushed lemon-yellow. Height 6m (20ft)
R. ‘Alchymist’ (ClS): (su) (vf) (d) golden-yellow flushed bright orange. Height 5m (16ft)
R. ‘Climbing Iceberg’ (ClF) AGM: (su) (sf) (d) (ps) pure-white. Height 6m (20ft)
R. ‘Danse du Feu’ (ClF): (rf) (sf) (d) bright brick-red. Height 4m (13ft)
R. 'Dortmund' (S) AGM: (rf) (sf) (s) crimson flowers with a pale central eye. Height 2m (6½ft)
R. 'Félicité Perpétue' (Ra) AGM: (e) (fr) (d) (rt) (ps) creamy-white rosette flowers, buds tinged pink. Height 5m (16ft)
R. ‘Madame Alfred Carrière’ (N) AGM: (c) (vf) (d) (ps) large white flowers flushed soft-pink. Height 5m (16ft) or more
R. ‘Madame Grégoire Stachelin’ (ClHT) AGM: (rf) (vf) (d) (ps) very free-flowering, large pale-pink flowers with a deeper pink reverse. Orange-red autumn hips. Height 5m (16ft)
R. ‘Maigold’ (Cl) AGM: (sp) (fr) (sd) rich golden-yellow flushed orange. Height 4m (13ft)
R. ‘Mermaid’ (Cl) AGM: (e) (c) (fr) (s) lemon-yellow flowers with pronounced golden stamens. Height to 10m (33ft)
R. ‘Narrow Water’ (Ra) AGM: (rf) (vf) (sd) (ps) lilac-pink flowers to autumn. Height 2.4m (8ft)
R. ‘Pauls Lemon Pillar’ (ClHT): (su) (vf) (d) (ps) cream flushed lemon. Height 5m (16ft)
R. ‘Phyllis Bide’ (Ra) AGM: (rf) (sf) (d) (rt) (ps) large clusters of mixed colour flowers including yellow, cream and pink. Height 3m (10ft)
R. ‘Souvenir du Docteur Jamain (ClHP): (rf) (vf) (sd) rich, deep ruby-red. Height 3m (10ft)

Many English Shrub roses make good climbers and will flower on a north-facing wall, pillar or arch. If grown as shrubs in the open ground they will perform well in partially shaded positions:
R. A Shropshire Lad = ’Ausled’ (S) AGM: (rf) (vf) (d) soft peachy-pink rosette flowers. Height 1.5m (5ft) or as a climber 3m (10ft)
R. Crown Princess Margareta = ‘Auswinter’ (S): (rf) (vf) (d) apricot-orange rosette flowers. Height 1.2m (4ft) or as a climber to 4m (13ft)
R. Gertrude Jekyll = ‘Ausbord’ (S) AGM: (rf) (vf) (d) deservedly popular with exceptionally fragrant, rich-pink rosette flowers. Height 1.2m (4ft) or as a climber 3m (10ft)
R. Graham Thomas = ‘Ausmas’ (S) AGM: (rf) (vf) (d) cup-shaped pure yellow flowers. Height 1.2m (4ft) or as a climber 3m (10ft)
R. Teasing Georgia = ‘Ausbaker’ (S) AGM: (rf) (vf) (d) deep yellow flowers, outer petals fade to pale yellow. Height 1.2m (4ft) or as a climber 4m (13ft)
R. The Generous Gardener = ‘Ausdrawn’ (S) AGM: (rf) (vf) (d) soft pink flowers fade to palest pink on outer petals. Height 1.5m (5ft) or as a climber to 5m (16ft)

Some shrub roses for partial shade

‘Buff Beauty’ (HM) AGM:
(rf) (fr) (sd) (ps) shades of apricot-yellow. Height 1.5m (5ft)
R. ‘Cornelia’ (HM) AGM: (c) (fr) (d) (ps) apricot-pink flushed deeper pink. Height 1.5m (5ft)
R. ‘Dunwich Rose’ (SpH): (su) (sf) (s) soft-yellow, showy stamens. Height 60cm (2ft)
R. gallica var. officinalis (G) AGM: (su) (vf) (sd) pinkish-crimson, orange red hips. Height 1.2m (4ft)
R. ‘Henri Martin’ (CeMo) AGM: (su) (vf) (d) (ps) bright crimson flowers. Height 1.5m (5ft)
R. Kew Gardens = ‘Ausfence’ (S) AGM: (rf) (f) (s) apricot buds open white. Height 1.2m (4ft)
R. ‘Madame Hardy’ (D) AGM: (su) (vf) (d) white petals with a green eye. Height 1.5m (5ft)
R. ‘Penelope’ (HM) AGM: (c) (sf) (sd) (ps) creamy-pink frilly petals. Height 1.5m (5ft)
R. Queen of Sweden = ‘Austiger’ (S) AGM: (rf) (vf) (d) apricot-pink to pale pink. Height 1.2m (4ft)
R. ‘De Rescht’ (DPo) AGM: (rf) (vf) (d) rich-red tinted purple-magenta. Height 90cm (3ft)
R. Lady of Shallot = ‘Ausnyson’ (S) AGM: (rf) (vf) (d) orange-red buds open salmon-pink with a yellow reverse. Height 1.2m (4ft)
R. ‘Variegata de Bologna’ (Bb): (rf) (vf) (d) white with irregular crimson-purple stripes. Height 2m (6½ft)
R. ‘White Pet’ (Poly) AGM: (rf) fr) (d) large clusters of white rosettes. Height 75cm (30in)
R. Wild Edric = ‘Aushedge’ (Ru) AGM: (rf) (vf) (sd) (ps) purple-pink buds open deep pink with shades of purple, golden stamens. Height 1.2m (4ft)
R. Wisley 2008 = ‘Ausbreeze’ (S): (rf) (vf) (d) rosettes of soft pink. Height 1.2m (4ft)

Very vigorous roses for climbing into trees

‘Bobbie James’ (Ra) AGM:
(su) (vf) (sd) (ps) clusters of white flowers. Height 10m (33ft)
R. ‘Climbing Cécile Brünner’ (ClPoly) AGM: (su) (vf) (d) (ps) shell-pink flowers in large clusters. Height 8m (26ft)
R. ‘Easlea’s Golden Rambler’ (Ra) AGM: (su) (fr) (d) (ps) golden-yellow flowers on long stems. Height 6m (20ft)
R. filipes 'Kiftsgate' (Ra) AGM: (su) (fr) (s) (ps) creamy-white flowers with golden stamens borne in huge trusses. Profuse, small red autumn hips. Height: 10m (33ft)
R. ‘Kew Rambler’ (Ra): (su) (fr) (s) (ps) small pink flowers with a white eye and yellow stamens. Height to 6m (20ft)
R. ‘Pauls Himalayan Musk’ (Ra) AGM: (su) (sf) (d) (ps) cascading open sprays of pinkish-lavender flowers in drooping clusters. Height 6m (20ft)
R. ‘Rambling Rector’ (Ra) AGM: (su) (fr) (sd) (ps) small creamy-white flowers with yellow stamens, in large clusters; plentiful small autumn hips. Height to 8m (26ft)
R. 'Seagull' (Ra) AGM: (su) (sf) (s) (ps) white flowers with golden stamens, in large cascading clusters. Height 8m (26ft)
R. 'Veilchenblau’ (Ra) AGM: (su) (fr) (sd) (ps) small dark magenta flowers fade to lilac, sometimes streaked white. Height to 6m (20ft)
R. ‘Wedding Day’ (Ra): (su) (vf) (s) (ps) large pure-white flowers from apricot buds; small red hips in autumn. Height 10m (33ft)

Roses for sunny walls, training up pillars and arches

(Need to be flexible-stemmed, produce flowers at the ends of all current seasons growth, and preferably be of moderate vigour)
R. ‘Aloha’ (ClHT) AGM: (c) (sf) (d) (ps) rose-pink petals with a deeper reverse and shaded magenta. Height 3m (10ft)
R. ‘Alister Stella Gray’ (N) AGM: (rf) (vf) (d) cascading clusters of yellow flowers fade to cream then white at the edges. Height 5m (16ft)
R. ‘Blush Rambler’ (Ra): (su) (sf) (sd) (ps) cascading blush-pink. Height 4m (13ft)
R. ‘Climbing Paul Lédé (ClT): (rf) ((vf) (d) (ps) soft-pink with peach shadings in the centre. Height 4m (13ft)
R. 'Compassion' (ClHT)AGM: (rf) (vf) (d) salmon-pink tinted copper-apricot, flushed yellow. Height 4m (13ft)
R. Dublin Bay = ‘Macdub’ (ClF) AGM: (c) (sf) (sd) blood-red flowers. Height 2.1m (7ft)
R. Laura Ford = ‘Chewarvel’ (ClMin) AGM: (c) small yellow flowers shaded amber. Height 3m (10ft)
R. Malvern Hills = ‘Auscanary’ (Ra): (rf) (sf) (d) soft yellow. Height up to 6m (20ft)
R. ‘Mrs Honey Dyson’ (Ra): (rf) (fr) (sd) soft-apricot fading to white. Height 3m (10ft)
R. × odorata ‘Pseudindica’ (ClCh): (‘Fortune’s Double Yellow’) (rf) (vf) (d) buff-yellow tinted orange. Height 5m (16ft)
R. ‘New Dawn’ (Cl) AGM: (c) (fr) (sd) (ps) soft blush-pink flowers. Height 3m (10ft)
R. ‘Pink Perpétué’ (Cl): (c) (fr) (sd) (ps) profuse deep-pink flowers. Height 4m (13ft)
R. ‘Schoolgirl’ (ClHT): (c) (vf) (sd) coppery-orange flowers. Height 3m (10ft)
R. Snow Goose = ‘Auspom’ (ClS): (rf) (sf) (sd) small white flowers from cream buds. Height 2.4m (8ft)
R. Teasing Georgia = ‘Ausbaker’ (S) AGM: (rf) (fr) deep yellow flowers fade to cream. Height to 4m (13ft)

Roses with ornamental stems, foliage or thorns

R. banksiae
‘Lutea’ (Ra/d) AGM:
(e) (rt) (sf) (d) yellow flowers, glossy deep green foliage. Height 6m (20ft)
R. ‘Cooperi’ (Ra): (Coopers Burmese) (rf) (fr) (s) white flowers, glossy very dark-green leaves, angular pale brown thorns. Height 5m (16ft)
R. fedtschenkoana: (rf) (sf) (s) (ps) white papery flowers, light grey-green feathery foliage. Height 1.5m (5ft)
R. glauca (S) AGM: (su) (sf) (s) (ps) soft-pink flowers, coppery-mauve foliage, scarlet globular hips. Height 2m (6½ft)
R. multibracteata (S): (rf) (s) (ps) lilac-pink flowers, ferny foliage, spiky thorns in pairs. Height 2m (6½ft)
R. nitida: (su) (s) deep rose-pink flowers, ferny foliage colours rich crimson in autumn, small, oval hips. Height 90cm (3ft)
R. primula: (sp) (vf) (s) (ps) small soft-yellow flowers; glossy, ferny aromatic leaves, thorny stems. Height 1.5m (5ft)
R. sericeasubsp. omeiensis f. pteracantha (S): (sp) (s) (ps) small white flowers, ferny leaves, large red translucent thorns, orange-red hips Height 2.4m (8ft)
R. virginiana AGM: (su) (fr) (s) (ps) soft-pink flowers, pale glossy green leaves colour in autumn, rounded orange hips into winter. Height 1.5m (5ft)
R. ‘William Lobb’ (CeMo) AGM: (Old Velvet Moss) (su) (vf) (sd) very mossy stems, dark crimson flowers fade to shades of purple, mauve and violet-grey. Height 2m (6½ft)
R. willmottiae: (s) (sf) (s) (ps) deep lilac-pink flowers, aromatic, grey-green ferny foliage, plum coloured stems, orange-red hips. Height 2m (6½ft)
R. xanthina ‘Canary Bird’(S) AGM: (sp) (fr) (s) (ps) bright yellow flowers, dark green ferny foliage, thorny stems. Height 2.4m (8ft)

Roses with very decorative autumn hips

‘Francis E. Lester’ (HM/Ra) AGM:
(su) (fr) (s) (ps) white flowers edged pink, coppery-tinted foliage, masses of small red autumn hips. Height 5m (16ft)
R. 'Fru Dagmar Hastrup' (Ru) AGM: (c) (fr) (ps) silvery-pink flowers; large red tomato-like fruit. Height 90cm (3ft)
R. ‘Geranium’ (moyesii hybrid) AGM: bright orange-red flowers and creamy anthers, large shapely, crimson autumn hips. Height 2.4m (8ft)
R. 'Highdownensis' (moysii hybrid) (S): (su) (s) (ps) crimson flowers, large reddish-purple flagon shaped hips. Height 3m (10ft)
R. mulliganii (Ra): (su) (vf) (s) (ps) pure-white flowers, purplish-green foliage, sharp hooked thorns, masses of small, showy, red autumn hips. Height to 5m (16ft)
R. rubiginosa: (su) (vf) (s) (ps) blush-pink flowers, aromatic foliage, oval hips. Height 2.4m (8ft)
R. rugosa ‘Alba’ (Ru): (c) (vf) (s) (ps) pure white flowers, scarlet globular hips. Height 2.1m (7ft)
R. ‘Scabrosa’ (Ru) AGM: (c) (vf) (s) (ps) bright silvery-cerise flowers, profuse, large tomato-shaped hips. Height 2m (6½ft)
R. ‘Schlarlaglut’ (ClS): (ps) (su) (sf) (s) large velvety-red flowers with prominent gold stamens, large bright-orange hips. Height 3m (10ft)
R. villosa subsp. villosa: (su) (vf) (s) (ps) rosy-pink flowers, large, bristly apple-shaped orange hips. Height 2m (6½ft)

Some roses for hedges

‘Agnes’ (Ru):
(rf) (vf) (d) (ps) amber-yellow fading to white. Height 2m (6½ft)
R. ‘Blanche Double de Coubert’ (Ru) AGM: (rf) (vf) (d) (ps) pure white. Height 1.5m (5ft)
R. 'Cornelia' (HM) AGM: (vf) (d) (ps) apricot-pink flushed deep pink. Height 1.5m (5ft)
R. Harlow Carr = ‘Aushouse’ (S): (rf) (vf) (d) rose-pink flowers. Height 90cm (3ft)
R. Hyde Hall = ‘Ausbosky’ (S): (rf) (vf) (d) bright-pink flowers. Height 1.5m (5ft)
R. ‘Lady Penzance’ (RH): (su) (vf) (s) (ps) coppery-salmon pink, prominent yellow stamens. Height 2.1m (7ft)
R. ‘Nevada’ (S): (rf) (sd) (ps) creamy-white flowers with yellow stamens. Height 2.1m (7ft)
R. 'Roseraie de l’ Hay' (Ru) AGM: (c) (vf) (sd) (ps) crimson-purple. Height 2m (6½ft)
R. rugosa (Ru): (rf) (vf) (s) (ps) bright cerise-pink flowers. Height 2.1m (7ft)
R. spinosissima: (Scotch Briar) (sp) (s) (ps) creamy-white flowers. Height 90cm (3ft)

Roses for ground cover

× jacksonii ‘Max Graf’ (GC/Ru):
(su) (f) (s) (ps) deep-pink flowers. Height 60cm (2ft) Spread 2m (6½ft)
R. Magic Carpet = ‘Jacklover’ (S/GC) AGM: (sd) bright lavender-pink. Height 45cm (18in) Spread 2m (6½ft)
R. 'Nozomi' (ClMin/GC): (su) (s) (ps) pink flower trusses. Height 30cm (1ft) Spread 1.2m (4ft)
R. ‘Raubritter’ (‘Macrantha’ hybrid): (su) (sf) (sd) pink. Height 90cm (3ft) Spread 2m (6½ft)
R. Snow Carpet = 'Maccarpe' (Min/GC): (rf) (d) white. Height 30cm (1ft) Spread 90cm (3ft)

County Series of Ground Cover roses include R. Surrey = 'Korlanum' (GC) AGM: (c) (sd) soft-pink. Height 60cm (2ft) Spread 1.2m (4ft)

Flower Carpet Series of Ground Cover roses for massed planting or as a single specimen. Colours include Amber, Coral, Gold, Pink, Red Velvet, Ruby, Scarlet, Sunset, Sunshine and White. Height and spread 80cm (32in) or more.

Some roses with exceptional fragrance

‘Charles de Mills’ (G) AGM:
purple-deep red flowers. Height 1.2m (4ft)
R. ‘Climbing Étoile de Hollande’ (ClHT) AGM: crimson-red. Height 5m (16ft)
R. ‘Climbing Madame Caroline Testout’ (ClHT): deep silvery-pink. Height 5m (16ft)
R. Double Delight = ‘Andeli’ (HT): creamy-white edged pinkish-red. Height 90cm (3ft)
R. ‘Fantin-Latour’ (Ce) AGM: delicate pink flowers. Height 1.5m (5ft)
R. Gertrude Jekyll = ‘Ausbord’ (S) AGM: rich pink. Height 1.2m (4ft)
R. Golden Celebration = ‘Ausgold’ (S) AGM: golden-yellow. Height 1.2m (4ft)
R. ‘Guinée’ (ClHT): deep crimson flowers, gold anthers. Height 5m (16ft)
R. Jude the Obscure = ‘Ausjo’ (S): creamy flowers flushed pale peach. Height 1.2m (4ft)
R. Königin von Dänemark’ (A) AGM: deep pink flowers. Height 1.5m (5ft)
R. ‘Ispahan’ AGM: clear-pink flowers. Height 1.2m (4ft)
R. Lady Emma Hamilton = ‘Ausbrother’ (S) AGM: deep orange buds blotched crimson open tangerine-peach. Height 1.2m (4ft)
R. ‘Louise Odier’ (Bb): bright rose-pink flowers. Height 1.5m (5ft)
R. ‘Madame Hardy’ (D) AGM: white flowers with a bright green eye. Height 1.5m (5ft)
R. ‘Madame Isacc Périere’ (ClBb): purplish deep-pink. Height 2.1m (7ft)
R. Papa Meilland = ‘Meisar’ (HT): velvety rich-crimson. Height 90cm (3ft)
R. ‘Reine des Violettes’ (HP) AGM: violet-purple flowers. Height 1.5m (5ft)

Some modern bush roses for a sunny mixed border

Small: under 60cm (2ft) and suited to containers
R. Amber Queen = ‘Harroony’ (F) AGM:
(f) (d) amber-yellow
R. Carefree Days = ‘Meririvouri’ (Patio) AGM: light pink
R. Champagne Moment = ‘Korvanaber’ (F) AGM: (vf) (d) cream to light-apricot
R. Flower Power = ‘Frycassia’ (Patio) AGM: (f) (sd) peachy-salmon
R. ‘Madame Boll’ (DPo): (syn.’Compte de Chambord’) (rf) (vf) (d) warm pink
R. ‘Mrs Oakley Fisher’: (HT) (s) buff-yellow blooms with amber stamens
R. Peter Pan = ‘Sunpete’ (Patio): (sf) rich-red
R. Pretty Polly = ‘Meitonje’ (Min) AGM: (sf) (d) shell-pink
R. Remembrance = ‘Harxampton’ (F): (f) (d) scarlet
R. Sunseeker = ‘Dicracer’ (F/Patio) AGM: (sf) (d) scarlet/yellow
R. Sweet Dream = ‘Fryminicot’ (Patio) AGM: (sf) (d) peachy-apricot
R. Trumpeter = ‘Mactru’ (F) AGM: (sf) (d) bright scarlet

Medium: 75cm (30in) to 90cm (3ft)
R. Absolutely Fabulous = ‘Wekvossutono’ (F) AGM: (vf) (d) butter-yellow
R. Alec’s Red = ‘Cored’ (HT): (rf) (vf) (d) cherry red
R. ‘Arthur Bell’ (F) AGM: (su) (vf) (d) deep yellow maturing soft yellow
R. Dawn Chorus = ‘Dicquasar (HT) AGM: (rf) (sf) (d) deep orange
R. ‘Deep Secret’ (HT) : (rf) (vf) (d) deep velvet-red
R. Eyes for You = ‘Pejbigeye’ (F) AGM: (rf) (vf) (s) cream to light mauve with a purple eye
R. Fragrant Cloud = ‘Tanellis’ (HT): (su) (vf) (sd) coral-red
R. Hot Chocolate = ‘Wekpaltlez’ (F) AGM: (rf) (sf) (d) bronze/russet-orange
R. Margaret Merril = ‘Harkuly (F): (c) (vf) (sd) white flushed soft pink
R. ‘Mevrouw Nathalie Nypels’ (Poly): (c) (fr) (sd) rose-pink
R. Paul Shirville = ‘Harqueterwife’ (HT): (rf) (fr) (sd) salmon-peach
R. Tequila Sunrise = ‘Dicobey’ (HT) AGM: (rf) (fr) (d) bright yellow edged red
R. Tickled Pink = ‘Fryhunky’ (F) AGM: (rf) (fr) (d) rich-pink
R. Valentine Heart = ‘Dicogle’ (F) AGM): (rf) (fr) (sd) lilac-pink

Large: 90cm (3ft) to 1.2m (4ft) or more
R. ‘Ballerina’ (HM/Poly): (c) (sf) (s) (ps) pink with a white centre
R. Buxom Beauty = ‘Korbilant’ (HT) AGM: (rf) (vf) (d) magenta-pink
R. Chandos Beauty = ‘Harmisty’ (HT) AGM: (rf) (vf) (d) pale-pink flushed apricot
R. ‘Chinatown’ (F/S) AGM: (c) (vf) (d) mid to deep yellow
R. Peace = ‘Madame A. Meilland’ (HT) AGM: (c) (sf) (d) yellow shades with pinkish edging
R. Rhapsody in Blue = ‘Frantasia’ (S) AGM: (rf) (vf) (sd) distinctive purplish-blue
R. ‘Sally Holmes’ (S) AGM: (rf) (s) soft pale-pink to white
R. Sheila’s Perfume = ‘Harsherry’ (F) AGM: (rf) (vf) (d) yellow, red-edged
R. ‘The Queen Elizabeth’ (F): (c) (sf) (d) clear-pink
R. Velvet Fragrance = ‘Fryperdee’ (HT): (rf) (vf) (d) deep-crimson

Roses: choosing the best / RHS Gardening (2024)


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.